Wednesday 29 July 2020

The Socialist Motherland Party Youth Division site is now live

The Socialist Motherland Party Youth Division now has its own site.  Christopher James Boardman has been leading the Youth Wing for some time now, being active on Facebook and Twitter.  Due to the lock-down and ill-health, Chris hasn't been able to get active offline, but the lock-down is easing and his health is improving, so this will change - hopefully soon.

The SMPBI Youth site is in its infancy.  The aim is to make it youth-focused.  Memes, pictures, videos, articles and all other suggestions for publishing should be emailed to

Sunday 26 July 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 124


Israel destroys health posts to combat Covid in Palestine

On July 20 and 21, Israeli occupation forces destroyed health posts that had recently been built as part of the strategies to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in the cities of Jenin and Hebron, respectively, in the West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied by Zionism.

In the first case, in Jenin, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that Israeli soldiers had invaded the city in a local refugee camp to arrest people involved in resistance to the occupation, which led to a confrontation with residents, who resisted attack, and ended with one of the residents shot in the leg by the soldiers. At the end of the reactionary military incursion, the soldiers took two detainees and destroyed the sanitary checkpoint outside the city, out of pure sadism.

In the second case, according to the Anadolu press monopoly, the Israeli occupation forces brought down a health center with excavators at the entrance to the city of Hebron, which was being built by the residents themselves about three months ago, in an attempt to contain the advance of the disease on the population.

A Palestinian who participated in the initiative in Hebron told the Middle East Monitor website, while walking through the wreckage left by the Israelis after demolishing the center: “[The demolition] is proof that they are not concerned with containing [the virus]. The facility was prepared to test residents, so that infected people would be quarantined here for a while and then transferred to quarantine centers, and to detect uninfected people and let them into the city. It had been under construction for 3 months, but in the later stages the Israelis were no longer allowing it. ”

Read more: “Vulnerability of Palestinians to coronavirus opens the war of imperialist aggression”
These cases add up to previous episodes, such as when, on April 15, Israeli soldiers invaded and closed a testing clinic for Covid-19 that had been improvised in the Silwan neighborhood of East Jerusalem, where four people were still arrested. , accused of involvement with the Palestinian Authority, which reportedly supplied the kits for testing the disease.

In the previous month, another similar case occurred in the Palestinian village of Khirbet Ibziq, in the north of the Jordan River valley, where Israeli officials, accompanied by a military escort, confiscated materials and equipment that had been used to set up tents in field hospitals. and for emergency accommodation that would serve local residents.

In the midst of all this situation, the most violent and perverse face of Zionist colonialism, which perpetrates its crimes against the Palestinian people, whether in occupied territories or not, is wide open. In June, Israel reached a peak in the number of demolitions carried out against homes of Palestinian families in the West Bank, reaching more than 200 Palestinians, of whom 115 are minors.

The total number of houses demolished was more than double the monthly average in the first five months of 2020.

- Partido Nacional-Bolchevique Brasileiro

(original text below)

Israel destrói postos de saúde para o combate à Covid na Palestina

Nos dias 20 e 21 de julho, forças da ocupação israelense destruíram postos de saúde que haviam sido construídos recentemente como parte das estratégias de combate à pandemia de Covid-19, nas cidades de Jenin e Hebron, respectivamente, na Cisjordânia, território palestino ocupado pelo sionismo.

No primeiro caso, em Jenin, a agência de notícias palestina Wafa noticiou que soldados de Israel haviam invadido a cidade um campo de refugiados local para prender pessoas envolvidas em ações de resistência à ocupação, o que levou a um confronto com os moradores, que resistiram ao ataque, e terminou com um dos residentes alvejado na perna pelos soldados. Ao fim da incursão militar reacionária, os soldados levaram duas pessoas detidas e destruíram o posto de controle sanitário que ficava na saída da cidade, por puro sadismo.

No segundo caso, segundo o monopólio de imprensa Anadolu, as forças da ocupação israelense colocaram abaixo com escavadeiras um centro de saúde na entrada da cidade de Hebron que estava sendo construído pelos próprios moradores há cerca de três meses, na tentativa de conter o avanço da doença sobre a população.

Um palestino que participava da iniciativa em Hebron declarou ao site Monitor do Oriente Médio, enquanto caminhava pelos destroços deixados pelos israelenses após demolirem o centro: “[A demolição] é uma prova de que eles não estão preocupados em conter [o vírus]. A instalação estava preparada para testar os moradores, para que as pessoas infectadas ficassem quarentenadas aqui  por um tempo e então serem transferidas para centros de quarentena, e para detectar as pessoas não infectadas e deixá-las entrar na cidade. Ele estava sendo construído há 3 meses, mas nos últimos estágios os israelenses não estavam mais permitindo”.

Leia mais: “Vulnerabilidade de palestinos ao coronavírus escancara a guerra de agressão imperialista”
Esses casos somam-se a episódios anteriores, como quando, em 15 de abril, soldados israelenses invadiram e fecharam uma clínica de testagem para a Covid-19 que havia sido improvisada no bairro de Silwan, na Jerusalém Oriental, onde ainda levaram presas quatro pessoas, acusadas de envolvimento com a Autoridade Palestina, que teria fornecido os kits de testagem da doença.

No mês anterior, outro caso similar ocorreu na aldeia palestina de Khirbet Ibziq, no norte do vale do rio Jordão, onde funcionários israelenses, acompanhados por uma escolta militar, confiscaram materiais e equipamentos que haviam sido destinados para a montagem de tendas de hospitais de campanha e para alojamentos emergenciais que atenderiam aos moradores locais.

Em meio a toda essa situação, fica escancarada a face mais violenta e perversa do colonialismo-sionista, que perpetra seus crimes contra o povo palestino, seja em territórios ocupados ou não. No mês de junho, Israel atingiu um pico no número de demolições perpetradas contra casas de famílias palestinas na Cisjordânia, atingindo mais de 200 palestinos, dos quais 115 são menores de idade. O número total de casas demolidas foi mais que o dobro da média mensal nos primeiros cinco meses de 2020.


What or who is a ‘’ National-Bolshevik ’’?

A propagandist for a new Great Russian Empire?
A dogmatic Leninist or a worshiper of Stalin?
A ‘’ National Socialist ’Hitlerist or simply a Nazi?
An atheist or materialist?
The answer is no, no, no, no and again no!
A true national-Bolshevik is anyone who believes that all large or small nations should be governed directly by those and for those who make up the 'majority' (which is the literal meaning of the Russian word 'Bolshevik') and not be governed by a tiny minority of state despots, puppet parliamentarians or corrupt and bureaucratic bankers, who only serve the Money Empire of the International Capitalist Financial System.
The role of Bolshevism in each nation today is to work for the interests of the majority (Bolsheviks), for example, the 99% and in particular, to free that majority from the servitude of the current global banking system.
This calls for the creation of new types of ‘‘ Popular Banks ’’, both communal and national, providing interest-free money that outweighs the needs of most ordinary people and not the needs of 1% of super-rich bankers.
Private commercial banks can and do create ‘‘ money out of thin air ’’ every second just by getting virtual money into borrowers ’accounts. Money that counts as their money and so they make prodigious profits through speculation.
They constitute an empire of money that governs the policies of all nations, in which all political empires are nothing but an instrument, and whose only god is the god of money.
If private banks can create virtual money, Popular Banks could also, however, the main difference is that the money created by these banks would belong to the people and the community, so that governments could spend money in the interests of the people (the majority) and not for the private profit of the few.

- Peter Wilberg


Money destroys roots everywhere it penetrates by replacing all motivations with the desire to earn.

 - Simone Weil


How capitalism uses immigrants
By Lance Selfa and Helen Scott | April 21, 2006 | Page 7

IN HISTORY books, we're reminded that the United States is a "nation of immigrants," and that immigrants played a key role in building the U.S. Yet right-wing politicians tell us today that immigrants are responsible for crime, economic decline and other problems in the U.S.

This love-hate view of immigration and immigrants stems from the role that immigration plays in the capitalist economic system under which we live.

The capitalist system is international, with products manufactured and sold worldwide. Capitalists--the tiny minority that owns and controls the international banks and multinational corporations--rely on a global pool of labor. To enable the capitalists to fill their demands for labor, this labor pool has to be somewhat mobile.

The central mechanism of control over the movement of labor is the nation-state. National border controls ensure that capitalism, through its state, maintains control over labor, rather than allowing people to move at will.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the U.S., Canada and Mexico aimed to promote easy transport of goods and services across the three countries' borders. But NAFTA explicitly bars free immigration.

When economic growth produces a demand for workers that can't be satisfied by the existing workforce, a "labor shortage" results. During the Second World War, women filled the labor shortage in military industries created because millions of men entered the armed forces.

It is likewise with immigration. When the domestic workforce can't fill demands for labor that capitalists need, governments often promote immigration. Immigration is not an accident.

Nor do rich countries accept the world's poor out of generosity. Labor migration is essential to the capitalist system. The purpose of immigration policy, then, is to regulate the flow of labor--to control the borders so as to control the workers themselves.

Immigration laws serve capitalism in two ways. First, they ensure cheap foreign labor when the domestic economy needs it. Second, they allow for greater control of the whole workforce.

Most of the advanced economies of the capitalist world were built on migrant labor. They have actively sought foreign-born workers in some historical periods. The same countries have also clamped down on immigration at other times.

The U.S. government's previous bracero program shows clearly how immigration policy is shaped to the needs of capital. The bracero program was initially implemented as a wartime emergency program in 1942 to fill a labor shortage in agriculture by importing farm workers from Mexico. The program became the largest foreign-worker program in the history of the U.S., contracting over 5 million braceros to growers and ranchers over the next 22 years.

Yet the government maintained control over the movements of these workers, and at any time could (and did) restrict the numbers of Mexicans crossing the border and clamp down on Mexicans in the U.S. The passage of workers from Mexico was crucial to the economy, but the workers themselves, at any given moment, could be treated like unwanted criminals, refused entry or deported.

Reducing labor costs, a key aim of capitalists at all times, can be achieved by paying lower wages. To this end, companies can either move production to sites with cheaper labor supplies, or they can bring cheap labor supplies to production sites.

A perfect illustration of moving production to the labor supply is the maquila zone along the U.S.-Mexico border, created after the bracero program ended. Here, advanced country multinationals gain immigrant workers' skills without having to pay to develop them. The social costs of child benefits and education have been provided by another state (in this case, Mexico).

But if the workers come across the border to work as undocumented labor in the U.S., employers gain the same advantages.

What are the specific conditions that make immigrant labor especially attractive to business? Immigrant workers are less likely to be unionized, and an immigrant workforce is often more controllable. Employers use the threat of deportation and criminalization to exploit immigrants ruthlessly and quell immigrants' efforts to fight for their rights.

Legal immigrants waiting for confirmation of citizenship are subject to this pressure, as well as undocumented workers. The presence of a criminalized section of the workforce is crucial for the employers to maintain their control.

New immigrants often don't speak English and are desperate for work. Employers exploit this vulnerability to the fullest--paying below-average wages, violating safety standards and workers' rights.

Meatpacking companies in the Midwest, for example, send personnel managers on tours of the U.S. to recruit Asian and Latino immigrants from California and New York, according to sociologists Louise Lamphere, Alex Stepick, and Guillermo Grenier. One company representative for Dupaco, a meatpacking firm in Nebraska, was typically up-front about the aims of recruitment: "We need to get us a minority group in here."

The Dupaco executive's statement illustrates another important benefit employers gain from hiring immigrants: keeping the workforce divided. Employers use every possible difference between workers--sex, race, sexual orientation, skill and citizenship status--to sow division in the workforce. Employers know that a divided workforce is less likely to unite to demand union representation and higher wages and benefits.

It's clear that when it comes to making profits, U.S. business sees no borders.

That's why it's even clearer that the U.S. labor movement needs to continue organizing among immigrants. Improving wages and conditions for immigrants shouldn't be seen as a way indirectly to boost "American" wages and conditions, separate from immigrants' conditions. On the contrary, jobs performed by immigrants are crucial to the U.S. economy. Improving their wages and conditions will benefit all workers, no matter what side of the Rio Grande (or Rio Bravo) they were born.

- International Socialist Organization (U.S.)


Someone should take Machiavellian elite class theory in the vein of James Burnham and use it to critique the occult activity of our ruling classes. I already establish some of the connections between the historic rise of organized cabalism and that of modern capitalism in my small book Faust Without Mephistopheles. Coining the phrase "economic occult forces," I show that the phenomenon that term describes was indispensably influential on modern Western science. But what I am proposing in this post is a little different; I am suggesting a combination of class theory and occult war theory. It seems that most people who like the one do not really like the other, but I believe they can be synthesized nicely. Faust Without Mephistopheles combines some of the economic-historic insight of Werner Sombart, from which the title actually derives, with my findings about organized cabalism in Western history. But by combining the two fields of study, I have only scratched the surface of a new possibility for a synthesis.

- Amory Stern


We social revolutionary nationalists demand an alliance with the Soviet Union. We see in all oppressed peoples, to whatever races they belong, our natural allies "

- Karl Otto Paetel


“Today nothing is more modern than the onslaught against the political. American financiers, industrial technicians, Marxist socialists, and anarchic-syndicalist revolutionaries unite in demanding that the biased rule of politics over unbiased economic management be done away with. There must no longer be political problems, only organizational-technical and economic-sociological tasks. The kind of economic-technical thinking that prevails today is no longer capable of perceiving a political idea. The modern state seems to have actually become what Max Weber envisioned: a huge industrial plant.”

- Carl Schmitt, Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty


Countries can lose access to affordable financing. But not countries like the UK that have the capacity to print their own currency. The government is talking about reintroducing austerity to cut back on its deficit: in the face of this crisis, this is dangerous nonsense based on fallacious notions that equate governments with households and ignore economic history.

In 2010 Greece experienced collapsing tax revenues with heavy budgetary obligations and its budget deficit rose to 15% of GDP. To cover this deficit the Greeks had to borrow, but now they really did have to “find the money” because they had no Greek Central bank able to issue Drachmas any more. Lenders were not willing to buy Greek government bonds denominated in euros unless they received a substantial premium for the risk they were in taking in lending billions to a currency user, not issuer, that might not be able to raise the funds in future to pay it back.

From 2009 to 2012 the interest rate on 10-year Greek government bonds rose from less than 6% to over 35%.

Compare that with that with the USA and UK experience: fiscal deficits in both countries tripled from 2007 to 2009 as a result of the crash. Deficits went from around 3% to 10% of GDP in both countries, over the same period the average interest rates on ten-year government bonds fell from 3.3% to 1.8% in the USA and from 5% to 3.6% in the UK.

Both countries have the backstop of a central bank that acts for the government as a monopoly supplier of the currency. This reassures investors that bills can be paid and that the central bank has ironclad control over its short-term interest rates and substantial influence over rates on longer-dated securities.

If you’re thinking this all betrays the basic lie at the heart of Austerity, that the only thing that mattered was to cut the deficit or the country would go bust: you are 100% correct.

But some politicians genuinely do not get it and talk as if the government were a household. In 2010 some American politicians were urging their government to cut the deficit or risk a Greek-style debt crisis. Investors like Warren Buffet knew better, Buffet said: “the US cannot have a debt crisis of any kind as long as we keep issuing our notes in our own currency….Greece lost their power to print their own money, if they could print drachmas they would have other problems but they would not have a debt problem."

To finish, it’s also worth noting that interest payments on the UK national debt are not high by historical standards as interest rates are so low.

Also be aware that the Bank of England owns around 25% of the UK government’s debt: so a quarter of the headline debt figure they use to scare you has been effectively retired already.

Austerity is a device to keep us in our place and compliant.

- South East London Communist Party


 'intersectionality' is typical middle class trotskyism. It is here to take socialism away from 'class struggle', to disempower and alienate the working class. It is here to allow the middle class to gain control. United we stand, divided we fall. Trotskyite middle class intersectionality is middle class capitalist marketing.

- Paul Moor


The chance of having a left wing government was destroyed from within the Labour party, both deliberately and out of sheer ignorance. It wasn’t so much that the Tories won, it was because Labour lost big time, lost the plot. And the main issue was democracy/Brexit, FACT: no socialist would contemplate supporting a right wing, pro privatization, pro capitalist, undemocratic political monster such as the E.U. but the labour membership is made up of mostly Liberals who had/have a blind almost religious belief that the E.U. is the best thing since sliced bread.

I would say Corbyn and his cohorts, Abbot, McDonnell  and the pro E.U. momentum gang have enabled the situation we are now in with another Tory Blairite running it, they blew their chance big time, even with the massive support they had, and after a decade of Tory austerity it should have been a walk in the park. These so called left wing people of principles ignored democracy and ignored its traditional working class voters who overwhelmingly and rightly voted to leave the E.U. Labour is obsessed with its membership, it’s not the membership that puts you in government its VOTERS!

Not only this but many in the Westminster bubble and of course many of its Liberal campaigners, supporters looked down their noses at the working class who were too thick and ignorant to see just how wonderful and what a force for good the E.U. is NOT! I heard one campaigner on the streets of Leeds saying she was incredulous, she “couldn’t get through” to these deplorables who voted OUT, most working class people who voted OUT are decent people, not ignorant, flag waving, xenophobic little Englanders as portrayed by the pro E.U. media and repeated by these Liberal Clowns.

Whoever came up with that contradictory, ridiculous Brexit policy of “getting a better deal” with the E.U. and then holding a second referendum on it, in which they would campaign against their imaginary better deal and campaign to remain (to please its Liberal membership and its Tory Blairite MP’s) should be hanging their heads in shame, I don’t know how they can show their faces in public!

Maybe they thought the electorate are so thick they would buy it! The E.U. doesn’t do deals, it’s a dictatorship! The E.U. wants the worst deal possible for the U.K. lest any others have the audacity to exercise their democratic right. Corbyn should have stuck to his life long ideology and backed the Leave campaign, he should have defended the right to criticize the Israeli apartheid regime, he should have defended Chris Williamson against FALSE allegations of anti-Semitism, he should have purged the party of Tory Blairites, (Boris even sacked people like Ken Clarke because they were not with the program) Labour only need look in the mirror for answers as to why it lost big time!

- Tim Everett


The Blair Babes that took over the Labour Party in the 1990s were essentially the bastard children of Neil Kinnock. The 'modernists' have enjoyed an almost unbroken monopoly on power for well over 30 years now. To call it a cult would not be in any way an exaggeration.

The fervour that the Blair Babes - and now the Starm-Troopers - embrace the European Union is that of the religious devotee. They regard the EU as a kind of modern-day Holy Roman Empire, and themselves as goodly folk who fear Wrath of the Lord. In this particular case, he would be Lord Kinnock.

The EU-rophiles no longer see membership as a vote-winning signifier of political moderation, but as a DUTY. The Union is the bastion of civilisation, human rights and diversity. Only the worst kind of Alt.Right knuckle-dagger in the pay of Vladimir Putin would wish to leave it. For the Starm-Troopers, stopping Brexit really IS like stopping Hitler. They support the EU not because it is expedient, but because it is the RIGHT thing to do!

You cannot argue with people like that. I have a EU-rophile friend who has been in tears for the last six months, she claims that 'Europe is now closed to us forever'. This is like the despair of a devout Catholic upon hearing of England's collective excommunication by the Pope following Henry Tudor's break with Rome. She tells me that neither Bercow or the BBC should be 'unbiased' between Remain and Leave - because some things are Right and some things are Wrong. When someone is 'unbiased' between Right and Wrong they are in fact taking sides - because to remain neutral is automatically to be on the side of Wrong. The only thing it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. In other words, Stopping Brexit Is Like Stopping Hitler!

When I pointed out that the British people had rejected the European Union in the largest (and longest) referendum in history, she told me she thought it had been 'fixed' somehow, presumably by Vladimir Putin and his legions of SVR hackers. When I pointed out that the Labour Party had gone into meltdown after it was taken over by Starm-Troopers committed to the Remain position, she said that the people of Britain were in favour of the EU but did not trust Corbyn. He was - in his heart - a Leaver who was parroting the Remain line. Apparently if the party had a leader who was a true believer in the Blue & Gold then a host of working-class EU-rophiles would have materialised out of thin air and swept Labour to power - banishing the spectre of Brexit for all time. I told her that l believed that her judgement was in question - and that she may in fact be thinking of crucifixes and vampires. We have not spoken since.

The only way to deal with people who think like this is to crush them. Kinnock drove the Militant Tendency out of the Labour Party and established his unquestionable authority. Corbyn tried to be NICE. He tried to bring them on board, to win their approval, to earn their trust. All the time they were in open revolt against him. Fair dues, the man was a Nazi wasn't he? He had to be. After all, Corbyn was pro-Brexit - and everyone knows that Stopping Brexit Is Like Stopping Hitler.

Corbyn was a fool who paid a steep price for his delusional belief in the essential decency of his opponents.

Regrettably so are the rest of us...

- Owen Carpenter


"First, let’s handle the question of vaccination.
There is a measles vaccine, yet it kills 140,000 a year.
There is a pneumococcus vaccine, yet it kills between 2 and 2.5 million a year.
There is a hepatitis B vaccine, yet it kills 140,000. There is a tetanus vaccine, yet it kills 89,000 annually. There is a retrovirus vaccine, yet it kills 800,000. There is a HPV vaccine, yet it kills 250,000.
There is a tuberculosis vaccine, yet it kills 1.5 million.
There is an influenza vaccine, yet it kills 650,000 to 1 million deaths a year.
None of these are considered pandemics, cause entire economies to be shut down or, or call for any extraordinary measures at all."

- Jonn Mnemonik


Sunday 19 July 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 123


What is Neoliberalism?

It is a political-economic, pro-capitalist and anti-scientist doctrine, inspired mainly by the theories of Friedrich Von Hayek and Milton Friedman, which raises faith in market movements as a paramount factor of progress.

The original concept was coined by German economist Alexander Rüstow in 1938, posing a kind of ′′ third way ′′ or a ′′ road between classic liberalism and Socialism. This after the failures of economic liberalism, which revealed the Great Depression and the economic collapse experienced in the early 1930. s. It exposed a social market economy, with state regulations.

Over the decades, the concept was mutating the meaning, until in the 80 s and precisely Chile, neoliberal experimental policies, driven by the Chicago boys, were implemented - Friedman's disciples. The term was transformed into a radicalized ultranza defense of laissez-faire and capitalism in general, diminishing the power of the state.

In practice, neoliberalism involves the privatization of state companies, deregulation of markets, dismantling national borders and opening up to globalization. Its justification of monopolies and oligopolies is usually criticized, taking powers from public authorities, to curb the abuses and errors of the unplanned liberal economic system, resulting in a kind of scam that favors plutocracies, increasing without parameters the indices of social inequality, the culture of irrational consumption and neo-slave indebtedness.

The adoption of neoliberal policies and acceptance of their economic theory since the 1970 s by most developed countries are seen by many economists as the cause of the collapse of the international financial system of 2007 and 2008 that later manifested in the so-called ′′ Great Recession ". Recently studied the new failure of neoliberalism in Chile, where a social outbreak of large proportions originated, such as a resistance against political and economic corruption, the government incompetence and model injustice, among other factors.

Original text below:

¿Qué es el Neoliberalismo?
Es una doctrina político-económica, pro-capitalista y anti-científica, inspirada principalmente en las teorías de Friedrich Von Hayek y Milton Friedman, que plantea la fe en los movimientos del mercado como factor primordial de progreso.
El concepto original fue acuñado por el economista alemán Alexander Rüstow en 1938, planteando una especie de "tercer camino" o un "camino entre medias" entre el liberalismo clásico y el Socialismo. Esto tras los fracasos del liberalismo económico, que dejó en evidencia la Gran Depresión y el hundimiento económico vivido en los primeros años de la década de 1930. Expuso una economía social de mercado, con regulaciones estatales.
En el transcurso de las décadas, el concepto fue mutando el significado, hasta que en los años 80 y precisamente en Chile, se aplicaron políticas experimentales neoliberales, impulsadas por los Chicago boys, -discípulos de Friedman- . El término se transformó en una radicalizada defensa a ultranza del laissez-faire y el capitalismo en general, disminuyendo el poder del Estado.
En la práctica, el neoliberalismo implica la privatización de empresas estatales, la desregulación de los mercados, la desarticulación de las fronteras nacionales y la apertura a la globalización. Se suele criticar su justificación de los monopolios y los oligopolios, arrebatándole facultades a los poderes públicos, para frenar los abusos y errores del sistema económico liberal no-planificado, resultando una especie de timo que favorece a las plutocracias, aumentando sin parámetros los indices de desigualdad social, la cultura del consumo irracional y el endeudamiento neo-esclavista.
La adopción de las políticas neoliberales y la aceptación de su teoría económica desde la década de 1970 por la mayoría de los países desarrollados se ven, por parte de muchos economistas, como la causa del hundimiento del sistema financiero internacional del año 2007 y 2008 que más tarde se manifestó en la llamada "Gran Recesión". Recientemente se estudia el nuevo fracaso del neoliberalismo en Chile, donde se originó un estallido social de grandes proporciones, como una resistencia contra la corrupción política y económica, la incompetencia del gobierno y la injusticia del modelo, entre otros factores.

- Círculo Patriótico de Estudios Chilenos e Indoamericanos


A part of the left seems to have forgotten the concept of “lumpenproletariat” developed by Karl Marx which accurately characterizes these criminals who primarily attack the workers. The “lumpenproletariat” describes this fringe of the proletariat that has dropped out of the popular classes and where we find thugs, petty criminals – all these people who no longer have class consciousness, who are immoral, poorly educated, and individualist. They are the objective allies of the capitalist oligarchy as they copy, on their scale, its ethos: violent predation, they are for themselves and against others. Ridding themselves of this lumpenproletariat also concerns the popular classes, a task normally assigned to the left. But the contemporary left seems incapable of even considering the subject [...] The impunity of this new “lumpenproletariat” also echoes the impunity of the most powerful in our society which is disintegrating at both ends. In our Republic there are no-go zones and we must take the bull by the horns one day before it totally dengenerates – from below and from above […]

The problem is a large part of the left very rarely speaks about insecurity, without realizing that the first victims of insecurity are the popular classes, whether they are immigrants or not. But security is the first freedom. The fight against this unbearable criminality is capable of bringing us together beyond all identity politics, beyond ethnic origins and religions: the majority of French people, whatever their origins, desire to live in peace and not fear the petty thugs to whom the government has abandoned the neighborhoods and their inhabitants.

The right, for the last forty years, has passionately defended neoliberal policies and the demands of the European Union to reduce the financing of public services; it is often swaddled in the most complacent Atlanticism forgetting what accompanies economic neoliberalism and American identity politics, fanatical individualism which has nothing to do with others and society and is also the fertile ground on which this barbarous criminality flourishes.

- Djordje Kuzmanovic, interviewed by RT France July 16th


The deep cause of political correctness actually resides in what one could call the metaphysics of subjectivity, which is one of the keystones of modernity. Descartes is its great ancestor: “I think, therefore I am.” I, I. In more contemporary terms: me, me. The truth is no longer external to myself, it is conflated with it. Society must respect me, it must ban anything that could offend me, humiliate me, shock or bruise my ego. Others must not decide for me what I am, except to make me a victim. Apparently, I am a white man with a thick beard, but if I decided that I am a transitioning black lesbian, that's what one must consider me. I was born sixty years ago, but if I attribute myself the characteristics of a 40 year old man, that's how the civil state should register me. Basically, I alone have the right to speak for myself. Thus the narcissism of resentment feeds itself.


The third new fact is that censorship is no longer principally done by public powers, but big media. In the past, the demands for censorship principally emanated from the state, the press flattered itself to play the role of counter-power. All that has changed. Not only has the media nearly abandoned any tendency to resist the dominant ideology, but it is its principal vector.

Newspapers, televisions, political parties: for thirty years, all say more or less the same thing because they all reason within the same circle of thought. Pensée unique is all the more ominpresent in the media as it exercises itself within a micro-milieu where everybody has the same references (economic values and “human rights”), where everyone is familiar with each other and calls each other by their first name, where the same incestuous relationships unite journalists, politicians, and show-business. Its proof is that, on a certain number of key issues, 80% of them think exactly the opposite of what 80% of  French people think. The result is that the media system is increasingly discredited. And the majority of debates we witness no longer deserve this name. Philippe Muray already said, “The field of what is no longer debatable never ceases to expand.” Frédéric Taddeï confirmed on France Inter in September 2018, “the problem is that you no longer have real debate on French television and that doesn't seem to bother any journalist.” Likewise, according to the fortunate expression of Jean-Pierre Garnier and Louis Janover, the engaged intellectual has ceded his place to the intellectual for hire: “The 'three Cs' that defined his mission in the past – critique, contest, combat – have been replaced with the 'three As' that summarize his resignation today: accept, approve, applaud


The old morality prescribed individual rules of behavior: society was supposed to function better if the individuals who composed it acted so. The new morality wants to moralize society itself, without imposing rules on individuals. The old morality told people what they must do, the new morality describes what society must become. It's not longer individuals who must behave better, but society that must be rendered more “just.” The old morality was ruled by the good, while the new is ruled by the just. The good asserts the ethic of virtues, the just a conception of “justice” itself colored with a strong moral impregnation. Founded on subjective rights that individuals would draw from the state of nature, the ideology of human rights, having become the civil religion of our time, is before all a moral doctrine too. Modern societies are both ultrapermissive and hyper-moral.

 - Alain de Benoist


Fears that the international language of money will speak more loudly than local dialects inspire the reassertion of ethnic particularism in Europe, while the decline of the nation-state weakens the only authority capable of holding ethnic rivalries in check. The revival of tribalism, in turn, reinforces a reactive cosmopolitanism among elites. [...] The denationalization of business enterprise tends to produce a class of cosmopolitans who see themselves as "world citizens, but without accepting…any of the obligations that citizenship in a polity normally implies." But the cosmopolitanism of the favored few, because it is uninformed by the practice of citizenship, turns out to be a higher form of parochialism. Instead of supporting public services, the new elites put their money into the improvement of their own self-enclosed enclaves.

 - Christopher Lasch


The chance of having a left wing government was destroyed from within the Labour party, both deliberately and out of sheer ignorance. It wasn’t so much that the Tories won, it was because Labour lost big time, lost the plot. And the main issue was democracy/Brexit, FACT: no socialist would contemplate supporting a right wing, pro privatisation, pro capitalist, undemocratic political monster such as the E.U. but the labour membership is made up of mostly Liberals who had/have a blind almost religious belief that the E.U. is the best thing since sliced bread.

I would say Corbyn and his cohorts, Abbot, McDonnell  and the pro E.U. momentum gang have enabled the situation we are now in with another Tory Blairite running it, they blew their chance big time, even with the massive support they had, and after a decade of Tory austerity it should have been a walk in the park. These so called left wing people of principles ignored democracy and ignored its traditional working class voters who overwhelmingly and rightly voted to leave the E.U. Labour is obsessed with its membership, it’s not the membership that puts you in government its VOTERS!

Not only this but many in the Westminster bubble and of course many of its Liberal campaigners, supporters looked down their noses at the working class who were too thick and ignorant to see just how wonderful and what a force for good the E.U. is NOT! I heard one campaigner on the streets of Leeds saying she was incredulous, she “couldn’t get through” to these deplorables who voted OUT, most working class people who voted OUT are decent people, not ignorant, flag waving, xenophobic little Englanders as portrayed by the pro E.U. media and repeated by these Liberal Clowns.

Whoever came up with that contradictory, ridiculous Brexit policy of “getting a better deal” with the E.U. and then holding a second referendum on it, in which they would campaign against their imaginary better deal and campaign to remain (to please its Liberal membership and its Tory Blairite MP’s) should be hanging their heads in shame, I don’t know how they can show their faces in public!

Maybe they thought the electorate are so thick they would buy it! The E.U. doesn’t do deals, it’s a dictatorship! The E.U. wants the worst deal possible for the U.K. lest any others have the audacity to exercise their democratic right. Corbyn should have stuck to his life long ideology and backed the Leave campaign, he should have defended the right to criticise the Israeli apartheid regime, he should have defended Chris Williamson against FALSE allegations of anti-Semitism, he should have purged the party of Tory Blairites, (Boris even sacked people like Ken Clarke because they were not with the program) Labour only need look in the mirror for answers as to why it lost big time!

Labour are a  complete waste of space and time, its MP's are closet Tories, Blairites  and it membership is made up of mostly PC Liberals who like playing at  being left wing. Ergo it was Brexit that killed any chance of Labour  winning the second ref, er I mean G.E.  Its MP's couldn't accept democracy, and its membership couldn't accept  democracy, and they all looked down their noses on "thick, ignorant,  racist" labour VOTERS. And Starmer will continue to campaign against democracy, ensuring Labour can never win. Any socialist putting any hopes in Labour London is like pissing in the wind! an exercise in futility!

- Tim Everett


Sunday 12 July 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 122

Since the 1980s, the traditional views of the left (dominated by Marxist parties) was challenged by the New Left and Post-Modernism. This lead to the emergence of issue-based identity-politics that was supported by civil-society, NGOs, and also scores of young people educated in the West in the last three decades. This new politics has had a huge influence not in fracturing and destroying the left in the West but also impacting struggles in Pakistan. In this video I examine three core themes of identity politics - axis of privilege, authenticity, and anti-essentialism - and show how these ideas result in a mass of interminable self-contradictions and self-defeating strategies.

- Taimur Rahm


A cashless society means no cash. Zero. It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’. Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. A cashless society means:

* If you are struggling with your mortgage on a particular month, you can’t do an odd job to get you through.

* Your child can’t go & help the local farmer to earn a bit of summer cash.

* No more cash slipped into the hands of a child as a good luck charm or from their grandparent when going on holidays.

* No more money in birthday cards.

* No more piggy banks for your child to collect pocket money & to learn about the value of earning.

* No more cash for a rainy day fund or for that something special you have been putting £20 a week away for.

* No more fivers on the side because your wages barely cover the bills or put food on the table.

* No more charity collections.

* No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.

* No more cash gifts from relatives or loved ones.

What a cashless society does guarantee:

* Banks have full control of every single penny you own.

* Every transaction you make is recorded.

* All your movements & actions are traceable.

* Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which will take about 3 weeks, a thousand questions answered & five thousand passwords.

* You will have no choice but to declare & be taxed on every pound in your possession.

* The government WILL decide what you can & cannot purchase.

* If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’.

I could write lists for 5 days & still not finish explaining how utterly awful a cashless society would be, for everyone. Even for the goody two shoes who wouldn’t dream of not declaring £500.
Forget about cash being dirty. Stop being so easily led. Cash has been around for a very, very, very long time & it gives you control over how you trade with the world. It gives you independence. I heard a story where a man supposedly contracted Covid because of a £20 note he had handled. There is the same chance of Covid being on a card as being on cash. If you cannot see how utterly ridiculous this assumption is then there is little hope.

If you are a customer, pay with cash. If you are a shop owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card. Cash is a legal tender, it is our right to pay with cash. Banks are making it increasingly difficult to lodge cash & that has nothing to do with a virus, nor has this ‘dirty money’ trend.

Please open your eyes. Please stop believing everything you are being told. Almost every single topic in today’s world is tainted with corruption & hidden agendas. Please stop telling me & others like me that we are what’s wrong with the world when you hail the most corrupt members of society as your heroes. Politics & greed is what is wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality in which you are blindly floating along whilst being immobilised by irrational fear. Fear created to keep you doing & believing in exactly what you are complacently doing.

Pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have the choice.

Sunday 5 July 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 121: Forgotten History, by Kristian Robert Carter

Forgotten History. One.

27th March 1999.

Kosovo. Federal Republic Of Yugoslavia.

The 250th Airborne Missile Defense Unit of the Yugoslavian Army shot down one of the most expensive and technologically advanced pieces  of military hardware then on the planet.

The F117-A Night Hawk stealth bomber of the US air force was shot down by a Pechora Soviet designed missile system built in 1961.

Unbeknownst to American generals the obsolete Soviet air defense was able to track and trace the Night Hawk plane.

It was knocked out of the sky during one of America's many  air strikes upon Yugoslavia during the illegal war against this sovereign European state.

Much like previous American military involvement of recent years the US government and its military was actively supporting and backing Islamist terrorism against a UN member state.

The wreckage of the plane is on display in the military museum in Belgrade. Serbia.

Forgotten History. Two.

8th June 1967.

USS Liberty.

For days into the Six Day War between the Arab States and Israel, the American observation ship the USS Liberty was drifting In international waters. Fourteen miles off of the Sinai peninsula the crew were relaxing and many were sunbathing. The ship was flying the American flag and it's name and naval ID were clearly visible.

America despite being an Israeli ally was not involved in the combat of the Six Day War. The vessel was in neutral territory where the Americans were monitoring a conflict that they had advised Israel not to participate in.

As the Liberty was drifting at five knots, three Israeli observation and scouting planes flew overhead. The planes made at least a dozen circles of the boat. Flying so low the American sailors and crew waved in greeting at the Israeli pilots who were clearly visible in their cockpits.

Shortly after the scout planes departed a group of Israeli fighter jets appeared and shockingly opened fire upon the USS Liberty. The boat received direct hits from missile, bomb and machine guns. Many sailors were killed in this first wave of attack.

The Liberty was only armed with light weaponry that was useless against the jet fighters. As the communications squad attempted to call for help they found all of their signals were blocked. Even those top secret communication channels that were used for direct contact with the US government.

As the battered vessel went into emergency shut down. Three Israeli torpedo boats engaged the vessel. Crippling damage was done to the Liberty and the decision was made to abandon ship.

As the crew began to abandon the Liberty the torpedo boats opened fire on the lifeboats and those who were attempting to flee the stricken vessel. This is an action that is classed as q war crime under the rules of war.

The Liberty managed to let off an SOS signal that was intercepted by a US aircraft carrier who scrambled fighter jets to aid the ailing boat.

At first US intelligence was led to believe that the Liberty had been attacked by the pro Soviet Egyptian military. When radar picked up that the jets had originated from Haifa in Israel they suddenly were ordered to return back to the aircraft carrier and not to help the Liberty or engage it's attackers in combat.

McNamara is on record as saying -

" Those are Israeli jets. Make damn sure our planes turn around and return to base "

With the SOS signal ignored and the American planes ordered to return to base the crew was left for 16 hours in liferafts. Many of them severely injured.

With the vessel aflame the Israelis withdrew leaving the crew to fend for themselves in the sea.

When rescue vessels arrived the casualties were  -

34 dead.

171 injured.

The Liberty was badly damaged and later investigation showed it had been hit over 3800 times by hostile fire.

Later investigations by US and Israeli governments put the incident down to mistaken identity and ' friendly fire '.

US Secretary of state Dean Rusk made the following blistering statement about the subsequent investigation -

" I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous. "

It is widely believed that Israel launched the attack in order to blame Egypt and draw the American government into the Six Day War. The communication blaming Egypt for the attack is believed to have originated from Mossad and the Israeli military.

The attack lasted two hours and during this period no American support was sent to the aid of the Liberty.

This marks the only time the American state has not gone to the aid of their fellow servicemen in distress.

It also was the highest naval losses ( at the time ) since the second world war.

Despite apologising for the ' mistake ' no body has ever been held to account and despite a pittance payment of damages paid to the families of the dead, many American survivors of this incident still refuse to let the case be put into the mist of time and forgotten about.

Forgotten History. Three.

Thatchers Terrorist Friends.

1980 - 1990.

Thatcher the iron lady that never negotiated with terrorists. A complete myth that the Tories seem to have forgotten about. The recent witch hunt against Jeremy Corbyn by the Conservative Party shows just how duplicitous with the truth the Tories actually are.

Thatcher had a long history of not just meeting Terrorist leaders but using UK taxpayers money to bankroll and arm them.

When the Afghan communists seized power In 1979 the Marxist government began a series of reforms in order to lift the Afghan population out of squalor and backwardness. Nurses and teachers were sent into isolated communities in order to vaccinate children and educate youngsters. The illiteracy rate among Afghan children was almost 90% and females were often denied education altogether. Land reform was bought in to break the tribal chieftains grip upon power.

These initiatives angered the Conservative clerics and chieftains who launched a guerrilla war against the Communist Government in Kabul. This uprising was supported by conservative and Islamist hardliners in Pakistan and the Gulf states.

Appealing to the Soviets for aid the USSR sent troops to help the Afghan government. This was not an invasion as mooted by the West but a direct appeal by the legitimate leadership of Afghanistan for help. The Soviets were invited in.

Thatcher realising that she could continue her crusade against communism went to Pakistan where she addressed the Islamists and famously called them " Freedom fighters struggling for democracy ".

The last thing on the minds of the assembled  throng was any kind of democracy. Thatcher knew this but saw them as friends in the war against Moscow.

Thatcher met many of these Islamist terrorists between 1981 - 1986. Pictured below is her shaking hands with Abdul Haj a terrorist that boasted of the massacre of students and children in bomb attacks on schools. She also met others including Gulbuddin Hekmatyar who she described as a " Fighter for Freedom " despite his love of torturing women by dousing their faces in acid.

It is unknown just how much cash the UK state channelled to the Islamist Mujahadeen who later would become Al Qeada. Vast amounts of military aid including arms and training was provided to them.

Most of the senior commanders of Al Qeada were trained and financed by the UK state on direct orders of Thatcher. Including Osama Bin Laden ( see photos below ).

Thatchers new friends were more interested at first in murdering the women nurses and the teachers who had been sent to alleviate illiteracy and poverty than they were killing Soviet soldiers.

Not only did Thatcher enjoy the company of Islamist terror groups she also enjoyed mixing with Zionist terrorists including Begin whose bomb killed almost thirty British soldiers and civilians at the David Hotel in Jerusalem.

Another example of the woman's nauseating double standards and rank hypocrisy is the Tories support of the Polish Trade Union Solidarity which was protesting against the then Communist Government in Poland. Thatcher authorised cash and other help to this union so that it could protest and organise against the Polish state. This was being done as she used the full force of the British state to smash the miners, attack workers rights and crush the power of the UK union movement. Thatcher was happy to throw our workers to the lions whilst she used tax payers money to bankroll unions in nations that were in struggle against politics she despised.

Iron Lady?


More like a tin metal harlot with morals resembling that of a corroded lump of scrap metal.

Forgotten History. Four.

Wired Fascists.

From 1919 to 1938 Germany went through a golden age of pharmaceutical production. By the year 1926 the German state was the biggest producer of diamorphine ( medical morphine ) on the planet. It's Heroin was the best in the world for quality and quantity, 41% of the total world production of synthesized Morphine originated in Germany. This amounted to a staggering 90,620 kg. A colossal amount. The majority produced by the pharmaceutical giant Merck.

The Nazi government also produced massive quantities of cocaine based medicines and methamphetamine. There was even a specialist government agency who were charged with implementing state policy and targets for the production of opiates and stimulants. This group were called Fachgruppe Opium und Cocain.

Dr Fritz Hauschild developed Benezedrine for the IG Farben company and it was trialled on a number of athletes in the 1936 Munich Olympics Games. Originally it was developed as a bronchial dialator for asthma sufferers. However interest in its fatigue busting properties was high and a very pure methamphetamine was synthesized and released onto the German market under the brand name Pervitin.

Pervitin was a huge success with the German public and was used by large swathes of society for a tonic, weight loss and fitness enhancer.

During wartime Pervitin had another efficient use as a stimulant that boosted aggression and removed fatigue. Nicknamed Stuka Pills they were given to dive bomber pilots to increase alertness and prevent them from blacking out from G force pressure whilst dive bombing.

The peak period of amphetamine use was during the blitz when the Wehrmacht issued 35 million 3mg tablets to its servicemen in three months.

Rumours are that Hitler was an amphetamine user, which wouldn't be surprising as vast swathes of the German population used the medicine.

On another note. North Korea manufactured it's own copy of Perivitin and it is believed to have been issued to industrial and agricultural workers during the famine. This was done in order to keep the hungry workforce motivated and productive.

Forgotten History. Five.

Operation Bagration.

June 23 1944 - 19 August 1944

Operation Bagration is not widely known or talked about in the West. It has become a part of military history that is criminally overlooked. The fact that the worst defeat in German military history is not as widely known as more famous battles such as Stalingrad, Normandy and the Desert Campaign is unusual.

Operation Bagration was the Wehrmacht largest loss of life, equipment and armour of the second world war. It was a hammer blow that the Nazi forces would never recover from. Huge numbers of expierenced troops, elite units, generals and military specialists were killed in the relatively short but very bloody campaign by the Soviet Red Army.

Germany had occupied Soviet Belorussia ( now Belarus ) and established Army Group Centre in the capital city of Minsk and the surrounding areas. German forces comprised of almost one million troops and personnel, two airforces with one thousand planes and close to five thousand tanks and artillery pieces. The entire Soviet city of Minsk was declared a fortified zone and heavily defended by dug in personal.

During the Nazi occupation of Belorussia the Wehrmacht forces had set about the systematic extermination of entire towns, villages and cities. Millions of Belorussian citizens were murdered by the occupiers including a literally the entire Jewish population  of the Soviet Republic. The occupiers harsh cruelty and mass murder resulted in large amounts of the countries citizens becoming Partisans who harassed and harried the occupying forces with a constant campaign of guerilla warfare.

As a reprisal for the partisan attacks it is believed the Germans murdered up to a million people. This brutality didn't dissuade the rebels though but increased the numbers as they flocked to the partisans to wage war against the German forces.

Using a mix of deception, Partisan sabotage and fast paced military strikes the Soviet Forces launched a multi pronged counter attack entitled Operation Bagration also known as The Minsk Offensive.

Partisan guerilla groups destroyed hundreds of radio transmitters which prevented the German units from communicating and caused mass confusion amongst the troops.

At the same time Soviet tank divisions smashed through the fortified defenses of Minsk allowing infantry to engage with the occupiers in close combat.

Bagration was the Soviets largest mobilisation of forces and armour, the strength of Soviet manpower is believed to be 2.3 million troops.

On July 3rd Minsk was liberated and the Red Army was able to press on to liberate vast swathes of Soviet soil and press on towards Poland.

Total Wehrmacht losses were 28 divisions out of 34, in Stalingrad Germany lost only 17 divisions of troops. Almost half a million Nazi troops were killed and 160,000 were captured. The upper echelons of the Wehrmacht army were decimated and at least a quarter of total German military capability was lost in Operation Bagration.

Soviet losses were exceedingly high and total dead is now believed to stand at quarter of a million.

Hitler's forces were on the back footing from this moment on and as the allied forces pushed through Normandy the second front that Josef Stalin had called for in the years preceding the war was suddenly in full fruition.

Operation Bagration was one of the decisive strikes to the Axis Forces and is a shining example of military planning and tactical operation.

Perhaps it doesn't fit in with the Western European and American narrative on who won the conflict but the simple fact is that the Soviets broke a major bone in the Nazi frame and with the other offensives in operation that frame began to splinter and disintegrate rapidly.

War historian Henrik Lunde -

" Operation Bagration, the largest operation of World War II, has never been adequately acknowledged in the West to the same extent as a number of smaller campaigns. A few very recent books may be an indication that its importance is finally beginning to be recognized.

While it dwarfed all other operations, it lacked a dramatic and popular focal point like Normandy, Stalingrad, or Leningrad––which have been written about more extensively. It took place at a time when the Western Allies were still engaged in Operation Overlord––the fighting in Normandy’s hedgerow country inland from the beaches––the landings in southern France, the dash across France, and the ongoing struggle in Italy. These have received the preponderance of attention while the near destruction of three German army groups on the Eastern Front has been relegated to a few paragraphs or pages in the more popular accounts of the war in the East. But Bagration was too large and important to ignore or minimize."

Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!! Contents of this newsletter: 1. A While Since the Last Newsletter 2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media 3. What...