Tuesday 26 June 2018

SMPBI, formerly SWPE, Never SWP

SMPBI has come under criticism for being a Trotskyite-Fascist organisation, like its parent, the SWP!  This is nonsense.  The SMPBI was previously called the SWPE (Socialist Workers' Party of England), but it has at no time been a part of, or splinter from, the SWP (Socialist Workers Party).  The confusion with the name isn't helped by the main website and some of the others still having the SWPE name.  This is something which admittedly we do need to sort out.

In the UK, there is a political party which is always present at industrial disputes and protest gatherings.  This party is the SWP. 

Laughingly claiming to be against the Establishment, the Socialist Workers Party is very much a part of the Establishment.  It has front groups such as United Against Fascism which exist for the sole purpose of libelling all opponents as Nazis, and thereby silencing criticism.  The SWP, far from being a party for the 'Workers' is a party which advances the interests of international finance, and uses the genuine grievances of the people as an excuse to push its globalist agenda.

The Socialist Worker is always a good source for anyone who cares to look into the damaged mind of the trotskyite materialistic pseudo-anti-Capitalists.  The underlying opposition to economic deprivation is laudable, however, the solutions offered only bolster the stranglehold of the common enemy.

Immigration is touted as a solution to the economic problems of the world.  According to the ideology of the SWP, the exploitation of the poorer nations by the richer ones has created the economic hardship the people therein endure. So far so good; global imperialism is indeed a key factor in the destruction of the conquered nations (is rather than was, because it still goes on under corporate rather than national banners).  However, the ideology then falters by ignoring the fact that migration away from the conquered nations has been a result of economic imperialism, and goes on to argue that the movement of people is a good thing.

In the SWP's 'Where We Stand' section, can be found the following pearls of wisdom:

  • Workers create all the wealth under capitalism. A new society can only be constructed when they collectively seize control of that wealth and plan its production and distribution according to need.

Yes, the people do create the wealth, but it is the materialist system itself which has to be overturned.  As the people of China can testify to, the replacement of a monopoly of private owners by a monopoly of bureaucrats has not made their plight any easier.  The increased efficiency of the means of production has allowed for the creation of ever more junk products, by an army of slaves.  The SWP argue that this is due to the Chinese states being State Capitalist, but this is a purely semantic argument.  The refusal to respect culture, tradition, race and faith, inevitably leads to the depersonalisation of the people.  This is one of the inherent flaws of Trotskyism.

  • We oppose all immigration controls and campaign for solidarity with workers in other countries. 

How exactly are the people to gain, when they have to compete for resources with unlimited immigration?  The SWP would doubtless claim that there would be no need for immigration controls after the global revolution; this in itself highlights their failure to get beyond academic theories and deal with the real world.  Certainly supporting all people who strive for freedom is vital, but the SWP are not fighting for freedom, but for economic control; they seek to replace the corporate despots with themselves, and that has nothing to do with freedom.

  • We support the right of black people and other oppressed groups to organise their own defence and we support all genuine national liberation movements. 

This point betrays the mentality of the SWP.  They view Black people as oppressed in a way that White people are not.  For all the talk of being anti-racist, the SWP do treat the races differently.  It is interesting that Blacks and 'other oppressed groups' are encouraged to organise separately.  So the SWP envisage Black groups, homosexual groups, and all manner of exclusive groups, but Heterosexual Whites must be organised as parts of mixed groups (mixed with whom, remains a mystery!) 

The notion of 'genuine' national liberation movements is also one which we share.  However, as supporters of borders, SMPBI accepts the right of individual nations to exist, and to work together Inter-Nationally as free sovereign entities.  The issue is problematic for the SWP as their borders-abolishing globalism does not support a future in which any nations exist.

  • We campaign for real social, political and economic equality for woman and for an end to all forms of discrimination against lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender people.

The 'right to work' is a common theme of the SWP.  This is because, production is the sole purpose of the individual in the Trotskyite mind.  Social equality is simply globalist multi-cultural dogma; Economic equality means the right to work.  Women are especially singled out due to a fanatical hatred of the family structure.  To the SWP, it is a woman's right to be a part of the servile labour force.  The traditional role of women as the principle child nurturers is viewed as patriarchal tyranny; indeed the idea of families raising their own children is a threat to the State.  Women have the right to have their children raised by the State whilst they work to produce and consume as good wage-slave robots.  The lumping together of women and people separated due to sexuality is a variation of the more common linking of women and 'ethnic minorities', but continues the theme of splitting women away from their menfolk.  Men and women together form a strong natural bond which the SWP seeks to break apart.  The horrific protection of the rapist, 'Comrade Delta' Martin Smith, was only possible due to this unhealthy obsession with treating women as being a special class of Comrades - sadly, a class which can be patronised, objectified and abused.  SMPBI has a membership requirement that all prospective members declare any sex offences - these automatically bar anyone from membership.  The SWP could do well to adopt a similar policy.

The Socialist Worker presents itself as fighting for the workers.  As can be seen in their Where We Stand summary, their policies, if ever implemented, would reduce the worker to the level of a slave.  The attack on everything wholesome and natural is identical to the tactics of the Capitalist entity they purport to oppose.  The objective of the people who control the SWP is to establish a single global materialist State in which all people are the same; a State in which there is no place for culture, family, sovereignty, tradition, customs, or indeed any of the many aspects of humanity which make us more than economic producer-consumers.  They claim to oppose the current drive to a global State ruled by a financial oligarchy, but only because they do not understand that the people who control them ARE the financiers they protest against.

The SWP exist to herd anti-Capitalists into fighting for the very oppressors they instinctively oppose.  Social Justice cannot exist except within a strong and free nation.  A nation is more than an economy; it is a people unified by experience and by kinship.  To ignore the bonds of land and people is to ignore nature.  Genuine Socialists put their own people first; globalism is anti-society, and therefore anti-Socialist.

Supporters of the SWP have been lied to by their leaders.  They have swallowed all manner of trotskyite drivel, but just as humanity as a whole is awakening to the lunacy of globalism, so too will the genuine and decent Socialists awaken to the lies of those who would lead them.  SMPBI has no dealings with the SWP, other than to hold out a hand to Working Class SWP members and ex-members who know deep inside that Socialism Needs Borders; it serves us well to exploit those doubts and break the good few away from the middle class trotskyite enemy.  To be classed alongside the bourgeois trots is not helpful, and we have to work on ways of making it clear that this lumping together is counter-productive.

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