Monday 30 April 2018

Long Live Syria: Defenders of Freedom and Victims of Terrorism and Lies

The 'British' and 'Irish' Governments are comprised of people who can be classed as amongst most depraved anti-humans who roam the Earth.  These so-called democratic representatives of the people of the Isles, are in reality the lackeys of international finance, and the wholly-owned whores of multinational corporations.  Those who sit in the various Parliaments and Assemblies are tools of the enemies of humanity, and they do not represent the interests of a single Working Class person, unless in the case of advancing the wishes of the lumpenproletariat who are as much a class of parasites as the Rulers.

The ongoing artificially created financial crisis may be out of the media spotlight, but its effects are increasing in ferocity - the controlled media just choose to blame everything on Brexit, rather than deliberate parliamentary abuse of the people.  The Establishment has absolutely no compassion for those who are losing their homes, are not able to feed and clothe their children, and are being forced into absolute poverty through the contrived austerity measures.  The fake economic crisis could be ended in an instant by ending the system of governments borrowing money as debt from the usurious bankers, and simply introducing it as credit.  Instead of adopting a solution which has been proven to work, the puppets in government are more than happy to see the people suffer, in order to keep their owners happy.  We have a government which clearly has absolutely no qualms about destroying the lives of the people who live in this country, yet we are supposed to believe that they are concerned about the welfare of people in far away lands?  This is clearly preposterous.

The British State has a long history of fomenting war in order to create profits for those who hold real power.  The UK is a state which occupies territory which is separated from mainland Europe by the seas.  There hasn't been a genuine threat to the UK from foreign invasion in this century or in the previous one.  However, the Twentieth and Twenty-first centuries have been centuries of almost perpetual war and involvement in acts of terrorism.  Why?  Because, war is money.  War is also a distraction to keep people pre-occupied on events outside the country, and thus to draw attention away from the criminal actions of the State at home. 

In the 1930s the British economy was stagnating.  Rather than adopt the economic policies of our mainland neighbours from Germany to the USSR, who had broken free from the control of the Bankers, the enemy within chose to use war to reduce the surplus population of people who were of no use to the economy.  In the UK, the people exist for the benefit of the economy, and as soon as we are of no use as creators of wealth for the multinationals and financiers, we are regarded as a burden to be disposed of.  The shameful treatment of the Windrush Generation highlights this.  In a sane country, the economy would be engineered to serve the people; clearly the UK is not a sane country, but rather is a lunatic asylum run by people who view money as more important than people. In Ireland, the plan to normalise Abortion is a means of making money from death masquerading as healthcare.  In times of economic decline, we are to be sacrificed in order to protect the money system.  That we tolerate this insanity is beyond fathomable.

In the 1980s, the Thatcher regime set about dismantling the mixed economy.  The policy of privatisation was a con trick to transfer the wealth of the nation to the cosmopolitan Ruling Class.  The economic hardship visited upon the people made the regime incredibly unpopular.  To draw attention away from the destruction of our industrial and manufacturing base, the regime went to war in the Falkland Islands.  Surely a media-hyped war wouldn't be enough to make a gullible people rally to a government which was destroying the country?  Sadly it was.  People died; the economy was turned over to global profiteers; the Stock Market was enshrined as the be-all and end-all of the economy; the seeds of our present plight were sewn.  Away from the distraction of the war, the armaments industry made vast profits, and the usurers consolidated their hold over the people.

In the 1990s, using very much the same techniques as used to make the people support war against Germany in 1914, the media created the fantasy of an evil nation bullying its weaker neighbours.  In place of fables of soldiers bayoneting Belgian babies, we had actors crying crocodile tears about non-existent murders of babies in incubators.  In the war against Iraq, the 1939 war propaganda was also re-visited with Kuwait treated very much as Czechoslovakia had been before.  In that war, Saddam Hussein was compared to Hitler; not for any factual reason, but solely to generate an emotional response by linking him to the propaganda technique known as the Holocaust.  This fantasy was reprised a decade later in the second Gulf War.

The propaganda used to justify the destruction of Iraq is now very much back in the news.  Just as Belgian babies from 1914 became Kuwaiti babies in the 1990s, and 'poor little Czechoslovakia' became 'poor little Kuwait', so the propagandists have continued to use old lies to justify new wars.  We were told in 2003 that Iraq had 'weapons of mass destruction' which the evil dictator (boo hiss) sought to use upon his own people.  The WMDs did not exist, as has since been admitted, but that didn't stop the illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation; an ongoing occupation which has led to over one million deaths, the explosion of contrived religious extremism and an exodus of refugees from a once prosperous land.  In 2011, Iraq became Syria, and WMDs became Chemical Weapons (notably Sarin).  Save for a change in the names and places, the propaganda is identical; and it too is a tissue of lies.

In his excellent book, 1984, George Orwell wrote of a nightmare world in which the people would be manipulated into believing whatever their owners told them.  A particularly pertinent aspect of this system is the idea of perpetual war, with allies and enemies changing according to need.  Thus we had the cold war against an enemy which never was - the USSR.  This fake enemy then became an ally after the 'fall' of the 'communist' smokescreen, and now with Putin at the helm, Russia is once again playing the adversarial role to the west (particularly the USA).  I say playing with good reason, for it is all a choreographed pantomime.

In the 1980s the USSR was at war with 'poor little Afghanistan'.  The allies of the west were the 'rebels' headed by Osama Bin Laden (the CIA operative figurehead of the Al Qaeda operation).  The Al Qaeda allies continued to play the part of heroic freedom fighters in the dismantling of Yugoslavia and later of Serbia.  The media portrayed these men as modern day Davids fighting the evil Goliath.  Such is the success of the conditioning of the people of Europe that almost no-one stopped to question whether the men murdering their way across the Balkans were indeed the saints we were told they were.

In 2001, Al Qaeda (in true Orwellian fashion) became the enemy!  The 'heroic rebels' in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo et al, now became 'terrorists' who had to be crushed whatever the cost.  Thus in place of the need for a perpetual Cold War against a fictitious financial ideological enemy, began a perpetual Hot War against a fictitious religious ideological enemy.  The 'War on Terror' is still ongoing, yet in classic 'double think',we are supposed to believe that the former heroes of the western media, Al Qaeda, are a grave danger to every last man, woman and child on Earth, except for when they happen to be fighting against countries which do not conform to the international system, and then they are our friends and they must be given our whole-hearted support! In the case of the FSA/Al-Qaeda White Helmets, they are portrayed as heroes (with their murderous actions hidden by a compliant media).

The re-designation in 2011 of the Al Qaeda murderers and rapists as 'rebels' rather than terrorists restored them to the role they had previously played in Afghanistan and the Balkans.  The major event which saw these mercenaries elevated to the position of idols of liberty, was the destruction of free Libya.  Libya was a strong country which used direct democracy as its form of government, not the fake representative system employed in the west to make the masses believe they are free.  The economic advances of Libya were a beacon to the whole of Africa, and were beginning to threaten the Rothschildian banking system.  The roving mercenary scum were deployed to give the appearance of a persecuted opposition to the legitimate authority (failing to consider that the authority in Libya was the people themselves); a minority who had to be saved in a 'humanitarian war'.  The war was a lie.  It was a war for economic conquest, as has been proven by the post-war invasion of multinational corporations who are raping the former prosperous nation to death.  The war was to impose a central bank with absolute loyalty to the international economic system.  Once the Al Qaeda butchers had done the bidding of their globalist masters they were shipped en masse to the next country to be brought into line with the financial imperialists; Syria.

Syria is a proud nation with a long and glorious history.  Until the terrorists of Al Qaeda began brutalising the country, it was a peaceful and economically-sound land.  The crime of Syria was to not hand over economic control to the international financiers.  For steadfastly refusing to submit to the global bankers, and for defending the people of the Lebanon from Israeli aggression, Syria became a target of the globalists.  The global ruling class will not tolerate a single country existing outside its control.  Syria, at present, is one of the few remaining free nations in the world.

The modus operandi of the criminals who control the international order has remained unchanged for decades.  The method employed is to create simplistic imagery in the minds of the media-fed unthinking masses; imagery which appeals to the emotions rather than to logic.  The method has all the sophistication of a Hollywood action film.  Those who the internationalists seek to destroy have to become viewed as the embodiment of evil, and of course where there is evil, there must be the heroic saviours to come to the rescue.  In the Great War, the Kaiser's soldiers were portrayed as baby-eating monsters, who sought to cross the English Channel to rape nuns and school-children in our shores.  Against them stood the new Crusaders with a mission from God to stop these dæmons.  Of course, the fact that the propaganda was a lie failed to register with the media manipulated dolts in the UK.

In the current move against Syria, the legitimate and highly popular government has been fighting to defend the ordinary people from the barbarians who the western media love to refer to as the Free Syrian Army.  A more appropriate label would be the Syrian-free Army, as almost all of the terrorist scum are from outside Syria.  They are soldiers of foreign powers, working side-by-side with religious lunatics and hired mercenaries, to destroy a free country and make it conform to the international order.  The UK government has provided a vast amount of money to these vermin, under the lie that the money does not go towards procuring weaponry! It doesn't take the cunning of Sherlock Holmes to deduce that every penny which these armed criminals receive for non-military uses frees up money for armaments.   Tax-payers' money is paying for mobile mercenaries to murder those who stand in the way of global capitalism.

So what are the tax-payers of the west actually paying for?

The FSA / Al Nusrah / Al Qaeda / whatever new name these terrorists use as an alias, are murdering anyone who gets in their way.  It is only the brave soldiers of the Syrian Arab Army who prevent the terrorists turning Syria into a carbon copy of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or any of the other places where the murdering barbarians have been deployed by the global menace.  The liars in the western media paint the Syrian Army as the enemy of the Syrian people.  This is absolute nonsense.  The Syrian Army IS the Syrian people!  Every soldier in the Syrian Army is the Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Nephew, Grandson or Cousin of a Syrian civilian; they are fighting not for an abstract ideology, but for their kin.  The Syrian Army is not murdering the people - as the lying vermin of the BBC proclaim - they are fighting to defend their people from the inhuman beasts who work for the international financiers, regardless of what religious or other label they apply to themselves; they are fighting against the murderers of children; against the racist murderers of Assyrians; against the enemies of humanity itself.

The terrorists have filmed themselves engaging in acts of cruelty and barbarity, including beheading opponents, shooting ordinary civilians for the crime of being Shi'ite rather than Sunni Muslims, and beheading people for being Christian (nuns actually have been beheaded in Syria, but unlike the lies against Germany in the Great War, this is never mentioned by the media).  Youtube has removed videos showing the 'Syrian rebels' at work, to deny you the tax-payer the opportunity to see what you are paying for.  Apparently the videos violate youtube's policy on violence!  Of course, their removal is in line with keeping the anti-Syrian propaganda from being exposed as blatant lies. 

Clearly the censors have been at work; working hard to portray murderers and rapists as the victims of the crimes they are responsible for.

In a desperate bid to launch an open war against Syria, due to the failure of the covert actions of the USA and her allies, the repeated lie against Syria is that the government has ordered chemical attacks against its own people.  Just think for one moment about what we are supposed to believe.  The Syrian Army is winning the battle against the terrorist scourge.  They are steadily liberating areas which the Israeli-Saudi-Turkish-NATO forces have captured.  The people are rallying ever more to support their government in gratitude for the heroic actions of the military.  Even Israeli Air Force attacks (violating International Law and thus in themselves War Crimes) have failed.  In the face of the collapse of the enemy on the ground, we are supposed to believe that the government has suddenly taken it upon itself to use chemical 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' against areas they are liberating.  Why would the government - after years of fighting to liberate the nation - at the point that they are close to total victory, suddenly resort to WMDs, killing the ordinary people in the process?  They wouldn't, and they haven't.

The chemical attacks which have happened are the work of the FSA.  The US government and its toady sycophantic poodles in Paris and London, seek to invade and destroy Syria, using a WMD attack of their own making as the excuse!  This is an absolute outrage.  The likes of Hollande, Macron, Netanyahu, Obama, Trump, May et al who have engineered this, have committed very real Crimes Against Humanity which they seek to blame on the victims themselves.

The FSA are the stooges of the US-Israeli-Saudi-Turkish-NATO axis of evil.  In March 2013 they attacked the province of Aleppo, killing dozens in a WMD attack.  The US media tried to blame this on the Syrian Army and use the attack as justification for invasion.  When the truth  became known that the FSA carried out the attack, the attack was quietly dropped by the media and hasn't been mentioned since.  They next attacked Mouadamiya, making that attack Aleppo revisited, albeit on a larger scale.  This has continued until in 2018 the puppet president of the USA, Donald Trump, launched a missile attack on Syria.  Only thanks to the intervention of Russia and Iran was this attack effectively harmless.

In 2013, the Syrian Army captured antidotes to chemical weaponry on the 24th August, proving that the FSA not only have WMDs but are prepared to use them.  The western media ignored this direct evidence against the idolised FSA.  In May of the same year, FSA terrorists used Sarin Nerve Gas - a war crime which has been confirmed by the United Nations.  Again this real War Crime was ignored by those who whitewash every atrocity carried out by the FSA, even to the point of blaming the victims for their own suffering. The 2018 'gas attack' is a reworking of all the murderous attacks by the foot soldiers of NATO, complete with Israeli air strikes against the embattled sovereign nation of Syria.

The hypocrites in the USA, UK and EU who bleat about WMDs do not consider for a moment that the only country ever to drop a nuclear bomb on civilians as a means of terrorising an already defeated nation into total submission, is... the USA.  If we forget for one moment the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (and accept the lie that the attack was to shorten the Second World War, rather than just to intimidate the world with a new weapon), then what about Vietnam?  In the Vietnam War, the USA used Chemical Weapons to slaughter civilians and soldiers alike - in yet another war which the USA had no business getting involved in.  In Europe, the terrorist fire-bombing of Hanover, Hamburg, Dresden et al was of no military value, other than as a means to terrify and slaughter civilians; yet the USA and UK honour those who committed those atrocities.

Perhaps it is possible to claim that the terrorist outrages of the USA above mentioned are from more brutal times, and that it is unfair to bring them into a discussion about Syria? Consider then, the use of depleted uranium and chemical weapons of mass destruction in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, across Africa, the Middle East, Central America and other places which have earned the attention of the butchers of the USA since the the infamous massacre in New York on the 11th September 2001; a massacre organised by the US government and blamed (of course) on those whose countries they sought to invade.  In November 2004, the Iraqi city of Fallujah was subjected to horrendous WMD attacks by the USA; attacks which have repercussions to this very day with the births of deformed babies.  White Phosphorous was used to create a modern fire-storm comparable with Dresden.  The US government initially denied the use of the new version of Napalm, then went on to hide behind legal definitions of banned weapons - and completely ignored the use of poison gases which could not be argued away by legal technicalities.  When is a WMD a WMD?  When its use can be pinned on anyone except the USA!

The Al-Qaeda/FSA/Islamic State atrocities in Syria are supposed to provide the USA and UK with a pretext for war.  In the UK, the government - clearly aware with the glaringly obvious parallels with the Iraq War of 2003 - recalled parliament in 2013 from the summer holiday in order to gain a vote in favour of war, which would legally legitimise the coming outrages.  For the first time since the eighteenth century, the 'Mother of All Parliaments' voted against war.  This was a truly glorious moment for the UK, with the democratic will of the people being respected and reflected by parliament.  As has been seen by the Brexit Betrayal and Teresa May's refusal to submit her recent war crimes to parliamentary scrutiny, that may have been the last gasp of a dying democracy.

The destabilisation of the Muslim world impacts upon the ordinary people of the world, in ways in which it does not effect the rulers.  Obviously those whose lands are directly bombed by the internationalist menace, are the most obvious victims, but they are not the only ones.  We have to live alongside those who have been dislocated from their homelands by the wars our rulers have created.  The refugees and economic migrants compete for resources with the Working Class; they do not compete with the rulers who remain aloof.  Those who have swallowed the propaganda of the 'radicalisers' do not threaten the Establishment who live in secure gated communities; they can only do harm to the ordinary people who had nothing to do with the destruction of their homelands.  It is the common people who are sent to fight for the finance-driven wars of the Establishment, and it is the ordinary people at home who suffer the repercussions from the migrant communities.  The rulers sacrifice nothing, and risk nothing.

The plan to get the UK into the Syrian war has been stalled by Russia and Iran stepping in to defend the legitimate government of Syria, but there will be further attempts.  We must resist them, and do everything in our power to publicise the truth.  

How obvious it is that these wars against Muslim countries are being fought by Western powers for Zionist interests, and how oblivious so many ordinary citizens of the Western nations are to this reality - there are so many people that just don't get it.  That is where we come in.  We have to put the spotlight on the war-mongers and do all we can to get our military out of Syria, out of NATO, and out of all wars for Capitalism.

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