Monday 26 March 2018

Support Our Military - Bring Them Home

The British and Irish militaries have been working ever more closely together since the 2015 signing of the 'Memorandum of Understanding'.  The Memorandum in itself was not such a bad thing, drawing as it does the military forces together in areas of defence for the Isles.  SMPBI would like to go further and create a Military of the Isles, with all Service Men and Women united under one banner, and all stationed in our territory, for the defence of the Isles, and for that purpose alone.

Unfortunately, British and Irish military personnel serve as part of NATO.  Ireland is officially neutral, but despite this does supply the NATO Terrorists with soldiers and trainers.  They have been in place in Afghanistan since the fraudulent 'September 11th' bombing, which was blamed on country after country as a pretext for invasion, occupation and theft of oil and other valuable commodities and resources.

The death toll of people whose countries NATO has devastated is staggering.  The North Atlantic Terror Organisation has murdered over 20 million people since 2001.  The criminals have attacked 37 countries, making their atrocities cover an area which would justify this being called a World War - which it is, although the puppet media won't label it as such, so officially we live in an era of peace!

NATO routinely engage in their immoral action with illegal weaponry. They are routinely using munitions which have depleted uranium incorporated into them. This means the levels of cancer caused by radiation will be phenomenal. For the Iraqis, birth defects are now commonplace. Military action is turning whole swathes of Iraq and Afghanistan into nuclear wastelands.  NATO are the greatest hypocrites alive. They slander the Syrian Government as using Chemical Weapons on civilian, while they actually do so themselves (including in Syria, where the Chemical attacks have been undertaken by NATO proxies to justify more NATO brutality).

The wars across the globe are not about confronting 'terror', whatever that may be. They are about expanding the military occupation of the Global usurious elite into strategic areas. The staged atrocity of 9/11 was used as an excuse to 'get' Osama Bin Laden. In truth he was never a target. The wars are about building bases, increasing opium/heroin supplies and taking control of oil reserves. They are not just wars of liberation. They are wars of occupation and aggression.

The military in the present conflicts are being encouraged to commit all manner of atrocities against the indigenous peoples. By doing this they are becoming desensitised to the suffering of humanity. Having got used to torturing, raping and murdering civilians in one region, they will be able to do it anywhere.  Of course, US forces have been raping civilians for decades. The My Lai Massacre in Vietnam (16.3.68) has become widely known, but it was not the first such atrocity.  The US military in particular has a long history of raping and murdering civilians. That our militaries fight alongside these people is shameful.  There are good servicemen and women in the US military - people who refuse to obey orders which are insane. Sadly, there are all too many who will look the other way as atrocities occur, and a frightening number who will happily partake in such actions.

Our military have earned the respect of the people for defending our nations from external threats. These wars are destroying the high standards of the military. The Globalists are trying to turn the best of the nation into blood-thirsty animals. They are sadly having a measure of success.

Support the Troops. Protect the decency of the men and women who put themselves forward to defend our nations. Save them from the insane and cruel leaders who view them as 'dumb stupid animals' and cannon fodder. Put an end to war for global profit. Restore the cherished honourable name of our Men and Women in uniform.  Make Defence the only legitimate use of the Military.  In a Socialist British Isles, our armed forces will be the best trained, best equipped, and fiercest of warriors. But they will not be butchers in the pay of Capitalism, murdering and plundering sovereign nations to maximise the profits of the global criminals.

Support the Troops. Bring them home.  After 69 years of tyranny, it is time to say enough is enough and to close down NATO and the UN and restore Sovereignty and Freedom to the World.

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