Thursday 30 May 2024

UNRWA are terrorists

The SMPBI has been campaigning since the 7th October Massacre in Israel for the paliarstinan terrorists to be exposed for the murdering filth they are.

The following link will take you to the Nova documentary to see the crimes of gazans as recorded by the victims, security forces and cctv.

We do not sit on the fence on any issue of importance. If you support hamas/'palestine', you are not welcome here.  If you are a Socialist Zionist, go to the link and watch with caution:

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!!

Contents of this newsletter:

1. A While Since the Last Newsletter

2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media

3. What next? 

4. Supporting my Work

1. A While Since the Last Newsletter

Indeed it has been, and my apologies for this. However, when it comes to writing our newsletters, I like to lean back and just tell you what is going on. For a long time, I've been telling you about my case against the UK Government, that is my challenge against sanctions imposed on me by the UK Government in July of 2022, for my work from Donbass. 

In my coming up for 10 years of covering this situation from Donbass, no matter what has happened to me, I've never either played the victim, or thought of myself in that way. The victims in this situation are the people of Donbass, who firstly saw their democratic country torn apart by a western-backed mob of terrorists, and their facilitators, on Maidan. They then saw their right to resist the unelected, far-right, neo-Nazi Maidan regime thrust on them, denied, and derided by the West. They then saw themselves in not just an existential fight for survival, but a very real, physical fight for survival, under Ukrainian shelling which has claimed so many victims of the years, and continues to do so. So, the attention should be on them, and my job as a journalist, should be using my time, and energies, to put, and keep the focus on them, allow them to tell you their story, as it is, without any BBC-ing of the realities of this, their situation. 

However, I have definitely had some 'comprehension issues' with what happened to me, that is getting sanctioned by the UK Government. I was back in Donbass, working away, had been working away for months, covering Mariupol, and then onto Severodonetsk, Lysychansk. It was July 26th, a sunny Tuesday, and I was heading to Severodonetsk to do another run of humanitarian aid, humanitarian aid also being something I was extensively involved in at this time. Mobile internet was very patch in this area, so I'd been offline for a while before getting onto some wifi at a roadside cafe in Novoaidar, en route to Severodonetsk. Here it was, I started getting messages from Russian journalists asking how it felt to be sanctioned by my own country. Initially I replied saying that they were mistaken, this simply couldn't be possible...

The multiple effect of sanctions each hit in their own way. My UK bank account frozen, any payments in or out, banned. No British citizen allowed to loan, or give me money. My Paypal account swiftly permanently terminated. Same with my Patreon. My income reduced to zero. Bills starting to pile up in the UK, with the council in London attempting to take me to court for unpaid council tax, council tax I couldn't pay because, well, sanctions. Then, the death threats, if I'd always received a trickle of these, that turned into a flood, including targeted, serious death threats from those now feeling emboldened by my designation as an official enemy of the UK State. Then there was the effect on my family, my relations with my family. Naturally the details of this are something I prefer to keep private, but the worry, stress, harassment of my family members in the UK.... of course that's been something very painful to deal with. But that is sanctions, coming out of nowhere into my life like a cluster bomb, damaging everything, attempting to destroy everything. 

Back in Donbass, there was my own fight. A fight on one hand to overturn the sanctions, which began on if not day 1, when I was simply in shock at the situation, couldn't quite believe it wasn't just a huge mistake, then certainly on day 2. And not only that, a fight not to let them dominate, define my life, stop, or even affect my work. Forced into a situation where I had been working away, like anyone, into a situation where I was having to fight to stay alive. In a war situation, the UK sanctions not only effectively stripped me of my British citizenship, but also put me out there as a target for Ukrainian operatives. So not only was I in no doubt what would happen if Ukrainian forces captured me, something which had happened twice, earlier in my Donbass coverage, but I had to take measures in my everyday life. I also had to do, and pay for the things which are everyday life - rent, food, petrol, with my entire income now eliminated by the UK Government. Thankfully, Russian people stepped in, and crowdfunding donations on my Russian bank card started coming in. Not only this, but friends here in Donbass also helped me get by - giving me food and lodging, even lending me cars when mine was in for repair. 

So, I got by 2022, and into 2023. After six frustrating months of my trying to appeal my sanctions via the UK Government's 'Sanctions Reassessment Board', rarely getting anything more than an automated response to my messages, the inevitable appeal rejection came through at the start of February, 2023. Next was a hugely fraught period of trying to find a lawyer to represent me to challenge the sanctions on me in the court. The only other option was.... not challenging the sanctions, and them staying in place. For how long? Criminal punishments, as a given, come with a time sentence, sanctions, also a criminal punishment, are potentially infinite. Well, unless, as in my case, I had changed my reportage to suit the UK Government. The UK Government had communicated to me in official documentation that were I to 'change' my reportage to match what they wanted to hear from Donbass, then sanctions were eminently 'temporary and reversible'. And don't just take my word for this, btw, despite the Government instructing me to share the 'sanctioning dossier' on me with no-one, ever, my belief that such information should be in the public domain meant I gave all of these documents to the Saker, who concatenated them here -

So, State blackmail then, totalitarian measures to try to force me into saying what the UK Government wanted to hear, wanted people to hear. Not only is this something I would never have even contemplated doing, but as much of my work is simply letting the people of Donbass speak, something that was actually impossible. But, that is exactly what the UK Government wanted, even demanded, an altered reality, a parallel reality, and unless I was willing to comply, they were more than willing to plunge me into a Kafka-esque world, where nothing really made sense anymore. I hadn't been accused, or convicted of any crime, yet I had been given a criminal punishment. I wasn't technically banned from the UK, but I had no way to return to the UK. Or did I? You see the UK Government kept telling me that I was perfectly free to return to the UK, and live in my home there, by using their 'licence' system. That is I could apply for UK Government 'licences' to access my own money, to 'cover my basic needs'. Ie, I would have to beg to the UK Government for food money, my own food money. And not only this, but in any case, with my income eliminated by UK Government sanctions, what I had in my UK bank account wouldn't have even been enough to cover a plane ticket back to the UK. And in any case, the entire UK Government sham, or rather ploy, on that point all fell apart in the High Court in the week, when their lawyers admitted that if I came back to the UK I would indeed be arrested. Arrested for what? For 'breaching sanctions'. Because, you see, the UK Government believe that their sanctions apply to me across the world.... so by my having a Russian bank card, I am in 'breach' of their sanctions. Yet without that, how would I possibly have been able to stay alive, pay for food? When did sanctions become an effective death sentence that you 'violated' just by staying alive? 

More on the High Court case later, Judge Justice Swift has reserved his judgement, which I hope will come this year. Even to get to the High Court felt, from my side, like a huge victory. There was the month and more, in February / March, of trying to find a lawyer, getting rejected by every 'Human Rights Lawyer' in the UK I contacted. Of course, I had no money to offer lawyers, and no idea whether I'd qualify for legal aid, so I was reliant on finding a lawyer who believed in my case, believed in my case enough to represent me without an prospect of a fee. I'm not going to lie that there were days, of endless rejections, in February, March that I doubted this would happen. However, eventually, and thankfully, I got there. And then it was to the next few months of working with my lawyer, Jovanka Savic, then barrister, Joshua Hitchens, to prepare a case for the High Court. A frankly colossal amount of work, involving reading, and preparing documents in the hundreds, even thousands of pages. However, the only other option was not to do that, not fight the UK Government, and that was not an option. And not only because sanctions had, were having, are having, a crippling effect on me, and my life, my trapped in an apparently endless loop of simple subsistence, but the repercussions of the sanctions on me going unchallenged. 

When the UK Government sanctioned me, they had a list of UK citizens they were going to work through to do the same, this much has been confirmed by their documents. I was first on that list, and from the start, put up the fight you have to put up if your life depends on it. And so, they stopped at me, they have stopped me. Another thing to come out from the High Court case is that the UK Government do not plan to sanction any more (mono) UK citizens, as myself. If I hadn't put up the challenge I did, and am, the UK Government get the greenlight to switch the UK State over to totalitarian, just like that. Giving the Government the power to come at anyone, like a giant jackboot out of the sky, and crush them.  

So, I had to do, and did, everything needed to raise the case in the High Court. However, of course that has had an effect on my work from Donbass, that is the work that I've been able to do. For 2022, early 2023, I can honestly say that I kept to my pledge of not letting the sanctions affect my work. However, different pressures started to emerge in 2023 - crowdfunding dropped off, as my being sanctioned passed from being something which shocked people, elicited a desire to reach out and help me, to something which became a given fact, Graham is sanctioned. So, more time had to be spent on my side finding ways to stay alive, places to live. Friends' places can only be stayed at for so long, and food, petrol etc need to be paid for as anywhere. In recent times, as we prepared for the High Court hearing, I've had to give this my full attention, in order to do everything possible to put myself at least in with a chance. And, going up against the entire might, the machine, of the UK Government, that's all I could do, put myself in with a chance. To give you an idea, in the High Court hearing itself, in which I viewed / took part in by videolink from here in Donbass, it was my barrister, Josh, and solicitor, Jovanka, up against around a dozen UK Government barristers, lawyers, and paralegals. However, I did everything I could, we did everything we could, and we are at least in with a chance. 

As I say, apologies for there not being a newsletter for a while. 

2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media

I'll just add some links here, for your interest, to show you how my fight against the UK Government is being covered in UK media -


3. What next? 

Well for now, for the first time in a long time, there's nothing more I can do on this, and it's time to turn my attentions to where I always wanted them to be - my reportage from Donbass. Of course, there was another incident this year, the removal of my YouTube channel - you didn't really think that was unconnected to sanctions, did you, something I'll say more on at a later date - and subsequent reuploading of my notable content to Rumble. So by now, there should be something for you to watch on my Rumble channel -

Not as user friendly as YouTube, not as nice to look at as YouTube, etc, but at least Rumble give the opportunity to publish content showing something real from Donbass. As for YouTube, well, I shall share more on that theme, as i say, at a later date - it's fair to say that a lot of things have come out of this High Court hearing...

4. Supporting my Work

As you may know, earlier this year, I found a workaround. If you've used this workaround, it's still the same as it was. There is also my Russian bank account - Sberbank - 5469 3800 7878 9806 (Graham Phillips). Several people contacted me, proposing cyber currencies as an option - this wasn't really something I wanted to get into, so as not to allow a situation where it was being presented, or portrayed, that I had 'beaten sanctions by cyber currency', etc. Any number of workarounds, Russian bank account, etc, are only going to allow me to get by, and I'm grateful for that, but sanctions for me was ultimately never about finding 'workarounds', it was about overturning the sanctions, achieving justice, allowing me to live the full life that any normal person, unconvicted, even unaccused of any crime, is entitled to live. About setting a precedent, so the UK Government can never do this again, not to anyone. However, on the road there, I obviously need to stay alive en route. Without wanting to reel off a whole host of letter and number combinations to you, I am at least 'literate' in cyber currency now. Contact me if there are any questions, in general about this, about anything! 

Very nice to have you with me for another newsletter!! 

Best wishes for now, Graham

Friday 1 September 2023

Australian Bulletin: September

Fraternal greetings from Australia.

Wattle Day

The month of September in southern Australia heralds the beginning of spring. The blossoming of wildflowers, the return of the light, and the desire to get outdoors again echo the Ostara spring celebrations of our forebears.

In more recent times, Australians have celebrated Wattle Day on 1 September. Wattle is the common name for a flowering shrub the Acacia genus, which is an Australian native and common across the continent and in Tasmania. There are many species of wattle – and while some flower as early as 1 August, almost all are in flower on 1 September.

Wattle Day is a seasonal celebration, and more importantly it’s a celebration of national community, love of homeland – and mutual cooperation. How so, you ask?

National community

The modern Australian nation was founded in 1901 with the act of Federation – the coming together of the former British colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania. Federation was the culmination of decades of work by nationalists who sought to create a new nation – and a workingman’s paradise – on the old continent.

Boy selling wattle flowers for Wattle Day – 1935.

After Federation, Wattle Days emerged spontaneously in different locations around Australia to promote patriotism for the new nation. During the early 20th century, children were encouraged to contribute to fund raising for worthy causes by selling wattle flowers. In this way, young Australians were allowed to contribute meaningfully to their local communities, and at the same time developed an appreciation for the organic national community – the extended family tree - of which they were a part.

Love of homeland

As well as building patriotism, Wattle Day fostered a love of – and respect for – the Australian landscape. By celebrating with a native flower, citizens were connected to the local flora - and the unique physical environment in which a new people was evolving. As the young nation adapted to the land, we shaped it – and it shaped us.

The socialist author, Russel Ward, wrote an excellent book entitled The Australian Legend in the early 1950’s. In it, Ward explained how the development of the Australian national character was formed by both economic and physical/geographic elements during the colonial period. The distances, the harsh climate, the scarcity of labour outside the major cities – these all contributed to an egalitarian and anti-elitist ethos where cooperation, labour radicalism and mutual aid (a kind of paleo-socialism) became part of the cultural norm.

Today, Wattle Day is still regularly used as an occasion to raise money for community groups like bush fire brigades. This is especially noticeable outside the metropolitan centres, in places where ordinary workers retain a living connection to their natural environment.

A rural fire service unit celebrates Wattle Day.

Mutual cooperation

Before our capitulation to the forces of global capital, the mutual, or cooperative business model was much more prevalent in Australian life. There was a time when the skyline of many of our cities featured the names, or initials, of mutual companies. These mutuals operated in all areas – from providing insurance and pharmacy, to food co-ops, to low-interest building societies. This business model flourished for a time, because citizens wanted control over the quality of goods they were buying – and for-profit businesses were routinely price-gouging to a degree where necessities like food and medicine became unaffordable for many.

So rather than wait for the state to intervene on behalf of working people, our forebears took matters into their own hands and became consumer, employer and (in some cases) worker within an enterprise. These enterprises were created to serve the needs of the community, rather than serving the interests of shareholders.

A Wattle Day badge reflecting the slogan, Our Own for Our Own.

This spirit of cooperation and mutuality is evident through the slogan, often used on Wattle Day; ‘Our Own for Our Own’.

Summary – so what?

Today, Wattle Day is celebrated in a muted way, mainly by some Australian nationalists, and people living in regional areas. It’s a pity that nationalists – and socialists who recognise the importance of the organic nation – don’t celebrate it more enthusiastically. The organic nation is the necessary framework for the development of culturally appropriate forms of socialism.

The four themes explored here are relevant to patriotic socialists everywhere:

. Seasonal festivals as a link to our forebears and the natural earth, which provides for our material needs.

. National community and the shared bonds of the organic nation; the extended family tree. There is no stronger basis for collectivism than shared DNA.

. A love of homeland and a recognition that we’re shaped by the places we live. Like familial relationships, a rootedness in a homeland creates shared bonds. These bonds work against the social atomisation created by hyper-capitalistic globalism.

. Mutualism, cooperation, fraternity. In a brighter world, the nation-state would protect, serve and advance the national community. This would flow to the provision of high-quality, low-cost goods and services. But while we fight to bring about that bright future, there is a role for the recreation and support of mutual businesses.

Do these ideas resonate with you, in the British Isles?

Do you have similar festivals that you could ‘adopt’ to communicate our shared ideals?

Sunday 20 August 2023

Graham Phillips' Sixth Newsletter


 Hello my friend!!!

Contents of this newsletter:

1. Rumble

2. Where else to find Graham

3. Sanctions

4. Crowdfunding

1. Rumble

In my previous newsletter, we discussed the deletion of my YouTube channel. While not unexpected, clearly it has come with an aftermath, and that is dealing with the vast amount of material deleted by YouTube. Thankfully, and particularly thanks to a chap called Stas, that material is all archived. For now, I'm working both on the re-uploading of major works previously on my YouTube channel, to Rumble -

And today, in tribute to Dasha Dugina -

And also the making of new videos, new reportage, for Rumble -

There's obviously a lot I could say about the deletion of my YouTube channel, however via the lawyers who are representing me in my case against the UK Government for illegally sanctioning me, we've made a request to ascertain just how much of a role the UK Government played in having my YouTube channel deleted. When I have that information, we'll speak more on that theme. For now, it's all focus on Rumble, and making the best of a site which naturally has a smaller reach than YouTube, at this stage, in terms of audience, but a site which actually allows me to say and show something real from Donbass, something which YouTube has made effectively impossible.

2. Where else to find Graham

Facebook (yeah ok, i'm still there) -

Personal page -

Journalist page -

Telegram -

X / Twitter -

Instagram (occasional photos) -

Vkontakte (in Russian) -

3. Sanctions

As mentioned above, I'm still under sanctions, and preparing to face the UK Government in the High Court later this year. Last week the British Government sent me their latest document, a 534-page attempt at a total character assassination of me, written with an incredible degree of vindictiveness, and nastiness. Thank you to my amazing legal team - working for justice, and a percentage of prospective damages awarded (sanctions have stripped me of all my funds) - we've already replied. And so, the document battle goes on, and up! I'll do a video on this theme when the time is right.

4. Crowdfunding

Obviously we are in for the win in our case against the UK Government, and if everything goes as it should, and justice is served, I won't even need to ask for your help in crowdfunding. However, for now, I do, and it would be a huge, huge help:

* If you've made a crowdfunding donation to me this year, then the details are the same as they were, those I gave a few months ago.If in general you would like to make a donation in support of my work, send me a message.

* My Russian Sberbank card is the same as ever - 5469 3800 7878 9806 (Graham Phillips)

That's all for now, will be more soon, and I'm super happy to see you on Rumble, and thanks so much for all your help and support!!!! Graham

Tuesday 1 August 2023

SMPBI Australia


Thanks to the SMPBI for the opportunity to write as your Australian correspondent.

My intention is to produce something for the website each month, written about a contemporary topic from the perspective of ‘Australian socialism’.

The term – Australian socialism – is open to interpretation.  So, by way of introduction, this article will focus on what Australian socialism means – and why it’s relevant to readers outside of Australia.

The Left landscape down-under

In this country today there are no less than ten groups calling themselves socialist or communist.  But what’s the nature of their ‘socialism’? Well, as in the UK, there’s some variation. There are a couple of orthodox Marxist-Leninist parties, some democratic socialists and a host of Trotskyite sects.  There are also numerous anarchist groups, whose memberships overlap with these other leftist organisations.

Despite the apparent variation, these parties are united by the internationalism of their outlook.  

They espouse, variously, open borders, the suppression of traditional Australian culture and a global approach to environmentalism. They all embrace - to a greater or lesser extent - the socially liberal, ‘woke’ agenda driven by the mainstream American left.  Where they occasionally appear to concentrate on local issues (as in the campaign for an Aboriginal Voice to parliament) their objective is a copy of foreign arrangements; the New Zealand treaty with Mฤori people, or Canadian arrangements with indigenous tribes.

As well as taking a universal approach to their understanding of socialism, these groups are inordinately focused on events around the globe.  Their outrage is directed to the treatment of African Americans by US police forces, or to the plight of trans people in Guatemala (Figure 1).  The problems faced by the Australian working classes are mostly presented through an international frame of reference, or simply overlooked. 

Figure1: Local Antifa use Aboriginal customs to protest the death of the American, George Floyd.

Even the avowedly anti-colonial Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist) – similar to your own CBGB (ML) – has the world stage as its focus.  As I write, the top three articles on the CPA ML’s Vanguard webpage are to do with issues in Niger, Greece and the Solomon Islands. 

It has become more accurate to regard all of these groups as liberal-globalist, rather than socialist, considering their universal (and broadly liberal) understanding of socialism and their international focus.

How did this situation come about?

The condition of socialism in Australia today would come as a surprise – and a disappointment – to those who developed its ideas in an Australian context from the mid-1800’s through to the 1970’s.

Economic conditions for workers have been steadily deteriorating for 40 years and working-class communities have been fractured.  Social and cultural changes brought about by ‘flexible’ working arrangements, the need for both parents to work, and multiculturalism have hollowed out the solidarity which once existed in working class areas - and led to the decline of organised labour.

Despite these conditions, the so-called socialist and communist parties of Australia (and I include all the liberal globalist entities listed above in this category) have failed to build any mass support for themselves – or even for their agendas – among the working class.  

This should come as no surprise, since their agendas are now largely set by copying international trends, eagerly adopted with minimal adaptation to local conditions by their undergraduate member-base.  These agendas are far removed from the bread-and-butter concerns of working Australians. 

While many commentators have noticed a spike in woke attitudes and behaviours since 2016, the reality is that this bourgeois, globalist tendency has been building since the appearance of the New Left in the late 1960’s. The same intense focus on international matters can be seen running from the Vietnam War, through countless African civil wars, to Niger and the Ukraine today. The same obsession with ever-more-marginal personal identity issues can be traced from gay liberation to third wave feminism, to trans rights (Figure 2). 

It’s no coincidence that the social liberalism and individualism of the hippy movement in the 60’s and 70’s have evolved, via the New Left, into what passes for ‘socialism’ in many quarters today.

Figure 2:The New Left in Australia in the 1970’s. Middle-class hippies with an agenda no different from their counterparts in Paris or New York.

By diverting socialism down this liberal rabbit hole, the New Left has simultaneously achieved two big wins for capitalism. Firstly, successful efforts to establish wins for marginal minority groups have diverted attention and effort from addressing the broad economic issues of the day.  Consequently, the labour share of GDP has declined from almost 60% in the 1970’s to less than 45% today (see figure 3).

Figure 3: The labour share and capital gross operating surplus (capital share) of GDP in Australia; 1960-2023.

Secondly, by attracting a higher proportion of middle class and tertiary educated people to broadly leftist movements, the traditional working-class base of these movements has been eroded.  This is particularly noticeable in the case of the Australian Labor Party, which until the early 1970’s still reflected the objectives and socialist trajectory of the Australian labour movement up until that time.  Compounding the problem, the more recent focus on fringe issues by far-left parties has attracted trans, queer and other marginal people to the left, further alienating the straight, cis-gendered white working classes who built organised labour.  A catastrophic decline in trade union membership has resulted (see Figure 4).

Figure 4:Proportion of Australian workers in trade unions; 1980’s to 2022.

The situation in Australia is dire. 

There is a need for a fresh take on socialism; what it means and what it needs to do. This fresh take must make socialism relatable to the working people of the organic Australian nation. It must focus on fixing the economic and social problems affecting workers. It must recognise the forces actually contributing to these problems - and call out both the mainstream left and right for obscuring the true nature of these forces. It must, like the Roman god Janus, look back into our history – and forward to our future, to rebuild Australian socialism in the trajectory of its pioneers, in a form appropriate to the 21st century.

Figure 5: Janus – looking back to history and forward to the future.

How is Australian socialism different?

The socialism promoted by a small group of us here, today, is different in three respects. 

Firstly, our socialism recognises the evolution of the socialist idea on Australian soil.  From William Lane, through heroes like W.G Spence, Frank Anstey, Jack Lang, Russel Ward and Arthur Calwell – there was a distinctly local kind of socialism which developed, under local conditions and shaped by the culture of the organic Australian people. 

This local evolution of socialism is broadly consistent with the many nationally appropriate socialist systems which emerged in the late 20th century.  Nasserism, Castroism, Bolivarian revolution, Ho Chi Minh socialism; all were attempts to build socialist states within the framework of unique national cultures. They were also, unfortunately, the last stage in the long evolution of socialist ideas - it’s last flower, if you will – before the suppression of socialist ideas in Fukuyama’s ‘end of history’ - and victory for global capitalism.  Attempts by liberal globalists to associate these forms of thought with German national-socialism reflect either bad-faith, or gross ignorance of history.  

Australian socialism interprets the trajectory of the labour leaders in this country until the late 1960’s - and extrapolates that trajectory into the 2030’s and beyond.  It examines the principles which drove the push to build a workingman’s paradise on the great southern continent – and considers how these apply today.  

It rejects – wholeheartedly – the cookie-cutter application of foreign and globalist interpretations of socialism in Australia. It acknowledges the grave errors of socialists in adopting the agenda and methods of the New Left. 

Secondly, our focus is generally local.  While we will work with likeminded people anywhere in the world, we are first and foremost committed to the betterment of the organic Australian nation through the creation of a socialist state – and the Australian Cooperative Commonwealth.

Consistent with this objective, we honour the rights of all national communities to cultural, economic and demographic independence and integrity within their homelands.  The foundational Australian community; descendants of those who founded and built the modern Australian nation-state, demand these rights just as we support them for others.  We understand that today it is not the British Empire, nor even necessarily the colonial appetites of America or China which most seriously threaten these rights for us.  It is global capital, pure and simple.

Finally, and unlike most of the liberal globalist outfits, we clearly understand our identity as Australians.  The modern Australian nation was founded by the children and grandchildren of the convicts who were born on the Australian continent.  These people had no real attachment to any other country, and formed the bulwark of the nationalist – and paleo-socialist – movements of the 1880’s.  These movements drove Federation and the creation of the modern Australian nation-state.  For nearly 100 years, the organic Australian nation – the extended family tree – turned a harsh penal colony into one of the most prosperous and (genuinely) progressive countries on the planet.   In the strength of this identity, we must organise to defend our own interests and integrity. We fight to build the Australian Cooperative Commonwealth.

So what?

Having read this far, you might be thinking, ‘well, so what?’ ‘How does this relate to me in the British Isles?’

It hardly needs saying that the forces of global capitalism are, indeed, global.  Australian socialists recognise in the SMPBI an ally in the fight against these forces.  Sharing experience and interpretations will produce new insights which will – hopefully – arm us better for the fight.

I welcome your feedback on any of the matters covered here, and salute you as comrades.

Yours in Solidarity.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

Graham Phillips' Fourth Newsletter

Hello once more my friend, and here we go! 

1. Terrorism

2. Sanctions

3. Supporting my Work

4. Up Next 

1. Terrorism

I'm sure you were shocked, as I was, by the murder of Vladlen Tatarsky in St Petersburg, on April 2nd. The circumstances of it all seem surreal - Vladlen was holding a creative evening, giving a presentation, talk, answering questions, on his work. A young lady calling herself 'Nastya' arrived with a heavy box, and was initially stopped at the door, by security, with some comment that she may 'have a bomb in there'. Vladlen seeing this, and apparently knowing 'Nastya' at some level, waved her through, although he clearly still had some reservations about her, and her package, and indeed, there was clearly something off. Perhaps due to these reservations, Tatarsky invited 'Nastya' to be near him, as he opened her package, which turned out to be a bust in his own image. That bust blew up shortly after Vladlen had opened it, immediately killing him, and wounding some 40 people, several of them seriously. Vladlen himself was an innocent, unarmed person, and those 40 wounded were all just people who had gone along to see a talk by a war correspondent on his work. 

It's a near miracle that no one else was killed, as the blast ripped through the central St Petersburg cafe, shortly after 6pm on a Sunday evening, obliterating the inside of the cafe, and blowing windows out into the path of passing cars. As it is, we are talking about the murder of Vladlen Tatarsky, noted Russian blogger, and war correspondent, but had things been different we could be talking about the mass murder of multiple innocent civilians, in Russia's second city. This fact has not stopped the ukrainians, pro-ukrainians from celebrating this terrorist act, 

'Nastya' as you know was 26-year-old opposition activist Darya Trepova, already in custody, rightly charged with the committing of terrorist act. As for Vladlen himself, there is not a lot I can say about him, he had his own style, and his own content, I was aware of his work, and his achievements in building a huge audience, and resonance, and also doing humanitarian work, deserve real respect. He was from Donbass, loved Donbass, and was enjoying his newfound popularity in Russia, giving talks, and presentations on his work. His murder, and the potential murder of any number of people attending his event, was a terrorist act, and one which clearly shows that there is no level too low for those on the ukrainian side looking to silence information. 

Terrorism could also be used to describe the Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk, something which has been going on for almost 9 years now, and, last week was another brutal, bloody one, something which I have covered on my Telegram channel -

In general, my video reportage from this period on YouTube, as ever -

2. Sanctions

I remain under sanctions from the UK Government. The only way these can be overturned, and that I can return to the UK - when the job here is done - is by my defeating the British Government in the High Court, in London. 

3. Supporting my Work

Sanctions, as you may already know, have shut down my own Paypal and Patreon, if you were a previous supporter of my work, and would like to support me again, let me know – I’m trying to find ways! There is also my Russian Sberbank card, and am able to accept support for my work there - Sberbank - 5469 3800 7878 9806 (Graham Phillips).

4. Up Next 

Well, Spring is in the air here, Russian Easter is this weekend. I'm working on from Donbass, enjoying being / living in a place I love, and hoping for the best - progress, access to the places we want to be to give you the best reportage possible! My humanitarian work also continues, this last month saw a big delivery to to the Children's Home in Lutugino! And, so on we go, hoping, and believing in kindness, truth, and the best in everything! 

Spring wishes, from Donbass, 


Friday 7 April 2023

The United States has made a monumental miscalculation.

The following post was written by Ray J Politics, from Florida, USA.  As an American, Ray writes as a patriotic citizen who wants what is best for his country. 

There is a tendency amongst those who oppose the Unipolar Rules Based Order, to treat the USA as the enemy and to regard its people as accomplices with the Ruling Class. Coming from the British Isles, we in the Socialist Motherland Party understand that the ordinary people are not responsible for the tyranny of the regime which misrules our country - and the same is true in the USA and indeed every country.

Thanks to our friend and comrade Ray for his excellent post which expertly summarises the destructive and self-destructive path of the collective west:


The “boogie man” before President Donald J Trump was Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin. Ever since President Putin took power on May 7, 2000, the “Rules Based International Order” has had a target on his back…๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸŽฏ

Do you as an American realize how absolutely fragile our Ponzi scheme economy is? As I mentioned before, the US and EU stealing Russia’s 300 billion dollars worth of foreign reserves has caused a chain reaction around the world, now moving at lightning speed. The West has weaponized currency, a HUGE no no in international relations. China has now reached a point economically to be a serious threat to the US. A very scary perfect storm is coming directly for the US economy within the next 3 years. Liberal economies are all totally interconnected with the US economy.


๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ GDP-26.3 trillion Debt-31.7 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ฏ๐Ÿ‡ต GDP-4.5 trillion Debt-13.3 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ช GDP-4.2 trillion Debt-3.3 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง GDP-3.5 trillion Debt-3.7 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ซ๐Ÿ‡ท GDP-2.9 trillion Debt-3.7 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡น GDP-2.1 trillion Debt-3.6 trillion

๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ GDP-1.8 trillion Debt-2.3 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ GDP-1.4 trillion Debt-1.9 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช GDP-614 billion Debt-757 billion

๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡น GDP-266 billion Debt-384 billion

๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ท GDP-231 billion Debt-525 billion

What is the common denominator within these top tier Western economies? DEBT.


๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ GDP-17.6 trillion Debt-14.3 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ GDP-3.4 trillion Debt-3.3 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡บ GDP-2.2 trillion Debt-423 billion

๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ท GDP-2.0 trillion Debt-2.1 trillion

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ท GDP-1.6 trillion Debt-674 billion (2021)

๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฆ GDP-1.1 trillion Debt-359 billion

๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ฆ GDP-419 billion Debt-289 billion (2021)

How long do you think these NATO nations and their Pacific drag alongs will last funding this Ukraine proxy war? The US Dollar, as we speak, is in the process of being dumped as the world’s reserve currency. Countries all over the world are pledging to use the Chinese Renminbi and Indian Rupee. Saudi Arabia is dropping the Petrodollar and allowing multiple currencies to purchase its oil, a mega blow to the US Dollar. Japan, a slave of the Rules Based International Order, just broke its chains and started purchasing oil from Russia against the oil embargo. Brazil just today agreed to use the Renminbi in trade with China. As less and less nations utilize the US Dollar, the less we will be able to export our domestic debt and inflation to other countries.


•Astronomical debt

•Unbalanced budget (overspending)

•High inflation

•High fuel costs

•Death of global reserve currency status

•Blowback from economic sanctions

•Focused on societal division and political vendettas

The Federal Reserve Bank will be forced to raise the interest rate so high to combat this tsunami of economic factors hitting the US economy, it will destroy it.


Vladimir Putin though ever stoic, has become a worldwide symbol of defiance against the Rules Based International Order. More and more nations are giving the middle finger to the US and its crony Liberal order. If you haven’t noticed, countries are starting to tilt towards Russia as this war progresses in Ukraine, not vice versa. Europe is being de-industrialized, the US economy is being destroyed by its own idiotic government, and Russia’s economy is on a full war production footing. China, India, Iran, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Argentina, and Russia’s usual allies will remain beside Vladimir Putin.


Vladimir Putin’s position has only strengthened on the world stage as time has passed. Russia WILL win this war because the nations of the Global South will never allow Russia to lose it. Russia’s cause is THEIR cause! ✊


UNRWA are terrorists

The SMPBI has been campaigning since the 7th October Massacre in Israel for the paliarstinan terrorists to be exposed for the murdering filt...