
Propaganda Material (for personal use)

Recommended Literature

G.D.H. Cole - Guild socialism; a plan for economic democracy

Ernst Junger - Eumeswil

Work by Peter Wilberg:

Books by Peter

Pieces by Peter:

Alt Globalism
Globalism and its Counter-power
Response on PN
Some Political and Philosophical Questions
Fran Boat
The Bank Loan Scam
Policy Outline Refining
Response to Calais Report
SMPBI Discussion Page

Work by David Parry:

Caliban's Redemption
The Grammar of Witchcraft


Fourth International Theory, by Dion Gibbs
11 Point Plan (PSFMA)

Workers Magazine

Sorel's Reflections of Violence:
Lagardelle on Syndicalism:

Das Kapital vol. 1 :

Eduard Limonov:

Fritz Wolffheim:

Heinrich Laufenberg:

Radek's 'Schlageter Speech':


Charles Fourier:

Robert Owen:…/hcleaver/…/368OwenNewViewtable.pdf



Carl Schmitt:…/carlschmitttheoryofthepartisan.…


Werner Sombart:…/…/3ll3/sombart/jews.pdf

Muammar al-Qaddafi:

Saddam Hussein:…/…/Hussein_Saddam_On_Democracy.pdf


Gottffried Feder:…/manifesto-for-abolition-ensla…

Collected Works of V.I. Lenin:

J.V. Stalin Internet Library:

Collected Writings of the Great Leaders of the DPRK (KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL and KIM JONG SUK):

Ivan Illich, 'Deschooling Society:

Ivan Illich, 'Medical Nemesis - the Expropriation of Health:

Jane Roberts, 'SETH SPEAKS - the eternal validity of the soul':

Martin Heidegger,'Discourse on Thinking'

An Introduction to Holocaust Skepticism: (all books downloadable as pdfs) - A review and examination of A. Dugin's 4th Political Theory

Home School Info and Resources

The education of children is a vital task, which we cannot leave to the liberal State.  Here are some useful links to help those who wish to home educate. If you have any useful links to add to this list, please put them in the comments section of this page.  Our struggle is for freedom - and that means first and foremost, a freedom so that the next generation does not have to endure the poisonous mind control which we face everyday.  Home schooling is the key to saving our children, and building the future.

Information about the legal side of home education
Teaching Resources / Adnoddau Addysgu / Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig

On Marxism

Four works on Marxism-Leninism, Marxist-Leninist Philosophy and/or Dialectical Materialism, replete with descriptions and links to the individual works hosted on the Internet Archive (in a variety of formats, pdf, epub, txt, etc.)
“Fundamentals of Marxism Leninism: Manual” by Otto Kuusinen, translated by Clemens Dutt, 1960, 752 pages. It is “...considered one of the fundamental works on dialectical materialism and on Leninist communism. The book remains important in understanding the philosophy and politics of the Soviet Union; it consolidates the work of important contributions to Marxist theory.” Link:
“The Fundamentals of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy" by F.V. Konstantinov (editor), translated by Robert Daglish, 1982, 480 pages. A description: “This is the essence of Marxist-Leninist philosophy (MLP). Generations of tertiary students in the Soviet Union were taught with this concise yet comprehensive textbook, written by a big collective of the best Soviet philosophers. The first part of the book is of particular value: dialectical materialism is nowadays completely ignored in the West, yet it is namely the source of the whole MLP. It is instrumental for upbringing the integrity of scientific world-view on the Universe, Humanities, society and mind.” Link:
"Philosophy in the USSR: Problems of Dialectical Materialism" translated by Robert Daglish, 1977, 269 pages. A description: “Written by a team of prominent Soviet philosophers, this book reflects the contribution made by Soviet thought to the solution of both traditional philosophical problems and those that face philosophy today. Not only will the reader obtain much accurate and objective information about the philosophical concepts evolved by Marx, Engels and Lenin and their contemporary creative development; he will also be able to see for himself how wrong are the assertions that a gap exists between their ideas based on dialectical materialism and the problems of contemporary philosophy. ” Link:…/PhilosophyInTheUSSRProblemsOdDialecti…
“A Textbook of Marxist Philosophy” prepared by the Leningrad Institute of Philosophy under the direction of M. Shirokov, 328 pages. A description, “This volume was originally prepared by the Lenin- grad Institute of Philosophy as a textbook in Dialectical Materialism for institutions of higher education directly connected with the Communist Party and also for use in the Technical Institutes which correspond to Universities in Great Britain.
This particular textbook was specially selected by the Society for Cultural Relations in Moscow (VOKS) as the best example they could find of the philosophical teaching now being given in the Soviet Union not only to students of philosophy but to engineers, doctors, chemists, teachers, in fact to all who pass through the higher technical schools and institutes.” Link:…/1941_aTextbookOfMarxistPhilosophy_the…

Links from beyond the Isles

Of particular interest to supporters from Australia
Added from the Tea with Ernst Niekisch page which has since been 'cancelled' and put into the room 101 memory hole by the censors at Facebook. Some of the books are already listed above, some of them are not recommended, but the list is repeated intact so as to not compound the errors of the censors: Credit to Jamarcus Johnson:

Georges Sorel – Reflections on Violence Georges Sorel - Social Foundations of Contemporary Economics Georges Sorel - Illusions of Progress Georges Sorel - From Georges Sorel Hegel – Elements of the Philosophy of Right Hegel - Lectures on the Philosophy of History Marx – Das Kapital Marx - On the Jewish Question Marx- Notes on James Mill Marx - Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 Marx- Theories of Surplus Value Marx - Value, Price and Profit Marx - Grundrisse Marx- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy Alexander Dugin – The Fourth Political Theory Alexander Dugin – The Rise of the Fourth Political Theory: Vol.II Alexander Dugin - Martin Heidegger: The Philosophy of Another Beginning Alexander Dugin - Last War of the World-Island: The Geopolitics of Contemporary Russia Alexander Dugin - Eurasian Mission: An Introduction to Neo-Eurasianism Alexander Dugin - Ethnos and Society Roberto Fiore & Gabriele Adinolfi - Noi terza posizione Ernst Niekisch - Der Weg der deutschen Arbeiterschaft zum Staat Ernst Niekisch - Politik und Idee Fritz Wolffheim - First Address to the German Proletariat Fritz Wolffheim – Factory Organisations? Or Trade Unions? Heinrich Laufenberg - Zwischen der ersten und zweiten Revolution D. S. Mirsky - A History of Russian Literature: From Its Beginnings to 1900 Alceste De Ambris - Il Dannunzianesimo dopo Fiume Sergio Panunzio - Stato nazionale e sindacati Sergio Panunzio - La Persistenza del Diritto (Discutendo di Sindacalismo e di Anarchismo) David D. Roberts - The Syndicalist Tradition and Italian Fascism Robert Michels - Syndicalisme & socialisme en Allemagne Robert Michels- Sozialismus und Faschismus in Italien Timothy S. Brown - Weimar Radicals: Nazis and Communists Between Authenticity and Performance Eduard Limonov - My Political Biography Lyndon Larouche - Basic Economics for Conservative Democrats Lyndon Larouche - Dialectical Economics An Introduction to Marxist Political Economy Lyndon Larouche -The Rothschilds, from Pitt to Rockefeller Thomas D. Grant - Stormtroopers and Crisis in the Nazi Movement: Activism, Ideology and Dissolution Douglas Reed – Nemesis?: The Story of Otto Strasser Otto Strasser – My Struggle Otto Strasser – Hitler and I Otto Strasser - Germany Tommorrow Francis Parker Yockey – Imperium David Brandenberger - National Bolshevism: Stalinist Mass Culture and the Formation of Modern Russian National Identity 1931-1956 Vilfredo Pareto – Sociological Writings Vilfredo Pareto - The Rise and Fall of Elites: Application of Theoretical Sociology Werner Sombart – The Jews and Modern Capitalism Mikhail Agursky - The Third Rome: National Bolshevism In The USSR Alec Nove - The Economics of Feasible Socialism Alec Nove – An Economic History of the USSR Theodor Fritsch – The Sins of High Finance Andrzej Walicki - Stanislaw Brzozowski and the Polish Beginnings of 'Western Marxism' Nikolay Chernyshevsky – What is to Be Done Oswald Spengler – Prussianism and Socialism Julius Evola – Metaphysics of War Ernst Junger – The Worker: Dominion and Form Ernst Junger - Storm of Steel René de Chambrun - Pierre Laval, Traitor or Patriot? Émile Janvion - Du syndicat de fonctionnaires Thomas Carlyle – Selected Writings Michel Aflaq - On the Way of Resurrection Zeev Sternhell - Neither Right nor Left: Fascist Ideology in France Peter Dodge - Beyond Marxism: The Faith and Works of Hendrik de Man Gilbert Allardyce - "The Political Transitions of Jacques Doriot." Journal of Contemporary History. 1 Michael B. Loughlin - "Gustave Hervé's Transition from Socialism to National Socialism: Another Example of French Fascism?". Journal of Contemporary History. 36 (1): 5–39. Hubert Lagardelle - The Agrarian Question and Socialism Georges Valois - L'Homme contre l'argent Ramiro Ledesma Ramos - Escritos filosóficos Keith Preston – El Salvador: A War by Proxy Keith Preston - The Tyranny of the Politically Correct: Totalitarianism in the Postmodern Age Troy Southgate – Tradition and Revolution Norman Finkelstein – The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering Norman Finkelstein - Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict Norman Finkelstein - Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-semitism and the Abuse of History Kevin Macdonald – The Culture of Critique Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera - Selected Writings Richard Wolin – The Politics of Being: The Political Thought of Martin Heidegger Gottfried Feder - Manifesto on Breaking the Shackles of Interest Kerry Bolton – Peron and Peronism Kerry Bolton - Stalin: The Enduring Legacy Kerry Bolton - The Banking Swindle: Money Creation and the State Kerry Bolton - Russia and the Fight Against Globalisation Thomas Piketty – Capital in the Twenty-First Century Carl Schmitt – Dictatorship Carl Schmitt – The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy Alain de Benoist - On the Brink of the Abyss: The Imminent Bankruptcy of the Financial System Alain de Benoist – The Problem of Democracy Giovanni Gentile - The Philosophy of Marx Giovanni Gentile - Hegelian Controversy Giovanni Gentile - Marxism of Benedict Croce Mao Zedong - Collected Sayings (Little Red Book) Ho Chi Minh - Selected Writings 1920-1969 Leszek Kołakowski - Main Currents of Marxism Dermot Hudson - In Defence of Juche Korea Muammar al-Gaddafi - The Green Book Enver Hoxha - The Artful Albanian: The Memoirs Of Enver Hoxha Yanis Varoufakis - The Global Minotaur Yanis Varoufakis - Modern Political Economics Stanisław Brzozowski - Legenda Młodej Polski. Studia o strukturze duszy kulturalnej ("The Legend of Young Poland. Studies on the Structure of the Cultural Spirit") Stephen Velychenko - Painting Imperialism and Nationalism Red: The Ukrainian Marxist Critique of Russian Communist Rule in Ukraine, 1918-1925 Kim Il Sung - For the Independent, Peaceful Reunification of the Country Alexandre A. Bennigsen - Muslim National Communism in the Soviet Union: A Revolutionary Strategy for the Colonial World Katherine Verdery - National Ideology Under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania Troy Southgate - Le Salon: Journal du Cercle de la Rose Noire, Volumes 1 & 2 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Property Is Theft!: A Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Reader Charles Fourier - The Theory of the Four Movements Robert Owen - A New View of Society and Other Writings Fidel Castro - My Life Sadaam Hussein - On Democracy Kees Boterbloem - The Life and Times of Andrei Zhdanov, 1896-1948 David P. Chandler - Brother Number One, a Political Biography of Pol Pot Martin Heidegger - Black Notebooks Martin Heidegger - Being And Time Antonio Gramsci - Prison Notebooks Maxim Gorky - The Mother Mikhail Sholokhov - And Quiet Flows the Don Jens Schöne - The GDR: A History of the Arbeiter- und Bauernstaat Klaus Morgenstern - DDR In Color Frederic Chaubin - Cosmic Communist Constructions Photographed Nikolai Ostrovsky - How the Steel Was Tempered Erich Honecker - Cross Examined Eric Hobsbawm - Revolutionaries EP Thompson - The Making of the English Working Class Christopher Hill - The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X M.K. Gandhi - An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth Costas Lapavitsas - Profiting without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All Costas Lapavitsas - Marxist Monetary Theory Collected Papers Karl Polanyi - The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time John Reed - Ten Days That Shook the World Giambattista Vico - New Science: Principles of the New Science Concerning the Common Nature of Nations Alison Weir - Against Our Better Judgment: The hidden history of how the United States was used to create Israel Johann Gottlieb Fichte - Addresses to the German Nation Slavoj Žižek - Trouble in Paradise: From the End of History to the End of Capitalism Slavoj Žižek - Violence Ilan Pappe - The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Grover Furr - Khrushchev Lied Stephen Mitford Goodson - A History of Central Banking & The Enslavement of Mankind Stephen Mitford Goodson - Inside the South African Reserve Bank: Its Origins and Secrets Exposed M. N. Roy - Selected Works Tan Malaka - Naar de 'Republiek Indonesia Guillaume Faye - A Global Coup Hugo Chavez and Simon Bolivar - Hugo Chávez presents Simon Bolivar: The Bolivarian Revolution (Revolutions Series) Hugo Chavez - My First Life John J Mearsheimer - The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy Harry E. Vanden - National Marxism in Latin America Jose Carlos Mariategui & Harry E. Vanden (Translator) - Jose Carlos Mariategui: An Anthology José Carlos Mariátegui - Seven Essays of Interpretation of Peruvian Reality Louis Auguste Blanqui - Blanqui Reader (Verso edition) Moses Hess - The Holy History of Mankind and Other Writings Ernesto Che Guevara - Guerrilla Warfare Virtue and Terror - Maximillian Robespierre J.R. Jennings - Georges Sorel: The Character and Development of his Thought Richard D Humphrey - Georges Sorel: Prophet Without Honor- A Study in Anti-Intellectualism David Ohana - Georges Sorel and the Rise of Political Myth: Nihilist Order v. II Michael Curtis - Three Against the Third Republic: Sorel, Barres and Maurras Julian L. Laychuk - Ilya Ehrenburg: An Idealist in an Age of Realism Joshua Rubenstein - Tangled Loyalties: The Life and Times of Ilya Ehrenburg Anatol Goldberg - Ilya Ehrenburg: Writing, Politics and the Art of Survival Anatol Goldberg - Ilya Ehrenburg: Revolutionary- Novelist- Poet- War Correspondent- Propagandist: The Extraordinary Epic of a Russian Survivor Ilya Ehernburg - First Years Of Revolution 1918-21 Vol Two Of "Men, Years - Life" Vladimir Lenin - State and Revolution Vladimir Lenin - The Right of Nations to Self-Determination J.V. Stalin - Trotskyism or Leninism? Erik Van Ree - The Political Thought of Joseph Stalin: A Study in 20th Century Revolutionary Karl Otto Paetel - National-bolschewismus und nationalrevolutionäre Bewegungen in Deutschland Jean-François Thiriart - The Great Nation: Unitarian Europe - From Brest to Bucharest Allen Douglas - From Fascism to Libertarian Communism: George Valois Against the Third Republic


Peter Wilberg said...

Recommendations for the Literature page:

Ivan Illich, 'Deschooling Society'

Ivan Illich, 'Medical Nemesis - the Expropriation of Health

Jane Roberts, 'SETH SPEAKS - the eternal validity of the soul'

Martin Heidegger,'Discourse on Thinking'

An Introduction to Holocaust Skepticism (all books downloadable as pdfs)

Peter Wilberg said...

Ernst Junger: 'Eumeswil'

jingelic said...

For Australian readers:

Socialist Motherland Party said...

Thank you Jingelic.

The link certainly is interesting and well worth taking the time to explore (which considering the volume of material will take some time).

Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!! Contents of this newsletter: 1. A While Since the Last Newsletter 2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media 3. What...