Sunday 28 July 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 72

The universal republic is the merchants’ republic. [...] Where national sovereignties are extinguished, economic dictatorship begins to gleam. A people can no longer do anything against the merchants when it renounces the right to say: here, contracts are such, usages are such, and you will pay this tithe to establish yourselves. The United States of the world is not only a political concept apparently: in reality it’s an economic concept. [...] He who renounces the right to tax the foreigner, to exclude his goods from his cities, to close his doors to missionaries, also renounces freedom and all its benefits. What use is a strike, what use is social improvement in a country forced to align its prices with those abroad?

Maurice Bardèche


"Communism tries to solve the class struggle by establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, while Arab socialism seeks to eliminate class differences; communism automatically considers all the owners as exploiters. However, Arab socialism differentiates between exploiting owners and those who base their activities on justice and work; communism confiscates property, while Arab socialism expropriates with compensation; in a communist society the State is the sole owner and the individual is an instrument of the State that receives only what is basic and necessary, while in Arab socialism the individual is the cornerstone of society and the State is an instrument of the people which guarantees social justice and security. The communists follow Karl Marx's precepts to the letter, and if someone differs from them, as in the case of Tito, he is considered a rebel. Arab socialism nourishes itself from all human thought and, above all, includes its own heritage, conditions and circumstances; communism limits its action to the communist party, while Arab socialism declares that all sectors of the nation will participate in political and governmental activity. In communism the path to democracy is only recognized through the dictatorship of the communist party, however in Arab socialism the National Union is the framework of political activity in which all sectors of society participate and in which democratic principles find a wider application."

Excerpt from: Communism and Us. Al-Ahram, August 4, 1961. Gamal Abdel Nasser.


The worst and most dangerous problem of Europe is, that it’s to a large extent controlled by an external superpower – the United States. Counting on Donald Trump, thinking that he might be someone independent, is the wrong solution.

The US is and will be controlled by the so-called deep state. And the interests of its representatives are completely different from the interests of Europe. Just think about who has caused the so-called Arab Spring, who caused the whole migration problem. The old geopolitical concept of US policy-makers like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the past, was based on the “Anakonda strategy”, which was an idea to encircle Europe, Russia and China with chaos and instability on their borders.

That is what the US has done in the Middle East, in Central Asia, in North Africa. To be honest, I would suggest to those who are against immigration, to load the immigrants onto trans-Atlantic ships and send to the American East Coast. They have caused the problem, let them cope with immigration. The same goes for the trouble with Ukraine, and the whole conflict with Russia, which was ignited and inspired by the US and in their interest.

- Mateusz Piskorski


We must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism-and it must be defeated in a world confrontation. The strategic end of this struggle should be the destruction of imperialism. Our share, the responsibility of the exploited and underdeveloped of the world, is to eliminate the foundations of imperialism: our oppressed nations, from where they extract capital, raw materials, technicians, and cheap labour, and to which they export new capital-instruments of domination-arms and all kinds of articles, thus submerging us in an absolute dependence.

Che Guevara



The term 'Jew' and 'Judaism' are both largely misnomers. Neither are used in the Old Testament. Most so-called Jews are not Semitic - as even Disraeli affirmed. What are now called 'Jews' and 'Judaism' are an invention of Rabbinical Judaism, which is essentially a continuation of the tradition of Pharisaic Talmudism - what Jesus called 'the synagogue of Satan'. Its precepts are that non-Jews (is those who do not follow this religion) are subhuman beasts or cattle (Goyim) worthy only of serving as mercenaries (useful idiots) in battle, that all Christians are idolaters who deserve to die, that all Goys are destined to be ruled by Rabbinical Talmudic 'Jews' from Jerusalem, that the life of such a 'Jew' (an Ashkenazi,   Pharisaic Rabbinical Talmudist) is worth more than any other life. That such a 'Jew' may kill, steal from, or deceive a Goy at will - even rape any Goy over the age of 3. All this is not wild fantasy. Most, but not all of it is self-confessed part and parcel of Rabbinical-Talmudic and Zionist Judaism. Yet there is, of course, nothing in 'Jewish' blood or genes which destines an individual to join the Rabbinical tribe of Pharisaical Talmudists - and nor is there anything 'antisemitic' about rejecting the creed of this cult of self-Chosen superiors and masters of humanity - who worship Mammon above all.

- Peter Wilberg

Reading recommended on this subject:


"We would be deceiving both ourselves and the people if we concealed from the masses the necessity of a desperate, bloody war of extermination, as the immediate task of the coming revolutionary action."

"Pacifism, the preaching of peace in the abstract, is one of the means of duping the working class."

"War to the death against the rich and their hangers-on, the bourgeois intellectuals... ‘He who does not work, neither shall he eat’ – this is the practical commandment of socialism... Our common aim is to clean the land of Russia of all vermin, of fleas – the rogues, of bugs – the rich, and so on and so forth."

- V.I.Lenin

Monday 22 July 2019

Total Planetary War and the Task of Questioning

by Peter Wilberg

Imperialism: still ‘the highest stage of capitalism’
Is the EU an empire? No. Is it not rather the weak confederation of nations under US economic and political hegemony of the sort that Hitler long predicted that Europe would become in the event of a German defeat? Yes. Is China a full-fledged empire? No - and will not be for a long time yet. Is the US an empire? Most definitely and in every sense of the word 'empire' - the most powerful empire the world has ever faced - and one with a history of outright colonialism reaching back to its earliest history (Mexico, Hawaii, The Philippines etc.)

It should therefore surely be obvious by now that essentially there is only one game in town - how to respond to and resist the Moloch and monstrosity that is US imperialism and the US-raeli empire. This Empire has a long, brutal, cynical and genocidal history, responsible for 20-30 millions deaths since 1945 - and that forgetting its long history of earlier imperial war crimes, not least at the end of WW2, and including the bombing and rape of not only German but French cities and civilians).

What both the British and all other peoples of the world face today is just the apogee of that imperial history, an apogee which is also an expression of the acute contradictions and conflicts of capitalism and their expression in competing factions of the ruling elite in the U.S. and that of other countries too, including Britain and those of the EU.

In this context, therefore even to talk of terms like 'globalism' or 'globalists' is misleading. That is because the US Imperium is now openly engaged in a form of total war on the entire globe and all its nations and peoples. This includes, of course, the American people who have long been subjected to total censorship of the media, and exploited by Wall Street, The Fed., the medical-, agro- and military- or CIA-run cyber-industrial complexes such as the web, Google etc. - as well as a massive prison-industrial complex, all backed up by total militarised-police preparedness for any form of internal insurrection.

This Total Planetary War of the US Empire is aimed at all competing nations and powers, and brooks not the smallest elements of opposition or hesitation even from its vassal 'Allies' (including both the EU and Britain). And its allies even include even the Visegrad group - all of them unquestioningly pro-US, pro-NATO, and pro-Israel. Indeed Israel declared the Czech Republic its “best friend” in continental Europe and the US has forces on Polish soil.

The Empire's war is a 'globalist' war only in the sense that it is a war aimed at nothing less than total economic, corporate, cultural, ecocidal, military, intelligence, media, information and cyber control over the entire globe - using any and all means.

US Imperium is thus the sole 'spectre' currently haunting the entire world - not communism or socialism, and certainly not 'liberalism' - which only serve to disguise rampant economic neo-liberalism and militarised police violence and murder even of countless American citizens. And what a spectre it is - for this global Imperial war is an 'omnicidal' war and which now threatens all life on the planet.

Its most powerful tool is not military and financial power but media-sustained ignorance - agnosis. Ignorance not just on a political or even a geo-political level but on a profound spiritual and philosophical level - perpetuated by the destruction of all true education.

Historical knowledge and inner knowing or gnosis are the greatest enemy of the Empire. Thus it has successfully, and in a deliberate way, planned long ago, also used its universities to eradicate it. (One need only be aware that there is barely a single economics professor in the US who has even read Marx). It is for this reason that purely economic, political or even military opposition or resistance to The Empire is, by itself, futile.

Instead one question remains in this situation, long ago asked by Heidegger.

"How is it possible to preserve a tradition [the tradition of gnosis] that has been underground for so long?"

The best that Heidegger hoped for was that historical knowledge, deep thinking and gnosis would survive in small 'cells' - comparable to the small groups of monks in the Dark Ages who preserved the remnants of classical Greek philosophy preserved and enriched by Islamic scholars and left over from the burning of ancient texts, the destruction of the library of Alexandria - and the violent persecution and murder of philosophers by the wave of Christian fanaticism unleashed by Constantine's 'conversion'.

Brexit or Remain then, is not the question of the day. That question, at its heart, is, as Gilad Atzmon reminds us: Athens or Jerusalem?

But there is far more even to this question than meets the eye. For the question contains questions within questions that have not yet even begun to be touched upon in human thinking. That is why when Heidegger spoke of ‘preserving’ a ‘tradition’ he did not mean going back to it but seeking a new foundation and beginning for it - what he called ‘The Other Beginning’.

"What is to be done?"

This new and totally ‘Other’ beginning requires above all deeper and new ways of thinking. Deeper thinking, in turn requires deeper levels of questioning dialogue too - which is a quite different matter from polemical debate.

Yet questioning dialogue cannot in any way be deepened and renewed unless the entire focus of political thinking, parties and organisation is shifted from an obsession with competing ideologies and their ready-made 'solutions' or 'policies'?

Mere debates or polemics based on agreement or disagreement about political policies, positions and solutions assumes we already know what the essential questions are for which these policies or positions are intended as a solution.

Thus the old pattern of establishing and sticking to a militant party-political position or policy on particular questions - and then recruiting militant party adherents to it, needs to be unlearned. Instead it is the questions themselves that need to be rethought in a deeper way - one that transcends old frameworks, formulae and ideologies. Only in this way can a genuinely new thinking arise that prepares for ‘The Other Beginning’ - one that responds to the questions now confronting humanity - by questioning them more deeply.

Yet instead of this, what I see along the entire spectrum of Alt-Left groupings is a regression to a form of discourse based on ideological identity politics - as expressed, for example through the need for ideological brand identities such as Strasserism. Juche-ism, Hoxha-ism, Green Syndicalism, Stalinism - and, what amounts to the same thing, 'Marxism-Leninism' (a term coined by Stalin).

I do not see how any of these '-isms' can be reconciled with Marx's famous words: "I am not a Marxist" - or with any form of ideological identity politics oriented towards establishing, advancing and defending a 'position' and pitching one form of political brand identity or ‘-ism’ against some other - like 'Liberalism'. Marx himself did not present utopian recipes for change but instead sought an ever-deeper understanding of the underlying but still inadequately addressed questions hidden under the surface behind social, economic and political beliefs, systems and events.

In a word, I find myself once again affirming another saying of Marx:

"Question everything!"

A trite example: when and why did the term 'Liberalism' become the fashionable new term for Capitalism? Or when and why did the term ‘cultural Marxism’ become a new ‘meme’ within the Alt-Right and Alt-Left - when in reality those figures most often associated with it were among the most hard-hitting critics of degenerate capitalist pop-culture, i.e. of cultural capitalism and its global mono-culture of consumerism and commodification - a phenomenon which has now reached a point at which even personal identity has now become a mere marketplace of gender identities to be invested in, exchanged and flaunted like shares or personal commodities!

As in advertising capitalism offers an illusion of ‘diversity’ that conceals a homogenous uniformity. A 100 brands of identical toothpaste or washing up liquid - no different in principle from varieties of branded gender identities all manufactured from the same virtue-signalling ingredients!

Politics and Philosophy…

Even the geopolitical question posed to humanity by the rampant destructive hegemonism and tyranny of the US Empire is therefore far from being a merely geopolitical question, as even 4PT of Dugin recognises - why else would he write a book on Heidegger, now censored (see Alexander Dugin Martin Heidegger, the Philosophy of Another Beginning), like his other books, by Amazon? Because he recognised that politics and philosophy cannot in any way be separated - that all philosophy is political and all politics is philosophical - rooted in metaphysical assumptions and beliefs.

This is one reason why I wrote an essay critiquing the standard 'medical model' approach to politics. For what this model forecloses is any attempt to question and understand the deeper nature and meaning of the 'illness' symptomised by political and geopolitical events and realities. Idealistic or utopian political 'cures' for this illness, old or new, are, from this perspective merely a form of ideological pill-popping or drug-pushing - and the political militancy that accompanies them is all-too-often a mere symptom of despair in the face of still unthought questions - unthought because they involve, at least in part, also essentially deep metaphysical and philosophical questions - many of which have also remained unthought throughout human history.

This history is of course far more than just a political-economic history or a history of class struggle. It is also a history of theo-political cultures and conflicts. That is why, as I argue in From New Age to New Gnosis, it is no accident that today’s Iraq had its roots in the ancient Sumarian civilisation of Mesopotamia, Syria in the Assyrian civilisation, Europe in Greek civilisation - and Iran in Persian civilisation.

And what is capitalism itself if not a theopolicial cult or religion itself - combining a monotheism of money with the worship of technological know-how serving cyber-control and the corporate arms industry. And what is modern 'science' except an anti-religious cult which has become a new religion and cult in its own right? Today however, it is only in Russia and Iran that we see the struggle against The Empire of Money understood - if only by just a few clerics and prominent thinkers such as Dugin - as a spiritual-philosophical and religious struggle and not a merely 'national' one.

Thus in contrast to the cult of Juche - which seeks to turn the nation itself into an artificial and atheistic state religion, and its Leader into a god - the Islamic Socialism of Iran has deep roots in the gnostic tradition of Shi-ite Islam. It is not a godless 'modernist' socialism of the ‘Marxist-Leninist’ sort - and nor does its supreme leader claim omniscience or divinity of any sort - something that goes entirely against the grain of Shi-ite orthodoxy, which respects knowledge and truths still hidden from view by the so-called 'occultation' of the 12th Imam.

That is why it is also important to understand that it is only in Iran and to some extent also in Russia that we see some recognition that the battle being fought is a spiritual one. No wonder that Iran was the main target to be taken out at the end of the list of less challenging regime-changes hatched by the Imperium well before the Mossad-CIA false flag of 9/11 - and as preparation to seize the wealth of Russia.

On Brexit again...

Long ago, I made my position on Brexit pretty clear. It was a way to turn Britain into an overseas territory of the US-raeli Empire, one which supports the economic war being waged against not just North Korea and China but primarily against Iran and Russia. Is this not now perfectly clear for all to see?

Is the EU the enemy? Or is it the ZIO-US-EU-NATO alliance against Russia. Does the EU have independent nukes that can strike Britain. No. Does Israel have submarines that can nuke both Britain and Europe. Yes. Something to think upon maybe? Is the EU or Russia engaged in a military encirclement of Britain. No. Is it engaged in the military encirclement of Russia? Yes. Is the EU imposing economic sanctions on Britain? No. On Russia? Yes.

And what an irony it is to have just seen Britain itself seizing an Iranian oil tanker on the grounds that is was ignoring oil sanctions on Syria that apply only to EU countries!

Is it not time therefore, to sign up for a spiritual-philosophical jihad against the US-raeli Empire, instead of protecting British Imperialism - along with its centuries old strategy of doing everything to prevent the emergence of a new Eurasian civilisation, one unburdened by the waves of migration fostered by The Empire's wars of aggression, military-backed coups, and corporate neo-colonialism - and that in every continent of the world?

My biggest question to the SMPBI therefore: what good is talk of socialist proletarian nationalism if this nationalism is not fundamentally and primarily anti-imperialist - anti-USraeli, anti-Zionist, anti-Ziocon, anti-ZOG? This question is also what makes Iran so important. For the Trotskyists would have us believe that Iran is a reactionary capitalist theocracy. In fact its economy is now more socialist than that of Cuba! See:

And so it is that Iran now finds itself in the same position that Cuba has always been in and that Germany found itself in already in 1939 - under economic blockade, and explicit threat of 'obliteration' (total obliteration through of Germany having (see Germany Must Perish, 1941!) having heen the main goal of Churchill and his Zionist backers). No wonder then, that the Iron Curtain of brazen Amazon and now also YouTube censorship has come down not only on so-called 'Holocaust deniers' but also on any challenge to the mainstream US., British and Zionist account of the 20th century and its two world wars.

Summary: one does not need to be a Muslim or Islamic socialist to sign up for an educational, cultural and philosophical as well as political jihad against the Empire - instead of ranting against and scapegoating its meek and subservient EU vassal states. One only needs to expose, as Goebbels taught, the 'Big Lies' of the Zionist press, media and cyber-giants that prevail as much (if not more) in Britain that in the countries of the EU. The big problem with the Europe - as with Britain - it that it still tries to ensconce itself in a blind and delusory bubble world - one in which the total global war being conducted by The Empire is not even recognised by a media-indoctrinated populace, let alone fiercely resisted or fought. And yet all other issues - ecological, environmental, social and economic - are secondary to this War - being mere effects of it. The only exception to this the understanding that even to conduct any fight against Imperialism and for sovereign nationhood is ultimately impossible without sovereign national and public money creation - something both Iran and Russia still need to learn.

So what can be done?

The basis of all ‘evil’, even that of the Imperium itself - is ignorance - agnosis. This takes two forms: firstly unquestioned belief systems such as neo-liberalism, Christian Zionism, US exceptionalism and ‘Manifest Destiny’ etc., i.e. those of the warmongers in the ‘Deep State’ - and, secondly, the economic, cultural, philosophical and historical ignorance that both lies behind and is necessary to sustain these belief systems.

‘Trumpism’ is nothing but the fully revealed face of this ignorance in both its sides. For the ignorant rulers of the Imperium, ignorance is therefore also their biggest ally - and sustaining their own and other’s ignorance is their main weapon of defence. Hence the censorship, distortion and erasure of historical knowledge. Indeed the clearly stated plan of the Imperium is now is to use the media and cyber-censorship to eradicate all sources of historical knowledge that could expose the lies - and lies by omission - being constantly being churned out by the media. Yet the sad fact is that even many of these lies are an expression of ignorance on the part of ruling elites and the media themselves.

Yet given current plans for total global cyber-censorship via Google and other cyber-giants, perhaps we need to consider preparing to return to old-fashioned low-tech method of paper leafleting on the streets. Not in order to rant against Trotskyism to a youth population most of whom (even here in the Czech Republic) have never even heard of a man called Stalin!) but in order to lay out in simple fashion the historical facts surrounding each of any number of issues given - or not given - publicity in the Imperial Media - whether this be the 'Holocaust', Israel and Palestine, Russia, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, the arms industry and the Sauds, the deaths caused by both austerity politics and The Empire's economic sanctions and blockades, the concentration camps which constitute the corporate prison industry in the US, not to mention the whole history of Anglo-US-Israeli war crimes - or the really existing magic 'money-tree' of central banks such as the Fed (which feeds an annual 36 billion dollars of interest payments to Wall St at taxpayers expense - and at the expense too of even the most minimal investment in the real economy).

For when all is said and done, what chance has any European or British political party of leading a process of social transformation among a populace that is steadily but surely being reduced in a highly planned way and using the most advanced technologies to a state of almost total historical ignorance of the sort we already see in the U.S. itself - where literally millions of Christian Zionists, ignorant even of the history of Christianity itself, regard Trump as 'the chosen one' - and so are gagging for global Armageddon through the likes of Pompeo (himself a Christian Zionist). Never has it been more important to see our struggle as a war for knowledge and truth, even if only based on the simplest leaflet-style listing of historical facts. For what use is a 'Workers' Party' without even the most elementary workers' education?

For what use a vehemently anti-Trotskyist platform to people who have never heard the name Trotsky or Stalin in their lives? What appeal has a pro-Palestinian or anti-Zionist stance for the masses who know nothing about the Nakba - or even the nature and history of Zionism itself? The list could go on and on... So maybe it is time to forget the political and ideological dressing on the cake - and begin by just informing people of historical knowledge and facts they don't and increasingly won't have a chance to learn from anywhere else (including the internet). In a word, less preaching to the converted and those ‘in the know’ and instead just talking to people - by which I simply mean all those (and there are many who I am sure that each of us know personally) who don't even know what they don't know. Yet even this is not enough…

Making ‘another beginning’ …
For any individual or group of individuals wishing to find ways of responding to the challenges facing the world today, the greatest danger I see lies in the need, borne of insecurity, to cobble together or latch onto an admixture of ideological and political ‘answers’ or ‘policies’. Instead the first step should be to humbly admit to there being many questions that remain to be asked and formulated. To admit to the existence of important but still unasked questions is not a mark of ignorance but of courage.

Therefore I suggest to any individuals or groups of individuals such as the SMPBI with an earnest and passionate desire to change the world that they should begin by each seriously asking, and seeking to formulate as best they can, what they regard as the most important questions that they still have. Only by pooling and then discussing a set of questions can they then truly work together, through dialogue - in making ‘Another Beginning’. Finding the right questions requires thought and effort of another sort entirely to coming to or debating a set of ideological positions or political policies. Yet if a political group were to begin its life and work again in this other way - by first coming to a decision on what they see as the most important but still unasked or unanswered questions are (whether to do with socialism or anything else) then stating those questions publicly and inviting authentic dialogue around them would indeed be something revolutionary in itself. The ‘other thinking’ that Heidegger spoke of is all about questioning. It transcends the polemics of mere agreement or disagreement on what policy or political stances to adopt or decide upon. Instead it is all exploring the most decisive questions.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 71

🚩To All Individuals of Conscience in the World: 🤝🌿💐🌺🌹

♦️🚩No to All Wars
▪️No to All Lies & Deception about “Others”
▪️No to Mass incarcerations, detentions, detention center/concentration camps
▪️No to Mass deportation of the refugees, victims of war mongering and domestic terrorism
▪️No to Corporate Patriarchy & War Mongering
▪️No to Neo-Slavery in Libya
▪️Stop All Wars: on Iran, in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc...❗️🏴‍☠️

▪️🚩Let’s not be deceived for another war against the old lie of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”❗️🏴‍☠️

🚩▪️No to all sanctions, interventions, and deception❗️🏴‍☠️

🚩No to all lies demonizing “Others” to perpetuate the same old lies of “War Against Weapons of Mass Destruction”; which “evolved into spreading democracy...”,  and “humanitarian assistance”; all created thousands of deaths, destruction of the environment, unrest, refugees, borders, for profit detention centers and prisons...🏴‍☠️

🚩All those who have voted and supported wars anywhere, killing “others” and destroying the planet are prime perpetuators of Terrorism in the world▪️🏴‍☠️

🚩Finally, let’s not forget the States themselves have been the greatest sponsors of mass killings in the world▪️🏴‍☠️

🚩In solidarity for integrity and truth; essential ingredients for justice▪️🖤

- Mason Amin



They say the Pharaohs built the pyramids Do you think one Pharaoh dropped one bead of sweat? We built the pyramids for the Pharaohs and we're building for them yet.

- - 

Thus I came to condemn capitalism, not through any oppression endured by me personally, but through that very deification of efficiency which capitalism had taught me, for its own purposes.

- Anna Louise Strong


James Connolly on 12 July: "the Orangemen of Ulster, led by King Carson, will be celebrating the same victory as the Pope celebrated [329] years ago".

James Connolly
July the 12th in Forward, 12 July, 1913.

As this Saturday is the 12th of July, and as I am supposed to be writing about the North of Ireland in particular, it becomes imperative that I say something about this great and glorious festival.

The Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne is celebrated in Belfast by what is locally known as an Orange Walk. The brethren turn out and take possession of the principal streets of the city, and for the space of some hours they pass in processional order before the eyes of the citizens, bearing their banners, wearing their regalia, carrying symbols emblematic of the gates of Derry, and to the accompaniment of a great many bands.

Viewing the procession as a mere ‘Teague’ (to use the name the brethren bestow on all of Catholic origin), I must confess that some parts of it are beautiful, some of it ludicrous, and some of it exceedingly disheartening.

The regalia is often beautiful; I have seen representations of the Gates of Derry that were really a pleasure to view as pieces of workmanship; and similar representations erected as Orange arches across dingy side streets that, if we could forget their symbolism, we would admire as real works of art.

The music (?) is a fearful and wonderful production, seemingly being based upon a desire to produce the maximum of sound in the minimum of space. Every Orange Lodge in the North of Ireland, and many from the South make it a point to walk, and as each Lodge desires to have a band without any regard to its numbers, the bands are often so near that even the most skilful manipulator cannot prevent a blending of sounds that can scarcely be called harmonious.

I have stood on the sidewalk listening to a band, whose instruments were rendering:

Jesus, lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly.

Whilst another one about twenty yards off was splitting the air with:

Dolly’s Brae, O Dolly’s Brae,
O, Dolly’s Brae no more;
The song we sang was kick the Pope
Right over Dolly’s Brae.

But the discord of sound allied to the discord of sentiment implied in a longing to fly to the bosom of Jesus, and at the same time to kick the Pope, did not appear to strike anyone but myself.

For that matter a sense of humour is not one of the strong points in an Orangeman’s nature. The dead walls of Belfast are decorated with a mixture of imprecations upon Fenians , and, the Pope, and invocations of the power and goodness of the Most High, interlarded with quotations from the New Testament. This produces some of the most incongruous results. What would the readers of Forward say to seeing written up on the side of a wall off one of the main streets, the attractive legend:

God is Love,
Hell Roast the Pope.

Of course, the juxtaposition of such inscriptions on the walls appears absurd, and yet, the juxtaposition of sentiments as dissimilar is common enough in the minds of all of us, I suppose.

To anyone really conversant with the facts bearing upon the relations of the religious in Ireland, and the part played by them in advancing or retarding the principles of civil and religious liberty, the whole celebration appears to be foolish enough.

The belief sedulously cultivated by all the orators, lay and clerical, as well as by all the newspapers is, that the Defence of Derry and the Battle of the Boyne were great vindications of the principles of civil and religious liberty, which were menaced by the Catholics, and defended by the Protestants of all sects.

The belief we acquire from a more clear study of history in Ireland is somewhat different. Let me tell it briefly. In the reign of James I, the English Government essayed to solve the Irish problem, which then, as now, was their chief trouble, by settling Ireland with planters from Scotland and England. To do this, two million acres were confiscated, i.e., stolen from the Irish owners. Froude, the historian, says:

“Of these, a million and a half, bog-forest and mountain were restored to the Irish. The half a million of fertile acres were settled with families of Scottish and English Protestants.”

A friendly speaker, recently describing these planters before a meeting of the Belfast Liberal Association, spoke of them as:

“Hardy pioneers, born of a sturdy race, trained to adversity, when brought face to face with dangers of a new life in a hostile country, soon developed that steady, energetic, and powerful character which has made the name of Ulster respected all over the world.”

And a writer in the seventeenth century, the son of one of the ministers who came over with the first plantation, Mr. Stewart, is quoted by Lecky in his History of England in the Eighteenth Century, as saying:

“From Scotland came many, and from England not a few, yet all of them generally the scum of both nations, who from debt, or breaking the law or fleeing from justice, or seeking shelter, come hither, hoping to be without fear of man’s justice in a land where there was nothing, or but little as yet, of the fear of God ... On all hands Atheism increased, and disregard of God, iniquity abounded, with contentious fighting, murder, adultery.”

The reader can take his choice of these descriptions. Probably the truth is that each is a fairly accurate description of a section of the planters, and that neither is accurate as a picture of the whole.

But while the Plantation succeeded from the point of view of the Government in placing in the heart of Ulster a body of people who, whatever their disaffection to that Government, were still bound by fears of their own safety to defend it against the natives, it did not bring either civil or religious liberty to the Presbyterian planters.

The Episcopalians were in power, and all the forces of government were used by them against their fellow-Protestants. The planters were continually harassed to make them adjure their religion, fines were multiplied upon fines, and imprisonment upon imprisonment. In 1640, the Presbyterians of Antrim, Down, and Tyrone, in a petition to the English House of Commons, declared that:

“Principally through the sway of the prelacy with their factions our souls are starved, our estates are undone, our families impoverished, and many lives among us cut off and destroyed ... Our cruel taskmasters have made us who were once a people to become as it were no people, an astonishment to ourselves, the object of pittie and amazement to others.”

What might have been the result of this cruel, systematic persecution of Protestants by Protestants we can only conjecture, since, in the following year, 1641, the great Irish rebellion compelled the persecuting and persecuted Protestants to join hands in defence of their common plunder against the common enemy – the original Irish owners.

In all the demonstrations and meetings which take place in Ulster under Unionist Party auspices, all these persecutions are alluded to as if they had been the work of “Papists,” and even in the Presbyterian churches and conventions, the same distortion of the truth is continually practised.

But they are told

“all this persecution was ended when William of Orange, and our immortal forefathers overthrew the Pope and Popery at the Boyne. Then began the era of civil and religious liberty.”

So runs the legend implicitly believed in in Ulster. Yet it is far, very far, from the truth. In 1686 certain continental powers joined together in a league, known in history as the league of Augsburg, for the purpose of curbing the arrogant power of France. These powers were impartially Protestant and Catholic, including the Emperor of Germany, the King of Spain, William, Prince of Orange, and the Pope. The latter had but a small army, but possessed a good treasury and great influence. A few years before a French army had marched upon Rome to avenge a slight insult offered to France, and His Holiness was more than anxious to curb the Catholic power that had dared to violate the centre of Catholicity. Hence his alliance with William, Prince of Orange.

King James II, of England, being insecure upon his throne, sought alliance with the French monarch.

When, therefore, the war took place in Ireland, King William fought, aided by the arms, men, and treasures of his allies in the League of Augsburg, and part of his expenses at the Battle of the Boyne was paid for by His Holiness, the Pope. Moreover, when news of King William’s victory reached Rome, a Te Deum was sung in celebration of his victory over the Irish adherents of King James and King Louis.

Therefore, on Saturday the Orangemen of Ulster, led by King Carson, will be celebrating the same victory as the Pope celebrated 223 years ago.

Nor did the victory at the Boyne mean Civil and Religious Liberty. The Catholic Parliament of King James, meeting in Dublin in 1689, had passed a law that all religions were equal, and that each clergyman should be supported by his own congregation only, and that no tithes should be levied upon any man for the support of a church to which he did not belong. But this sublime conception was far from being entertained by the Williamites who overthrew King James and superseded his Parliament. The Episcopalian Church was immediately re-established, and all other religions put under the ban of the law. I need not refer to the Penal Laws against Catholics, they are well enough known. But sufficient to point out that England and Wales have not yet attained to that degree of religious equality established by Acts XIII and XV of the Catholic Parliament of 1689, and that that date was the last in which Catholics and Protestants sat together in Parliament until the former compelled an Emancipation Act in 1829.

For the Presbyterians the victory at the Boyne simply gave a freer hand to their Episcopalian persecutors. In 1704 Derry was rewarded for its heroic defence by being compelled to submit to a Test Act, which shut out of all offices in the Law, the Army, the Navy, the Customs and Excise, and Municipal employment, all who would not conform to the Episcopalian Church. The alderman and fourteen burgesses are said to have been disfranchised in the Maiden City by this iniquitous Act, which was also enforced all over Ireland. Thus, at one stroke, Presbyterians, Quakers, and all other dissenters were deprived of that which they had imagined they were fighting for at “Derry, Aughrim, and the Boyne.” Presbyterians were forbidden to be married by their own clergymen, the Ecclesiastical Courts had power to fine and imprison offenders, and to compel them to appear in the Parish Church, and make public confession of fornication, if so married. At Lisburn and Tullylish, Presbyterians were actually punished for being married by their own ministers. Some years later, in 1712, a number of Presbyterians were arrestcd for attempting to establish a Presbyterian meeting house in Belturbet.

The marriage of a Presbyterian and an Episcopalian was declared illegal, and in fact, the ministers and congregations of the former church were treated as outlaws and rebels, to be fined, imprisoned, and harassed in every possible way. They had to pay tithes for the upkeep of the Episcopalian ministers, were fined for not going to the Episcopalian Church, and had to pay Church cess for buying sacramental bread, ringing the bell, and washing the surplices of the Episcopalian clergymen. All this, remember, in the generation immediately following the Battle of the Boyne.

The reader should remember what is generally slurred over in narrating this part of Irish history, that when we are told that Ulster was planted by Scottish Presbyterians, it does not mean that the land was given to them. On the contrary, the vital fact was, and is, that the land was given to the English noblemen and to certain London companies of merchants who had lent money to the Crown, and that the Scottish planters were only introduced as tenants of these landlords. The condition of their tenancy virtually was that they should keep Ireland for the English Crown, and till the land of Ireland for the benefit of the English landlord.

That is in essence the demand of the Unionist Party leaders upon their followers today. In the past, as the landlords were generally English and Episcopalian, they all, during the eighteenth century, continually inserted clauses in all their leases, forbidding the erection of Presbyterian meeting houses. As the uprise of democracy has contributed to make this impossible today in Ireland, the landlord and capitalist class now seek an alliance with these Protestants they persecuted for so long in order to prevent a union of the democracy of all religious faiths against their lords and masters.

To accomplish this they seek insidiously to pervert history, and to inflame the spirit of religious fanaticism. The best cure I know of for that evil is a correct understanding of the events they so distort in their speeches and sermons. To this end I have ever striven to contribute my mite, and while I know that the sight of the thousands who, on July 12, will march to proclaim their allegiance to principles of which their order is a negation, will be somewhat disheartening. I also know that even amongst the Orange hosts, the light of truth is penetrating.

In conclusion, the fundamental, historical facts to remember are that:

The Irish Catholic was despoiled by force,
The Irish Protestant toiler was despoiled by fraud,
The spoliation of both continues today
under more insidious but more effective forms,

and the only hope lies in the latter combining with the former in overthrowing their common spoilers, and consenting to live in amity together in the common ownership of their common country – the country which the spirit of their ancestors or the devices of their rulers have made – the place of their origin, or the scene of their travail.

I have always held, despite the fanatics on both sides, that the movements of Ireland for freedom could not and cannot be divorced from the world-wide upward movements of the world’s democracy. The Irish question is a part of the social question, the desire of the Irish people to control their own destinies is a part of the desire of the workers to forge political weapons for their own enfranchisement as a class.

The Orange fanatic and the Capitalist-minded Home Ruler are alike in denying this truth; ere long, both of them will be but memories, while the army of those who believe in that truth will be marching and battling on its conquering way.



The Commercial Crises in England. — The Chartist Movement. — Ireland
Frederick Engels in La Réforme
The Commercial Crises in England. — The Chartist Movement. — Ireland [128]

Source: MECW Volume 6, p. 307;
Written: on October 23, 1847;
First published: in La Réforme, October 26, 1847.


The commercial crisis to which England finds itself exposed at the moment is, indeed, more severe than any of the preceding crises. Neither in 1837 nor in 1842 was the depression as universal as at the present time. All the branches of England’s vast industry have been paralysed at the peak of its development; everywhere there is stagnation, everywhere one sees nothing but workers thrown out on the streets. It goes without saying that such a state of affairs gives rise to extreme unrest among the workers who, exploited by the industrialists during the period of commercial prosperity, now find themselves dismissed en masse and abandoned to their fate. Consequently meetings of discontented workers are rapidly increasing. The Northern Star, the organ of the Chartist workers, uses more than seven of its large columns to report on meetings held in the past week [reports on the Chartist meetings in The Northern Star October 16, 1847]; the list of meetings announced for the present week fills another three columns. The same newspaper mentions a brochure published by a worker, Mr. John Noakes [John Noakes, The Right of the Aristocracy to the Soil, considered. The report on its publication appeared in The Northern Star October 23, 1847], In which the author makes an open and direct attack on the right of the aristocracy to own its lands.

“English soil,” he says, “is the property of the people, from whom our aristocrats seized it either by force or by trickery. The people must see that their inalienable right to property prevails; the proceeds of the land should be public property and used in the interest of the public. Perhaps I shall be told that these are revolutionary remarks. Revolutionary or not, it is of no concern; if the people cannot obtain that which they need in a law, they must get it without law.”

It will not seem surprising that in these circumstances the Chartists should have recourse to most unusual measures; their leader, the famous Feargus O'Connor, has just announced that he is shortly to leave for Scotland, where he will call meetings in all the towns and collect signatures for the national petition for the People’s Charter, which will be sent to the next Parliament. At the same time, he, announced that before the opening of Parliament, the Chartist press is to be increased by the addition of a daily newspaper, the Democrat. [129]

It will be recalled that at the last elections Mr. Harney, editor-in-chief of The Northern Star, was put forward as the Chartist candidate for Tiverton, a borough which is represented in Parliament by Lord Palmerston, the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Harney, who won on the show of hands, decided to retire when Lord Palmerston demanded a poll.[130] Now something has happened which shows how the feelings of the inhabitants of Tiverton differ from those of the small number of parliamentary electors. There was a vacancy to fill on the borough council; the municipal electors, a far more numerous class than that of the parliamentary electors, gave the vacant seat to Mr. Rowcliffe, the person who had proposed Mr. Harney at the elections. Moreover, the Chartists are preparing all over England for the municipal elections which will take place throughout the country at the beginning of November.

But let us turn now to England’s greatest manufacturing district, Lancashire, a part of the country which has suffered under the burden of industrial stagnation more than any other. The situation in Lancashire is alarming in the highest degree. Most of the factories have already stopped work entirely, and those which are still operating employ their workers for only two or at the most three days a week. But this is still not all: the industrialists of Ashton, a very important town for the cotton industry, have announced to their workers that in a week’s time they are going to reduce wages by 10 per cent. This news, which is causing alarm among the workers, is spreading across the country. A few days later a meeting of workers’ delegates from all over the county was held in Manchester; this meeting resolved to send a deputation to the owners to induce them not to carry out the threatened reduction and, if this deputation achieved no results, to announce a strike of all workers employed in the Lancashire cotton industry. This strike, together with the strike of the Birmingham iron-workers and miners which has already started, would not fail to assume the same alarming dimensions which signalled the last general strike, that of 1842.[131] It could quite well become even more menacing for the government.

In the meantime starving Ireland is writhing in the most terrible convulsions. The workhouses are overflowing with beggars, the ruined property owners are refusing to pay the Poor Tax, and the hungry people gather in their thousands to ransack the barns and cattle-sheds of the farmers and even of the Catholic priests, who were still sacred to them a short time ago.

It looks as though the Irish will not die of hunger as calmly next winter as they did last winter. Irish immigration to England is getting more alarming each day. It is estimated that an average of 50,000 Irish arrive each year; the number so far this year is already over 220,000. In September, 345 were arriving daily and in October this figure increased to 511. This means that the competition between the workers will become stronger, and it would not be at all surprising if the present crisis caused such an uproar that it compelled the government to grant reforms of a most important nature

Saturday 20 July 2019

Activism means taking Actions

How many people moan about the state of the country, but do nothing?  Just about everyone.  As long as this pathetic mentality prevails, we are doomed.

The arch-enemies of the people, (the politicians who refuse to obey the instructions of the electorate to break the UK from the EU empire, whilst simultaneously bleating on about 'democracy') have done more than any foreign military in history to wreck and subjugate our homeland.  The titles of the parties are irrelevant - Labour, Tory, Lib-dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru, etc - all are self-serving, empire-serving and ultimately, finance-serving.

The despicable UK government has crushed the Working Class population.  We have had our employment opportunities wiped out by the deliberate introduction of Zero Hours Contracts, which make a mockery of the already lamentable Minimum Wage; our manufacturing base has been sold to multinational corporations who have simply closed it down and made a fortune in the process; our agricultural land has become industrialised, with food production such that nothing is safe to eat; prices of everything have risen so quickly that we find ourselves unable to afford to live beyond subsistence level.  All this has occurred alongside draconian legislation forbidding criticism of the Establishment and of those the liberal disorder they have fomented to crush us.

The hated UK-regime is not satisfied with ruining our standards of living, they are after our very land itself; land without which we cannot survive.  Our Green Belts are being abolished in order to allow greedy capitalist builders to concrete over every last bit of the UK; transforming our 'green and pleasant land' into a massive network of housing estates, akin to the southern English town of Reading.  The liars-in-chief, of course, argue that deregulating the green belt areas will boost the construction industry and allow first time buyers to get on the property ladder.  There is already a massive amount of vacant property which could be bought by the state under compulsory purchase orders, then redistributed to people in need of housing.  The Socialist Motherland Party sees the confiscation of second homes (including all homes rented out by private landlords) and vacant properties as the first step towards abolishing housing as a means of unearned income, with the later stages being the total end of private ownership, with free housing allocated by the state in a manner fitting each individual case in need.  The so-called housing shortage is a myth and could easily be ended by seizing empty housing alone.  But of course, the deliberate destruction of the land serves to make us reliant upon imports of food for our survival, and locks us into the global economic system; this is the real reason for this despicable policy.

As if to further infuriate the people, the hated government is crucifying people who are impoverished by the capitalist system, and require Universal Credit to top up their paltry income.  This year-on-year inflation-led cut in the safety net for the poorest in society is accompanied by a periodic rise in the tax thresh-hold for the richest people (including the government itself).  The scum at the top who haven't the faintest idea of what real work actually is, are so condescending that they openly declare those impoverished by the State's economic policies, to be 'scroungers'.  First they abolish the borders which protect the Working Class from an excess population which drives down wages and wage demands by the fear of unemployment, then they destroy any meaningful minimum wage by allowing the criminal practice of Zero Hours Contracts, then they crucify those they have thrown onto the dole by slashing social security assistance, and by introducing such sick and unacceptable measures as the 'bedroom tax'.  These people despise us, and take great joy in letting us know it.

We are being attacked on every front.  It is not enough to type on a keyboard, to whine in the privacy of our homes (away from the all-pervasive police surveillance state), or to take the electoral path for any reason other than to gain publicity for our ideology; we must take ACTION.

They want to screw us financially?  OK, then we must reciprocate.  We must do everything we can to exist outside their tax system, and we must ensure that wherever possible we only trade with our own class and not liberal class traitors who we should see as worse than the bourgeois filth they emulate; we must especially seek to trade with those who are self-employed and not a part of the international corporate menace.  At a practical level we can take such simple measures as buying our eggs and milk from a local milkman, rather than a supermarket (although this admittedly is becoming mor difficult as local dairies go to the wall).  The days in which supermarkets were vastly cheaper than independent traders are over; having crushed the majority of the competition through under-cutting prices, the supermarkets have increased them to the point where a pint of milk at a supermarket is maybe only a penny cheaper than from a local dairy, and eggs cost more!  On an ecological level, buying milk from a milkman is better, as dairy-produced milk comes in glass bottles which do not leach plastic into what we drink, and do not contribute to landfills which despoil our land.  The advantages of shopping locally range from keeping our own in work, to buying fresh produce which is safer than the chemically-poisoned rubbish sold by the corporations.  Local farmers should also be supported, as should all independent tradesmen who stand in opposition to the globalist menace.  Even those who live high up in tower blocks can grow a few herbs for cooking; it takes practically no work to do and starves the corporations of a little more money.  If we take the easy option of buying from big businesses because they are financially a little cheaper, then we support our own demise.  If we aren't willing to sacrifice a few pennies here and there, we really don't deserve to escape our plight.

Buying from our own should be operated in tandem with boycotting the shops and businesses of the globalisers.  Financially supporting those who are stealing from us is not only stupid, it is treacherous.  We must boycott all Coloniser businesses and only trade with our own class.  Wherever possible we must take actions which will harm the enemy businesses and benefit our own people.  The globalisers are burglars stealing what is ours and destroying what belongs to our children.  We must take action to firstly stop their economic growth, then ultimately to put them out of business.

The destruction of our countryside requires more physical action to halt.  Machinery can be broken; building materials can be taken off building sites; sites can be picketed so that work cannot commence.  All these things make building unprofitable, and without profit, businesses will not operate.  But, more than halting the building industry, we must research viable alternatives, and lobby the building companies to renovate existing properties, or to develop urban land.  If we can get these people on side, then we can defend our land at the same time as helping small businesses.  Multinational firms deserve no such courtesy and should be sabotaged as a matter of principle.

There is much we can do.  Huntingdon Life Sciences reign of terror was exposed by activists refusing to comply with the laws of the enemy; the company continues, but not without many problems.  SMPBI members were active in the initial struggle against HLS and continue to fight this despicable industry.  If those opposing the vivisectionists were a little bolder, the company could be closed permanently in the UK.  Why is it that people can be motivated to save the lives of animals, but will do nothing to end the genocide of our people?  We need a level of compassion for the Working Class people which matches our love of animals.

From growing our own food, to trading outside the tax system, to dealing exclusively with local independent businesses, to boycotting and taking action against the globalist corporations, there is a wealth of action we can take.  If we do nothing, we deserve the fate which awaits us.  Those who come after us do not deserve to suffer as a result of our cowardice.  The fight is now, and we have to be in it.  This is not a spectator sport, and those who see the struggle as entertainment, are worse than those who do nothing because they are ignorant.

For too long we've taken a mild approach to this war waged upon us - forgiving the so-called 'harmless' slip-ups and oversights of our comrades, but we can't do that anymore. Every single act (or lack of action) has a consequence and it all adds up.  Government actions are, when fully considered, malevolent to the people. The only thing which convinces us otherwise is their words, and these are reported by the media. Politicians are experts at convincing us that they mean us well whilst they cause us harm. So if we stopped watching TV, or reading their newspapers, and never saw a slippery politicians face again, how would we know that they aren't overt enemies.

While we still have the power of the Internet (for now), we must use it to its maximum ability while we still can.

Spread the message everyday, and those of other awakened comrades by mass (e)mailing the contents to friends and relatives while encouraging them to do the same. Don't refrain yourself from "speaking the truth, even if your voice shakes", or in this example when your hand shakes when pushing the "send" button on your computer screen.

By doing so, you're bravely saying to your detractors ... "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" ... FREEDOM matters to me.

Sunday 14 July 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 70


"Too often the sociologists talk as if facts were governed by laws, while these laws do nothing but express roughly the grouping of certain facts. “There was,” says Marx, “the age which belonged to the principle and not the principle while belonged to the period. In other words, it was the principle that made the history and not the history that made the principle.” When this illusion has taken root in the mind, we begin to believe that the social movement will, in one sense, reveal itself by observation of the past, with the necessity of a natural process."

- Sorel, Necessity and Fatalism in Marxism, 1898


Now that the 12th has come to an end let us take this time to reflect on the state sponsored sectarianism that has been put on display not only for us to see, but for the world to see. This is nothing new, it is a cog in the wheel of divide and rule, a tactic that has been practised by occupying forces for centuries, this is something we have seen used by the Germans and Belgians in Rwanda and Burundi, by the Israelis in Palestine and the British in Nigeria as well as here.

There is only one thing that has the ability to break such a tactic and that is unity, unity within the working class, unity beneath the red flag. The following of the teachings handed down to us from Wolfe Tone and Henry Joy, the battle cry of Catholic Protestant and Dissenter. This time of year is used by the state to drum up sectarian tension and this is something we must combat on each and every level that it shall raise its ugly head upon, no to sectarianism in the work place, no to sectarianism in our educational systems and no to sectarianism in our social environment, yes to workers empowerment, yes to community empowerment, yes to working class empowerment! We shall no longer be pawns in the game that is divide and rule, the people united shall never be defeated.



Today an epidemic of hedonism is cutting a wide swath across the rest of the globe. The extreme egoism of caring only for oneself and not thinking about the younger generation has encroached very far upon the minds of many people. Some of them do not have children, alleging that they are a nuisance, and others give up the thought of marrying. Needless to say, it is a matter of personal choice whether one gets married or has children. But what pleasure is there in living without the younger generation?

— Kim Il Sung, Works, vol. 47, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 2008, p. 269.

Some people think that communist revolutionaries are inhuman people who care for nothing but the revolution, ignoring even their families. They are mistaken. It is the basic obligation of a man to love and respect his parents. A person who does not love his parents, spouse and children, who form the closest bonds of kinship, cannot love his country and fellow people.

— Kim Jong Il, Selected Works, vol. 9, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1997, p. 63.


“I'm amazed by what I've seen here, coming to Moscow twenty years after my first visit. Twenty years ago this country was falling apart, and strange people were walking the streets. I couldn't imagine that twenty years later questions of Traditionalism would be interpreted on such a level and with such enthusiasm... while in Western Europe Traditionalism is mainly a conservative movement, which insists on the preservation of what is or the reproduction of what was, or is sort of an alibi for many to do nothing, here, in Russia, I saw that Traditionalism is permeated by a creative, innovative spirit.”

- Claudio Mutti


"Dear Native American, the banker-owned media tries to blame the "evil white man" but I'm sure you know that the White man didn't do it to you. The Christian man did! And before he did it to you, he did it to us, Native Europeans, and thus we have something in common.

They promised you "peace" and then they massacred you instead? Sounds familiar..

They kidnapped your children, cut their long hair and raised them to hate themselves and their own heritage in christian schools/monasteries? Sounds familiar..

They cut down your sacred trees and desecrated your sacred sites? Sounds familiar...

They imported millions of slaves to replace you in your own homeland? Sounds familiar..

They intentionally spread diseases to cut down your numbers? Sounds familiar..

They murdered your keepers of Tradition? Sounds familliar...

They claimed "God" gave them the right to steal your land and destroy your "pagan savages"? Sounds familiar...

They falsified history to make you look like the bad guys? Sounds familiar..."

- Varg Vikernes


My Fatherland is in flames. The fire was set by the barbarians from the West, this is the land of peace and divine beauty.
They came to take everything from us.

My Fatherland is in flames. The fire was set by the barbarians from the West, this country is for the people, everything belongs to us. This is a free country there is no place for them.

My Fatherland is in pain, imposed by barbarians of the West. This is my country I spent all my days here. This is my Serbia is gave everything for her.

My Fatherland is calling me, let us all go in its defence.
Yugoslav army, the pride of the Serbian nation. Proudly march against American tyranny.
In the unity of Yugoslavia, victory smiles at us.

My Fatherland is ready, Yugoslavia my homeland.
Our Fatherland is independent, with pride I shall say that to the Western tyrants.

- Yugoslav National Army


We stand for active ideological struggle because it is the weapon for ensuring unity within the Party and the revolutionary organizations in the interest of our fight. Every Communist and revolutionary should take up this weapon.

But liberalism rejects ideological struggle and stands for unprincipled peace, thus giving rise to a decadent, Philistine attitude and bringing about political degeneration in certain units and individuals in the Party and the revolutionary organizations.

Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.
To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate. Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it thoroughly, so as to keep on good terms. The result is that both the organization and the individual are harmed. This is one type of liberalism.

To indulge in irresponsible criticism in private instead of actively putting forward one's suggestions to the organization. To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards. To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow one's own inclination. This is a second type.

To let things drift if they do not affect one personally; to say as little as possible while knowing perfectly well what is wrong, to be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame. This is a third type.

Not to obey orders but to give pride of place to one's own opinions. To demand special consideration from the organization but to reject its discipline. This is a fourth type.

To indulge in personal attacks, pick quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge instead of entering into an argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of unity or progress or getting the work done properly. This is a fifth type.

To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened. This is a sixth type.

To be among the masses and fail to conduct propaganda and agitation or speak at meetings or conduct investigations and inquiries among them, and instead to be indifferent to them and show no concern for their well-being, forgetting that one is a Communist and behaving as if one were an ordinary non-Communist. This is a seventh type.

To see someone harming the interests of the masses and yet not feel indignant, or dissuade or stop him or reason with him, but to allow him to continue. This is an eighth type.

To work half-heartedly without a definite plan or direction; to work perfunctorily and muddle along--"So long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell." This is a ninth type.

To regard oneself as having rendered great service to the revolution, to pride oneself on being a veteran, to disdain minor assignments while being quite unequal to major tasks, to be slipshod in work and slack in study. This is a tenth type.

To be aware of one's own mistakes and yet make no attempt to correct them, taking a liberal attitude towards oneself. This is an eleventh type.

We could name more. But these eleven are the principal types.

They are all manifestations of liberalism.

Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. It is an extremely bad tendency.
Liberalism stems from petty-bourgeois selfishness, it places personal interests first and the interests of the revolution second, and this gives rise to ideological, political and organizational liberalism.

People who are liberals look upon the principles of Marxism as abstract dogma. They approve of Marxism, but are not prepared to practice it or to practice it in full; they are not prepared to replace their liberalism by Marxism. These people have their Marxism, but they have their liberalism as well--they talk Marxism but practice liberalism; they apply Marxism to others but liberalism to themselves. They keep both kinds of goods in stock and find a use for each. This is how the minds of certain people work.

Liberalism is a manifestation of opportunism and conflicts fundamentally with Marxism. It is negative and objectively has the effect of helping the enemy; that is why the enemy welcomes its preservation in our midst. Such being its nature, there should be no place for it in the ranks of the revolution.
We must use Marxism, which is positive in spirit, to overcome liberalism, which is negative. A Communist should have largeness of mind and he should be staunch and active, looking upon the interests of the revolution as his very life and subordinating his personal interests to those of the revolution; always and everywhere he should adhere to principle and wage a tireless struggle against all incorrect ideas and actions, so as to consolidate the collective life of the Party and strengthen the ties between the Party and the masses; he should be more concerned about the Party and the masses than about any private person, and more concerned about others than about himself. Only thus can he be considered a Communist.

All loyal, honest, active and upright Communists must unite to oppose the liberal tendencies shown by certain people among us, and set them on the right path. This is one of the tasks on our ideological front.

Mao Zedong, Combat Liberalism, 1937

Sunday 7 July 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 69


"The history of capitalism and the history of secularism are not two accidentally contemporaneous tales, after all; they are the same story told from different vantages. Any dominant material economy is complicit with, and in fact demands, a particular anthropology, ethics, and social vision. And a late capitalist culture, being intrinsically a consumerist economy, of necessity promotes a voluntarist understanding of individual freedom and a purely negative understanding of social and political liberty. The entire system depends not merely on supplying needs and satisfying natural longings, but on the ceaseless invention of ever newer desires, ever more choices. It is also a system inevitably corrosive of as many prohibitions of desire and inhibitions of the will as possible, and therefore of all those customs and institutions—religious, cultural, social—that tend to restrain or even forbid so many acquisitive longings and individual choices."

- David Bentley Hart




"What is the dictatorship of the proletariat according to Trotsky? The dictatorship of the proletariat is a power, which comes ‘into hostile collision’ with ‘the broad masses of the peasantry’ and seeks ‘the solution of its ‘contradictions’ only ‘'in the arena of the world proletarian revolution’.

What difference is there between this ‘theory of permanent revolution’ and the well-known theory of Menshevism which repudiates the concept of dictatorship of the proletariat?

Essentially, there is no difference.

‘Permanent revolution’ is not a mere underestimation of the revolutionary potentialities of the peasant movement. ‘Permanent revolution’ is an underestimation of the peasant movement, which leads to the repudiation of Lenin’s theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Trotsky’s ‘permanent revolution’ is a variety of Menshevism. . . .

Trotsky’s ‘permanent revolution’ means that the victory of socialism in one country, in this case Russia, is impossible without direct state support from the European proletariat’, i.e., before the European proletariat has conquered power.

What is there in common between this ‘theory’ and Lenin’s thesis on the possibility of the victory of socialism ‘in one capitalist-country taken separately’?

Clearly, there is nothing in common.

What does Trotsky’s assertion that a revolutionary Russia could not hold out in the face of a conservative Europe signify?

It can signify only this:

firstly, that Trotsky does not appreciate the inherent strength of our revolution;
secondly, that Trotsky does not understand the inestimable importance of the moral support which is given to our revolution by the workers of the West and the peasants of the East; thirdly, that Trotsky does not perceive the internal infirmity which is consuming imperialism today.

Trotsky’s ‘permanent revolution’ is the repudiation of Lenin’s theory of proletarian revolution; and conversely, Lenin’s theory of the proletarian revolution is the repudiation of the theory of ‘permanent revolution’. . . .

Hitherto only one aspect of the theory of ‘permanent revolution’ has usually been noted -- lack of faith in the revolutionary potentialities of the peasant movement. Now, in fairness, this must be supplemented by another aspect -- lack of faith in the strength and capacity of the proletariat in Russia.

What difference is there between Trotsky’s theory and the ordinary Menshevik theory that the victory of socialism in one country, and in a backward country at that, is impossible without the preliminary victory of the proletarian revolution in the principal countries of Western Europe?

Essentially, there is no difference.

There can be no doubt at all. Trotsky’s theory of ‘permanent revolution’ is a variety of Menshevism . . . .
Honeyed speeches and rotten diplomacy cannot hide the yawning chasm which lies between the theory of ‘permanent revolution’ and Leninism."

- J. V. Stalin: "The October Revolution and the Tactics of the Russian Communists", in: ‘Works’, ibid.; p. 385-6,389, 392, 395-96, 397




Party Programme
of the
German Workers’ Party in AustriaConcluded at Trautenau, 15th August 1904
The German Workers’ Party seeks the uplift and liberation of the German working-classes from their present condition of economic, political, and cultural oppression. It begins from the conviction that only within the natural limits of his folkdom [Volkstums] can the worker achieve full value for his labor and intelligence in respect to the other classes of the cultural community.
We reject international organization because it weighs down the advanced workers by those of lower standing, and must completely prevent any real progress for the German working class in Austria.
The German Workers’ Party affirms the position that an improvement in economic and social conditions is only attainable through organization via professional associations [berufsgenossenschaftliche], that purposeful, positive reform work can overcome today’s unsustainable societal conditions and safeguard the social advancement of the working-class.
We do not constitute a narrow class party. The German Workers’ Party represents the interests of all honest, productive labor in general, and strives for the complete elimination of all disparities and the bringing about of fairer conditions in all areas of public life.
We are a liberal [freiheitliche] national party which combats with absolute severity all reactionary ambitions, all feudal, clerical and capitalist privileges, as well as all racially-foreign [fremdvölkischen] influences.
The advancement of work and skill [Wissen] in state and society is our goal – and the economic and political organization of the working German Volk is the German Workers’ Party’s means to this end.
The fulfilment of the cultural tasks of the Austrian state is consistently rendered impossible by the so-called questions of state [Staatsfragen]. The resolution of these questions is only possible in such a way that Austria becomes a uniformly organized state, and is thus made viable.
Therefore we demand:
  1. Personal union with Hungary.
  2. Special status for Galicia and Bukovina within the Cisleithanian federation, for which the name ‘Austria’ is designated.
  3. Legal declaration of German as the state language of Austria; the German language is therefore the exclusive language of the army, representative bodies, and public offices; appointment of German officials and judges in German-speaking areas.
In the political sphere the German Workers’ Party demands the free development of the peoples’ nature [Volkswesen]:
  1. Introduction of universal, equal, and direct suffrage; the national demarcation of electoral constituencies; statutory compulsory voting; a proportional electoral system; severe penalties for electoral abuses; abolition of the House of Lords [Herrenhauses].
  2. Thoroughgoing expansion of political self-government.
  3. Stipulation of three-year legislative periods.
  4. Laws for free association and free assembly; laws for freedom of speech and freedom of the press; the abolition of objective procedure1; deregulation of colportage.2
  5. Protection against any interference in the exercise of political rights, in particular against the utilization of wage conditions and terms of employment to restrict personal rights of self-determination.
  6. Basic Laws [Staatsgrundgesetze] may in no way be modified by decree; §14 of the Basic Law is to be abolished.3
  7. Individual ministers are to be selected from the Imperial Council [Reichsrat] and held liable, under severe penalty, for the upkeep of the constitution and for the just implementation of the law.
The economic policy of the state has to tailor itself to the interests of the great masses of the Volk. In particular, the development of labor-protection legislation is a pressing need.
In the economic and socio-political spheres the following should be primarily be strived for:
  1. Creation of a common customs territory with the German Reich.
  2. Transfer of capitalist large-scale enterprises, in which private property is injurious to the common good, into the possession of the Reich, province, or municipality, in particular the nationalization of the mining industry and railways.
  3. Reform of the entire tax system; abolition of all indirect taxes and introduction of a progressive income tax; fixation of a tax-free living wage [Existenzminimums]; scheduling of higher taxation rates for retirement pensions and lower rates for earned income; reform of the inheritance tax; elevation of the stock-exchange tax; introduction of luxury taxes; strict penalties for tax evasion.
  4. Full and unlimited freedom of association [Koalitionsfreiheit]; legal recognition of labor unions; full freedom of association for agricultural laborers.
  5. Creation of Chambers of Labor for the promotion of the economic interests of the working-classes.
  6. Fixation of minimum wage rates for each occupation and municipality; adoption of legal regulations which enable public authorities and municipal self-governing bodies [Selbstverwaltungskörpern] to prevent the engagement of foreign workers of a different nationality for the purposes of wage pressure.
  7. Organization of a public employment office [Arbeitsnachweises] through the repeal of the private employment agencies [Arbeitsvermittlung].
  8. Regulation of home-work, with the end-goal being its abolition.4
  9. Legal regulation of working-hours on the basis of the eight-hour-day, with shorter working-hours set for hazardous industries; international labor protection legislation.5
  10. A ban on nightwork in all industries, where this is not unfeasible due to technical reasons; a complete ban on nightwork for women and young workers.
  11. General implementation of a 36-hour weekly rest period [36stündigen Sonntagsruhe]; female workers to have Saturday afternoons free.
  12. Prohibition on female labor in health-hazardous enterprises and in mining; introduction of maternity leave; total prohibition of gainful employment for children under 14 years of age and the establishment of a shorter working-period for young workers.
  13. Establishment of qualification certificates as a requirement for highly-skilled work; stricter legal provisions covering accident prevention and the condition of workplaces.
  14. Development of the Trade Inspectorates and expansion of their scope of powers;6 appointment of factory-inspection auxiliaries, who are to be drawn from the working-classes; appointment of female inspectors for companies with female labor; maintenance of labor statistics.
  15. Establishment of industrial courts [Gewerbegerichten] in all major industrial locations; the industrial courts to be structured as arbitration agencies for all labor and wage disputes.
  16. Establishment of a Workers’ Housing Act; introduction of housing inspections; scheduled facilitation of land reform.
  17. Uniform reform of the entire labor insurance system; expansion of health and accident insurance; introduction of general old-age and invalid insurance, as well as widow and orphan benefits; insurance against unemployment through supporting the free unions’ efforts towards it, furthermore by structuring this branch of insurance within workers’ insurance.
  18. Establishment of a Ministry of Labor, to which all trade inspection and mining inspection, as well as the social insurance system, are subordinate.
The German Workers’ Party demands in the cultural field:
  1. Complete separation of church and state.
  2. Improvement in the legal status of women and reform of the Marriage Law.7
  3. Reform of the school system in the spirit of the modern Volksgeist;8 complete separation of school and church; complimentary learning materials and public education; regulation of further education and technical education; for teachers, an income appropriate to their education and responsibility; free election of teachers’ representatives to all school board bodies.
  4. Simplification of the administration of justice [Rechtspflege] and free legal representation; compensation for those wrongly arrested and convicted; nationalization of the medical profession.
  5. Pursuant to general conscription, the restructuring of the army into a people’s army [Volksheer], in which anyone capable can rise to the highest positions; reduction in the active term of service; restrictions on the retirement of the more capable officers; public hearings for court martials.

Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!! Contents of this newsletter: 1. A While Since the Last Newsletter 2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media 3. What...