Sunday 29 March 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 107

Sex is not work. Work is productive. Sex is counterproductive. Sex workers are lumpenproletariat, equivalent of unemployed homeless people. #GULAG

Паша Огонов


It is time we understood that the existence of prostitution contradicts the basic principles of a workers’ republic which fights all forms of unearned wages. In the three years of the revolution our ideas on this subject have changed greatly. A new philosophy, which has little m common with the old ideas, is in the making. Three years ago we regarded a merchant as a completely respectable person. Provided his accounts were in order and he did not cheat or dupe his customer too obviously, he was rewarded with the title of “merchant of the first guild”, “respected citizen”, etc.

Since the revolution attitudes, to trade and merchants have changed radically. We now call the “honest merchant” a speculator, and instead of awarding him honorary tides we drag him before a special committee and put him in a forced labour camp. Why do we do this?’ Because we know that we can only build a new communist economy if all adult citizens are involved in productive labour. The person who does not work and who lives off someone else or on an unearned wage harms the collective and the republic. We, therefore, hunt down the speculators, the traders and the hoarders who all live off unearned income. We must fight prostitution as another form of labour desertion.

- Alexandra Kollontai 1921



Karl Marx anticipating the criminality of Zionism:

"Let us now consider the real secular Jew, not the Sabbath Jew as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not seek the mystery of the Jew in his religion, but let us seek the mystery of religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? The practical need, the self-interest. What is the secular cult of the Jews? The Haggle. Which one is his real god? The money"

- (Karl Marx) ✡💰💵💲


An invitation to a journey by Alexandr Dugin -

" This is perhaps what is most important: we must think about more than how to save ourselves from the coronavirus, we must also consider the reason for it, and most importantly, for what purpose it came to us. Whoever is really behind it, whether the pandemic was man-made or not man-made, natural or artificial, all of this is not important-- all that really matters is why. Here, when it comes to the question of telos, the purpose of something, the meaning of something, we must turn to the figure of Apollo, who is the interpreter and the true originator, that is, the metaphysical source of the pandemic. This is a development at once cruel and curative, it is an outstretched hand from light metaphysics directing us to return to ourselves, to close our borders, to close our homes, to close our eyes and focus them inward on ourselves."

True populist moment is now. Who takes decisions in the emergency state IS sovereign. It is time to people to overthrow rotten elite and to begin serious fight for life and health - without them.


The Cause Of Our Country Is The Cause Of Our Class.

The class struggle is not an invention of Karl Marx nor it is something that is used to overshadow or replace the National Struggle, they are one in the same.

It is a battle line established by those who are in possession of the economic means of power, imposed on those ‘below’, who respond with fury. It does not require a moral judgment but instead a stated decision on which side we want to fight.

The class struggle is not some artificial construct. As everywhere in the life of cells, new, young life replaces the old and feeble; so too in the body of the People is the old leadership class, after fulfilling its function for the community over a certain period, replaced by new forces – usually with violence and with the use of broad fronts.

Thus is the class struggle, irrespective of the fact that this process is playing itself out amongst all peoples, a course of events in the life of the People, a process of reversal against the leadership forces within a peoples-organism, Class Struggle has the potential to raise societies most downtrodden to the status of masters of their own accord with the use of Socialism. Nationalism without Socialism is nothing more than green washing that will lead to nothing more than a change of the flag on the mast and a change to the accent of the boss. As capital will still be the driving force behind each and every endeavour.

Just as every previous revolution had its sociological bearer – the clearest example being the ‘bourgeois’ French Revolution, so too does the revolution in which we are situated. The working class, which is today pounding at the gates of German history, will have to battle out the class struggle with the current holders of the economic resources and instruments of power so that it can have both transferred into the workers’ hands at the moment of revolution, thus being ready to declare itself a nation and to replace the old leadership.”

- Karl Otto Paetel


Do not sell at high prices taking advantage of the need. Do not wait for the shortage of bread to open your barns. Because "he who raises the price of bread is hated by the people" (Proverbs 11:26). Do not wait, for the love of gold, for hunger to come, or for private indigence to do private business. Do not open any more, by force of lashes, the wounds of the troubled. You look at gold and do not look at your brother: you recognise the stamp of the coin and you discover the true one of the false one, and you do not know your brother at all in time of need.

- San Basilio Magno





"Two childhoods. In the USSR, children are surrounded by nationwide care and love. In capitalist countries, millions of children live homeless, half-starved" Soviet poster, 1954







Sunday 22 March 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 106


By Gary Lefley

The list of key workers is interesting for who is not on it: bankers, City traders, hedge fund managers, CEOs, Corporate Managing Directors, majority shareholders, and billionaires! Evidently the country can operate just fine without them.

Generally, those on the list are not on high incomes, are not rewarded financially for the essential contribution they make to the well being of society.

Key workers are identified as such because the country cannot function without them, because the economy and social infrastructure will collapse without their labour, because they keep the country running. Literally, they run the country.

The economy can survive if individual key workers are off sick, but not if they are collectively ill, or collectively unable to work due to children being off school. The system simply cannot continue without them.

These key workers have extraordinary power when exercised collectively.

This power exists not simply if and when labour is withdrawn, though that is very real power, but also when and how it is deployed towards collective objectives.

The balance of political and class forces will be transformed if key workers begin to understand and collectively exercise the power at their finger tips.

Dividing workers, promoting a sense of unimportance, powerlessness and attendant apathy has always been an objective of the establishment media in its drive to maintain the status quo.

Workers becoming proud of their importance and collective power, emboldened by it, and for the general public to become aware of this too, should be a labour movement imperative as we traverse this crisis.

After the demoralisation of the general election result and the subsequent deluge of contemptible classism, the opportunity to raise class consciousness and reconnect it to the politics of socialism is timely.


What is this confinement if not the invitation to create as many borders as there are French people? The national border isn’t good, but the border that separates one from his neighbour is presented as the solution, the only solution they tell us. So the virus that ignores borders finds itself contained all the same by borders provided that they’re erected by everyone against his neighbour deemed a potential contaminator. So what works for isolated individuals doesn’t work for states! Strange paralogism ...

- Michel Onfray



By Gary Lefley

According to neoliberalism, the Market is God. Free competition and free movement of capital, goods, services and labour is divine. The neoliberal gurus have insisted that the market is self-correcting and cures all.

Except it doesn’t, and whenever the market begins to crash and threatens the wealth of the capitalist class, the state is called upon to intervene and preserve the system.

So, in 2008 the government gave billions of pounds of taxpayers money to the banks to shore up the catastrophic failure of the banking world - and the market.

Climate breakdown is the clearest example of how the market is simply not fit for the purpose of meeting the needs of humanity.

Today, the spread of COVID-19 has demonstrated once again the utter uselessness of the market to serve and safeguard society. It has also confirmed that capitalism needs the state, relies upon it, and deploys it readily to rescue the system whenever the market falls apart.

As Joseph Stiglitz wrote: “Neoliberal market fundamentalism was always a political doctrine serving certain interests. It was never supported by economic theory. Nor, it should now be clear, is it supported by historical experience. Learning this lesson may be the silver lining in the cloud now hanging over the global economy.” Joseph Stiglitz, Professor of Economics at Columbia University and Nobel Prize winner in Economic Sciences.

Neoliberalism has failed. The collapse of the world economy in 2008, rescued by governmental interventions and multi-billion dollar giveaways of public money, demonstrated that beyond argument. If additional proof were needed, state actions on every continent in response to the Coronavirus pandemic has writ large: state and inter-state planning is a prerequisite for making the world economy fit for purpose.

The question, then, is not whether the state should intervene in the economy, but on whose behalf. Only socialism answers this question, without ambiguity, in favour of the people.


People must be devoted to ideas, fanatics. Willing to sacrifice themselves if they must. And obviously, less words and debates on theory, but more action. As Eduard Limonov said one day: “There is no longer any left or right, there is the system, and the enemies of the system.” While we discuss who had more correct policies, Lenin or Stalin, Castro or Mao – the faceless anti-national system of global bureaucracy rules us, destroys us.

- Sergei Fomchenkov



By Gary Lefley

The U.K. Government’s strategy of developing “herd immunity” to tackle Coronavirus will need almost 40 million Britons to catch the disease, according to the Government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Patrick Vallance:

“60% is the sort of figure you need to get herd immunity”, he told Sky News.

It’s difficult to comprehend, but the Government’s strategy is NOT to prevent us catching Coronavirus. That would involve multiple interventions and drastic distancing measures. Such measures would hit corporate profits, and require massive investment in our health service.

Instead, the Government imagines that the NHS in its current state, with some extortionate out-sourcing to private hospitals, (£2.4m per day on private beds) can cope by allowing Covid 19 to infect 40 million people spread over a period of several months.


The application of this strategy, given current fatality rates, would lead to something between 400,000 and 1.5 million deaths - most of them elderly and frail.

Little wonder then that Johnson said this week: “I must level with you, the British public. Many more families are going to lose their loved ones before their time”.

So, in the 21st century, we are reduced to a ‘strategy’ that is not much more than was available 700 years ago when bubonic plague swept across Europe: do the minimum, let it spread and hope that we eventually become immune.

At the centre of this approach is the insistence on keeping schools open until the strategy is embedded. We may expect this to be reversed at some point, to contain the spread at around 60% based on modelling projections. The Government may then pretend to be responding to developments. In reality it will be driven by the needs of big business.

Faiza Shaheen, Director of the CLASS think tank, asks: “Is this a sick joke? Hope for an infection rate of 60% of the population to build herd immunity? What about the hundreds of thousands of dead people in this scenario?”


The inhumane elite that constitutes this Government is cushioned by conspicuous wealth from the prospect of queuing for a state hospital ICU bed. You have to wonder whether they see this crisis as an opportunity to cull non-productive high maintenance OAPs, cut social costs and relieve the ‘rich man’s tax burden’.

Far-fetched? The Daily Telegraph’s Assistant Editor, Jeremy Warner, wrote in his column: “Not to put too fine a point on it, from an entirely disinterested economic perspective, the COVID-19 might even prove mildly beneficial in the long term by disproportionately culling elderly dependents” (Daily Telegraph, 3/3/20). Is this class war, in its crudest and most vile form?


In truth, this is not a medical or social strategy at all. There is no scientific evidence that acquiring this virus leads to immunity. Cases of the reinfection of recovered patients have been confirmed in Japan and China. Zhan Qingyuan, Director of Pneumonia Prevention and Treatment at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, warned in a briefing on 31st January: “For those patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of a relapse. The antibody will be generated; however, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long.”

Prof Samuel McConkey, Deputy Dean at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, told the Irish Times that he “already expected that [Covid-19] would reinfect people because that is what happens with the previous coronaviruses”.

It seems hard to believe, but in dealing with this crisis, the Government has adopted an approach devoid of any serious medical or scientific value. It’s principal aims are to channel Government spending, wherever possible, into the private sector, to prop up big business and safeguard U.K capital.

We face difficult times. And tragedy. In the absence of meaningful Government intervention, we will need to construct our own local voluntary community care systems. But if the global capitalist economy crashes, as was predicted by macro-economists before this pandemic, we should not wait until 2024 before we organise against this Government.


Fidel: "Revolution is helping each other, revolution is everyone helping everyone, revolution is understanding each other, revolution is constantly better understanding what our obligations are with everyone else, with the homeland..."




"We must cultivate and practice the essential socialist values in the family and guide all its members, especially the next generation, to love the Party, the homeland, the people and the Chinese nation. Furthermore, we must actively spread the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, transmit the idea of respecting the elderly and loving the little ones, maintaining equality between men and women and harmony between husband and wife, managing the home diligently and saving and defend solidarity between neighbours, propose the concepts of loyalty, responsibility, family love, learning and public welfare and encourage people to improve their spiritual world and cultivate a civilised style in the process of seeking family happiness, offer warmth to others and contribute to society."

- Xi Jinping


Wednesday 18 March 2020

Globalism weaponises migration. Sovereign Socialism defends humanity everywhere.

Open borders fanatics - whether liberal capitalist globalist, dribbling idpol globalist, or liberal trotskist globalist (there isn't much difference really) - scream hysterically when Working Class people do not share their fetish for destroying sovereignty and making the entire world a slave state utterly defenceless against the greedy parasites who think only in terms of how to use human beings to make more money for them.  The Socialist Motherland Party has a policy of closing the borders, so that our country becomes self-sufficient in economic, cultural and all other important areas.  We do not have this policy because we are xenophobic, but rather because we understand that borders protect people.  Borders protect the Working Class from greedy capitalists who use immigrants as cheap labour to drive down wages and working conditions.  Borders protect people in other countries from exploitation and from the brain drain of the most skilled being stolen by corporations who are more than happy to leave untrained Workers on the scrap-heap in one country while trained Workers from another country are removed, thus weakening the country they leave.

Socialism is about what is best for the people.  Internationalism is a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, which can only exist between Free Socialist Nations with absolute control of their own borders.  Internationalism doesn't exist under Capitalism.  What exists is the opposite of Internationalism - and that is Globalism.  Globalism means the end of sovereignty, the end of security of labour, the end of a standard of living which is liveable, and the end of culture as all peoples are reduced to economic units to be used and abused and ultimately thrown away when they no longer make profits for the global ruling class.

The following post by Peter Freitag sums up what it means to be against unlimited migration, and how this isn't a racist issue, but an anti-Capitalist one which Socialists who have not been blinded by identity politics and menshevik lies, fully understand.......

OK lets be fucking clear about this whole migration topic. It is not because people do not care for these poor people that they don’t want masses coming in.

It is first off, because the actual poor people don’t want to see more of the already insufficient resources spent on them, as not a single fucking EU country strays from maintaining a certain level of poverty to give companies and employers leverage, divided amongst even more people.

If the EU and it’s member states really wanted to make morally integer decisions, they would first off, abolish poverty on their own territory, they would actually trial every company and it’s shareholders, if involved into slavery and/or destabilisation of another country/region for the sake of maximising profits.

This way, the resistance of residents of the EU would be reduced and there would be drastically less people needing to flee.

Another issue, be it just felt or not, we Europeans take pride in our freedoms and our free to chose lifestyle. So it should be absolutely no surprise, that if some backward preachers and/or religious activists, from any religion those people bring with them, are trying to convert people to a lifestyle that we successfully rejected centuries ago from our own predominant christian churches, there is anger flaring up.

I for my part will absolutely never allow any whatsoever fricking belief to dictate my sexlife for one or how men and or women need to dress and behave. To be specific, I am totally positive, that in a society, where women need to hide themselves away under garments so that men don’t get tempted, these men are all wimps.

In our society as in many other, men take pride in their ability of self-control, it is part of their showcasing of their mental and moral resilience, it is a quality for them.

So if these people who come from a background where this quality seems not to exist in men, come over here, it is their duty to step up their game and not us to lower our standards to accommodate them!

By the way, this BS about women needing to hide away, has started to be pushed by a growing number of wanna be holy men only some 50 years ago, I learned not so recently.

Everyone to their beliefs, but I will never lower my standards to make such people feel comfortable, if not for myself, it would still be that these people should never feel comfortable about this, as it is forcefully legitimised injustice through twisted belief!

Call me intolerant if you like, call me an infidel if you must, but I never killed anyone for my beliefs and I believe in such ways, that I don’t need anyone else to believe the same to be happy. First achieve what I am able to, then come and criticise me!

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Corona virus: Bringing out the best and the worst in the people.

The British Isles - like much of the world - has been engulfed by Corona Virus. In Ireland it is Saint Paddy's Day, but the pubs are shut across the Republic by decree of the Dáil (they stayed open in Stormont-administered Ulster).  In Great  Britain panic buying has seen shops stripped of toilet roll, hand-sanitiser, pasta and plenty more besides, with online shoppers left looking at empty shelves online.  The Corona Virus follows on from SARS, Swine Flu and other similar ailments which have been sweeping the globe in recent years.  The major difference between the previous outbreaks and this one, has been the reaction.

In 2009 Swine Flu hit the world. In the UK, the reaction was pretty much business as usual. The shops stayed full.  Swine Flu killed 457 people in the UK in 2009 - or rather, 457 people infected with Swine Flu died in 2009 in the UK (there is an important distinction between the two, which is routinely ignored). As of the moment of writing, 71 people have been died of/with Corona Virus in the UK. This figure is projected by official sources to rise with estimates ranging between 20,000 and 1,000,000 deaths.

We honestly do not know how Corona Virus is going to impact people in the British Isles.  What we do know is that it has already having an impact which far exceeds that of the 2009 Swine Flu outbreak.

To visit the shops today is to visit places of madness, with people buying up ridiculous amounts of pasta, toilet roll, toiletries and other items they feel are vital if they have to go into temporary quarantine. The government is suggesting that people with symptom which are identical with Flu should self-quarantine for a fortnight, so the people who are stock-piling are really overdoing what is necessary for a short period.  Sadly, it is not only fear which is motivating stock-piling, it is greed as well.

To go online in search of items which the shops have sold out of, is to find an orgy of despicable profiteering.  There are many Markets where unscrupulous stall holders are selling goods for vastly higher prices than they would cost in shops if they hadn't been bought old. We are witnessing a return of the Spivs of the Second World War, with absolute scum buying essentials at the normal price, and re-selling at inflated prices.  Baby formula - which is essential for mothers who cannot breast-feed - sells in the shops for a a couple of pounds a pot. The new Spivs are re-selling it for hundreds of pounds.  Under the capitalist system, this is called the free market! The Socialist Motherland Party calls it what it is - exploitation, criminal selfishness, theft and anti-social behaviour which in a sane society would be responded to with the harshest of punishments.  The new Spivs are the Kulaks of the twenty-first century, hoarding food to sell at a profit, whilst their countrymen suffer - and in the case of babies whose mothers cannot breast-feed, starve.  Scum like this deserve nothing less than execution - but the UK isn't a sane country, it is a capitalist one, and this kind of behaviour isn't punished, it is encouraged.

The British Isles are being divided like never before:
  • There are masses of people stock-piling through fear of succumbing to the virus and needing what they have come to see as vital items.  There are many more who are stock-piling simply because the sight of empty shelves creates panic and a spiral,of panic buying so as to not be in a position of being unable to buy anything.  These people are the majority.  
  • There is a minority of absolute scum -  Spivs - who are buying in bulk to sell at a profit and who positively relish the chance of exploiting the sick and vulnerable.  
  • There is another minority comprised of decent people who can see beyond the liberal individualist mindset - these people are socialists in spirit, whether they are ideologically socialist or not, for they are taking action to help their countrymen.  Examples of the socialist principle in action include individuals looking after their elderly neighbours by donating toilet rolls, soap etc and keeping in touch to make sure they are ok, going shopping for people who cannot go themselves, putting together food parcels for those in need, doing what is decent and right in any way possible without any thought of personal gain.
There are ways in which we can make a difference to people in need. It shouldn't take a health crisis to make us into decent human beings though (or to prompt us to have a wash!), we should be considerate and compassionate at all times.  Things we can do to help others can be as simple as asking what they need and making the effort to fulfil their needs where we can.  We need to be as self-sufficient as possible ourselves, and to help others to become so also.

In practical terms, we can beat the panic buyers by creating our own products.  These are a few things we can make ourselves:
  1. Disinfectant - 1 part water, 1 part white vinegar;
  2. Alternative disinfectant - 900ml hot water, 50ml white vinegar, 25g bicarbinate of soda, half lemon squeezed, grated zest - sieved then put into an old spray bottle;
  3. Pasta - its really simple to make (tricky but simple). Plain flour and eggs are all you need. A pasta machine helps, but isn't necessary. Pasta machines can be bought online for around £14. Recipes and instructional videos are readily available online.
  4. Bread - you can use an ordinary cooking tray. The ingredients are flour, yeast, salt, sugar, oil and water (other ingredients to suit your own taste). Recipes online.
  5. Look online!!! You have the internet. Use it as a tool to educate yourself in how to create items you need from ingredients you can get hold of when the finished product is scarce.
We can also educate ourselves into not joining the panic mindset.  It is possible that Corona virus could be a massive killer. It is also possible that it might not be.  The frail and elderly are susceptible to all manner of sickness which can kill them simply because their immune systems are weak.  Be wary of this at all times and take care to not put them in danger. Don't be a dirty bugger! Personal hygiene such as washing, changing your clothes, not spitting, go a long way to stopping the spread of germs, so be clean! Its simple and shouldn't need spelling out.  The panic buying of soap does suggest that to a lot of people, cleanliness is something alien and only to be indulged in in times of crisis.

To put some perspective on the similarities of Corona Virus (2020) and Swine Flu H1N1 (2009), have a look at the old posts written at the time, reposted at this link:

Monday 16 March 2020

Corona Virus 2020 vs Swine Flu 2009:

We do not know how bad Corona Virus will be.  Will it be a tragedy on a massive scale, as predicted by all the 'experts'? Or will it be a typical bout of seasonal flu, but with added panic due to media irresponsibility prioritising sales of their rags with hype taking precedence over the facts?  We will find out either way in due course. 

For historical information only, the following section of this article is a republishing of British Socialist Party articles from 2009 during the Swine Flu scare.  Have a look at the similarities with now.  The reaction of the public is different, but the country isn't the same as it was in 2009. The population has grown vastly and the culture has changed.  Also Swine FLU made people think of Flu (fatal for the vulnerable, not so much for the healthy), whereas Corona VIRUS - like SARS - has an impact of fear of the unknown. Keep that in  mind too when considering the current panic with the 2009 lack of panic.



Scaring people to Death - The Swine Flu Lie

As the Swine Flu pandemic continues to NOT kill or make seriously ill a multitude of people, those who are in charge of managing the epidemic in Britain have been subtly altering their propaganda in order to keep the perceived threat high in the minds of the general public.

The media in Great Britain are doing stirling work pushing the establishment fear mongering. This is only to be expected, considering that the BBC is owned and manned by the establishment. The 'government' in the form of elected politicians is really nothing but a puppet show for the benefit of those who believe that 'democracy' exists and that they have a say in the running of the country they live in. In truth, the establishment own the nation in the same way as slave owners owned the plantations and all who worked them.

In Great Britain, as in all Western countries, the establishment is made up of a network of families who control the financial sector through the banking cartel, and use this monetary wealth to control the elected representatives in the political parties which they own from top to bottom. They control the legal system and the media by owning all the major corporations and law societies. Indeed in England, the centre of power resides in the City of London and Temple Bar, with the rest of the nation being merely a serfdom from which their slaves are procured. The families in question go by names such as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, with these families being subservient to the elite controlling clique in the British Monarchy. The idea that Britain is in any way a democratic nation is simply laughable. The idea that the politicians who preside over it are in any way servants of the Nation is sheer lunacy.

The media mouthpiece of the ruling regime have switched their presentation of Swine Flu from being a direct killer of all who have it, to being an illness with a vast range of symptoms, ranging from the sniffles to death! By this cynical ploy, the media are keeping the pressure on the people at large - stating that many people will have very few symptoms and no feeling of ill-health, yet simultaneously arguing that everyone must be vaccinated lest the army of carriers spread the virus to the weak and vulnerable, resulting in their deaths. In short, the propaganda machine is pushing the lie that those who do not take the vaccine will kill anyone they come in contact with who is not so fortunate to have a strong immune system. Yes, that's right - the establishment are classing vaccine refusers as premeditated murderers.

The British National Health Service has computerised its diagnosis of Swine Flu. I challenge anyone to visit NHS Direct on their dedicated Swine Flu sections and NOT be diagnosed as having the virus. The page to start this diagnosis is:

The diagnosis tool accepts such a general range of symptoms, that anything from a cold to food poisoning or tiredness will be categorised as indicative of having the Flu. Coupled with the hysterical media screaming that people must not visit their Doctors or go into work for fear of contaminating others and thereby potentially killing them, the automated diagnosis tool is sure to lead to a mass of people, already worried by the media propaganda, convincing themselves they really are sick with the dreaded Swine Flu.

Stress is an immunosuppressant. It has been found in clinical tests that a person under stress will be more susceptible to illness than someone who is comparatively stress-free. For example, of two individuals exposed to the common cold, the one who is under stress is far more likely to contract the illness. The media bombardment of fear through ludicrous exaggerations of the potential effects of the much-hyped illness are a contributory factor to stress-induced illness.

What we are experiencing here is psychological warfare. Our masters will make a substantial amount of money from the mass vaccination. The fact that the vaccines are more dangerous than the Flu, is of little interest to the establishment, aside from those who actively wish to harm us. Alarmingly, there is an agenda at work to reduce the population by any means necessary. The minions of the establishment will be motivated to push the Vaccine programme due to monetary greed. The inner core of the establishment are the ones who create money through their fraudulent banking mechanism - they have no need of money, as they create it out of thin air. What they seek is control and power. A healthy and informed populace is their worst nightmare - they need docile servants who will believe whatever mind-rotting drivel they are told. In a post-industrial society, they need only a fraction of the number of slaves as in less technological eras. The surplus population are useless eaters and wastes of resources, and most importantly a reservoir for potential resistance and rebellion - thus they must be culled.

Now, this is where the Swine Flu saga goes beyond being merely a fleecing operation into more worrying realms. The World Health Organisation has the power to enforce vaccinations on every citizen in all 194 nations which are signed to it. This is highly profitable for the pharmaceutical giants whose vaccines will be used. If the vaccines were safe, the operation would be a hideous fraud, but nothing more.

The Swine Flu vaccines follow in the footsteps of the Bird Flu scandal, in which millions of doses were prepared which, had they been administered, would have resulted in millions of deaths, by disabling the immunity of the vaccine victim, making him/her vulnerable to the manufactured strain introduced into the environment by the medical terrorists who masquerade as defenders of health. The WHO did not declare Bird Flu a pandemic (possibly the Bird Flu scare was designed to familiarise people with the possibility of a pandemic) and the mass vaccinations were not carried out. This time, it is extremely probable that highly dangerous vaccines will be injected into millions of people, without having been adequately tested for their efficacy and safety. If this is allowed to occur, the death-toll could be phenomenal.

For more information on the criminal cabal controlling the Swine Flu Pandemic and the Vaccination industry, visit:

Swine Flu Scare - Swine Flu Scandal

Turn on the Radio or Television, open a Newspaper, and you will be bombarded by stories about the outbreak of Swine Flu which, you will be told, is set to devastate the planet, killing millions. What is the reality? Well, as anyone who cares to look a little more deeply into the world around them than just accepting the official version of events will already suspect, the stories and reality are very different. The propaganda is designed to instil fear and unthinking panic. Take a deep breath, step back from the illusion being pushed by the establishment media and you will see that events are worlds apart from what we are being told.

According to the mass media, as of yesterday, 29th April, over 150 people have died worldwide of Swine Flu. However, this has been rejected by the World Health Organisation, which has recorded just 7 deaths. Vivienne Allan, of the WHO Patient Safety Programme stated on ABC Radio (29.4.9):

“Unfortunately that [150-plus deaths] is incorrect information….That figure is not a figure that’s come from the World Health Organisation and, I repeat, the death toll is seven and they are all from Mexico.”

The WHO has confirmed a total of 89 cases worldwide - 40 in the Latin America, 26 in Mexico, 6 in Canada, 2 in Spain, 2 in Great Britain and 3 in New Zealand. The 7 fatalities are included within the figures for Mexico. The 2 people in Britain with flu are classed as not being seriously ill, but rather a bit poorly.

So, what is this ‘Swine Flu’ which we are all being conditioned to be terrified of?

According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Swine Flu is an influenza type A H1N1 virus which although unpleasant for pigs, rarely transfers to humans, and in the cases where it does, this only occurs where people are in very close proximity to the animals. Thus, a pig farmer would be at much greater risk than a town dweller, and then only at high risk should he be in intimate contact with the porker. The flu is not transmitted person-to-person. Living conditions in the affected region of Mexico cannot be considered comparable to conditions in Europe, or for that matter in the rest of Mexico. Although death does occur with influenza, this is incredibly rare. In the overwhelming majority of cases, symptoms are similar to the common cold and are best dealt with by isolating oneself and resting. The media scare-mongering is just that.

Alongside the irresponsible reporting of the media, who will repeat any salacious lie in order to sell their product, politicians are jumping on the misery and fear bandwagon. EU health commissioner, Androulla Vassiliou issued a warning on Monday 25th April against travelling to North and Central America. The British Foreign Office followed suit . The motive behind politicians issuing edicts is to reinforce the fear factor by giving the media a level of official governmental backing. Many people who are inclined to treating the media with a pinch of salt are less cynical when it comes to the Government. The much vaunted use of the so-called Cobra Committee is nothing but an instrument of psychological warfare.

The Swine Flu scare is just another in a series of contrived panics. In 1995-97 Britain had the BSE scare. We were told that up to 10 million Britons would be infected and die of a horrendous debilitating sickness. The nation’s farms were decimated as entire herds of cattle were slaughtered and farms forced to sell out to property developers and international businesses. The millions of dead Britons are still alive and uninfected. The BSE scare was more of a BSE scandal. The mass sickness did not occur, but the mass slaughter of cattle was real, as was the impact upon the farming communities.

The BSE travesty was followed a year later by the scare that Sheep were now infected. They were not. This did not stop the senseless butchery of millions of Sheep. The result of this was the destruction of the meat industry in Britain, with the ridiculous situation of foreign livestock being imported into the country, causing great suffering to the animals, and great cost to the consumer. The end of British self sufficiency and the on going reliance upon imports is of course part of the Globalist agenda of interdependency on all commodities, including food.

In 2003 there was the Sars outbreak in Asia. Dr Patrick Nixon was rolled out to give scientific credence to the lunacy that the Sars outbreak would kill at least a quarter of the population of Great Britain. How many died, or even were infected? Zero, Nil, None, No one at all.

In 2006 we had the Bird Flu non-epidemic. The 1 in 4 Britons who were predicted to die, did not. The ‘first pandemic of the twentyfirst century’ was nothing of the sort. Millions of birds were slaughtered, but there were no human fatalities. The murder of the wildlife was sickening, and pointless.

Now we are told that Swine Flu will kill hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Already we are witnessing the mass slaughter of pigs and the destruction of the Pig Farming Industry in many countries. Swine Flu is another scare like Avian (Bird) Flu, Sars and BSE.

Why would the Government make such a ‘mistake’ as to spread fear and panic which will result in the further erosion of the national self-reliant farming community. ? Why? In order to tighten the Globalist noose and make any chance of national self determination and self sufficiency much more difficult.

Pharmaceutical companies are set to make a fortune in selling un-needed and harmful drugs to the bewildered and terrified populations across the globe. They are manipulating a non event in order to make profit. This is economic and chemical terrorism.

The worst aspect of all this is that alongside the senseless slaughter of animals, the gullible and cowed masses who accept the vaccinations against this spectral pandemic will be unwittingly weakening their immune systems, so should real flu come, they will be less able to fight it.

Then, as a result of the mass vaccinations, many people will die. The Globalists and the Pharmaceutical Companies will have achieved their aims – power and profits – whilst ordinary people suffer, and animals are destroyed for no reason. This is the level of sickness and insanity which our rulers have reached.

Protect your families. Refuse the Vaccination. Protect the animals and the farming communities - expose this disgusting lie. There is no Swine Flu epidemic.

Swine Flu has arrived! Big Deal!

England is in the grip of a Swine Flu epidemic. People are dropping like flies. The foul stench of rotting carcasses piling up in the streets is overpowering. Such is the horror now that society has broken down and the dead outnumber the living. How could things have been allowed to reach this point? Why oh why, oh, hang on, erm, well, actually - they haven't!

Swine Flu in England has been recorded as the cause of ONE fatality in an otherwise healthy individual. The death of one person is a tragedy for that person's loved ones. However, when one considers the death rate of people every day due to legally available substances such as tobacco and alcohol, or to industrial pollution, the hysteria over Swine Flu is massively disproportionate to the threat posed.

"But", I hear the TV-faithful bark in Pavlovian manner, "we've seen the statistics! How can you dismiss the Swine Flu pandemic when so many people are being diagnosed with it?"

My answer to this question is to point to the astounding fact that the diagnosis of Swine Flu is anything but medically accurate. In the overwhelming majority of cases, people who telephone their Doctors' Surgery complaining of nausea and 'flu-like symptoms' are being told that they have Swine Flu ad must isolate themselves.

The Official list of Swine Flu symptoms are:

Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath
Sore Throat
Aching Muscles
Runny Nose
Loss of Appetite

Anyone who has these symptoms is advised to ring NHS Direct on 0845 4647. they are advised NOT to go to see their GPs as this would risk spreading the infection. What this amounts to is advice to contact a call centre by telephone, where an NHS employee will listen to the patient describe his/her symptoms, then without any medical examination, and without any contact with a Doctor, the aforementioned patient will be told he or she has swine flu and must self-isolate in order to contain the spread.

So, in England, which is a country notorious for the prevalence of hypochondriacs and overworked individuals who will jump at the chance to get paid time off work, the National Health Service is providing the perfect excuse to enjoy a week off work on full pay, and to boost the numbers classified as having Swine Flu, justifying the official propaganda that there is an epidemic in the country!

The establishment need only to rely on the quite understandable opportunism of the hard-pressed British worker and the hypochondria of others to see the number of people who are officially recorded as having Swine Flu skyrocket!

With a vast number of people classed as having Swine Flu, the much needed rationale to mass vaccinate in order to protect the population at large (especially the children) is provided.

There is no epidemic. Certainly many people are sick with head colds, gastric problems, lethargy and general aches and pains, but by and large they are not suffering from Flu of any variety. What we are witnessing is a lumping together of general sickness under the umbrella label of Swine Flu. This is much the same as the rapid expansion of aliments categorised as indicating an individual has AIDS, as occurred when that was the media and establishment obsession.

The manufacturers of Tamiflu stand to make a massive profit from this contrived pandemic. Sadly, the vaccine itself IS dangerous and is very harmful to the health of those who accept it, under the barrage of propaganda the Media, Health Service and other branches of the establishment is subjecting them to. The irony is that natural contraction of Flu boosts the immune system, whereas vaccination at best will provide protection against the exact strain injected, for twelve months, after which, the body is more vulnerable to all strains of Flu.

Don't accept the vaccination. It won't benefit you in any medical way, and is potentially very harmful. The only people who benefit are the shareholders in Big Pharma, and the politicians and other corrupt individuals in their pay.

H1N1 (referred to as “swine flu” early on) is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. Symptoms of swine flu are similar to those caused by other influenza viruses. Health authorities across the globe are taking steps to try to stem the spread of swine flu after outbreaks in Mexico and the United States. The World Health Organisation has called it a "public health emergency of international concern.

At least one senior member of the Intelligence services is saying its a deliberately released bio weapon.

According to at least one member of our Military Intelligence, the Swine flu is indeed a Bioweapon.

Michael Shrimpton QC stated as much publicly, the statement was then quickly pulled off the blogs, but a Google cached version can be found Here

If google haven't removed it altogether you will need to scroll down to see the article.

Shrimptons CV can be Found here

United Kingdom National Defence Association


Sunday 15 March 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 105

"After the destruction of capitalism - the proletariat will abolish prostitution - the great misfortune of humanity"

Soviet poster, 1923


"We must cultivate and practice the essential socialist values in the family and guide all its members, especially the next generation, to love the Party, the homeland, the people and the Chinese nation. Furthermore, we must actively spread the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, transmit the idea of respecting the elderly and loving the little ones, maintaining equality between men and women and harmony between husband and wife, managing the home diligently and saving and defend solidarity between neighbours, propose the concepts of loyalty, responsibility, family love, learning and public welfare and encourage people to improve their spiritual world and cultivate a civilised style in the process of seeking family happiness, offer warmth to others and contribute to society."

- Xi Jinping


(Picture by John Morgan)


Humanity's prospects for the future look bleak. First climate change, now their handling of the Corona Virus, we see time and time again how the ruling class will sacrifice our lives to save their profits. One might end up thinking the planet is screwed and human beings are just selfish. This is not the case. Don't ever be fooled into thinking this is merely how humans are. As communists we believe humanity can be better. We are the product of our material conditions. The fundamentals of the capitalist system are the labour of the proletariat being exploited by the bourgeoisie and an economy that does not serve the working people, that does not encourage innovation to better our future but rather only supports growth in profits. Our governments exist to maintain this system as they do any class system. This is not how it has to be. We've created societies in the past where such exploitation is abolished, where the economy is planned and controlled by and for the working people. We can do it again. We can build a world without exploitation, a world where human beings cooperate and strive for the common good, a world where everyone's needs are met. Cuba is a shining example that another future is possible. They are there, sending medical aid and researching how to fight this virus, not thinking about how it's effecting the stock market. If we organise and show the capitalists just how much power we've really got we can defeat anything they throw at us. The working class can arise in every corner of the earth and build a better society, build communism. Don't despair - organise! We have a world to win!












Graham Phillips' Seventh Newsletter

Hello dear friend!!! Contents of this newsletter: 1. A While Since the Last Newsletter 2. Graham vs the UK Government - in the media 3. What...