Thursday 21 June 2018

Family is the Foundation Stone of Socialism

In an age of liberal egocentrism, with the traditional family structure under attack from every perceivable angle, a practical application of Working Class Solidarity has to begin with the solidarity of the family.  Speaking by telephone is no substitute for real face-to-face contact.  Being aware of the forces behind the drive into selfishness, decadence and societal atomisation, is a futile exercise if we do not ensure that we fight those forces in our everyday lives.  Re-connecting with loved ones helps to provide a much-needed boost to the vital determination to fight our enemies and restore the nation to its natural path.

The globalists despise everything which roots the people in reality.  Family is the key target for those who would create an atomised world of self-isolating, cultureless, materialistic producer-consumers.  Family is especially targeted because it is the hearth in which we are formed.

Liberal education exists to break children from the family.  Promiscuity, divorce, abortion, adultery, in place of marriage and children raised in two parent homes; all these factors are aimed at destroying the stability a child needs in order to grow and become a rounded individual, fully connected to the natural organic society. 

Home-schooling threatens the power of the Establishment to brainwash children into supporting it.  A moral family with values and decency is a bulwark against the libertine poison of the globalist commodity order.  A family which fails to shield its younger members from the lies of the media is a collaborator in the mental destruction of our youth. 

It is good to maintain personal contact with friends and family.  The inappropriately named 'social media networks' undermine real contact, and perhaps exist partly for that reason.  Spending positive quality time with family, without the distraction of television, energises and revitalises. 

The line in the sand must be the refusal to let anyone harm our class: our kin.  Let us ensure that this isn't a mantra but a way of life.  We must take time to see loved ones and to look after and nurture our own.  The traditional and real Family is under attack by the liberal establishment because they understand how strong we are when we keep their influence at bay.

Let us take the struggle from the remote sphere of the internet into the real world and defend what cannot be allowed to fall.  Family must be our focus.  The Line in the Sand doesn't have to be the last line of defence; rather it can be the advance line of attack.  Let us take the battle to the enemy and strengthen our bonds so they cannot destroy our future.

The trots who have infested the Socialist Movement with their degenerate revisionist bile, are partners with the capitalists in their campaign to wreck the family. The far-right with their obsession with Islam, are useful idiots, campaigning to undermine the family in Muslim communities, just as family has been undermined in traditional British communities.  The bigotry of the latter is easier to dismiss than the stupidity of the former, because the trots hide behind the label Socialist.  We have to reclaim the sanctity of Family, and to do so in our own lives by defending and strengthening our own family bonds.  Family and Comradeship are the bulwark against Capitalism.  Just as we have to keep our National Borders secure, we cannot let our enemies undermine the boundaries which keep hearth and home safe.

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