Friday 29 June 2018

British Working Class Socialism is the Answer to Globalism

If one had to ponder what is the greatest lie of the 'Multi-culti Politically Correct' era, one would be hard-pressed to do so, as every aspect of Political Correctness is a lie.  From the 'Feminism' which speaks of liberating women from the 'chore' of Motherhood, and into the servitude of the wage slave, to the anti-Racism which promotes the notion that we must cherish our equal opportunities to become slaves in a materialistic Hell-on-Earth, political correctness leads invariably to economic bondage and loss of humanity.

For many people, the conquest of Europe (at home and overseas) by those with ideologies diametrically opposed to the well-being of the people, has led to the conclusion that Europe and much of the European world has succumbed to socialism.  This is perhaps the greatest lie of all.  What people tend to view as Socialism is nothing of the sort; it is Trotskyism, and the greatest deception of those who misrule us is that Trotskyism and Socialism are one and the same.  In truth, they are opposites.

What is Socialism?

Socialism is the natural desire to protect one's own.  It is identical with Working Class Nationalism.  Those who call themselves Socialists, but argue against sovereignty and borders, are not Socialists, but Globalists.  Likewise those who profess to fight for the people, yet endorse Free Market Capitalism, are but another variety of Globalist.  Free Market Capitalism and Open Borders Socialism belong in one camp; they both embrace the central pillars of the cosmopolitan materialistic ideology, and whether they call themselves left or right is really of no consequence.  By virtue of refusing to face up to the reality that the Nation is the People, and that the economy must serve the people, rather than the people serve it, they cannot in any way justify using the interchangeable terms of Nationalism and Socialism, which define everything they stand against.

Socialism is an ideology which by its very goes beyond mere economics.  The essence of Socialism is the belief that people matter, and that the economic system under which they live, must be tailored so as to give them the greatest practicable amount of freedom and contentment.  To this end, Socialism is the pursuit of happiness through self-reliance and mutual support; it is not a belief in an all-powerful State directing the lives of the people, which, of course is what the corruption known as Fabian Socialism is all about.

The great confusion concerning the use of the term Socialism for its ideological opposite, arose with the Marxist takeover of the joint French and British Trades Union initiative, known as the International Working Men's Association, aka, the First International.  That organisation was set up with the sole purpose of preventing employers in France and Britain importing cheap foreign labour in order to lower wage demands.  The IWMA would today be labelled by modern-day Marxists as a 'fascistic' and 'xenophobic' organisation due to its demand that people in and of the respective nations, should be given absolute priority in the workplace.  Ironically, Marx himself was the General Secretary of the IWMA, although it was only after he successfully expelled his main rival, Mikhail Bakunin, that the rot set in.

Socialism is a belief that the Nation is the People, and that only that which is good for the people is permissible in the nation.  To this end, the economy of the country must be fully nationalised.  Again, the liberals and trots have used linguistic chicanery to impose their agenda whilst hiding behind the label which means its exact opposite.  The 'Socialisation of the Means of Production' has to be the transfer of power from the obscenely wealthy to the people as a whole - as the term implies -  but for the trots, it is Globalisation through bureaucratic control; giving more power, not less to the Usurers.  True Socialism unifies the Nation.  Fabianism and Trotskyism in no way undermine the Ruling Class, who retain their grip on power behind the scenes.  State Capitalism abolishes private property, giving absolute control to the State.  Socialism, in contrast, supports private property at the lowest practicable scale, and for the larger concerns employs profit-sharing amongst the workers and management, as a means of encouraging productivity.  Distributism, Syndicalism, Social Credit etc are all Socialist.

The goal of Fabianism and Trotskyism is for a Global State in which all the workers are equal; having lost their symbolic chains and having gained total servitude in their place.  For the Middle Class 'book socialists', there is no such thing as Culture, Nation, etc, only the 'right' to work as a part of the global slave plantation.  This is Capitalism.  The abolition of Trade Tariffs, the end to restrictions on the movement of labour, and the steady demise of other elements of national sovereignty are all under way in order to create more wealth for the Ruling Class, and to reduce the masses to absolute servitude.  That is not Socialism, but unbridled Capitalism, and the Trotskyite fake socialism has exactly the same aims.

Globalism is Capitalism

Karl Marx's friend and sponsor, Engels, was so sincere in his Feminism, that not only did he have servants to do his every bidding; he even raped them.  Far from liberating the oppressed classes, Engels and his cabal oppressed all who they could.  Capitalism garners wealth and power for the self-Chosen 'elite'; the Trotskyite interpretation of Marxism ensures that the masses are kept so impoverished that they cannot see through the political lies and liberate themselves. 

Liberalism walks hand-in-hand with Capitalism.  Liberalism destroys the building blocks of society, and in its wake leaves total individualists who cannot comprehend the need for a strong society, let alone take their place in it.  Margaret Thatcher notoriously stated that 'there is no such thing as society, only the individual'.  This perverse thinking is political correctness in practice and would be applauded by all who believe in the unrestricted hedonism and self-important materialism which has wrecked Europe.  Trotsky would not have used such a hideous phrase, but his ideology has led directly to that diseased view of the world becoming the norm for many people.

Freedom comes with a restoration of National Freedom, and Social Justice.  Socialism is Nationalism and Nationalism is Socialism.  Anything else is a fraud concocted to keep us in fear of our only hope of salvation.  Don't let the enemy confuse you or scare you away from ideas which will free us all.   If these ideas were not so dangerous to the global enemy, they would bother attacking them at every opportunity.

Marxism is of another time

One important thing to remember is that Marxism, at least in its original form, was a nineteenth century ideology. Much has changed in terms of living standards since the nineteenth century. We have far better standards today, at least in the West. In other parts of the world, there is still some desperate poverty. Look at this video:

Would you like to be one of those boys? It's still similar to child labour in Britain during the nineteenth century, in coal mines and so on, in the form that it takes.

British Socialism

We need to get away from the strait jacket of seeing Socialism as Marxism or derivatives of Marxism.

In Britain the first place to raise the Red flag was Merthyr in 1831: it was a symbol for 'Caws a bara' (cheese and bread) and 'I lawr รข'r Brenin' (Republicanism - down with the king).  At that time the men of Wales were raising the Red Flag, Marx was a mere 13-year old! Socialism is Society-ism; what is good for the people, not what is good for the moneyed oppressors.  As Socialists fighting for the best for the Motherland of the British Isles, we can learn much by looking at our own people. We can - of course - look at examples of ideologies further afield, but nothing speaks to the soul of the British Working Class more than the British Working Class itself.

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