Thursday 28 June 2018

Wat Tyler on the Bourgeois SWP

by Wat Tyler

The Socialist Workers Party are the product of the British education system and the media. Their obsession with the trials and tribulations of the Soviet Union in the 20th century. The Good Communist versus the Bad Nazi mantra used by our media and education system has its base in WW2.

In the 1920 - 1935 period the British establishment was far more likely to wipe out the Soviet Union than subservient Germany. The spread of Soviet influence was a threat to British trade, capitalism and empire. However a strong Germany arming for the very same reason, to wipe out the Soviet aggression and reclaim a pre Versaille balance of power in the east, a balance they believed they had rightly won in WW1, was sold to the British working class as Germany wanting world domination. Yes, by the British ruling class that HAD world domination with their Imperial Empire.

WW2 should have been German Nationalism v Soviet Nationalism, a German ruling class fighting a Russian ruling class over post WW1 issues. But the British ruling class feared whichever side it thought the stronger.

The post WW2 British middle class and media love of good Soviet communism, no matter how many of the working class it actually killed had to be reasoned with a hate of the alternative in their view, bad nazi. OUR British Empire war with German nationalism had to be GOOD V BAD. Soviet nationalism, which was all Soviet communism had become by WW2, had to be defended and praise as a saviour to mankind, as our British Empire war had to be portrayed as Good v Bad.  The World dominating British Empire fighting to save the world from little Germany.

All wars are the wars of the ruling class and the bankers. Your Grandad fought and died for the British ruling class who had declared war against the German ruling class. The British working class are still being sold 1939 lies. Soviet Trotsky communism that had marched on the west pre WW2 only to be stopped at Warsaw and Brutal Stalinism are still the darlings of the British middle class from Corbyn, momentum and the Socialist Workers Party.

We are the British Working Class - Stop this nonsense now. It is now being used by globalist capitalism and liberal multiculturalism to kill the British working class once again. Thank you SMBPI for offering a true British Working class socialist option. You have my full support.

Editor's comment:

Thank You Wat Tyler!  It is good to have a reminder of the fact that the likes of the SWP are student-types (actual students, or those who have never progressed from the student mindset of idolising texts and historical figures), who have a distorted and obsessive view of history, and no grip on the reality of the present.  Most annoyingly, these 'crusaders for the Working Class' are nearly in every case, trendy middle class egomaniacs, who actually hate the Working Class, and see us as a threat to their globalist utopia of open borders and endless cheap labour to supply their exotic coffees as they pontificate about the importance of what Trotsky said to his man-servant on a wet afternoon in Mexico!  We don't need these pretentious toffs.  We need Working Class solidarity, and to do things our own way.


Socialist England Representative said...

There is not and never has been a ruling 'good Communist, bad Nazi' narrative, aside from during the second world war itself when western capitalism and Soviet communism were temporarily allies. Afterwards, the narrative became one of 'Totalitarianism' which grouped fascism and Soviet style communism together. Books like Orwells's Animal Farm and Nineteeen Eighty Four became set texts for this world view. The narrative has been strengthened in recent years, with the Ukraine puppet government leading calls to ban outright Soviet and Communist insignia in Europe. The anti Sovietism of this post is actually much closer to that of the SWP than it is to a genuinely class poosition. The SWP saw the USSR and its allies, and still see countries like Cuba and the DPK where some form of socialism still exists today, as State Capitalist, and thus qualitively no better than western capiatlism. This is a false analysis. The Soviet Union was never expansionist in the Imperialist sense of exploiting the peoples and resources of other nations. In fact, they grave great material and technical aid to nations that looked towsrds them as a model for their own economic and political development, often at a cost to their own people. Finally, from Mein Kempf onwards it was always clear that the National Capitalist Racist Hitler always saw the Slavic lands of Estern Europe and the USSR as being the area where the German people would find their 'Place in the Sun.' A mighty clash between between the forces of Fascism and Soviet Socialism was always inevitable, the Soviet-Nazi pact being nothing more than a temporary expedient for both sides, and it was right and proper that serious workers took a class stand in support of the Soviet Union against Hitler, just as it had been right to take a stand for the Spanish Republic against the reactionary Clerical fascist Franco.

Anonymous said...

Good left v bad right (nasty party) is a constant theme in British Politics. Good Democrats v Bad Republicans is a common theme in US politics. If the British Working class needed to fight anyone it was the British Imperialist ruling class. Let the Soviets fight the Nazis. The Soviets didn't have the claim to 'the working class' any more than the Nazis had a claim to the volk. Two nations fighting each other over national expansion was all WW2 was. 'The forces ot fascism v Soviet Socialism' what a middle class myth. And again your middle class schoolboy romantic reading of the Spanish Civil war. Let the Spanish decide free from internation intervention. Your romantic middle class reading of foreign intervention is the problem the world faces today. Who do you give lead romantic role to over Syria, the glorious peoples socialist forces of Putin who are only here to help the infrastructure and industry of Syria, orthe mad despotic USA of Trump. The Syrian working class care for neither. Who gets top romantic billing in Israel v Palestine...... jackanory

Anonymous said...

In 1939 the British working class quite clearly fought the German working class. The German working class didn't all become fascists overnight. The German working class fought - because they were told to and lied to by their leaders. The British eorking class fought - because they were told to and lied to by their leaders. Why did the Russian working class (who likewise didn't all become communists overnight) fight the Polish working class in the early 1920's, because they were all told to and lied to by their leaders. Why did the British ruling class declare war on Germany jointly with France, both countries had healthy world empires based taken by force. Was it Because suddenly Britain and France cast away all their collective guilt and decided to become saviours of the world, winged superheroes supporting Soviet Socialism against nasty fascists? or even to support little Poland (who could invade when it wanted to 'Soviet Polish war')..... er, come on Socialist England Representative, how stupid do we look. No, of course not. It was because the Britsh ruling class thought it was in their interest. The English working class don't care about your middle class dreams of Soviet world communism. We care about Britain and what the British ruling class sell us as the truth. We couldn't care less about world communism and the struggles in Spain. We are not polo necked wearing poets and authors who got all we asked for when we were kids and now expect the world to do as we wish. Take your German fascist v Soviet beloved communist worker and stick it where the sun don't shine. As for 'the soviets helped with industry and infrastrure' where ever they invaded. Well so did the British Empire, but not because of dreams of a united world working class. Turn the BBC off SER.

Socialist England Representative said...

I'd strongly recomment the book 'The War Against the Working Class' by Will Podmore of the CPB ML. This explains, without a trace of Trotskyism, why the victory of workers and socialist and comunist forces abroad is our victory and their defeat our defeat. This party could have a future as a form of National Communist formation, perhaps like the CPB ML but with more of a emohasis on traditional social values. But at the moment its an ideological miss-mash, with Lenin, Stalin and Hoxa apparently as 'inspirations' yet featuring material like this post that is anti Soviet and dismissive of the struggles of workers abroad to the point of near lumpen ignorance, as well decidedly New Agey anti rationalist and anti Marxist trends which would be, and are, laughed at by serious socilaists. You need to decide what you are.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the workers in other countries end up fighting communist systems. Communism just creates a new middle class that nobody wants.

Socialist England Representative said...

Funny how you've ended up with the same 'State Capitalist' analysis of Socialist countries past and present as the 'bourgois SWP'. When will you be removing Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Hoxa from your website?

Anonymous said...

Funny how you state 'socialism and communism is for the worker but if you are a worker and don't agree with me maybe socailism and communism is not for you'. We've heard this shit for over a hundred years. The British working class have no interest in Soviet Communism. Keep your soviet communist hero's for your romantic fiction. We have British working class hero's, Wat Tyler is one of them. You are no better than the globalist middle class who prefer poor relief in Africa hugging black babies in photo opertunities rather than engaging in your own country. We the British working class don't buy your beautiful world communism middle class shit. We never have. It's a middle class pipe dream.

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