Tuesday 31 July 2018

The Media Lies: And Does Little Else

The first casualty of war is the Truth.  From this first victim are spawned all the victims which follow.  Every death, every dispossession, every foul destruction of humanity; all stem from the initial lie. But what if the lie should be discovered?  What if the reasons for war are exposed as fictions?  The first casualty must be butchered repeatedly until mere mention of the truth is heresy.  Not only must the Truth be denied in the first instance; it must be defiled to the point where history itself is rewritten to erase any questions as to the validity of the new reality; a reality born of the war-mongers fiction.

In Europe, warfare gradually evolved into a game of the Establishment, with rules of combat and a surreal etiquette concerning the conditions in which human life could and could not be taken.  Of course, the people giving the orders ensured their own safety at all times and let ordinary soldiers do the killing and dying.  Behind the official romantic imagery of gentlemanly war, the reality was very different.  For all the prancing around in military uniform, the days of the Ruler leading his men into battle are but a page in distant history.

Warfare is nothing new.  However, it is only in recent times that the propaganda justifying acts of brutality has become so pervasive.  Before the advent of the printing press, most people could not read.  The extension of literacy to include the majority of people came about through economic necessity.  As the people were reduced to the level of cogs in the machinery of the English, (and later British), Empire, literacy was needed to facilitate efficient commerce across previously unthinkable distances.  The education of the new merchant classes inevitably trickled into the population as a whole, and with this widespread popular ability to read, came the opportunity to shift population control from pure barbaric force, to the more subtle, yet more dangerous level, of mind-control through propaganda.

We are told today that George III alienated the British in the North American colonies, due to being afflicted with porphyria which he may have contracted from his sexually diseased mother.  If this tale is true, then according to the touchy-feely liberals, he cannot really be blamed for the deaths of Britons on both sides during the American Revolutionary War.  The spotlight on George III conveniently absolves the Establishment's pocket media for dehumanising Britons across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to justify incredible acts of terror against ordinary civilians.

Whether George III was mad, or evil (or both), it is now clear that the War for Independence was a farce.  In reality the patriotic movements in the 13 colonies were infiltrated by the Freemasonic Founding Fathers who ensured the continuation of the power of the Crown and the City of London.  Thousands died and outrages against civilians went unreported.  The Establishment media continue to hide the role of the Founding Fathers as tools of the very same Crown which the colonists fought to free themselves from.  Instead they focus on the mental well-being of British Head of State; who we are told was bound by Westminster and therefore had no influence over the actions of Government in the home of liberal democracy!  See how the media fables discredit one another? Yet no one notices.

Following the slaughter of our own people in the American Revolutionary War, focus shifted onto the War to capture Europe - focus, that is, on fake war crimes of the Napoleonic forces.  The modern notion of prosecuting leaders from the losing side came to the fore in the arrest of Napoleon.  The media campaign against Bonaparte was so relentless that even today children are told that if they are bad the Bogeyman will get them.  The term Bogeyman was invented by the British media; Bogey, deriving from Boney as in Bonaparte.  It is amusing, that the great Emperor is now known in the USA as the Boogeyman, conjuring images of a 1970's disco dancer; hardly the child-eating leader of Imperial France!

Victors' Justice does not only apply to those defeated in war; it applies equally to those oppressed by despotic regimes.  Propaganda against the Irish was so successful that the London regime of William Stadholder was able to murder vast numbers of Irishmen in their own country, to the cheer of Working Class Englishmen who had everything to gain by rising up in defence of their Irish cousins and securing freedom for all.  Instead they hailed the persecutions and paved the way for their own suffering; which duly followed.  Two centuries later, the British again butchered the Irish, this time stealing the food of our kin across the Irish Sea, leading to terrible loss of life through deliberate Establishment-created starvation.  The English of the 17th and British of the 19th centuries said nothing about the cruel and unforgivable horror of the Great Hunger.

Persecution of civilians is a tradition of the British Establishment.  One of the most notorious examples of the anti-human policies of the London terrorists came in the War in Southern African, which we know as the Boer War.  Boer is the Afrikaner word for farmer, and should be pronounced to rhyme with fur.  The mispronunciation of the word 'boer' deliberately associates the Dutch farming folk with pigs (boars), and makes them seem less than human.  The atrocities of the British Establishment against the North American Britons and the Irish, must not be seen to be diminished by comparison with the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the London despots against the Dutch farmers in the south of Africa.  The unique aspect of the barbarity in the Afrikaner lands was the total war against men women and children. 

Under the direction of the Kitchener and Baden-Powell (founder of the monarchy-loving Boy Scouts), food, cattle, buildings and land were stolen from the Afrikaners or destroyed; all to maximise their suffering and undermine resistance to the British imperialists.  The media like to harp on about Concentration Camps in Second World War Europe, but never mention that they were an invention of the British Empire.  The Dutch settlers rounded up by the British were beaten, starved, raped and murdered; the victims including old folk and babies.  The media reported the actions of the British in the Boer War as heroic; they were not heroic, they were shameful.

The controlled media is used to push lie after lie,  However, on rare occasions the media dare to speak the truth.  The most recent example of this (and possibly the last) resulted in the closure of the News of the World in 2011.  It was closed by the State for eaves-dropping on the Establishment.  The media continue to tap telephones and intercept emails, letters, isp information etc.  The News of the World made the mistake of tapping the 'wrong' people.  The media is referred to as the fourth estate, but far from being a collection of autonomous entities, the media form a single unit, controlled by the State.  There is no free press in the UK, other than lone activists who operate outside the mainstream and increasingly find themselves squeezed by ever-more draconian censorship.  We may as well 'publish and be damned' if staying wholly within the law requires self-censorship to the point of deception.

The media have excused atrocities, blamed the victims, or simply ignored the crimes of the Establishment.  The following are but a few examples, and many, many more could be added:

  • Bloody Sunday - Irish civilians murdered by the State in cold blood; the murderers reported as heroes acting in self-defence.
  • General Belgrano - Argentine wounded returning home, sank by Royal navy terrorists; hailed as a glorious victory.
  • Sepoy Mutiny - Indians tied to canons and blown to smithereens; reported as necessary to maintain order.
  • Great War 'over the top' trench warfare - hundreds of thousand killed for no reason; presented as intelligent strategy, bolstered by lies of non-existent German war crimes.
  • Coverage of Israel - made up attack on Israel presented as facts, real massacres of Palestinians by Israel white-washed (and the Racist, Apartheid state referred to unquestioningly as the only democracy in the Middle East)
  • 9/11, 7/7, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Central African Republic, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia.....

How much longer will the people swallow the lies of the media?  The Establishment are barbarians who have committed the most unimaginable horrors against humanity, at home and abroad. The media have lied for them, even blaming the victims. 

In the long build up to war against Iran, the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) made the decision that the Iranian TV station, PressTV, had to be taken off air in the UK.  This blatant censorship of information would provoke crocodile tears of outrage if it was carried out by a foreign government.  Yet this proof that we live in a Police State did not become major news in the UK; obviously because the media as a whole are a part of the machinery of the Police State itself. 

It is part of the task of the SMPBI to act as a voice against the censors and the media liars.  The BBC are notorious stooges of the State, but so are the likes of the Huffington Post, Jewish Chronicle, etc, which are even now slandering/libelling Jeremy Corbyn as a racist, for speaking openly against the racism of the Zionist regime in Occupied Palestine.

If anyone questions the need for Revolution, the proof is in the dictatorial nature of government and the willing brutality of the media distorters who wage war on reality every day, even daring to label any trace of truth as 'fake news'.

Sunday 29 July 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 21


"The morning of Đurđevdan in 1942 was disastrous for the Sarajevo Serbs who were detained in camps and prisons in that town. "On May 6th, in Đurđevdan, the cell door of the Beledija prison opened and the Ustasha still says from the door:" Auj Srbi, Đurđevdan uranak "- still alive that morning professor Dr. Zarko Vidovic survived a witness who was imprisoned in Sarajevo's kazamat with another 3,000 Serbs and Muslims who supported the Serbs.

Serbs were taken out of jail and brought to the City Hall in Sarajevo, where they were waiting for the death tolls to take them to Jasenovac. "The wagons said: 7 horses or 40 soldiers, and we were accommodating 200 people in one wagon, so there was no place for them to stand, much less a place to sit. There was not enough air, and it leads and feeds and we do not speak, "says Žarko Vidović.

In addition to fear and uncertainty, the Serbs followed the route alongside fears and uncertainties: Where do they lead us and where will we end? In those death trails that went to Jasenovac, at one point, the song "Djurdjevdan" was born that first burst from the throat of a young man, a member Cultural and Art Society "Sloga" from Sarajevo, and then this song began to spread from mouth to mouth, from wagon to wagon.

The Ustaše response to that song came very quickly. All the windows on the wagon were closed so that there was almost no air in them, so many Serbs were suffocated and before they reached Slavonski Brod, where they passed on to other wagons that continued on the road to Jasenovac with a wide track. The "Đurđevdan , which Goran Bregović has been working for almost three decades, is a song of sadness and pain, created in human helplessness and despair, as well as the pride and defiance of the Sarajevo Serbs who were transported to Jasenovac in 1942 on Đurđevdan trains, from where he returned only ten 3,000 Serbs were taken away from Sarajevo on Jasenovac on 6 May.

The editor of the film, Branko Stanković, is the author of 18 documentary films and two drama screened at RTS, as well as a number of documentaries, which, as well as films, were rewarded at domestic and international festivals."


Saturday 28 July 2018

Revolutionaries do not wait for a starting gun. We build the future Now.

"Give me control of a nation's money
and I care not who makes the laws."

- M Amschel Rothschild,
patriarch of the Rothschild Family.

The Rothschild dynasty are the bankers of the global elite. In little over two centuries, the family have amassed half of the wealth of the entire Earth. Clearly they are an important part of the global capitalist network, but just a part.

There is a very real globalising agenda, which, if it is to succeed, must see the end of sovereignty for every nation, replaced with the complete interdependency of every part of the world. To paraphrase Amschel Rothschild, all one needs to do to control a nation politically, is to control it financially.

In 2001, there were only seven nations in the world with central banks which were not overtly controlled by the globalist banking cartel. The seven nations which had not succumbed were Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria and the Sudan. In 2004 the globalist mafia's military apparatus, the Armed Forces of the USA and UK, oversaw the establishment of a Rothschild Central Bank in Iraq, having previously established one in Afghanistan. Having invaded and occupied both nations, the US-UK axis handed over financial power to the private banking cartel - both nations had previously had banks owned in the national interest by the State on behalf of the people. The destruction of Libya in 2011 completed the capture of the Libyan Central Bank.

As of now, in the western hemisphere, only Cuba is still free of the Rothschilds' grip. In Africa only the Sudan has control of its own central bank.. In Asia, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Syria remain financially independent. It is no coincidence that the nations subject to hysterical propaganda and under constant military threat are the very nations which are not subject to the diktat of the globalists in the form of their financial elite, the Rothschilds.

Not every nation has a central bank, so ascertaining how far the tentacles of the global banking infrastructure reach is not a simple task. The poisonous vipers of the Rothschild dynasty have become the key economic presence in practically every nation in the world. When one considers that the International Monetary fund and Bank of International Settlements belong in the Rothschild stable, the dominance becomes almost absolute.

What are freedom loving peoples to make of this economic control grid? The professed ideologies of the nations with Rothschild central banks cover the entire left-right spectrum. The concepts of left-wing and right-wing are illusions concocted in the temples of Freemasonry to divide the people into rival camps - camps which they control. The truth of this can be seen by the fact that nations which are avowedly communist sit side by side with those which profess to be the ideological opposite. The presence of the same banking cartel in nations which are 'enemies' (at face value) betrays the reality that the political classes are mere puppets dancing to the tune of the same financiers, who themselves are little more than instruments in the force for absolute global control by the state-less corporations.

We should now be awakening to the fact that politicians are bought and sold as readily as whores in the red light district. We need to distance ourselves from people who play the political game but seek to reform the economic structure. We need to think beyond the banking system and to take positive action to disengage from the financial system wherever possible.

The ideal economic system for a free nation is one which is built upon Social Credit and Distributism, within a framework of Guild Socialism, Syndicalism and Cooperatives. This is a plausible and practical alternative economic system which considers the the well-being of the Working Class of the utmost importance. In contrast to the sticking plaster measures of those who are stuck in the Party System (whether through ignorance, naivety or self-serving egomania and greed), the economics of Distributism do not require the election of political puppets for their implementation. A system which sees the exchange of goods and labour as a fluid and natural mechanism (rather than as a Usurious exploitative act of materialistic theft), is what is needed to break the power of the bankers, and to thereby loosen the grip of the international mafia enough for us to throw off their shackles permanently.

What Distributism entails is a redistribution of ownership. Wealth based on the accumulation of money is a trick played by the banking elite. Money is created at the stroke of a key, and pursuing wealth is as futile as pursuing the wind. Certainly the illusion of the lifestyles of the rich and famous is one which has been gullibly accepted by the downtrodden masses as something to envy.

In Berkshire and Lewes, and indeed in many places across the globe, the phenomenon of local currencies is growing as people come to understand that the present banking system is simply a fraudulent mechanism for extracting money from the workforce and concentrating the real wealth of the nation in the hands of the banking mafia. Money is created out of thin air in the Fractional Reserve System, thus meaning banks take no risk whatsoever when giving out loans. However, when the banks decide to contract the economy and call in the phantom loans, those who are unable to meet the loans must pay with real goods, properties and/or businesses which are seized by the banks. The local currencies are not built upon Fractional Reserve, thus the weapon of inflation-deflation cannot be used against the public. Community banking takes the Rothschilds and their ilk out of commerce. Without usury, they have no power.

In North Dakota (USA) the State Bank is responsible for issuing currency. Unlike the other 49 States, North Dakota is not tied to the Federal Reserve and as a result the State is flourishing, whilst the rest of the USA is in economic meltdown. The fact that an entire State is functioning very well without the 'help' of the Rothschild's cartel proves that economic freedom at a national level only requires throwing the usurers out of any position of power. If North Dakota can do it, every nation in the world can do it.

Breaking free from the present system is not the stuff of fantasy. From the examples above we can see that economic freedom is not an issue of wishful thinking, but is attainable - and is in many places, for many people, a fact. We are held in our financial servitude through media manipulation. Every time we watch a current affairs programme on the Television or read a 'newspaper' we are confronted with fear mongering, and with pressure to consume more luxuries. We are conditioned to believe that economics is the reserve of an elite who are intellectually superior to ourselves, and that we should not even think of there being an alternative to the status quo. This is simply a lie. It should come as no surprise that Reuters, (which supplies the majority of the world's news) is owned by the Rothschilds. No serious criticism of the Rothschilds or of the banking system will ever be allowed by the media for as long they control it. The wall of silence regarding these matters is a calculated weapon of the globalists. People who delude themselves into thinking that by reading a variety of newspapers or watching a selection of news sources, they are getting to see the big picture free from media bias, need to think again. The entire mass media is in the pockets of the Rothschilds. A good first step in the march to freedom is to turn off your TV, and leave it off.

We have the power to take back control of our finances. We need to actively participate in local currencies, Credit Unions and Labour Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). We need to stop supporting our oppressors; we need to disconnect ourselves from their financial web. Once we have built the momentum, the economics of usury will collapse and a new system of mutual support and social justice will fall into place. By building the post-revolutionary society now, we can outflank the capitalists.  The Revolution will be complete when we have banished capitalism and the bankers from our shores, and we have to start that process now.

Let us take Amschel Rothschild's words to heart, and let it be us that control our own money, and all that stems from it.

Friday 27 July 2018

There is Nothing Natural about Capitalism

Capitalism: a system designed to make people, sick, anxious, stressed, depressed, alienated - and so also dependent on addictive medications which make trillion $ profits for the pharmaceutical corporations.

Has capitalism really been designed to be like that? Wasn't capitalism firstly natural process of giving out and receiving that got misused and abused by big corporations by only receiving and not giving back? I would not blame capitalism as itself but the corrupted and greedy individuals.

 I suggest you watch the video BELOW on capitalism and markets and many others by Richard Wolff and others on YouTube. These give a basic and elementary understanding of what 'capitalism' is, how it works - and how it is different from earlier, pre-capitalist societies (feudal societies, slave societies etc.). Like most people, you clearly have been told nothing about the history capitalism as a social and economic system. This was explained by Karl Marx.

Capitalism began in England by violently forcing peasants off the land, and taking away their ownership of the land and means of production. Artisans and craftsmen who, in the past, made and sold their own products with their own tools could not compete with industrial methods of production. This meant that most people could no longer not produce stuff for themselves or to 'naturally give out' and 'receive' on the market. Instead they had NOTHING to sell or give out but their own 'labour power' or ability to work. So they were forced to work in big unhealthy factories - in which, to begin with, even young children worked 18 hours or more a day in terrible factory conditions (They still do in many countries).

Capitalism was the FIRST and ONLY economic system in the whole of human history in which people had to sell their working ability and time to employers just to live - because they had nothing else to sell - and because they couldn't produce anything by themselves (because they didn't own the machinery of production). Capitalism can only survive and make profits by keeping the cost of paying workers as low as possible. No one will give anyone a job in capitalism (including you!) unless - in principle - the work that you do produces more money for your employer - the capitalist, than you, or any worker - 'receives' in wages. This is nothing 'natural'!!! It also has nothing at all to do with the 'greed' of individual capitalists or corporations. It is just the way the system works! This is because all capitalists are in competition with each others and are forced to keep the cost of labour down to the socially and globally average minimum.

Capitalism is also not the same things as today's 'big corporations' - which developed out of capitalism as a system to increase productivity and reduce labour costs. Capitalism as a system is a set of 'relationships of production' in which a minority of people (capitalists) own the technology of production and everyone else is forced to sell their time and labour to the capitalist - but without receiving back EITHER the full value of their working time OR finding any fulfilment of their individual human potentials through their work.

A society based on what you call "natural process of giving out and receiving" only ever existed in primitive tribal communities. It is the aim of socialism and communism to restore such a system on a higher level. Note: Most i-phone and computers are produced in China, where the companies have to put nets up on the factory roof to prevent workers committing suicide. Apple and similar companies get most of the profit. The workers are forced to do many hours overtime on mindlessly repetitive jobs which destroy their souls. They live in sub-standard housing, five or more workers in one room. That is because, as in 19th century England, they were forced off the land (in China after the Mao era) and had to go to the cities to work in factories or on constructions sites and leave their families and children behind. Even students are often forced into what Marx called 'wage slavery' of this kind. But in reality anyone who works for an employer in any country is a 'wage slave' - because they do not 'naturally receive' or get back the full value of their work - which goes only to their employer as profit, and then to shareholders and to Wall St. The employer might be a nice guy or a bad and greedy guy - but this makes absolutely no difference to the capitalist system.

PS there is also no democracy in capitalism: you have to do what your boss tells you to do - or the boss will find someone else to replace you. Companies and corporations are all economic dictatorships. So political democracy is fake democracy. And even if you do not work in a factory but are an IT worker you are a wage-slave - an 'i-slave'. In fact i-slaves are increasingly replacing factory wage-slaves.

In a few words: capitalism is a system in which people work all the time for a minority of people who don't need to work at all - the '1%' who own 50% of the world's wealth and get billions of dollars just from owning shares in corporations. For all these reasons also, 'meditation' or 'enlightenment' without Marxism is just a scam to protect the capitalist system - to keep people un-enlightened!!! And no matter how much you meditate you cannot become a truly whole human being, because you still have to spend most of your lifetime at work - as a wage-slave. The only alternative is to become a capitalist yourself (but that needs money - 'capital') or to start a cooperative, non-capitalist enterprise.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Stand by Palestine. No to the bigotry of Zionist Israel's front - the IHCR

The Zionist viper and Labour MP, Margaret Hodge, is attacking Jeremy Corbyn - her own party leader - for the unspeakable crime of not incorporating into the Labour Party, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's full definition of anti-semitism.  The IHCR is a Zionist outfit which, like the ADL in the USA, exists to crush all criticism of Israel.  Corbyn is right to not incorporate a document which would silence all opinions about the Zionist entity, other than grovelling sycophantic ones, such as expressed by the Conservative Party 'Friends of Israel.

Since the Zionist Minister, Balfour, in the British Government of 1917, issued his infamous Declaration promising the land of the Palestinians to a people with no legitimate claim to the territory, the Palestinians have been a people whose suffering has been endorsed by the international community.  The likes of Hodge seek to end all support for the Palestinian people - and at a time when the Tel Aviv regime has officially endorsed racist apartheid policies which deny rights to anyone except Jewish citizens of 'israel'.

Just short of sixty-seven years after the issuing of the Balfour Declaration, the civilised and proud nation of Palestine has been utterly destroyed by the Zionist invaders, and the IHCR dares to label anyone who is opposed to the genocide of the Semitic people (Palestinians), 'anti-semitic'. 

Contrary to the lies of the Zionist Establishment, the land upon which Israel was built, was not 'a land without a people', but rather was very much populated.  Palestine was a vibrant nation which, alongside the Lebanon, more greatly resembled the nations of the Mediterranean than those to its east.  When one sees images of the devastated Gaza Strip and the impoverished West Bank, one is not seeing the true Palestine, which was an honourable and cultured land.

The Zionist mafia literally bombed Israel into existence, terrorising the indigenous people into fleeing from their homes.  The Deir Yassin massacre was typical of the outrages committed against the  Palestinian people.  The ferocity of the Zionist terrorists was not limited to murdering Palestinians, as even the British who had promised a country which didn't belong to them, were slaughtered in the King David Hotel.  One cannot really feel sorry for the deaths of the British military who had no business in Palestine anyway, but the outrages against the native people were as inexcusable as the inaction of the West which was tantamount to approval of the anti-human crimes.

In 1967, the beleaguered Palestinians were subjected to further brutality by the Zionist entity with the invasion of the last parts of their nation which were annexed to expand the Jewish state beyond the frontiers which the Zionist Fifth Columnists in Westminster had given them.  The West Bank is known to Zionists as Judæa and Samaria, and the occupation is seen as a liberation of Jewish land from non-Jews.  The treatment of the indigenous population as sub-humans is pure racism.  The daily deprivation, humiliation and persecution of the Palestinian people extends beyond the use of internal passports, the demolition of property and the army brutality.  The so-called Separation Wall is a constant reminder of the Zionist mentality.  The Wall is not a border, but a temporary device to keep the Jewish state 'pure'; it will be moved further into Arab lands as the Jewish imperialists encroach on more land which they have no right to.

There is a poem by Martin Niemöller which is often repeated by Holocaust-believers to inculcate shame and guilt in the minds of ordinary Europeans who were in any case in no way to blame for Jews being gassed in the Holocaust, as indeed no one was, since there were no Gas Chambers: it didn't happen!  The poem in English states:

'When the Nazis came for the Communists I remained silent.  I wasn't a Communist.  When they came for the incurably sick I remained silent.  I wasn't incurably sick' [when they came for the Trades Unionists, Social Democrats, Jews etc etc]...'When they came for me, there was no one to speak out'

This propaganda piece has been used to extend the stranglehold of the Zionist power and to justify the persecution of the Palestinians.  There are people who argue that the Palestinian struggle is no concern of anyone outside the region.  This is simply not so.  They came for Africa, whose people they enslaved and sold as animals, then they came for Europe and the European daughter nations which they poisoned with liberalism, multiculturalism and usury; they came for Islam with the Wahhabi heresy; now they are coming for the entire world.  Palestine is a testing ground for Zionism, just as the North of Ireland has been a testing ground for the British terrorist state.  The struggle for Palestine is a key part of the struggle for freedom worldwide.

The færy tale story that the current inhabitants of Israel have a right to be there because their ancestors were there 2000 years ago is built on fantasy.  Palestine belongs to the Palestinians, no matter what a work of superstitious fiction, written 2-3,000 years ago by racist bigots with an insane belief in a racial supremacy granted by one of their 'gods' claims.

It is an outrage that the Zionist politicians in Westminster have a policy of mixing peoples from every corner of the globe is negated when it suits them, especially when the racist Netanyahu presides over open Apartheid on occupied Palestinian soil, and the IHCR pushes a definition of 'anti-semitism' which makes pointing out this fact, a crime.  Europe was a land almost exclusively for Europeans within the living memory of some of our people.  By Zionist logic, it should forever be our land by right of our connection to the soil.  This view is classed as 'racist' when applied to the British Isles, but as 'holy' when applied to Palestine.  Palestine has always been the home of the Palestinians, and always should be.   Imperialism and genocide are unacceptable regardless of who is the perpetrator.  This goes for the occupiers of Palestine as much as it goes for the now thankfully dead 'British' Empire.

SMPBI stands with anti-Zionist Jews in support of Palestine, and with all oppressed people.  We Working Class ARE oppressed, and the oppressors are in cahoots with the Zionist criminals in Israel.  This entire post breaches the IHCR code. Good!  If Labour caves in to the vile attacks of Margaret Hodge etc, and accepts every part of the IHCR code, it will allow the Zionist entity to attack Palestine with no opposition in Westminster at all, and make Labour as bad as the Tories and Liberals.  Corbyn needs to stand firm. Better still, he needs to reject the entire IHCR code, and (as we are doing right here) tell those supremacist bigots where to stick their code!

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Wilberg on Wednesday - The Illness Is The Cure pt 3/46

Medicine, Life and Science

In a way intended to be of help to both patients and health professionals, this book challenges one of the most basic assumptions shared by almost all forms of medicine conventional or ‘alternative’, ‘scientific’, ‘traditional’ or ‘spiritual’. This is the assumption that illness is something to be curedrather than beingthe cure.

To challenge this basic assumption, I introduce a fundamentally new ‘existential’ approach to health and illness which I call ‘Life Medicine’ and ‘Life Doctoring’. Life Doctoring and Life Medicine offer patients opportunities to come to an understanding of how and in what ways their illness is itself the cure – offering a source of new healing understandings of themselves and a healingtransformationof their lives.

For in contrast to both ‘orthodox’ and ‘alternative’ medicine – each of which in their own ways seek nothing but ‘causes’ and ‘cures’ for illness – Life Medicine and Life Doctoring do not separatescience and life, biology from biography, the life of the human body and the life of the human being. Instead the focus is on the larger life contextand specific life meaningsthat particular symptoms and illnesses hold for the individual patient. For as Marx wrote:

The idea of one basis for science and another for life is from the very outset a lie.”

This ‘lie’ unfortunately has dire consequences of which too few are aware. For research by the medical establishment itself has shown that conventional biomedical diagnosisand treatmentthrough drugs and surgery is itself theleading cause of premature death – ahead of both cancer and heart disease.

By offering an entirely new framework for understanding health and illness, Life Medicine and Life Doctoring can help patients to not only understand the underlying sense of ‘dis-ease’ in their livesthat lies behind their illness. Life Medicine and Life Doctoring can also serve a vital preventative role by (a) preventing this ‘dis-ease’ manifesting further as clinical‘disease’, and (b) educating patients about the possible dangers and potentially sickness-causing or ‘iatrogenic‘ effects of many standard forms of biomedical testing and treatment.

Both biomedical and ‘alternative’ explanations of illness are comparable in many respects to the way in which scientists sought to ‘explain’ dreams before Freud– denying them all meaning. Yet what if the symptoms are comparable to disturbing dream symbols and experiences – both expressions of a felt ‘dis-ease’? What if illnesses are a type of embodied dream or ‘body dream’? Then deep understandingand not just medical-scientific ‘explanation’, testing and treatment is required.

For again, to ‘explain’ an illness is one thing. Yet to understandit is quite another. For understanding has to do with meaning. Yet so-called ‘biological’ medicine does not even recognise or understand the root meaning of the very term ‘biology’ itself – which does not refer to a set of specialist sciences, but rather to the ‘speech’ (Greek logos) of ‘life’ (Greek bios). Speech carries and communicates meaning. Nothing could be further from the root meaning of ‘biology’ then, than the so-called biological ‘sciences’ – which reduce the life, language and ‘speech’ of the human body itself to a mere molecular ‘expression’ of its genes.

That is why, as Martin Heideggerwrote: “The essential realm in which biology moves can never be grounded in biology as a science.” For the realm in which biology moves is a realm of living and embodied meaning. In contrast, what most fundamentally defines the ‘biomedical model’ of medicine – based as it is on “biology as a science” is the way it totally denies any personal life meaning to illness and in particular the exact timing, life situation and larger life context in which an individual’s symptoms first emerge. On the contrary, by merely seeking to fit a person’s symptoms into the frame of wholly impersonal diagnostic or statistical criteria, and then treating their illness with no less impersonal methods of drug or hi-tech treatment, biomedicine can aggravatethe very sense of personal meaning lossthat lies behind most illnesses as well as damaging rather than healing patients’ bodies, and even endangering their lives.

The continuing monopolyof biomedicine over our entire understanding of and approach to illness has one reason and one reason only – namely that it is not actually ‘science driven’ but ‘money driven’ – turning illness into a source of vast profits for the drug companies and manufacturers of hi-tech medical equipment. Indeed ‘health’ itself is increasingly defined merely in monetary terms as the patient’s capacity for ‘employment’ as a wage-slave and to ‘function’ economically as a profit-source for employers.

Many people are concerned about the rising costs of public health care or angered by a global trend towards the privatisation of health services. Yet the roots of this trend lie in the fact that illness itself has long been ‘privatised’ – seen as bearing no relation at all to the social and economic ‘ills’ affecting the patient. To declare that ‘the illness is the cure’ is also to recognise that the ‘cause’ of illness does not lie in the individual alone but also in the world and that illness itself is in part a healthyresponse to a fundamentally sick world and this way also helps to healthat world.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

New Page: Recommended Literature

Education is an important part of any activists arsenal.  It is our duty to educate ourselves, and to use our education to help people who are not yet awake to the dangers of capitalism and globalism.  We need to be able to expose the problems in the system, and to present the only viable solution - Revolutionary Patriotic Socialism.

To this end, we have added a 'Recommended Literature' page to the SMPBI site.  SMPBI understands the importance of Culture and of other areas which speak directly to the 'soul' of the Working Class, so the page will cover more than just politics and economics.  . The page at this point is sparsely populated, but we will add to it periodically.  

If you have recommendations for the Literature page, please send them in.  The preferred format is full PDF documents, which can be downloaded and read offline.  We aim to put up links to complete books/texts, so that people who are interested, can read for free.  But we will also add links to purchasable literature by Party Members.

We ask that Members and Supporters contribute to this page, so that we can all benefit.  Thank you in advance.

Monday 23 July 2018

Hope Not Hate - The UK Government's Censorship Police

Dave’s Free Speech Club was targeted by extreme pro-censorship activists and entirely false things were reported about Dave and the club on the website of “Hope Not Hate.”

Dave is a marvellous example of the English eccentric. He is a multi-faith practitioner with a deeply spiritual perspective on life. He is also the Rev Dave Parry, ordained priest of the Old Catholic Church. For us in the SMPBI, Davis is our Comrade, and our Cultural Officer, standing up for Working Class culture in the face of bourgeois cultural theft.  And his motive to facilitate opposing groups talking to each other is funny notions like “if we listen to each other we can understand each other and solve our common problems”. Dave is a Liberal in the true classic sense, someone into Freedom: for everyone.

As he tells THA TALKS: “I am very cross and unhappy. This is lying, mis-representation, this odious and poisonously toxic invective, aimed at myself, without the slightest regard for professional ethics or accuracy”

“Extremists club” started in the summer of 2014, and for 3 years it operated completely harmlessly and non-controversially. A crowd of around 30 would gather in the pub, listen to speakers, and challenge their positions in Questions & Answers. Beer was drunk, commerce was engaged, everyone was happy, and people listened to each other.

And the name “Extremists club” was just a joke, in the 17th century Britain had “radicals” clubs and the idea was just a new version of that. Left wing and Right wing would meet and seek common ground where they could find it, and in that, Dave Parry was certainly about “good work”.

But perhaps that is a frightening thing for some people. In the summer of 2017 a young man started to attend, who introduced himself as Eric Helstrom: although it now seems very unlikely that was his real name. For “Eric” wasn’t there for fair play. He covertly recorded people and re-edited them salaciously, then tried to interest Channel 4 in broadcasting his footage. Fair play to Channel 4, they told him to beat it, but it seems Helstrom’s accusations reached other ears.

Especially, Helstrom’s tall tales are being reported unquestioned on the website of “Hope Not Hate”… “Hobson also spoke on the same subject at The Extremists Club in October 2016, a small monthly discussion group based in Soho, founded by Turner and prominent right-wing occultist David Parry. Raymond was seen entering an Extremists Club meeting in April, which was addressed by veteran anti-feminist and Nazi-apologist Claire Khaw, who was due to speak on the importance of establishing a one-party theocracy in the UK to eradicate the “matriarchy.” (and they also had a go at free speech podcast THA TALKS).

^ Which is the typical “we don’t like people being allowed to speak” talk from them!

Hope not Hate is a sinister “political charity” that also gets payments from the British State and the European Union to maintain a private surveillance database of UK “Extremists”. “But Hope not Hate” has extreme positions of its own: Extreme Globalism, Extreme Europhilia, Extreme activism for mass uncontrolled immigration. And in their eyes, to be “Extreme” is to commit the simple offence: of disagreeing with THEM!

HNH is a globalist left wing pressure group based in the United Kingdom founded in 2004 by Nick Lowles, a former editor of the "anti-fascist" Searchlight magazine. It is a registered charity and receives its funding through donations and from the Department for Communities and Local Government.

 Through 2017 they assigned and heavily financed a number of journalists to infiltrate various right wing activist groups and spread the content over the Internet and use for documentaries, seeking to "expose" the Alt right, as well as attacking other far left wing groups.

 One of these journalists named Patrik Hermansson decided to report Rev. Dr. David Parry's "Extremists Club" as a supporter of far right extremism, partly due to Paul and David both being invited by former guests on THA Talks to some right wing seminars and public dinners to meet other potential guests. He also included an infiltration and filming of a separate publicly promoted open pagan ritual that Paul often attends which they dramatically described as an "Esoteric Nazi Ritual". In attendance for this ritual was a diverse and select group including Right Wing activist Stead Steadman as well as well know authors and many of which attended after it was advertised through the on line public "meetup" website.

As regularly promoted on THA Talks. The Extremist club is small monthly event founded by Rev. Dr. David Parry that involves poetry, drama, as well as outlandish talks on science, politics, religion and culture. At times offensive material that provokes views from all sides of the political and religious land scape is aired, but this is something the club has been proud of preserving. It was set it up originally as a free speech hub following Theresa Mays announcement of trying to outlaw "extremism" a very vague and subjective thing to ban. Hence the name "The Extremists Club". After a break to find a new location the club was up and running and looking forward to 2018!, only it seems "Hope Not Hate" does not like these events of free speech taking place and even after being invited to come and speak them selves, they pressured the club into closing by intimidating it with libelous claims and assassinating the character of the club, Rev. Dr. David Parry, and associates.

In this edition David and Paul discuss HNH, their attacks, and the future of the Extremists club - a future which sadly was stopped dead by the UK regime via its censorship operatives, Hope Not Hate.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 20

The only way to put an end to this exodus from the African continent to Europe is to ensure that African Africans leave power. Democratically or not. Live or not. As long as these criminals continue to plunder our countries, our brothers and sisters will move towards Europe looking for a better life. Let the Italians understand that ours do not come to Italy for love of pizza or spaghetti bolognese. They come to Italy and Europe because the capitalist oligarchy makes them live hell by plundering their wealth on the continent with the cooperation of our treacherous presidents.
To say that does not prevent us from reminding our people that it is best to risk their lives by resisting our dictators trying to cross the Mediterranean living hell in the west.

- Kémi Séba


It is very clear that if you support the Palestinian struggle, you are a target for imperialism. Many have been given securities and guarantees that if they abandon Palestine, they will be safe and protected. You can see around us those who have done as such, have not been attacked and have not been embargoed.

We could have been like them. The West would be satisfied with us, and everywhere you will hear good reports about me and Libya. If today we decide to give up our support to the Palestinian people, they will lift this embargo and we will be on their good side.

If our support to our brothers in Palestine is going to bring us trouble and bother, also embargoes and assassination attempts, let it be, for the sacredness of Palestine is worth more than our well-being. And remember who abandons Palestine has sold his honour.

- Brother Leader Mu'ammar Al Gaddafi
(1996, Sirte, General Popular Congress)


"Twerking Class Hero"

"This model of instability and chaotic immaturity, of socio-sexual outburst is, at the very heart of contemporary Western psychology, displaying every symptom of decadence: worship of the present, contempt for lineage, emotional immaturity, the libertarian cult of ‘as I damn well please’, lofty selfishness — the worst possible ‘romantic disorder’."

- Guillaume Faye, Sex and Deviance


Saturday 21 July 2018

Socialist Homes, not Capitalist Accommodation

Capitalism is a creed (yes, creed!) which makes the pursuit of money all that is acceptable.  People and other living beings are only considered with regards to their worth as a part of the economic system.  The fullest expression of the lack of concern for the welfare of the people can be seen in the accommodation which the people who create the wealth have to deal with, and the contrasting living conditions of the Ruling Class and the celebrities who gain wealth by serving as propagandists for them.

We are forced to live in ever smaller flats and houses, in ever larger towns and cities.  We now live in conditions which previous generations would have been shocked by.  Cities exist for the benefit of the economic system, keeping the wage slaves in close proximity to the consumer goods which they have to purchase in order to keep the Ruling Class rich.  We wage slaves are often forced to travel vast distances to the places of their servitude, damaging our health and eroding our time away from our places of employment.  The capitalists only care about their profits and ability to hold on to power.  Our well being doesn't factor into their system of thought except with regards to keeping us distracted by their controlled entertainment system or when that fails, beaten down by their legal system.

Architects in the 1960s designed high rise blocks of flats which they referred to as vertical streets.  The idea was that they were simply streets turned on their side and made to travel upwards instead of along.  These vertical streets had no gardens, even though it would have been perfectly easy to have had each floor extended outwards to provide the residents with a small garden or yard space.  The failure to include access to nature reflected the belief of the people who commissioned the architects that the Working Class do not need gardens.  Older streets in industrial towns long ago dispensed with any connection to nature, with the fictional Coronation Street of the television being modelled on them.  Since the time of the Industrial Revolution we have been herded into accommodation which is unfit to live in.  We are treated like battery hens by the Ruling Class who see us as less than human.

To walk through any town or city is to see squalor.  A natural result of forcing people into housing which is no more than a space to sleep and to recover after a period of work (or to shelter in the absence of work) is to create a loathing of the surroundings.  Cities are places of high crime, vandalism, littering and anti-socialism (collectivised yet perversely individualistic anti-Socialist behaviour) because they are places in which humanity is a side issue.  People are a part of nature but cities are apart from nature.  Breaking the links which keep us safely anchored in the natural order can only lead to behaviour which is against the natural order.

SMPBI is agrarian in foundation.  By this we aim to hand back control of the basics of food and shelter to everybody.  But that doesn't mean that we are Pol Potists!  This point has to be clarified right now.  Our Agrarian Socialism has absolutely nothing to do with the murderous barbarianism of Pol Pot. Pol Pot was a Capitalist stooge who destroyed Cambodia in order to incorporate the nation into the US-dominated Global Capitalist menace.  His fake agrarianism has been highlighted as 'proof' that Socialism does not work.  An interesting piece on how Pol Pot was a Capitalist tool, can be found at this link: https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/pol/khmerrouge.html

Our vision of a coming Socialist Republic is one in which the cities are divided into small self-sufficient towns.  That would allow for the development of local culture within the national framework.  The Urban Working Class has become disconnected from nature.  This is a logical result of years of forcing people away from the country and in to the cities.  This began with the Enclosures Acts right back in Tudor times, but especially the Enclosures Consolidation Act of 1801. 

The Land Belongs to the People and the People Belong to the Land.

SMPBI will break up the cities, end rabbit hutch housing conditions, and in its place we will live in homes which are fit to live in, with land which reunites us with nature.  The landed gentry and the rich have homes which are conducive to good physical and mental health, but we have to live in conditions which they would never submit to.  Socialism isn't about reducing everyone to the lowest level, but of gaining the best for everyone.  The only people who benefit from city-living are the landlords who extract money from their tenants, especially those who charge ground rent and get money for literally nothing.  Council Tax isn't that different to Ground Rent, and we would abolish that too.

The Working Class have paid with our labour for all the wealth of the Ruling Class and their Middle Class agents.  We want nothing less than that wealth and the living conditions they enjoy, for ourselves.  They can hand over what they are stolen, or we will take it.  But have it, we will.

Friday 20 July 2018

Family as the Socialist Foundation

Family is the fundamental building block of society. A real family consisting of a Husband, Wife and Child (or Children) provides a barrier against the intrigues of the State. Fidelity is the keystone of the family. In order for the Establishment to destroy all opposition to its machinations, Family must be destroyed.

The natural role for a man is to protect his wife and offspring. The natural role of a woman is to look after her husband and any children. The media have pushed the lie that adultery is OK, in order to weaken the bonds between man and wife. Women and Men who seek sexual gratification outside the family are enemies of society.

Hugh Hefner introduced Playboy in the 50's. While most women were still trying to full fill their traditional roles, this toxic magazine had men wanting the whore, linking as a way to to their own sucess to have a tart instead of wife (or in some cases both - Mad Men) Unless we men and women find common ground instead of finger pointing, we will never defeat the "powers that be". Women are jealous of other women, if we see one getting all the attention we want to be her. So shame on the men for elevating the whore to her status and leaving real women who refuse to plastic themselves up in the lurch.

Women have been especially targeted by the Establishment. The media teaches that women are merely objects and that every concern should be material. Whether it is buying clothes which fit a prepared stereotype (trendy, Goth or other), or spending hours studying make-up and 'perfecting' a certain look, women have become victims of a system which reduces us to consumers and to little more than showroom dummies. Men are not immune from this. The trans madness is mainly men who are obsessed with what they look like (or what they think that they are supposed to think they should look like!)

Girls are conditioned to emulate pop stars, who are nothing more than glorified prostitutes. Modern pop music (whether R&B, Goth or whatever) is built upon the use of repetitive lyrics which act as a form of mind control. Lyrics which speak of sexual promiscuity implant in the mind of the listener the acceptance of promiscuity. Lyrics which speak of hatred of men and of the desirability of self-harm, condition the listener to self hatred and hatred of others. These sick distortions of normality push the listener into a position of confusion and split identity. It is from such evil that schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder take root. Whether the medium used to break the spirit and mind of the individual is in musical form or in visual form, the result is an undeniable destruction of the self.

By implanting a diseased outlook in the minds of men and women, and undermining the traditional roles of both sexes, the Establishment has lain the seeds for the crushing of the family. By creating the conditions in which friction becomes inevitable, the door is open to further State interference for the breaking of the family. It is at this point that the Establishments role in destroying the Family takes a lead overt role - in steps Social Services, the Family Courts and all the other atomising institutions.

Men and women need to unite and fight this assault on the natural masculine man and feminine woman. The only solution to our sick society is a return to traditional Socialism, to the sanctity of marriage, and to the overthrowal of so called Social Services. Adultery is not a right, but a disease created by the Establishment, and for this evil the Establishment must pay the ultimate price.

There is a tendancy to whitewash the likes of Hefner and the types of men who happily go after the whore archetype. Men like this need to be exposed, and their anti-female attitude addressed. People yearn for a society where men are men, women are women, family is the highest achievement, and the peddlars of pornography, adultery and materialism are physically eliminated for all time.

This is why more and more turn to Islam. To return to morality and work. Islam is not a solution which is suitable for a Free Socialist Republic of the British Isles.  We have suffered under the yoke of Bible cults for so long, that we are susceptible to another Bible spin-off.  Traditional Socialism harks back to the days of nature-based spiritualism, and does not need a hierarchy of Ruing Class appointed clergy to act as links between the physical and the spiritual.  A return to a natural order IS a return to a way of life where we are self-sufficient in all matters, and where we reject priestcraft.

Trans-fascism is the next step in the break down of family.  It denies nature.  It denies the unity of men and women and the foundation of society.  It attacks homosexuality with the lie that Lesbians and Gays are really 'trapped in the wrong body' and can be 'cured' by radical surgery.  The T attached to LGB is an abhorence.

A return to sanity cannot occur within a Capitalist framework.  As Revolutionary Patriotic Socialists, we affirm that individualism is a major problem, and that the damage of this selfish mentality will take a massive amount of deprogramming.  We are aware of the brain-washing of the pornographers, the 'gender' dictators, the psychological warfare against the family structure.  This will require a Socialist System which rejects the divisiveness of feminism and masculism, putting focus instead on mutualism and the need for everyone to work together for what is best for all of us.  We reject liberal decay. Working Class Socialism is for Family, Tradition, and Biological Reality.  Liberal individualism has brought us to the brink, and we will not tolerate it, nor those who push it and profit by it.

Thursday 19 July 2018

The Ruling Class, using Brexit to create Global Britain: A Capitalist Con-trick

If the Visegrád Nations can achieve immigration control within the EU, and the Tories pushing to use the UK's Brexit to turn the country into 'Global Britain', with open borders, absolute capitalism, crushing of living standards plunging the people into absolute poverty, are we being taken for fools? 

Czech Republic: sovereign nation, ethnically homogeneous, no immigration or austerity problems, low crime, flourishing trade, rising wages, money for investment etc. Must all be the fault of the bloody EU!


More on the Czech Republic: patriotic and cultural pride, free university education, ultra-clean cities with absolutely seamless public transport - and at almost no cost at all compared to Britain. And able to assert itself without undue friction in the EU!
...and nationalised public transport too.

Makes Brexit seem like a fundamentalist quasi-religious fantasy of national salvation from evil - all actually to do with INTERNAL British political and historical issues. Murdoch/Daily Mail 'opium for the people'?

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Wilberg on Wednesday - The Illness Is The Cure pt 2/46

Guiding Thoughts

Disease occurs … not in the body but in life.”
J. Good Byron,
The idea of one basis for Science and another for Life is from the very outset a lie.” Karl Marx
"It is far more important that one’s life should be perceived than it be transformed; for no sooner has it been perceived than it transforms itself of its own accord."
Maurice Maeterlinck
An advanced industrial society is sick-making because it disables people from coping with their environment and, when they break down, it substitutes a ‘clinical’ prosthesis for the broken relationships.”
People would rebel against such an environment if medicine did not explain their biological disorientation as a defect in their health, rather than as a defect in the way of life which is imposed on them or which they impose on themselves.”
A number of authors have … tried to debunk the status of mental deviance as a ‘disease’. Paradoxically, they have rendered it more and not less difficult to raise the same kind of question about disease in general.”
Ivan Illich
Patients turn their problems into illnesses, and … the physician’s job is to turn them back into problems.”
Michael Balint
“…the body’s symptoms are not necessarily pathological, that is, they are not just sicknesses which must be healed, repressed or cured. Symptoms are potentially meaningful and purposeful conditions… as well as a royal road into the development of the personality.”
Arnold Mindell
A psychological medicine … obviously comes into conflict with the technological development of medicine, which has already become an Über-technology. This development is itself closely connected with modern economic structures, with industry, with the income sources of physicians, with the gigantic need for patients – and others – to be deceived.”
That illnesses have meaning, can lead those affected to the meaning of their lives – this is the insight that natural-scientific medicine has fundamentally impeded.”
One sees, now, that psychology in medicine brings forth an unexpected result. It does not only bring knowledge of the soul, but illuminates the body in such a way as to let it appear in a new light. The body is no longer what it seemed before, and what anatomy and physiology teach.”
Illness can be experienced as this – that through a bodily occurrence a development in awareness is created.”
The greatest goal would be to understand how in every case, in what way an illness is just a muted final thought, a still insufficiently [fulfilled] creative act.”
Viktor von Weizsäcker
“… health is not an objective condition which can be understood by the methods of natural science alone. It is rather a condition related to the mental attitude by which the individual has to value what is essential for his life. ‘Health’ … consists in the individual’s capacity to actualise his nature to the degree that, for him at least, is essential.” Kurt Goldstein
“… scientific determinism is the root and prevalent philosophy in our present Western technological culture, where the bulk of our endeavours incline to engineering, that is, the direct alteration and control of physical structures. Medical practice, deriving from this outlook, is based on the assumption that distress can only be alleviated by changing behavioural or physical manifestations of that distress. Antacids for dyspepsia, tranquillizers for anxiety, and behaviour therapy for sexual dysfunction are clinical examples of this engineering philosophy. The experience of distress, it is held, will yield to control of its physical determinants; there is no need to explore or amplify the experience itself, as the experience is only a reflection of disturbed underlying mechanism.”
David Zigmond
“… science is, to a quite unimaginable degree, through and through dogmatic; dealing with un-thought-through conceptions and preconceptions. It is of the highest importance that there be thinking physicians, who are not of a mind to leave the field for the scientific technologists.”
“… the genetic approach is clear to everyone. It seems self-evident. But it suffers from a deficit, which is all too easily and therefore all too often overlooked. To be in a position to explain an illness genetically, we need first of all to explain what the illness in itself is.”
Those who wish to stick rigidly to genetic explanation, without first of all clarifying the essence of that which they wish to explain, can be compared to people who wish to reach a goal, without first of all bringing this goal in view.”
All explanation reaches only so far as the explication of that which is to be explained.”
It can be that a true understanding of the essence of an illness…prohibits all causal-genetic explanation….”
Martin Heidegger

If people become ill, it is quite fashionable to say that the immunity system has temporarily failed – yet the body itself knows that certain ‘dis-eases’ are healthy reactions. The body does not recognise diseases as diseases in usually understood terms.”
You are not healthy … no matter how robust your physical condition, if your relationships are unhealthy, unsatisfying, frustrating or hard to achieve.”
“…a person in poor health should be seen by the physician in relationship to the family and also in relationship to the environment. Old-time family doctors understood the patient’s sensitivity to family members and to the environment, of course, and they often felt a lively sympathy and understanding that the practitioners of modern medicine often seem to have forgotten.”
“…try to understand that the particular dilemma of illness is not an event forced upon you … Rather realise that to some extent or another your dilemma or your illness has been chosen by you
There is no need to feel guilty since you meant very wellas you made each choice…”
“… no person dies ahead of his or her time. The individual chooses the time of death.”
“…no individual dies of cancer or AIDS, or any other condition, until they themselves have set the time.”
fromThe Way Toward Health – a Seth book by Jane Roberts
Through the long succession of millennia, man has not known himself physiologically; he does not know himself even today.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
The ‘I’ is first and foremost a bodily ‘I’.”
Sigmund Freud

The Basic Questions

  • What if ‘explaining’ an illness is one thing, but understanding it is quite another?
  • What if illnesses have life meanings and not just biological ‘explanations’ and ‘causes’?
  • What if the biology of the human body cannot be separated from the biography of the human being?
  • What if the life of the human body cannot in any way be separated from the life of the human being in all its existential dimensions – personal, social and economic?
  • What if body symptoms are like dream symbols – there to be understood and to tell us something?
  • What if ‘the illness is the cure’ – offering patients an opportunity to gain important insights into themselves to bring about healing transformations in their lives and not just their bodies?
  • What if conventional biomedical tests and treatments aimed at finding ways to fight and ‘cure’ a person’s illness can prevent them from learning vital lessons from their illness?
  • What if official medical statistics show that conventional forms of biomedical treatment are themselves a leading cause of death ?
  • What if many prescription drugs worsen or prolong the very symptoms they are prescribed for?
  • What if so-called ‘scientific’ medicine is really money-driven medicine – relying on illness as a cash cow for the corporate health industry?
  • What if every bodily state is at the same time a state of consciousness – and vice versa – thus making nonsense of the separation between ‘body’ and ‘mind’, medical treatments on the one hand and psychological therapies on the other?

Then we would need a new understanding of illness and a new model of medicine – one that not only questions but goes beyond the biomedical model.
  • This in turn could spare both individuals and private and public health services the huge costs of pharmaceutical drugs and hi-tech biomedical equipment.
  • It would also mean that psychological counsellors and therapists could no longer leave ‘medical’ problems and symptoms to the medical profession.
  • Indeed it would allow a new foundation for medical training to be created – not biological medicine but ‘Life Medicine’.
  • Out of this could come very different ways of treating patients – not through conventional doctoring but through ‘Life Doctoring’. For the aim of Life Medicine and the Life Doctor is to help patients discover in what ways their illness is the cure there to help them heal their lives.
  • In this way the individual patient would no longer be reduced to ‘a case’ of some generic ‘disease’. Instead every such ‘case’ and every such ‘disease’ would be understood in terms of the individual life circumstances behind it.

Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!! Contents of this newsletter: 1. A While Since the Last Newsletter 2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media 3. What...