Thursday 31 May 2018

Understanding the M.O. of the Ruling Class is vital in defeating them

The architects of the globalised tyranny which is being built around the sleep-walking masses are fond of their slogans. They bandy around phrases such as 'Equality and Diversity', 'Multi-Culturalism', 'Democracy', and 'Hate Crimes' in the knowledge that the masses will accept these nonsense slogans without thought. These, and the other phrases pushed by the high priests of political correctness, are more than just nonsense terms, they are in fact psychological weapons. The media and other agents of the Ruling Class do not use an armoury of slogans simply because the words sound good to those who use them, but rather because in depth research has found that words have more than a conscious impact. Politically Correct slogans are used as a part of the mind control technique of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. We need to fully appreciate this fact in order to defend our minds from the concerted assault which our enemies are conducting via the manipulation of words and the repetition of concepts.

Accelerating under Theresa May and Leo Varadkar, the parasites who sit in Government have enacted laws to combat 'Hate Crimes'. As well as the obvious impact upon freedom of speech that is obtained by incarcerating anyone who objects to the social engineering being carried out against the will of the people, there is a deeper and more dangerous result of such legislation. Far worse than the legislation itself is is the censorship which people have come to self administer. The statement 'you can't say that' is bleated at anyone who broaches serious matters in a manner which is not politically correct. Conversations for many of the self-policing populace have become nothing but trivia, such as what one has watched on the television. For those who have removed the accursed mind control box from their homes, the inability of many to speak without reference to the media, is truly exasperating. The television is by far the most powerful medium for mind control, as the programming it issues is absorbed into the sub-conscious, regardless of how selective the viewer may be.

There are people who hold the media at arms length, but are held in submission to the globalising agenda by their inaction. Rather than formalise a plan to deal to expose our enemies, and deal with the results of their machinations, people who are enraged by the destruction of their culture, by their economic enslavement, and by the obliteration of a future for their children; people who should be in open revolt in defence of all they hold dear, are making the intolerable situation temporarily go away with drugs and alcohol. Why? Because they have subconsciously accepted the lie that they are powerless and that they may as well indulge themselves in unbridled hedonism rather than fight an enemy they cannot hope to beat.

Partly as a result of the controlled media constantly repeating the lie that nations which have a 'democratic' system of political administration are 'free', the people who live in those countries have come to believe that their Governments would never do anything to undermine their freedom. What is not realised is what exactly is meant by 'free'.

People in the west have for a long time believe they can speak and act as they see fit, so long as no law is broken. This is a dangerous assumption.  The existence of laws forbidding speech on a whole raft of issues gives the lie to the idea that the people have freedom of expression. In reality, the laws curbing free speech are such that one has to be constantly on one's guard that one doesn't inadvertently make a remark (even a joke) which could lead to prosecution.  The recent prosecution of 'Count Dankula' for his video of a dog responding to a joke - which admittedly was in poor taste, but was nevertheless just a joke - is a case in point.  

Due to the media programming, the brainwashed masses who believe they are 'free' react with hostility to those who know that the freedom which the Establishment allows is illusory. People who are arrested for thought crimes are dæmonised by the media, and as a result are regarded as the enemies of the people by the very people whose freedoms the Establishment have removed. This is problematic. The conditioning of the masses is such that a herd mentality exists, with people who stand out and 'rock the boat' being viewed with suspicion and hatred. Fear of not being popular, is enough for many people who can see that there is a concerted effort to destroy individuality and sovereign society, to force them to acquiesce.

We are now in a position where people are being arrested for opinions.  At the moment, it is mainly people on the 'right' who are being locked away, but that doesn't mean that we are safe.  Anti-Zionists from the Labour Party are losing their council seats, being kicked out of the party, and being hounded in the media.  It is lazy to think that the liberal witch-hunt is going to leave us alone. People from across the spectrum are finding their lives turned upside down as the liberal bigots flex their muscles (or more accurately, as their pet police are set loose on dissenters who dare to speak forbidden truths.)

In order to halt the march of globalism, we need to awaken the people, and do so in a manner which is tailored to the situation which confronts us. We have to break down the programming and to discuss issues of importance which the people have been conditioned to close their minds to - but we must do this without triggering the fear and hatred strategy of the parasitical pre-programming. This requires a disciplined and analytical approach to the problem; an approach which will ultimately result in the mental emancipation of others who will become an unstoppable force which will be victorious in our struggle. We must be the vanguard which will be unstoppable once the 'Hundreth Monkey' is awoken.

The first step to freedom comes with an understanding of the nature of our enslavement. We are not held in bondage by physical chains, but by mental ones. We need to study the various forms of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, with a focus upon Neuro-Linguistic Programming. We need to make ourselves experts in the understanding of subliminal imprinting and other techniques of mind control.

Recognising the symbolism used by the agents of the Ruling Class is a part of the process to self-liberation, but only a part. Of a deeper importance is the understanding of the techniques currently in use to keep the people in a state of unquestioning and unknowing servitude.

We are fighting an enemy which is multi-faceted, but guided by a common purpose. Our enemy uses techniques which are complex, but not incomprehensible. Studying the programming techniques is essential if we are to deprogramme ourselves. Appreciating that the enemy is not an immovable force but rather is a paper tiger gives us strength. When we become fully cognisant of the psychological weaponry which is being used against us relentlessly, we will achieve immunity to this level of attack. An analogy could be for a European to fully learn Hebrew or Chinese - the previously meaningless characters once learnt in their entirety within the context of the particular language, will never again pass un-noticed and bereft of understanding. Right now, for the majority of us, the 'characters' themselves are only vaguely evident, but with a concerted effort they will become so plain that their usage will not only fail as a method to enslave us, but will actually become a valuable tool for us to turn against our oppressors.

The Global power structure is taking shape because we are fighting the wrong battles. We are fighting the battles they have prepared for us. We need to study their techniques, and to arm ourselves with the weaponry of their making - we need to become masters of psychological warfare. Once our eyes are fully open, we will be able to open the eyes of others. Disengaging from the mind control of the Establishment is a prerequisite for victory, but it is not enough without action to awaken others. The House of Cards will fall once we stop propping it up - but that will require stopping others propping it up too.

We have to educate ourselves in the techniques of the enemy. Neutralise their weapons by making ourselves fully conscious of them. Then use this knowledge to awaken others, and to bring their tyranny crashing down. It is only fear which is stopping us - fear which the Establishment have programmed into us. Deprogramme and reprogramme yourself. Eliminate the fear and sense your inner strength.

Unity in the struggle is vital.  Right now there is a temptation to cherry-pick the victims of persecution that we care about, and to ignore the prosecution of people who have ideological positions we do not share, or even ones we oppose. This is a big mistake.  We are in the days where it does us well to re-visit the sentiment of Martin Niemöller:

First they came for the comedians, but I wasn't bothered about what was really a pretty crap joke, so I said nothing, then they came for the (add list here) but I wasn't affected so did nothing, then they came for the Revolutionary Patriotic Socialists, anti-Zionists and Defenders of Sovereignty, and by that time the liberal tyranny was complete and there was no one to speak up for me.

We have to stand together, regardless of that which divides us.  The only division which matters is Globalist versus Freedom.  By learning their tricks, and refusing to play their divisive games, we will take the battle to the enemy, and destroy them.  We have to.

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