Saturday 28 July 2018

Revolutionaries do not wait for a starting gun. We build the future Now.

"Give me control of a nation's money
and I care not who makes the laws."

- M Amschel Rothschild,
patriarch of the Rothschild Family.

The Rothschild dynasty are the bankers of the global elite. In little over two centuries, the family have amassed half of the wealth of the entire Earth. Clearly they are an important part of the global capitalist network, but just a part.

There is a very real globalising agenda, which, if it is to succeed, must see the end of sovereignty for every nation, replaced with the complete interdependency of every part of the world. To paraphrase Amschel Rothschild, all one needs to do to control a nation politically, is to control it financially.

In 2001, there were only seven nations in the world with central banks which were not overtly controlled by the globalist banking cartel. The seven nations which had not succumbed were Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria and the Sudan. In 2004 the globalist mafia's military apparatus, the Armed Forces of the USA and UK, oversaw the establishment of a Rothschild Central Bank in Iraq, having previously established one in Afghanistan. Having invaded and occupied both nations, the US-UK axis handed over financial power to the private banking cartel - both nations had previously had banks owned in the national interest by the State on behalf of the people. The destruction of Libya in 2011 completed the capture of the Libyan Central Bank.

As of now, in the western hemisphere, only Cuba is still free of the Rothschilds' grip. In Africa only the Sudan has control of its own central bank.. In Asia, Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Syria remain financially independent. It is no coincidence that the nations subject to hysterical propaganda and under constant military threat are the very nations which are not subject to the diktat of the globalists in the form of their financial elite, the Rothschilds.

Not every nation has a central bank, so ascertaining how far the tentacles of the global banking infrastructure reach is not a simple task. The poisonous vipers of the Rothschild dynasty have become the key economic presence in practically every nation in the world. When one considers that the International Monetary fund and Bank of International Settlements belong in the Rothschild stable, the dominance becomes almost absolute.

What are freedom loving peoples to make of this economic control grid? The professed ideologies of the nations with Rothschild central banks cover the entire left-right spectrum. The concepts of left-wing and right-wing are illusions concocted in the temples of Freemasonry to divide the people into rival camps - camps which they control. The truth of this can be seen by the fact that nations which are avowedly communist sit side by side with those which profess to be the ideological opposite. The presence of the same banking cartel in nations which are 'enemies' (at face value) betrays the reality that the political classes are mere puppets dancing to the tune of the same financiers, who themselves are little more than instruments in the force for absolute global control by the state-less corporations.

We should now be awakening to the fact that politicians are bought and sold as readily as whores in the red light district. We need to distance ourselves from people who play the political game but seek to reform the economic structure. We need to think beyond the banking system and to take positive action to disengage from the financial system wherever possible.

The ideal economic system for a free nation is one which is built upon Social Credit and Distributism, within a framework of Guild Socialism, Syndicalism and Cooperatives. This is a plausible and practical alternative economic system which considers the the well-being of the Working Class of the utmost importance. In contrast to the sticking plaster measures of those who are stuck in the Party System (whether through ignorance, naivety or self-serving egomania and greed), the economics of Distributism do not require the election of political puppets for their implementation. A system which sees the exchange of goods and labour as a fluid and natural mechanism (rather than as a Usurious exploitative act of materialistic theft), is what is needed to break the power of the bankers, and to thereby loosen the grip of the international mafia enough for us to throw off their shackles permanently.

What Distributism entails is a redistribution of ownership. Wealth based on the accumulation of money is a trick played by the banking elite. Money is created at the stroke of a key, and pursuing wealth is as futile as pursuing the wind. Certainly the illusion of the lifestyles of the rich and famous is one which has been gullibly accepted by the downtrodden masses as something to envy.

In Berkshire and Lewes, and indeed in many places across the globe, the phenomenon of local currencies is growing as people come to understand that the present banking system is simply a fraudulent mechanism for extracting money from the workforce and concentrating the real wealth of the nation in the hands of the banking mafia. Money is created out of thin air in the Fractional Reserve System, thus meaning banks take no risk whatsoever when giving out loans. However, when the banks decide to contract the economy and call in the phantom loans, those who are unable to meet the loans must pay with real goods, properties and/or businesses which are seized by the banks. The local currencies are not built upon Fractional Reserve, thus the weapon of inflation-deflation cannot be used against the public. Community banking takes the Rothschilds and their ilk out of commerce. Without usury, they have no power.

In North Dakota (USA) the State Bank is responsible for issuing currency. Unlike the other 49 States, North Dakota is not tied to the Federal Reserve and as a result the State is flourishing, whilst the rest of the USA is in economic meltdown. The fact that an entire State is functioning very well without the 'help' of the Rothschild's cartel proves that economic freedom at a national level only requires throwing the usurers out of any position of power. If North Dakota can do it, every nation in the world can do it.

Breaking free from the present system is not the stuff of fantasy. From the examples above we can see that economic freedom is not an issue of wishful thinking, but is attainable - and is in many places, for many people, a fact. We are held in our financial servitude through media manipulation. Every time we watch a current affairs programme on the Television or read a 'newspaper' we are confronted with fear mongering, and with pressure to consume more luxuries. We are conditioned to believe that economics is the reserve of an elite who are intellectually superior to ourselves, and that we should not even think of there being an alternative to the status quo. This is simply a lie. It should come as no surprise that Reuters, (which supplies the majority of the world's news) is owned by the Rothschilds. No serious criticism of the Rothschilds or of the banking system will ever be allowed by the media for as long they control it. The wall of silence regarding these matters is a calculated weapon of the globalists. People who delude themselves into thinking that by reading a variety of newspapers or watching a selection of news sources, they are getting to see the big picture free from media bias, need to think again. The entire mass media is in the pockets of the Rothschilds. A good first step in the march to freedom is to turn off your TV, and leave it off.

We have the power to take back control of our finances. We need to actively participate in local currencies, Credit Unions and Labour Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). We need to stop supporting our oppressors; we need to disconnect ourselves from their financial web. Once we have built the momentum, the economics of usury will collapse and a new system of mutual support and social justice will fall into place. By building the post-revolutionary society now, we can outflank the capitalists.  The Revolution will be complete when we have banished capitalism and the bankers from our shores, and we have to start that process now.

Let us take Amschel Rothschild's words to heart, and let it be us that control our own money, and all that stems from it.

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