Monday 30 April 2018

Long Live Syria: Defenders of Freedom and Victims of Terrorism and Lies

The 'British' and 'Irish' Governments are comprised of people who can be classed as amongst most depraved anti-humans who roam the Earth.  These so-called democratic representatives of the people of the Isles, are in reality the lackeys of international finance, and the wholly-owned whores of multinational corporations.  Those who sit in the various Parliaments and Assemblies are tools of the enemies of humanity, and they do not represent the interests of a single Working Class person, unless in the case of advancing the wishes of the lumpenproletariat who are as much a class of parasites as the Rulers.

The ongoing artificially created financial crisis may be out of the media spotlight, but its effects are increasing in ferocity - the controlled media just choose to blame everything on Brexit, rather than deliberate parliamentary abuse of the people.  The Establishment has absolutely no compassion for those who are losing their homes, are not able to feed and clothe their children, and are being forced into absolute poverty through the contrived austerity measures.  The fake economic crisis could be ended in an instant by ending the system of governments borrowing money as debt from the usurious bankers, and simply introducing it as credit.  Instead of adopting a solution which has been proven to work, the puppets in government are more than happy to see the people suffer, in order to keep their owners happy.  We have a government which clearly has absolutely no qualms about destroying the lives of the people who live in this country, yet we are supposed to believe that they are concerned about the welfare of people in far away lands?  This is clearly preposterous.

The British State has a long history of fomenting war in order to create profits for those who hold real power.  The UK is a state which occupies territory which is separated from mainland Europe by the seas.  There hasn't been a genuine threat to the UK from foreign invasion in this century or in the previous one.  However, the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries have been centuries of almost perpetual war and involvement in acts of terrorism.  Why?  Because, war is money.  War is also a distraction to keep people pre-occupied on events outside the country, and thus to draw attention away from the criminal actions of the State at home. 

In the 1930s the British economy was stagnating.  Rather than adopt the economic policies of our mainland neighbours from Germany to the USSR, who had broken free from the control of the Bankers, the enemy within chose to use war to reduce the surplus population of people who were of no use to the economy.  In the UK, the people exist for the benefit of the economy, and as soon as we are of no use as creators of wealth for the multinationals and financiers, we are regarded as a burden to be disposed of.  The shameful treatment of the Windrush Generation highlights this.  In a sane country, the economy would be engineered to serve the people; clearly the UK is not a sane country, but rather is a lunatic asylum run by people who view money as more important than people. In Ireland, the plan to normalise Abortion is a means of making money from death masquerading as healthcare.  In times of economic decline, we are to be sacrificed in order to protect the money system.  That we tolerate this insanity is beyond fathomable.

In the 1980s, the Thatcher regime set about dismantling the mixed economy.  The policy of privatisation was a con trick to transfer the wealth of the nation to the cosmopolitan Ruling Class.  The economic hardship visited upon the people made the regime incredibly unpopular.  To draw attention away from the destruction of our industrial and manufacturing base, the regime went to war in the Falkland Islands.  Surely a media-hyped war wouldn't be enough to make a gullible people rally to a government which was destroying the country?  Sadly it was.  People died; the economy was turned over to global profiteers; the Stock Market was enshrined as the be-all and end-all of the economy; the seeds of our present plight were sewn.  Away from the distraction of the war, the armaments industry made vast profits, and the usurers consolidated their hold over the people.

In the 1990s, using very much the same techniques as used to make the people support war against Germany in 1914, the media created the fantasy of an evil nation bullying its weaker neighbours.  In place of fables of soldiers bayoneting Belgian babies, we had actors crying crocodile tears about non-existent murders of babies in incubators.  In the war against Iraq, the 1939 war propaganda was also re-visited with Kuwait treated very much as Czechoslovakia had been before.  In that war, Saddam Hussein was compared to Hitler; not for any factual reason, but solely to generate an emotional response by linking him to the propaganda technique known as the Holocaust.  This fantasy was reprised a decade later in the second Gulf War.

The propaganda used to justify the destruction of Iraq is now very much back in the news.  Just as Belgian babies from 1914 became Kuwaiti babies in the 1990s, and 'poor little Czechoslovakia' became 'poor little Kuwait', so the propagandists have continued to use old lies to justify new wars.  We were told in 2003 that Iraq had 'weapons of mass destruction' which the evil dictator (boo hiss) sought to use upon his own people.  The WMDs did not exist, as has since been admitted, but that didn't stop the illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation; an ongoing occupation which has led to over one million deaths, the explosion of contrived religious extremism and an exodus of refugees from a once prosperous land.  In 2011, Iraq became Syria, and WMDs became Chemical Weapons (notably Sarin).  Save for a change in the names and places, the propaganda is identical; and it too is a tissue of lies.

In his excellent book, 1984, George Orwell wrote of a nightmare world in which the people would be manipulated into believing whatever their owners told them.  A particularly pertinent aspect of this system is the idea of perpetual war, with allies and enemies changing according to need.  Thus we had the cold war against an enemy which never was - the USSR.  This fake enemy then became an ally after the 'fall' of the 'communist' smokescreen, and now with Putin at the helm, Russia is once again playing the adversarial role to the west (particularly the USA).  I say playing with good reason, for it is all a choreographed pantomime.

In the 1980s the USSR was at war with 'poor little Afghanistan'.  The allies of the west were the 'rebels' headed by Osama Bin Laden (the CIA operative figurehead of the Al Qaeda operation).  The Al Qaeda allies continued to play the part of heroic freedom fighters in the dismantling of Yugoslavia and later of Serbia.  The media portrayed these men as modern day Davids fighting the evil Goliath.  Such is the success of the conditioning of the people of Europe that almost no-one stopped to question whether the men murdering their way across the Balkans were indeed the saints we were told they were.

In 2001, Al Qaeda (in true Orwellian fashion) became the enemy!  The 'heroic rebels' in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo et al, now became 'terrorists' who had to be crushed whatever the cost.  Thus in place of the need for a perpetual Cold War against a fictitious financial ideological enemy, began a perpetual Hot War against a fictitious religious ideological enemy.  The 'War on Terror' is still ongoing, yet in classic 'double think',we are supposed to believe that the former heroes of the western media, Al Qaeda, are a grave danger to every last man, woman and child on Earth, except for when they happen to be fighting against countries which do not conform to the international system, and then they are our friends and they must be given our whole-hearted support! In the case of the FSA/Al-Qaeda White Helmets, they are portrayed as heroes (with their murderous actions hidden by a compliant media).

The re-designation in 2011 of the Al Qaeda murderers and rapists as 'rebels' rather than terrorists restored them to the role they had previously played in Afghanistan and the Balkans.  The major event which saw these mercenaries elevated to the position of idols of liberty, was the destruction of free Libya.  Libya was a strong country which used direct democracy as its form of government, not the fake representative system employed in the west to make the masses believe they are free.  The economic advances of Libya were a beacon to the whole of Africa, and were beginning to threaten the Rothschildian banking system.  The roving mercenary scum were deployed to give the appearance of a persecuted opposition to the legitimate authority (failing to consider that the authority in Libya was the people themselves); a minority who had to be saved in a 'humanitarian war'.  The war was a lie.  It was a war for economic conquest, as has been proven by the post-war invasion of multinational corporations who are raping the former prosperous nation to death.  The war was to impose a central bank with absolute loyalty to the international economic system.  Once the Al Qaeda butchers had done the bidding of their globalist masters they were shipped en masse to the next country to be brought into line with the financial imperialists; Syria.

Syria is a proud nation with a long and glorious history.  Until the terrorists of Al Qaeda began brutalising the country, it was a peaceful and economically-sound land.  The crime of Syria was to not hand over economic control to the international financiers.  For steadfastly refusing to submit to the global bankers, and for defending the people of the Lebanon from Israeli aggression, Syria became a target of the globalists.  The global ruling class will not tolerate a single country existing outside its control.  Syria, at present, is one of the few remaining free nations in the world.

The modus operandi of the criminals who control the international order has remained unchanged for decades.  The method employed is to create simplistic imagery in the minds of the media-fed unthinking masses; imagery which appeals to the emotions rather than to logic.  The method has all the sophistication of a Hollywood action film.  Those who the internationalists seek to destroy have to become viewed as the embodiment of evil, and of course where there is evil, there must be the heroic saviours to come to the rescue.  In the Great War, the Kaiser's soldiers were portrayed as baby-eating monsters, who sought to cross the English Channel to rape nuns and school-children in our shores.  Against them stood the new Crusaders with a mission from God to stop these dæmons.  Of course, the fact that the propaganda was a lie failed to register with the media manipulated dolts in the UK.

In the current move against Syria, the legitimate and highly popular government has been fighting to defend the ordinary people from the barbarians who the western media love to refer to as the Free Syrian Army.  A more appropriate label would be the Syrian-free Army, as almost all of the terrorist scum are from outside Syria.  They are soldiers of foreign powers, working side-by-side with religious lunatics and hired mercenaries, to destroy a free country and make it conform to the international order.  The UK government has provided a vast amount of money to these vermin, under the lie that the money does not go towards procuring weaponry! It doesn't take the cunning of Sherlock Holmes to deduce that every penny which these armed criminals receive for non-military uses frees up money for armaments.   Tax-payers' money is paying for mobile mercenaries to murder those who stand in the way of global capitalism.

So what are the tax-payers of the west actually paying for?

The FSA / Al Nusrah / Al Qaeda / whatever new name these terrorists use as an alias, are murdering anyone who gets in their way.  It is only the brave soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army who prevent the terrorists turning Syria into a carbon copy of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or any of the other places where the murdering barbarians have been deployed by the global menace.  The liars in the western media paint the Syrian Army as the enemy of the Syrian people.  This is absolute nonsense.  The Syrian Army IS the Syrian people!  Every soldier in the Syrian Army is the Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Grandson or Cousin of a Syrian civilian; they are fighting not for an abstract ideology, but for their kin.  The Syrian Army is not murdering the people - as the lying vermin of the BBC proclaim - they are fighting to defend their people from the inhuman beasts who work for the international financiers, regardless of what religious or other label they apply to themselves; they are fighting against the murderers of children; against the racist murderers of Assyrians; against the enemies of humanity itself.

The terrorists have filmed themselves engaging in acts of cruelty and barbarity, including beheading opponents, shooting ordinary civilians for the crime of being Shi'ite rather than Sunni Muslims, and beheading people for being Christian (nuns actually have been beheaded in Syria, but unlike the lies against Germany in the Great War, this is never mentioned by the media).  Youtube has removed videos showing the 'Syrian rebels' at work, to deny you the tax-payer the opportunity to see what you are paying for.  Apparently the videos violate youtube's policy on violence!  Of course, their removal is in line with keeping the anti-Syrian propaganda from being exposed as blatant lies. 

Clearly the censors have been at work; working hard to portray murderers and rapists as the victims of the crimes they are responsible for.

In a desperate bid to launch an open war against Syria, due to the failure of the covert actions of the USA and her allies, the repeated lie against Syria is that the government has ordered chemical attacks against its own people.  Just think for one moment about what we are supposed to believe.  The Syrian Army is winning the battle against the terrorist scourge.  They are steadily liberating areas which the Israeli-Saudi-Turkish-NATO forces have captured.  The people are rallying ever more to support their government in gratitude for the heroic actions of the military.  Even Israeli Air Force attacks (violating International Law and thus in themselves War Crimes) have failed.  In the face of the collapse of the enemy on the ground, we are supposed to believe that the government has suddenly taken it upon itself to use chemical 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' against areas they are liberating.  Why would the government - after years of fighting to liberate the nation - at the point that they are close to total victory, suddenly resort to WMDs, killing the ordinary people in the process?  They wouldn't, and they haven't.

The chemical attacks which have happened are the work of the FSA.  The US government and its toady sycophantic poodles in Paris and London, seek to invade and destroy Syria, using a WMD attack of their own making as the excuse!  This is an absolute outrage.  The likes of Hollande, Macron, Netanyahu, Obama, Trump, May et al who have engineered this, have committed very real Crimes Against Humanity which they seek to blame on the victims themselves.

The FSA are the stooges of the US-Israeli-Saudi-Turkish-NATO axis of evil.  In March 2013 they attacked the province of Aleppo, killing dozens in a WMD attack.  The US media tried to blame this on the Syrian Army and use the attack as justification for invasion.  When the truth  became known that the FSA carried out the attack, the attack was quietly dropped by the media and hasn't been mentioned since.  They next attacked Mouadamiya, making that attack Aleppo revisited, albeit on a larger scale.  This has continued until in 2018 the puppet president of the USA, Donald Trump, launched a missile attack on Syria.  Only thanks to the intervention of Russia and Iran was this attack effectively harmless.

In 2013, the Syrian Army captured antidotes to chemical weaponry on the 24th August, proving that the FSA not only have WMDs but are prepared to use them.  The western media ignored this direct evidence against the idolised FSA.  In May of the same year, FSA terrorists used Sarin Nerve Gas - a war crime which has been confirmed by the United Nations.  Again this real War Crime was ignored by those who whitewash every atrocity carried out by the FSA, even to the point of blaming the victims for their own suffering. The 2018 'gas attack' is a reworking of all the murderous attacks by the foot soldiers of NATO, complete with Israeli air strikes against the embattled sovereign nation of Syria.

The hypocrites in the USA, UK and EU who bleat about WMDs do not consider for a moment that the only country ever to drop a nuclear bomb on civilians as a means of terrorising an already defeated nation into total submission, is... the USA.  If we forget for one moment the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and accept the lie that the attack was to shorten the Second World War, rather than just to intimidate the world with a new weapon), then what about Vietnam?  In the Vietnam War, the USA used Chemical Weapons to slaughter civilians and soldiers alike - in yet another war which the USA had no business getting involved in.  In Europe, the terrorist fire-bombing of Hanover, Hamburg, Dresden et al was of no military value, other than as a means to terrify and slaughter civilians; yet the USA and UK honour those who committed those atrocities.

Perhaps it is possible to claim that the terrorist outrages of the USA above mentioned are from more brutal times, and that it is unfair to bring them into a discussion about Syria? Consider then, the use of depleted uranium and chemical weapons of mass destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, across Africa, the Middle East, Central America and other places which have earned the attention of the butchers of the USA since the the infamous massacre in New York on the 11th September 2001; a massacre organised by the US government and blamed (of course) on those whose countries they sought to invade.  In November 2004, the Iraqi city of Fallujah was subjected to horrendous WMD attacks by the USA; attacks which have repercussions to this very day with the births of deformed babies.  White Phosphorous was used to create a modern fire-storm comparable with Dresden.  The US government initially denied the use of the new version of Napalm, then went on to hide behind legal definitions of banned weapons - and completely ignored the use of poison gases which could not be argued away by legal technicalities.  When is a WMD a WMD?  When its use can be pinned on anyone except the USA!

The Al-Qaeda/FSA/Islamic State atrocities in Syria are supposed to provide the USA and UK with a pretext for war.  In the UK, the government - clearly aware with the glaringly obvious parallels with the Iraq War of 2003 - recalled parliament in 2013 from the summer holiday in order to gain a vote in favour of war, which would legally legitimise the coming outrages.  For the first time since the eighteenth century, the 'Mother of All Parliaments' voted against war.  This was a truly glorious moment for the UK, with the democratic will of the people being respected and reflected by parliament.  As has been seen by the Brexit Betrayal and Teresa May's refusal to submit her recent war crimes to parliamentary scrutiny, that may have been the last gasp of a dying democracy.

The destabilisation of the Muslim world impacts upon the ordinary people of the world, in ways in which it does not effect the rulers.  Obviously those whose lands are directly bombed by the internationalist menace, are the most obvious victims, but they are not the only ones.  We have to live alongside those who have been dislocated from their homelands by the wars our rulers have created.  The refugees and economic migrants compete for resources with the Working Class; they do not compete with the rulers who remain aloof.  Those who have swallowed the propaganda of the 'radicalisers' do not threaten the Establishment who live in secure gated communities; they can only do harm to the ordinary people who had nothing to do with the destruction of their homelands.  It is the common people who are sent to fight for the finance-driven wars of the Establishment, and it is the ordinary people at home who suffer the repercussions from the migrant communities.  The rulers sacrifice nothing, and risk nothing.

The plan to get the UK into the Syrian war has been stalled by Russia and Iran stepping in to defend the legitimate government of Syria, but there will be further attempts.  We must resist them, and do everything in our power to publicise the truth.  

How obvious it is that these wars against Muslim countries are being fought by Western powers for Zionist interests, and how oblivious so many ordinary citizens of the Western nations are to this reality - there are so many people that just don't get it.  That is where we come in.  We have to put the spotlight on the war-mongers and do all we can to get our military out of Syria, out of NATO, and out of all wars for Capitalism.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 8

"The natural law of any society is grounded in either tradition (custom) or religion. Any other attmept to draft law outside these two sourcesis invalid & illogical. Constitutions cannot be considered the law of society. A constitution is fundamentally a (man-made) positive law, & lacks the natural source from which it must derive its justification.
- - -
Religion contains tradition, & tradition is an expression of the natural life of the people. Therefore, religion is an affirmation of natural laws which are discerned therein. Laws which are not premised on religion & tradition are merely an invention by man to be used against his fellow man. Consequently, such laws are invalid because they do not emanate from the natural source of tradition & religion."

The Green Book by BL Muammar Gaddafi

They were in a position to have manufactured in some scale, controlling labour as they undoubtedly did through control of the
slave trade, the finest weapons known in that day for those rulers who collaborated with them and served best their purposes.
Clearly by the same token, with such total money control, they were in a position to withhold the best of weapons, or the materials
for such weapons, from those who served them the least. In a world that had come to believe in money as an absolute, such was
the position long ago, exactly as in today. Thus the state that rejected international money power, as did Sparta and Rome in
ancient times, and Russia in modem times, had to be prepared to establish total military self-sufficiency.

The Babylonian Woe, by David Astie

Ecology, beyond left and right

At the same time ... neither the right nor the left have been unanimously productivist in their entirety, productivism is a sub-product of the ideology of progress. It was powerfully contested by a whole rather anti-technological right wing tradition ... and then we saw an ecologist left appear, which understood that if we want to be rigorous for the preservation the environment, we must question the foundational premises of the ideology of progress. In reality, it’s a sub-product of the thought of the Enlightenment, of the rise of the automation of human relations, of “commodity fetishism” as Marx said. This concept that privileges the logic of profit, of the countable and calculable, impregnated all political parties a bit. Today, we will find a right hostile to the ideology of progress, and an anti-productivist left.
Alain de Benoist

We must mistrust the catch all expressions: “sustainable development”, “green capitalism” ... which actually rest on oxymorons: though we know that it’s development and capitalism which are responsible for all these nuisances, we can nevertheless continue in the same direction on the condition of being prudent. It’s a bit like the captain of a ship whose boat is heading towards a massive iceberg and instead of changing course, he says that we must simply reduce speed!
Alain de Benoist

"Following World War I, the Unites States adopted a first-of-all-time mission: that of crafting a plan for centralized world domination. In US hands, this quest witnessed substantial development in terms of instituting historically unprecedented authoritarian and subjugation mechanisms. The US benefitted from a composite outcome of multifaceted achievements at various scientific, cultural know-how, technological, economic and military levels, and was backed by a political-economic agenda that blatantly perceived the world as an open market to be governed solely under US-made rules.

The most dangerous aspect of Western, and particularly of US, hegemony is the consideration that the world is owned by the superpower, and that such power has the right to rule out of sheer superiority at more than one level. When combined with schemes based on the economics of capitalism, Western expansionary strategies – and particularly those of the US – took on an international dimension characterized by unbounded greed.

Control by the ferocious capitalist powers is primarily manifested through monopolistic networks of multinational corporations and a variety of interna tional and particularly financial firms that are backed by military superiority. Such control has led to a further deepening of conflicts and incongruities, and of no little importance are those conflicts across identities, cultures and civilization patterns, alongside of course the battle of wealth versus poverty.

Brutal capitalism has transformed globalization into a vehicle for spreading divisions, propagating discord, demolishing identities and exercising the most perilous of cultural, economic and societal pillage.

Globalization reached the most dangerous of its limits when the founders of Western hegemony transformed it into a form of military globalization. The Middle East most intensely witnessed this transformation, starting from Afghanistan to Iraq to Palestine and Lebanon, the latter receiving its share through a full-scale aggression at the hands of Israel in July 2006."

"The New Manifesto" (30 November 2009) in Joseph Alagha, "Hizbullah's Documents: From the 1985 Open Letter to the 2009 Manifesto", pp. 118-119

Saturday 28 April 2018


by Ian RM

In the Dark Ages, the flame of civilization and culture was kept burning in fortified centres: walled cities, monasteries etc. It may be that the time has come to think in terms of “back-up” for the knowledge and human expertise that we take for granted today.

What does that mean in practical terms? There can be little doubt that, were a breakdown of law and order to occur (whether as a result of war or natural calamity), the British cities would probably become chaotically lawless in a short space of time, especially if fuel, food, water or utilities were unavailable.

It seems to me that those inclined to social-nationalism should think in terms of relocating to areas some distance from major cities, to small towns and villages where like-minded people can become either the majority or a strong minority. Such clusters of people can take over the local councils, local businesses and farms, as well as doing the usual run of employed work which they might do in the cities where they, perhaps, now live.

The idea has the following merits:

a. Political (electoral or other) bases can be created, with voting weight;

b. The clustering effect would enable concerted action;

c. In the event of catastrophes in the wider world, these centres would become the places looked to by the wider masses for leadership.

Clausewitz said that, in order to extend power, one must first have a secure base. It is that that social-nationalism lacks at present in the UK. The above proposal aims to address that lack.

Friday 27 April 2018

Pietro's Video Recommendations: Required Viewing for all Activists

YouTube is an area which has been neglected by the SMPBI.  Comrade Pietro has taken the initiative to rectify this failure to utilise an important medium for education. Pietro's Recommendations will be added to a playlist on YouTube.  Some videos will be controversial, but not due to a desire to shock, but more to venture into areas which some people consider off-limits. We cannot build a better future if we fear to stray from our comfort zone into areas which have been declared beyond the pale by people who fear the power of uncensored education.

The first video on the list concerns Bees and how they are dying because of the exploitation of greedy capitalists who steal their honey, use unfitting hives to house them (in much the same way as our homes are unfitting for us), and do not care about the impact of environmental damage from pesticides.  This is a topic which can be seen as important in itself, for the good of the Bees, but is also important to all of us in understanding that the system of greed which is destroying Society, is destroying nature itself....

Thursday 26 April 2018

Socialism: For Family against Liberal Degeneracy

The population of the British Isles is accelerating at an unprecedented and unsustainable rate.  But this boom is largely due to a change in demographics, with the settled population lagging behind those who have come here in recent years.

Those who support the idiotic economic system of capitalism, argue that in order for our old people to get their pensions, we must have new blood, working as wage slaves and paying taxes to the hated government, who can then dole some of it out to the pensioners.  This is a key justification for mass immigration.  People are scared of being left poor in old age - so scared that they will see the future of their country and their people lost forever, in order that their own needs are satisfied.

Is the population ageing?  According to official statistics it is.  Why?  Because not enough babies are being born.  It is really pretty simple.

People who have bought into the concept of global over-population argue that it is irresponsible for us to breed (never mind that the parts of the world outside Europe are where the population is exploding, so the over-population story doesn't even apply to our countries).  They will slander any Working Class person who has more than two children, although they don't say a word about the larger families of the newer arrivals, and they wax lyrical about the 'royal' family which lives parasitically off the sweat of the Workers of the Nation.

Many of the liberal imbeciles who believe that a cut in the population of the west alone will reduce global overpopulation, have no children at all, as a way of showing us all how 'good' they are (how deluded they are).  Of course a decline in liberals is always a good thing - but sadly their domination of the education and entertainment industries ensures that more children succumb to their insanity.  The liberal mindset is such that those who refuse to have children bleat the loudest that there are not enough children to pay for their pensions!

Since the 1960s, following the legalisation of infanticide through abortion on demand, women have been encouraged to have anonymous sex as often as they can, and simply murder any children who may result and threaten their 'lifestyles'.  Men have taken advantage of this and behaved in equally despicable means, treating women as sex objects and having as much care for the results of their 'shag anything' lifestyle as a dog in the street.  The liberal capture of all but a few remaining vestiges of real feminism has seen the proclamation of promiscuity and abortion to be the right of all women - and to hell with the unborn children, who can be replaced by immigrants from countries who tend to have more humanity than to see children as a burden.

Abortion in case of rape should be mandatory - alongside execution of the rapist.  In case of medical emergency, it should be an option.  But in the event of pregnancy occurring due to failure to take the most basic of precautions, claiming that having a baby might interfere with her lifestyle should be no justification.  In a Socialist Society, children are cherished, and it would be encouraged that unwanted children should be adopted by those with the temperament, desire and ability to raise them.

Comrade Stalin introduced the most forward thinking attitude to childcare and motherhood.  In the USSR under his guidance, Motherhood was seen as a virtuous task, with financial payment afforded which recognised that being a Mother is a full time job - a career as a carer no less - and should not be hampered by money worries.  Mothers were even given medals for raising large families - and that included children they had adopted.  Many Socialist countries have treated Motherhood as sacred - Capitalist countries treat is almost as a disease, and if they could do without the next generation of wage slaves, would be happy to wipe out the Working Class entirely.

In a speech about the value of Women, Stalin stated:

'The education of the children is the honourable social duty of mothers. Motherhood and the rearing of children in the U.S.S.R. are honoured and respected. The Soviet State assigns enormous funds to aid mothers with large families and unmarried mothers: 2,500,000 mothers have been awarded the Order "Motherhood Glory" and the "Motherhood Medal". The title "Mother Heroine" has been conferred on 28,500 women.'

SMPBI would institute an Order for the Glory of Motherhood, which would free Mothers from the financial penalties of Capitalism, and would put children first - abolishing the misnamed 'care' system in which children are placed at the mercy of the State, and are often raped and beaten by those who are tasked to 'care' for them.

Changing the liberal global anti-culture to a true Sovereign Socialist Culture is very much needed.  The media and so-called education system teach children to behave as sex objects, and when they do, then criticise them for it - we need a restoration of the primacy of family and personal dignity.  A good start would be made by executing a good few of the pædophile enablers in the mass media, entertainment industry etc.

Using immigrants to pay for pensions is sickening.  It treats the immigrants like they are slaves to be used economically in much the same way as they were in the cotton fields of olden times.  Aborting children now and abstaining from having children to provide for one's old age is irresponsible and selfish; expecting immigrants to pay for one's pension when one hasn't done a thing to provide for oneself is racist!  Putting work over family is lunacy; putting self over nation is treason.

Liberals are child-murdering racist bigots.  As Socialists, we have no time for these idiots!  In a Socialist Republic, it will be normal to have children to support you in your old age.  SMPBI rejects the liberal idea that others from outside your family should provide for you when you have done nothing to help yourself.  If you do not want children, then that is of course a choice - but in a sane society, the joys of family would be seen as a virtue, and the majority would be more than happy to have the freedom to have children, returned.  The liberal mindset which demands that immigrants take up the slack for those who (for reasons of pursuit of money and 'careers') are too selfish to have their own children, is racism against the immigrants who they treat like cattle.

SMPBI demands a return to the sanity of family; protection of the innocence of childhood; financial support and recognition for the vital work of Mothers. This will only come when liberalism is banished and the capitalist ethos of work over all else, is consigned to history.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Fight Zionist Lies with Scientific Truth - Wilberg on Wednesday

[When it comes to discussing the 'holocaust'] sticking to the forensic facts and scholarship is all-important. Unfortunately that alone will land you in prison in Germany! On the other hand it makes it all the more important to protect the mostly highly scholarly  series - produced in the UK by Germar Rudolf and his Hastings-based Castle Hill publishers.

Germar hasn't got a racist or 'antisemitic' bone in his body and would like to see nothing more than a new German-Jewish symbiosis. But he's already done time in German jails and paid the price, big time, for his scientific work. And his personal story makes very interesting and touching reading: 

But with all their scientific and scholarly books already having been axed by Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc. (even though one can still buy Mein Kampf, the Protocols etc. and loads of other overt antisemitic material from them), clearly it is the really high-level, detailed critical scholarship and science that is feared the most. And despite their huge loss of revenue from Amazon, [Castle Hill / Codoh] are now allowing all their books to be downloaded for free as pdfs. Videos too.

So I think it important that everyone - including other comrades - takes advantage of this - so that the truth can be protected,  Samizdat-style, even if Codoh/Castle Hill are eventually shut down.

Editor's note:

The entire Codoh Holocaust Handbook library can be downloaded in a 415MB zip file at this link:

For an overview of what is in the library, have a look at the PDF of the catalogue at this link:

The documentary library is also free, and at time of posting this article, has 17 titles to download and distribute electronically or by handing out freely of dvds or memory sticks. The link for the videos is:

There is nothing racist about the truth, about facts, about historical information.  Spread the information freely to everyone with a mind open to see through the lies of the holocaust industry.  Many good people have suffered to get this truth out, including many good Jewish people.  This information knocks away one of the pedestals of Zionism, and for that reason, it matters that it is not censored out of existence.

Visit the links, take what you are happy to take, and if possible, maybe make a donation to help the brave defenders of independent research, in this time of Zionist Oppression.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Alfie Evans vs the 'royal' sprog: The Class Divide in Action

In Liverpool, a Working Class Family is going through hell. Their son, Alfie Evans, has effectively been condemned to death by judicial decree. The Judge covering his case, Paul Hayden, has forbidden that the boy be taken to Italy for treatment - even though he has been granted Italian Citizenship and it is his only hope of survival.

Alfie Evans has been subjected to some very dubious treatment at Alderhey Children's Hospital. Now, he has the chance to leave the clutches of the NHS and go to Italy or Germany for treatment.  The judicial system has decreed that he is forcibly kept in the country, and that he be denied any further treatment.  Just as with the judicial murder of Charlie Gard last year, the NHS is snuffing out another life, when there is a chance of treatment - but that chance is being legally denied.

Contrast the handing out of the death penalty to sick Working Class children, with the pampered tax-payer-funded lifestyle of the parasitic Ruling Class.  The only legitimate son of the next king Charles, has had a third child.  Like the other two, this one will never want for anything, and in the unfortunate case of ill-health, no expense will be spared to find him treatment.

SMPBI demands an end to the Monarchy, with the 'royal' family stripped of their ill-gotten wealth and made to live as the rest of us do.  We wish the royal family no ill. A Classless society would be beneficial to everyone, and successfully rehabilitated, there is no reason why the former royals could not become constructive members of society.

It is an outrage that people with money can afford good health care, whereas the rest of us have to put our lives and the lives of our loved ones in the hands of a system which is guided by political principles based on saving money, unless dealing with favoured identity groups, in which case no expense is spared.  We would abolish private health care, and scrap all the liberal lunacy - such as the 'trans' agenda - and make health care precisely the provision of care to help those afflicted by physical aiment (not by delusions, which would become the remit of re-opened asylums for the mentally impaired).

The Class Divide is killing Alfie Evans, just as it killed Charlie Gard.  We want everyone to have the same level of healthcare, with excellence for all. What is not good enough for the 'royals' is not good enough for the rest of us.  A Socialist Republic of the Isles would not allow patients to be condemned to death when there is even the smallest possibility of treatment - even if that does require assistance from overseas.  Our people deserve better. 

Monday 23 April 2018

Cultural Capitalism

Cultural capitalism is the application of capitalist theory in cultural affairs. It is defined as the production of symbols, knowledge, and information as the guiding principle of wealth creation. It is distinguished from industrial capitalism in the sense that it focuses on cultural attractions and activities as the primary motivating factors underpinning consumption. Slavoj Žižek (2009) refers to cultural capitalism as the sale of attitudes or lifestyles. It is “global capitalism with a human face.” Žižek gives as examples how Nike “sells” the culture of physical achievement with is slogan “Just Do It” and how Starbucks convinces its customers that they are actually doing something good by drinking fair trade coffee: “You are buying something  bigger than yourself. You are buying into coffee ethics…. It’s good coffee karma.” Consumers would therefore feel that could buy their own redemption – they become not just consumers, but also environmentalists, social activists, philanthropists, etc. Žižek, however, warns that by participating in this system, consumers are actually "prolonging the disease ... rather than curing it." He promotes changing the structure rather than this sort of charitable act: "The proper aim is to try and reconstruct society on such a basis that poverty would be impossible and the altruistic virtues have really prevented the carrying out of this aim." Jeremy Rifkin (2001) likewise explains cultural capitalism as “the commodification of human culture itself.” Commerce has now become the primary institution, and culture, coopted and commercialized, is derivative. The key players in this new type of capitalism are transnational media companies that exploit cultural resources and re-package them as cultural commodities – “short-lived commercial entertainments, paid amusements, and purchased spectacles” (Rifkin 2000).

Yoshio Sugimoto (2010) discusses how cultural capitalism affects the social formation and the work-style of the Japanese. He notes that because of cultural capitalism, consumers begin to look for products that suit their personal preferences. The differentiation of consumer motivations therefore reflect the changes in class formation in the sense that social divisions derive not so much from the unequal distribution of industrial goods as from that of cultural goods. Cultural capitalism also affects the work-styles of the Japanese as cultural workers have come to predominate the workforce as much as industrial workers. However, unlike industrial workers, cultural workers are not bound in a particular physical place of work. They do not belong to labor organizations, are fragmented, and self-centered (individualistic). Cultural capitalism therefore offers little or no job security, and the casualization of labor increases the precarity of those in the quaternary sector (information and communication, finance and insurance, education and learning, healthcare and welfare, etc.).

Related concepts:

Cultural capital

Cultural capital is the ideas and knowledge that people draw upon as they participate in social life. Everything from rules of etiquette to being able to speak and write effectively can be considered cultural capital.

Cultural deprivation theory

The cultural deprivation theory implies that the middle/upper class are better off in all areas when compared to the working class and this is especially seen in education and schools. Proponents of this theory argue that working class culture (regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or other factors) inherently differs from that of people in the upper/middle class. This difference in culture means that while upper and middle-class children can easily acquire cultural capital by observing their parents, working-class children cannot, and this deprivation is self-perpetuating. The theory claims that the middle class gains cultural capital as the result of primary socialization, while the working class does not. Cultural capital helps the middle class succeed society because their norms and values facilitate educational achievement and subsequent employability. Working class members of society that lack cultural capital do not pass it on to their children, reproducing the class system.


Rifkin, J. (2000). “The New Capitalism is About Turning Culture Into Commerce.” Los Angeles Times, 17 January. Retrieved from

Rifkin, J. (2001). The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism, Where all of Life is a Paid-For Experience. New York: Tarcher.

Sugimoto, Y. (2010). An Introduction to Japanese Society. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, p. 107.

Žižek, S. (2009). “First as Tragedy, Then as Farce.” The RSA, 24 November. Retrieved from


Sunday 22 April 2018

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 7


Tory "Brexit".....

1. No intention of stopping immigration which provides cheap labour for their fat cat big business paymasters

2. "Free trade" with countries that employ workers on sweated labour wages, which our manufacturing industry either has to mimic to survive or go under.

Populist Brexit.....

1. No more immigration from countries with a national average wage that does not either equal or exceed our own....

2. Import tax on goods made in countries where the national average wage that does not either equal or exceed our own.... (exceptions made for goods we cannot grow or make here).

Russell White, Populist Party, 2018


Authentic nationalism is not a patriotic or chauvinist disposition but quite simply the will of a people to live according to their own laws, this nationalism is and will always be the real enemy of imperialism.

Ernst Von Salomon


But yet this is the struggle against capitalism! Let’s become the communists! Our fight is socialism in its purest form! - Perfectly, socialism in its Prussian form. A socialism on every front, which will not only break the tyranny of economic laws ... but moreover a socialism through which we will rediscover the internal firmness, the spiritual unity that eluded us in the 19th century. We fight for this socialism ... If there is a power we must destroy, it’s the power of the West and the German milieus that have allowed themselves to be overwhelmed by it.

Ernst Von Salomon


"The U.S. government’s global boot print is no post- 9/11 phenomenon. The United States has been in a state of permanent war for decades, and the U.S. government has intervened in global affairs for centuries. No consensus exists on how many times the U.S. government has employed military force throughout the country’s history; nevertheless, attempts to catalog historical foreign interventions, beginning in the 1790s, have documented hundreds of cases. Each list varies depending on the relevant time frame under consideration and how the author defines foreign intervention. An exact number, however, is not important for our purposes. What is important is that no matter how one cuts the data, the U.S. government has used military force abroad a significant number of times. The historical prevalence of the U.S. government’s activist foreign policy is captured by economist Deepak Lal, who concludes that “[t]he United States is indubitably an empire. It is more than a hegemon, as it seeks control over not only foreign but also aspects of domestic policy in other countries.”

The militarism that characterizes U.S. foreign policy is a central tenet of the country’s national identity. As historian Andrew Bacevich notes, “[t]oday as never before in their history Americans are enthralled with military power. The global military supremacy that the United States presently enjoys— and is bent on perpetuating— has become central to our national identity. More than America’s matchless material abundance or even the effusions of its pop culture, the nation’s arsenal of high tech weaponry and the soldiers who employ that arsenal have come to signify who we are and what we stand for.”"

Christopher J. Coyne and Abigail R. Hall, "Tyranny Comes Home: The Domestic Fate of U.S. Militarism", 2018, pp. 4-5


The Fourth Political Theory proposes a totally new understanding of the three political ideologies of Modernity. This understanding could be qualified as existential Mit-sein [being-with]. But in this existential understanding of the presence (Dasein) [being-there], there is neither atom (parties, individual) nor sum of individuals (totalitarianism). In the Fourth Political Theory, being together means to exist, to constitute a presence - a living presence in the face of death. We live together only when we face our own death. Death is always deeply personal and, simultaneously, there is something common, something that effects each of us. So, we must not speak of totalitarianism (a mechanical concept linking parts and the whole), but an organic existential holism. And it’s name is the People. “Dasein exists in the people” [“Dasein existiert völkisch”]. In complete opposition with a “third totalitarianism.” For “being facing death.” Mit-Sein. We are the People.

Alexandr Dugin


"QUESTION: You have read many of the works of philosophers, statesmen and literati. Which of them has influenced your thinking? And which has influenced your emotions? In your youth did you have an exemplary ideal amongst any historical and political figures? What do you read now and when?

SADDAM HUSSEIN: From the deep intellectual and political point of view, Lenin was actually the person who attracted my attention most as a thinker and profound-thinking revolutionary. When one reads Lenin, one is reading life with its living movement and warmth. Gamal Abdul-Nasser influenced me, despite our party's sensitivity to his experiment and his sensitivity towards our party. I was particularly interested in his personality, as well as De Gaulle's. Both had their ways of dealing with things, but each had a prominent nationalist stand in his country, and a particular nationalist role in his nation with a touch of heroism. It was a great thing when De Gaulle said to the English: "Make a record of what you give to France so we can repay it after independence." De Gaulle played his part in reviving France after it had fallen to its knees, Abdul Nasser in his personality, and Lenin in his thought and political eminence."

Dr. Amir Iskandar, "Saddam Hussein: the fighter, the thinker and the man"


Saturday 21 April 2018

We have to fight to keep our beloved countryside: we cannot allow the globalists to wreck it

The British Isles contain some of the most amazing and beautiful land in the world.  We have vast lakes, splendid plains, rolling hills and mountains.  Our forests and woodlands are home to an amazing richness of native wildlife.  Our coastal areas are breath-taking.  The diversity of life to be found upon our sacred soil is truly astounding.  This soil is ours, not to exploit and to corrupt, but to care for and pass on wholly intact to future generations.  The union of the people and the land and our glorious indigenous wildlife, is of such profound importance that protecting it must be seen as the absolute highest task of all of us.  Economics must take second place to the sanctity of our land itself and of the inhabitants of human and non-human variety.

The capitalist mentality which has so poisoned our people, has allowed for a shift in attitude towards the land upon which we live.  We are guardians of the land whose task is to conserve and nourish that which we are privileged to be a part of.  Too many people regard their personal gain as the be-all and end-all, seeing their life in terms of what they can get for themselves, rather what they can leave to generations to come.  We need to return to the true understanding of our place in time and space.  We have to treat our beloved land with the utmost respect and care; we are not its owners, we are merely borrowing it from those yet to come.

The perversion of our natural union with the land into a relationship of unbridled exploitation, is a symptom of an underlying sickness which must be eradicated.  In every country under the yoke of capitalism, the same materialism is at play, but behind it all is a power which understands the sanctity of the land, and for that reason seeks to destroy it.  Those who guide the policies which break the people from the land are globalists who hold that there can be no territorial divisions, and that borders are a barrier to commerce - which to them is the only thing of value.

The British Isles are experiencing the same exploitation and globalist materialism as the rest of the western capitalist world.  There are, of course, differences in the detail, but as far as the overall impact of material corruption is concerned, the demise of the Isles is no different from that of Spain, Sweden, Serbia or any other land in which money is king.

All of the countries in Europe are experiencing a level of non-European immigration which can only realistically be referred to as invasion.  The terrorists of NATO and the IMF have ruined far off lands The increase in population is being used as an excuse to concrete over our land.  Only those who are wilfully blind can fail to notice that our agricultural land is vanishing at an alarming rate.  Due to excessive building, the UK can not sustain the current population and has to import food and other vital resources.  Should there be a natural or economic disaster which prevents food reaching the UK, we will see mass starvation within our borders.  This is all quite contrived, and planned for.


The UK government is a supporter of Genetically Modified (GMO) food.  The liars in Westminster and the Dail pontificate about the virtues of GMO technology, yet in typical hypocritical fashion, they ensure that their own restaurants are GMO-free.  The Ruling Class enjoy real organic food undoctored by toxins, yet the Working Class are constantly told that we must eat food they wouldn't give to their dogs.  Such is the owner-slave relationship of the Rulers and the Ruled, in the country which calls itself the Mother of Democracy and the neighbouring land which achieved independence from the corrupt tyrants in London in name only.

The scoundrels in government would have us believe that there is no alternative to GMOs for the UK.  Their twisted logic points to the fact that the land cannot provide for the settled population plus the armies of outsiders who are entering our lands.  This is indeed true, but the solution to over-population is not to industrialise the land, but to re-organise it in a manner which would make the country self-sufficient with regards to food.  GMO fanatics would argue that the use of intensive agriculture with scientifically altered seeds is precisely the way to solve our food crisis.  However, that is to miss a very important point: GMOs have not been created by benevolent organisations who only seek to end global hunger; they have been created by multinational corporations as a means of generating obscene profits through the total control of the food supply. 

GMO seeds have been engineered to be non-reproductive, thus forcing the food-growers to buy new seeds for each subsequent crop.   From a purely logistical point of view, for island-based countries such as those in the British Isles, the danger of mass starvation through an interruption to the food supply, is increased, rather than decreased, by the use of GMO technology.  GMO advocates are more than happy to ignore the growing weight of evidence that the food produced in this way is harmful to health, but they cannot argue with the undeniable fact that if for any reason the supply routes to our lands were cut, then once the stores of seeds were exhausted, we would indeed starve.

As a means of social control, GMO technology is astounding.  Should the traitors in government be allowed to hand over our farms to the likes of Monsanto, then any future revival of our country by people opposed to globalism and servitude, could be crushed quickly by cutting off access to the basic requirements to grow food.  This nightmare scenario is well on its way to becoming a reality as the paid enemies of the people who sit in Parliaments and Assemblies on both sides of the Irish Sea are using every means at their disposal to push through GMOs - even though across the globe there is mounting resistance from the people, and even from a number of governments.

The only way to deal with GMO technology is to destroy it.  Sitting down in fields and singing protest songs against the scientifically-wrecked food supply will not stop the GMOs growing and thus pushing nature out of our soil.  The style of protest so favoured since the advent of the hippies of the 1960s may work well when it comes to spreading degeneracy and all manner of decadence, but when it comes to fighting that which is against nature, it is useless.  Combating GMOs is not a matter for protracted discussion, marches and letter-writing; the only way to halt this evil is to burn it from the soil.  Rural-loyalist Farmers have largely been replaced by Corporate Farm Managers who are motivated solely by the pursuit of profits.  A field burned to the ground will yield no profits.  A farm sabotaged so that no machinery can be operated, cannot survive.

There is a romantic view of farmers as custodians of nature.  This was true of the peasantry of the past, but the modern farm manager has more in common with a stock-broker or accountant than a guardian of the land.  Just as we rightly hold the profiteers in the city with contempt, so should we view their counterparts in the country.  There are good farmers who need our support, which we can give them by making use of farm shops in preference to super markets.  However, we should not let our ideals cloud us from the reality that many farms have become corporate-controlled and are operated with no regard for the people, or for nature.


Another attack upon the countryside is fracking.  Fracking requires 30 million litres / 6.6 million gallons per operation.  Each well can be fracked 18 times.  The waste of water alone is enough to cause droughts - which has indeed occurred across the Atlantic in Texas exacerbated by the fracking process.  The waste of water is nothing when compared with the dangerous usage of toxic chemicals which cannot but be leached into the soil beneath our feet.  The fracking process has been proven to contaminate the water table, thus introducing materials which are hazardous to health into the food chain.  There has been a wealth of research into the correlation of fracking and phenomena such as earthquakes and polluted water catching fire.  Again, as worthy as the activist protests against this criminal process are, unless the businessmen involved lose money as a result of imaginative and unpredictable disruption of fracking, they are ultimately useless.  In Lancashire, the local council listened to the people and banned fracking, only for the UK regime to impose it anyway, for the benefit of corporate share holders, against the wishes of the people directly affected.  A good analysis of the dangers of fracking can be found at:

Mass migration

The powers-that-be are destroying our ability to feed ourselves by means of bringing ever-more immigrants into our lands, and then using their presence as an excuse to concrete over arable land.  With the reduction in farm land comes the pre-prepared solution to this crisis, GMO technology.  This is no solution other than as a solution for the depots to the problem of free people who are able to feed themselves.  Fracking, of course, further industrialises the countryside, and no doubt will lead to a new era of land enclosures to remove the peasantry from our sacred soil.  There is a reactionary tendency to view the destruction of our land as the fault of immigration, but in truth, the immigrants are being used to divert attention from the economic powers who gain by our forced urbanisation.

In the UK there used to be a legal protection of fair land usage in the case of absentee landlords and owners.  This was known as 'Squatters' Rights'.  These rights have been stripped away, to the point where it is now illegal for a vacant property to be used as a living space.  In towns and cities up and down the UK, a staggering numbers of properties lay empty and in many cases they are falling into disrepair.  The numbers of properties are such that it would only take an Act of Parliament to compulsorily purchase these properties and then rent them out as social housing, to solve the so-called housing crisis in the UK.  This is something SMPBI wants to see.  There is no need for a single new home to be built in the UK.  With the number of properties lying vacant, even the armies of immigrants who are waiting at Calais, could be accommodated. Not that allowing further immigration is something anyone but the most insane bed-wetting liberal would consider a good idea, but nevertheless full use of the vast number of empty properties in our country would be sufficient to ensure there would be no homelessness in the UK.

Concreting over the land

Why then, is our land disappearing under concrete, as our town centres crumble?  Simply because the corrupt leaders in Parliament, Local Authorities and the Establishment, make a vast amount of money from new buildings, and consolidate their control over our lives in the process. 

Our land is sacred.  We are guardians of the soil, who have the duty to ensure it passes on to those who come after us, untainted.  We cannot tolerate GMO farming, Fracking, Building on green land, or any other action which further urbanises our country.  We need to reverse the process and ruralise the towns and cities by tearing down much of the urban sprawl and instead creating sections of farming land and recreational countryside.  That, however, can only be a long-term objective.  Right now we have to stop all attacks on the countryside which are currently under-way.  We have the power to do this, if only we can break-free from our subservience to the self-granted authority of the legal-financial rulers.  Imagination and determination will effect change; sit-down protests are as useless as the failed marches of yesteryear.

If we do not protect our land, the Ruling Class will do everything in their power to industrialise and urbanise every part of it (except the protected land where they reside).  They will continue to bring in more immigrants to make our territory a cosmopolitan fraction of the global materialistic superstate.  The total cultural genocide of our people can only be averted by fighting to not only halt the assault on all that is sacred, but taking the fight to the enemy, and defeating them in the only way they understand; financially.

The Spirit of General Ludd

The 'Luddite' approach to GMO farming is the only real alternative for 'rural protest'.

Hypothetically speaking, a neo-Luddite campaign would not only target the fields themselves, but also the buildings and machinery of the 'farms' in question.  Activists could resort to direct intimidation of the management and workers ('farmers') in a manner that was not uncommon in the late 18th and early 19th century.  Animal rights activists closed down an infamous 'Guinea Pig farm' a few years ago.  This sort of activism needs to be increased to protect the land itself - after all the countryside is still poorly policed and there is a distinct lack of CCTV, for now!

We are not advocating dragging hapless farm labourers from their tractors or running down beloved farm dogs, let alone opening every farm gate possible and cutting barbed wire or tearing up fence posts, but it could be imagined that some of our more 'creative' protesting folk would not refrain from such activity.

No doubt, the height of the harvest season would not be a good time for lanes to be blocked by chopped down trees; the needless killing of a mature tree would be senseless in the extreme. But it will be interesting to see what develops in the coming years. SMPBI cannot and will not condone any illegal acts, although the dire situation faced by our countryside is likely to inspire some to actions of a dubious nature.

Friday 20 April 2018

It's Hitler's Birthday. Time for some Strasserism

Hitler was born on the 20th April 1889, making him 129 years old today. To mark the day, it is time to learn a bit more about the real National Socialists who were replaced by the Nazis under the direction of the birthday boy.

Our way is the Socialism of the Isles. But that does not mean we cannot have an interest in ideas from further afield.

Read the following to get an understanding that Social Nationalism / Strasserism / authentic National Socialism has nothing to do with the Nazis or the sad caricatures of today, the neo-nazis:


Gregor Strasser
Thoughts about the Tasks of the Future
1926 June 15

Lying on a sickbed for a few weeks and months does have its good side . So much that in the trivialities of everyday life does not get a hearing now has the chance to rise slowly from the unconscious to the conscious mind where it is tested and is winged by imagination, so that it acquires form and gains life . In general, people often make the mistake of assuming that practical action—the incessant preoccupation with daily necessities—is not founded in the mind . They therefore like to set up an invidious comparison between the thinker and the doer ! It is true that the currents of the mind and the soul do not become conscious when one is resolutely grappling with the tasks of the day and trying, by freshly setting to work, to solve all questions in a practical way !
So it is a comfort every now and then to have the leisure to look beyond the tasks of the day and of the near future and to plumb the depths of the question toward whose solution we are resolutely dedicating our life's work . When would this be better than during the many lonely hours of the sickbed, when the hands of the clock seem to stand still and the night never to end—until it becomes finally, finally morning again ! This new dawn, the fact that again and again the dawn comes, is the deep consolation, is the blessed certainty which makes the night of the present bearable for us—and even if the hours, years, never seem to end—the dawn does come, my friends, and the sun comes, the light !

Such thoughts of the lonely nights, thoughts about the National Socialist tasks of the future—I will briefly survey them here—such thoughts have surely occurred to most of our friends in similar hours and in a similar way—thoughts which at the moment are not yet the subject of our work, but whose undercurrents are flowing, whose blood runs through our work .

I. The Spirit of the Economy
We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system ! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one !
And yet it is not enough to change a system, to replace one economic system by another— necessary above all is a CHANGE OF SPIRIT ! The spirit which is to be overcome is the SPIRIT OF MATERIALISM ! ! We must achieve an entirely new kind of economic thinking, a kind of thinking which frees itself from the present conceptions rooted in money, in property, in profit and false success ! It is an indication of the Marxist, the false Socialism, that its way of thinking is exactly that of capitalism . For this reason I have said for years that the two form a spiritual unity, only with reversed signals ! National Socialism, which stems from organic life itself, casts aside the mendacious words of a theory remote from the world, as well as the dead ideas of a declining civilization !

We have to learn that in the economy of a people it is not profit. not gain, which are important—but only satisfying the needs of the members of this people ! ! This and nothing else is the task of a "national economics ! " We have to learn that the ideas "world trade"—"balance of trade"—"export surplus" are ideas of a declining epoch which have in the end reduced themselves ad absurdum, because they violate the eternal law of organic life and were born out of speculation, not out of necessity, not out of the soil ! We have to learn that it is a betrayal when speculative production, with all its means of touting and advertising, creates an artificial need, a betrayal of human labor, of human life ! For artificially stimulated covetousness creates ever-increasing aspirations, and increased aspirations double human slavery, which is slavery of the mind, which instead of the soul has taken up mastery over life ! What do people know today about life ? ! They run around and tire themselves out, torment themselves, strive and drudge like galley slaves—in order to lead a life of horrifying emptiness ! It is not that this new economic system which we want produces more. What is at stake is certainly not higher production, which Marxism demands, but the human soul ! ! And production, economy have only the one task: to meet the economic needs of individuals, rejecting goods which owe their demand only to artificial stimulation, rejecting also the prodding of "profit and gain" !

We have to learn that WORK IS MORE THAN PROPERTY ! ACHIEVEMENT IS MORE THAN DIVIDENDS ! ! It is the most unfortunate heritage of this capitalist economic system that all things are evaluated according to money, according to wealth, property ! The decline of a people is the inevitable result of the application of this standard, since selection according to property is the mortal enemy of race, of blood, of life ! We have never left a doubt that our national Socialism breaks this prerogative of the owner and that the liberation of the German worker shall also extend to SHARING PROFIT, SHARING PROPERTY AND SHARING ACHIEVEMENT! ! But it would mean measuring again with the old standards if one left it at that and did not stress that revolution of the spirit which guides us against the spirit of the present system ! We consciously oppose valuation according to property with VALUATION ACCORDING TO ACHIEVEMENT . This is the only valuation which we recognize ! ! We consciously place WORK higher than PROPERTY ! We focus on ACHIEVEMENT not dividends, and we recognize RESPONSIBILITY, not riches or splendor, as the crowning of human striving . That is a new world view, a new religion of economics . It establishes with certainty that the horrid rule of the golden calf is at an end and that the differences among individuals and the differences among rights—are differences in achievement, differences in degree of responsibility, differences which come from God and which are sacred ! !

II. The Spirit of Society and of the State

And just as our fight against the form of the capitalist economy is at the same time a fight against the spirit of this capitalist economy, which must he rooted out in its outward expression and in the heart of every individual; so our fight against the form of society and of the present state is also a life or death struggle against the SPIRIT of this society, this state : AGAINST LIBERALISM AND FALSE DEMOCRACY !

The spirit of our National Socialist idea has to overpower the spirit of liberalism and false democracy if there is to be a third Reich at all ! Deeply rooted in organic life, we have realized that the false belief in the equality of man is the deadly threat with which liberalism destroys people and nation, culture and morals. violating the deepest levels of our being ! National thinking gnaws at the basis of life itself, destroys the blood, destroys the sacred order which is based on the distance which is created by inequality and which has nothing in common with the present social structure ! For hierarchy, of which I am speaking here, depends exclusively on the achievements of the individual for the community . We have to reject with fanatical zeal the frequent lie that people are basically equal and equal in regard to their influence in the state and their share of power ! People are unequal, they are unequal from birth, become more unequal in life and are therefore to be valued unequally in their positions m society and m the state ! But this inequality in turn has only one standard can and must have only this one standard : the achievement of the individual for society, for the nation, for the state .

And thus I reach a demand which at first glance may seem utopian, but which results inevitably from what I have said, and which has occurred to various friends in a similar way . The demand for unequal distribution of rights according to achievement for the state requires the elaboration of a process of selection according to which such achievements are to be measured . In the folkish movement there is much talk about the emergence of a new group of leaders, and this demand touches what I said, but the ways which are recommended for a solution : these blood tests, Nordicization, and so forth, and so forth, appear to my practical mind somewhat dubious as to possibility, value and even effect ! Another way, however, a thoroughly German, Prussian way of which my friend Pfeffer reminded me on one occasion, is suited as no other : selection by the army !
This requires that military service be voluntary, a right and not a duty . The practical way would be that by law every German Citizen would have to serve the state for one year during this year he would not, as the supporters of a compulsory year of labor service want, build roads or do other mass work, but would learn a trade, so that there would not be a single German who had not had at least a year's training in a trade ! The selection of the best . however, would be reserved to the trade of arms, which would last for TWO years and therefore attract only those most willing to sacrifice and which would bring with it the mortal danger of war and therefore demand all the heroic virtues. Entrance is voluntary and not dependent on any force . Who doubts that those Germans who voluntarily apply for the army, which removes them from private life twice as long the civil service, which further does not, like the latter, include practical advantages for practical life, but on the contrary, after an infinitely more severe service, means danger to life in war-who doubts that these Germans would be the best of their people, the racial best, whose achievements for the state now and in the future would ...

Otto Strasser

I. The German Revolution denies before God and the world and obligation toward the "peace treaties" of Versailles and Saint-Germain, treaties based on the lie of Germany;s guilt and instituted through brute force, The German Revolution wages ceaseless and fanatic war, with all means, until it brings about the complete abrogation of these dictated treaties and all agreements based on them.

II. The German Revolution proclaims the freedom of the German nation in a strong German state which embraces all the German peoples of central Europe, and which, from Memel to Strassburg, from Eupen to Vienna, embraces Germans of the motherland and of the unredeemed territories, and because of its greatness and ability, for,s the backbone and the heart of white Europe.

III. The German Revolution refuses to rule over and exploit foreign peoples and nations. It wants no more and no less than sufficient living space for the young nation of Germans, and insofar as the fulfillment of this deepest natural right of life conflicts with the same right of other peoples and nations, the German Revolution recognizes the decision of war as the will of fate.

IV. The German Revolution declares that it is the sole purpose of the state to gather together all the forces of the nation and to employ them uniformly in guaranteeing the life and the future of this nation. It accepts every means which furthers his purpose an denies every means which hinders it.

V. The German Revolution therefore demands the harshest use of a strong central authority against all disruptive or disturbing organizations, whether political, party, or religious. The centralized state of the German nation binds together in the most powerful unity those forces which grow out of regional and particularist traditions.

VI. As an appropriate extension of the high tasks of the state, the German Revolution gives free scope for the development to the forces of occupational self-government, which have been inhibited and suppressed by a lifeless liberal system. It values the living organization in professional and occupational chambers above an artificial parliamentarism, just as in anything and everything, it values the personal responsibility of leadership over the irresponsibility of an anonymous mass.

VII. The German Revolution proclaims that the German nation is a community of fate. But it is aware that a community of fate is not only a community of need but also a community of bread and therefore affirms all of the demands which follow from this recognition according to the fundamental principle: "The common good before the individual good."

VIII. The German Revolution therefore rejects the individualistic economic system of capitalism; and the overthrow of capitalism is the prerequisite to the success of the German Revolution. With the same decisiveness of the German Revolution affirms the corporative economic system of socialism, processing from and concluding with the knowledge that the purpose of any economic system is solely the satisfaction of the needs of the nation, not riches or gain.

IX. The German Revolution therefore declares its superior property right in all land and mineral rights. Landowners are only leaseholders of the nation, and are accountable to the nation and to the state, because the nation as a whole defends the property.

X. On the basis of the same right, the German Revolution proclaims the right of all workers to share in ownership, profit and management of the economy of the nation, which every folk comrade serves. His personal share in property, profit and management id either earned or limited by increased output, greater responsibility. The German Revolution knows ad recognizes the motive force of personal interest, but incorporates this force into a larger machinery for the good of the nation.

XI. The German Revolution sees this good of the nation neither in the accumulation of material goods, nor in a limitless improvement of the standard of living, but exclusively in the recovery and maintenance in the health of that God-given organism, the Nation. Only thus can this German nation fulfill the task entrusted to it by fate.

XII. The German Revolution sees this task as the full development of the unique folkish character and therefore fights with every means against racial degeneration or foreign influence in culture, and for folkish renewal and purity, for German culture. This fight applies particularly to the Jews, who, in combination with the international powers of freemasonry and ultra-Montanism, are destroying, partly compelled by their nature, partly internationally, the life of the German soul.

XIII. The German Revolution therefore also fights against the rule of Jewish Roman law and for a German law which has the German and his honor as its axis and consciously affirms and values the inequality of man. This German law recognizes as citizens only folk comrades and measures all according to the good of the whole.

XIV. The German Revolution overthrows the world view of the great French Revolution and shapes the face of the twentieth century. It is nationalistic - against the enslavement of the German people; it is socialist - against the tyranny if money; it is folkish - against the destruction of the German soul - but it is all of these only for the sake of the nation. And for the sake of those nation for the German Revolution recoils from no battle, finds no sacrifice too great, no war too bloody, for Germany must live!Thus we youths feel the heartbeat of the German Revolution pounding, thus we front soldiers see the face of the near future before us and experience, humble-proud, the role of the chosen ones, to fight, to win the battle of the twentieth century, satisfied to see the meaning of the war, the Third Reich.


And of course, it would to be remiss to leave out the man who replaced national SOCIALISM with the form which ended in the destruction of Europe in 1945.
Hitler: Founder of Israel

Thursday 19 April 2018

The Windrush Generation: Hated by the Tories for being a committed section of the Working Class

We must stand shoulder to shoulder with those  that have contributed towards our national working class  institutions, our trades unions, our football clubs, our health service as opposed to those that mock the very idea of our society.

In the neo-liberal society that Thatcher created and has increasingly taken hold since the 1980s in these isles, particularly in the urban areas, atomised individualism has wrought havoc.

Enhanced by the destruction of the manufacturing base of the economy, working class collective institutions were denied their relevance and meaning. The family unit is now openly mocked, traditional parenting seen as "uncool" as the self indulgent musings of the Hampstead crowd filtered down to the less expensive parts of town. This  has denied our youth the support is needs. Along with this, the gun culture travelling across the Atlantic  has introduced a poisonous ingredient to the dysfunctional brew from which our present society. is forced to drink.

This has unfortunately particularly manifested itself amongst the young of the black working class because big city kids of any background have always had the winner/loser capitalist dichotomy thrust under their noses in the severest form.  This has historically been tempered by the institutions of family, locality, class. Yet no longer. However, urban youth in the metropolis has sought it's own collective institutions, ones far less positive than those of their parents and grandparents in nature, the results have been heart breaking to witness.

Now this! Further proof, if any were needed that Britain is not a community, but a "people mill", continually churning, a revolving door where if you don't conform  to the neo-con geopolitical agenda, goodbye.

The future of this country must be the healing of this country, it will not be found in the boardrooms of corporations, or the offices of foreign governments, but in our own autonomous institutions.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Speak Out For Palestine - Wilberg on Wednesday

Editor's note:
The West is suffering under the weight of the Cultural, Political and Economic Occupation of Zionist power. In Palestine, the Occupation is Physical, with the native population forced out of their homes, many living a life of absolute poverty in the world's largest Concentration Camp: the Gaza Strip.  The Zionist power uses occupied Palestine as its base for its global crimes.  For this reason, and for simple human decency, the Palestinian struggle is our struggle too.


Please watch the video in this article - banned in 28 countries - in full, and share it. It shows the sheer hell of Israeli occupation, leading even to Palestine children committing suicide:

As of April 7, nearly three thousand unarmed Christian, Muslim and secular Palestinians have been wounded, over three dozens are in critical condition and at least twenty-five unarmed protestors, including children have been assassinated by hundreds of Israeli snipers and heavily armed troops shooting tank shells into crowds of civilians protesting their decades of incarceration by the racist Israeli state. Why is this not talked about or even reported in the media?

Closing note
The Zionist State turns 70 this evening. For the occupied territories this is a day of mourning. 70 years of brutal subjugation. 70 years of the motherland of the Palestinian people taken and turned into a criminal headquarters for a people whose claim to the land lies in fantasy, from a collective delusion of grandeur which believes that people to be chosen by no less than their god. 70 years of pain. This sorry period in history will not stop until the power of the Zionist menace is broken. When the usurious capitalist system is no more, Palestine, the Jewish People who have been conned into accepting this evil in their name, and the rest of the world will be free.

Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!! Contents of this newsletter: 1. A While Since the Last Newsletter 2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media 3. What...