Tuesday 22 May 2018

Charities are Tax-exempt. Shouldn't the work of SMPBI also be?

Throughout Europe - with the exception of Iceland - the people are being forced to pay for the 'mistakes' of the Bankers.  Iceland has proven that the only way to deal with the Banking criminals is to let their businesses fail, and to arrest them for crimes against the people.  Sadly, in the rest of Europe, the grip of the Bankers is so complete that the people are being made to pay with their own money, to make up the profits lost by the greedy Banking cartels.  If any other businesses lose such vast amounts of money that they cannot operate, they close - and so should the Banks.  Indeed, the entire immoral system of usury should be closed, regardless of whether it is in debt or profit.

The Bankers' puppet governments introduced Austerity measures in the British Isles with interest rate freezes, tax hikes, and cuts in services.  Free Banking has all but ended, so now we have a situation where it is nigh on impossible to pay for one's utilities, or to receive pay from an employer, without having a bank account, but not only does it cost money to have one; the greedy profiteers no longer pay a level of interest which covers the costs of having an account!  That is theft, pure and simple.

The Bankers hide behind the governing regimes; deflecting anger from the financiers of the Ruling Class who are the real source of policy, regardless of the espoused politics of the government of the day.  The present government has made much of the idea of closing tax loopholes, and of preventing people who are not entitled to Welfare Benefits from receiving them.  As has become the norm in the UK, the spotlight of scrutiny has not fallen evenly across all those resident in the UK.

People in the UK are taxed more than any other nation in Europe, and for that matter most of the world.  We have to pay tax on every penny we earn, and every penny we spend.  The State even has the audacity to take a cut of any money we may have saved for our children, with its outrageous Inheritance Tax and Death Duties. 

As well as taxation at national level, we have local taxation.  Every household in the country has to pay 'Council Tax', which amounts to around £1000 per annum per dwelling in the least affluent areas, increasing with the value of the property.  Council tax is allegedly to pay for services provided by the local administrative authorities, but considering that almost every service has been contracted out to profit-making companies, the reality of Council tax is that it is yet another way to rob the people, and transfer what little money we have into the hands of the private companies which rule over us.  It is illegal to not pay Tax, thus the system is tantamount to an extortion racket - either we pay those who exploit us, or we are punished by their legal system, in terms of fines (more extorted money), or imprisonment.

There is an exception to the Council Tax rule.  Those who claim to live in accommodation which is used as a place of worship, do not have to pay the tax.  What this means in effect, is that all one has to do to escape the attention of the tax mafiosa (and dodge the tax system) is to register as a religious leader.  The people who benefit from the tax loophole which the Establishment refuses to close, are the liberal clergy who happily push the neo-con sjw policies of the governing regime.  In addition there are newer religions to the Isles who are happy to jump on the band-wagon, thus allowing the organisers of the religious populations to keep hold of the money they generate through extortion of the collecting tin, whilst those less inclined to listen to the organised theists - whether atheist of spiritual in a sense which doesn't rely on designated places of worship, become economically impoverished.  It is understandable that people who are aware of the tax loop-holes will take advantage of everything which they are given, and they should not be blamed for that.

Why should religion be a reason for tax exemption?  If we lived in a theocracy, and there was one religion enshrined by the State, then there would be no reason for places of worship to be given preferential treatment, as they would be an integral part of society.  We do not live in a theocracy.

If people wish to worship in an organised manner, let them pay for the costs of the places they use; it is beyond arrogant for people of any faith to expect their beliefs to be paid for by others.  Without tax exemption for religious places, those which flourish would provide income to the local authorities, and those which did not, would die.  Any religion which cannot survive without grandiose displays of material wealth, deserves to fail. 

Education centres are - like religious places - tax exempt.  The ludicrous situation exists where the state education system keeps children in  ignorance of anything which matters, and where the only real education which can be obtained is in the fee-paying sector.  The Ruling Class and their bourgeois collaborators have enough money to pay for their children to be educated away from the proletarian masses, but then the schools to which they send their children, have charitable status, and so contribute nothing to the economy.

If all so-called public (private) schools had to pay into the tax system, that would greatly enrich the coffers of the exchequer.  The existence of a two-tier education system in which the Working Class receive nothing but indoctrination and knowledge sufficient only for servitude, in institutions which the parasitic rich wouldn't consider sending their children to, is offensive to the nation as a whole.  If the State sector is not good enough for the Rulers, then it is not good enough for anyone.  SMPBI will abolish fee paying schools, faith schools, charitable schools, and nationalise all of them so that everyone gets equal education, and no-one can pay for 'better' education.

So what can we do?  We can home school and thus keep the state away from our children.  Those who can afford to send their children to the elite schools, should refuse to as a matter of principle.  There is no excuse for the class system, and anything which props it up is repugnant. 

How should we deal with the tax loop-hole?

We can register our homes as places of worship, and with-hold taxes from the Capitalist regime.  SMPBI does have a spiritual dimension, so why shouldn't we be able to meet together for reflection in the same way as the organised religious groups do?  If they refuse to accept our expressions of belief as valid, then surely that amounts to prejudice and discrimination on spiritual, political and cultural grounds?  It is worth considering, for reasons financial and moral. 

It is possible to buy religious titles from (unsurprisingly), the USA, at an initial cost which is a fraction of the annual saving.  The legal protection and financial exemptions afforded to the majority faiths should apply to everyone.  This isn't tax evasion, but common sense.  Why pay a penny to the enemy regime, if we can legally avoid it? 

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