Tuesday 31 July 2018

The Media Lies: And Does Little Else

The first casualty of war is the Truth.  From this first victim are spawned all the victims which follow.  Every death, every dispossession, every foul destruction of humanity; all stem from the initial lie. But what if the lie should be discovered?  What if the reasons for war are exposed as fictions?  The first casualty must be butchered repeatedly until mere mention of the truth is heresy.  Not only must the Truth be denied in the first instance; it must be defiled to the point where history itself is rewritten to erase any questions as to the validity of the new reality; a reality born of the war-mongers fiction.

In Europe, warfare gradually evolved into a game of the Establishment, with rules of combat and a surreal etiquette concerning the conditions in which human life could and could not be taken.  Of course, the people giving the orders ensured their own safety at all times and let ordinary soldiers do the killing and dying.  Behind the official romantic imagery of gentlemanly war, the reality was very different.  For all the prancing around in military uniform, the days of the Ruler leading his men into battle are but a page in distant history.

Warfare is nothing new.  However, it is only in recent times that the propaganda justifying acts of brutality has become so pervasive.  Before the advent of the printing press, most people could not read.  The extension of literacy to include the majority of people came about through economic necessity.  As the people were reduced to the level of cogs in the machinery of the English, (and later British), Empire, literacy was needed to facilitate efficient commerce across previously unthinkable distances.  The education of the new merchant classes inevitably trickled into the population as a whole, and with this widespread popular ability to read, came the opportunity to shift population control from pure barbaric force, to the more subtle, yet more dangerous level, of mind-control through propaganda.

We are told today that George III alienated the British in the North American colonies, due to being afflicted with porphyria which he may have contracted from his sexually diseased mother.  If this tale is true, then according to the touchy-feely liberals, he cannot really be blamed for the deaths of Britons on both sides during the American Revolutionary War.  The spotlight on George III conveniently absolves the Establishment's pocket media for dehumanising Britons across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to justify incredible acts of terror against ordinary civilians.

Whether George III was mad, or evil (or both), it is now clear that the War for Independence was a farce.  In reality the patriotic movements in the 13 colonies were infiltrated by the Freemasonic Founding Fathers who ensured the continuation of the power of the Crown and the City of London.  Thousands died and outrages against civilians went unreported.  The Establishment media continue to hide the role of the Founding Fathers as tools of the very same Crown which the colonists fought to free themselves from.  Instead they focus on the mental well-being of British Head of State; who we are told was bound by Westminster and therefore had no influence over the actions of Government in the home of liberal democracy!  See how the media fables discredit one another? Yet no one notices.

Following the slaughter of our own people in the American Revolutionary War, focus shifted onto the War to capture Europe - focus, that is, on fake war crimes of the Napoleonic forces.  The modern notion of prosecuting leaders from the losing side came to the fore in the arrest of Napoleon.  The media campaign against Bonaparte was so relentless that even today children are told that if they are bad the Bogeyman will get them.  The term Bogeyman was invented by the British media; Bogey, deriving from Boney as in Bonaparte.  It is amusing, that the great Emperor is now known in the USA as the Boogeyman, conjuring images of a 1970's disco dancer; hardly the child-eating leader of Imperial France!

Victors' Justice does not only apply to those defeated in war; it applies equally to those oppressed by despotic regimes.  Propaganda against the Irish was so successful that the London regime of William Stadholder was able to murder vast numbers of Irishmen in their own country, to the cheer of Working Class Englishmen who had everything to gain by rising up in defence of their Irish cousins and securing freedom for all.  Instead they hailed the persecutions and paved the way for their own suffering; which duly followed.  Two centuries later, the British again butchered the Irish, this time stealing the food of our kin across the Irish Sea, leading to terrible loss of life through deliberate Establishment-created starvation.  The English of the 17th and British of the 19th centuries said nothing about the cruel and unforgivable horror of the Great Hunger.

Persecution of civilians is a tradition of the British Establishment.  One of the most notorious examples of the anti-human policies of the London terrorists came in the War in Southern African, which we know as the Boer War.  Boer is the Afrikaner word for farmer, and should be pronounced to rhyme with fur.  The mispronunciation of the word 'boer' deliberately associates the Dutch farming folk with pigs (boars), and makes them seem less than human.  The atrocities of the British Establishment against the North American Britons and the Irish, must not be seen to be diminished by comparison with the crimes against humanity perpetrated by the London despots against the Dutch farmers in the south of Africa.  The unique aspect of the barbarity in the Afrikaner lands was the total war against men women and children. 

Under the direction of the Kitchener and Baden-Powell (founder of the monarchy-loving Boy Scouts), food, cattle, buildings and land were stolen from the Afrikaners or destroyed; all to maximise their suffering and undermine resistance to the British imperialists.  The media like to harp on about Concentration Camps in Second World War Europe, but never mention that they were an invention of the British Empire.  The Dutch settlers rounded up by the British were beaten, starved, raped and murdered; the victims including old folk and babies.  The media reported the actions of the British in the Boer War as heroic; they were not heroic, they were shameful.

The controlled media is used to push lie after lie,  However, on rare occasions the media dare to speak the truth.  The most recent example of this (and possibly the last) resulted in the closure of the News of the World in 2011.  It was closed by the State for eaves-dropping on the Establishment.  The media continue to tap telephones and intercept emails, letters, isp information etc.  The News of the World made the mistake of tapping the 'wrong' people.  The media is referred to as the fourth estate, but far from being a collection of autonomous entities, the media form a single unit, controlled by the State.  There is no free press in the UK, other than lone activists who operate outside the mainstream and increasingly find themselves squeezed by ever-more draconian censorship.  We may as well 'publish and be damned' if staying wholly within the law requires self-censorship to the point of deception.

The media have excused atrocities, blamed the victims, or simply ignored the crimes of the Establishment.  The following are but a few examples, and many, many more could be added:

  • Bloody Sunday - Irish civilians murdered by the State in cold blood; the murderers reported as heroes acting in self-defence.
  • General Belgrano - Argentine wounded returning home, sank by Royal navy terrorists; hailed as a glorious victory.
  • Sepoy Mutiny - Indians tied to canons and blown to smithereens; reported as necessary to maintain order.
  • Great War 'over the top' trench warfare - hundreds of thousand killed for no reason; presented as intelligent strategy, bolstered by lies of non-existent German war crimes.
  • Coverage of Israel - made up attack on Israel presented as facts, real massacres of Palestinians by Israel white-washed (and the Racist, Apartheid state referred to unquestioningly as the only democracy in the Middle East)
  • 9/11, 7/7, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Central African Republic, Syria, Ukraine, Serbia.....

How much longer will the people swallow the lies of the media?  The Establishment are barbarians who have committed the most unimaginable horrors against humanity, at home and abroad. The media have lied for them, even blaming the victims. 

In the long build up to war against Iran, the UK Office of Communications (Ofcom) made the decision that the Iranian TV station, PressTV, had to be taken off air in the UK.  This blatant censorship of information would provoke crocodile tears of outrage if it was carried out by a foreign government.  Yet this proof that we live in a Police State did not become major news in the UK; obviously because the media as a whole are a part of the machinery of the Police State itself. 

It is part of the task of the SMPBI to act as a voice against the censors and the media liars.  The BBC are notorious stooges of the State, but so are the likes of the Huffington Post, Jewish Chronicle, etc, which are even now slandering/libelling Jeremy Corbyn as a racist, for speaking openly against the racism of the Zionist regime in Occupied Palestine.

If anyone questions the need for Revolution, the proof is in the dictatorial nature of government and the willing brutality of the media distorters who wage war on reality every day, even daring to label any trace of truth as 'fake news'.

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