Tuesday 28 August 2018

Christianity is Pagan. The pope wants to jettison the Pagan. Pagans must jettison the pope

With the 'pope' befouling the streets of Ireland, what better time than to look into the cult of the Church of Rome, and the broader christian ideology which has come from it.  This pope has overseen massive changes in dogma, but so have the previous ones over the past century.  When the Church changed a series of 'set-in-stone' rituals (such as penance for confession), that made many sit up and notice that what they had been told was an institution created by God, was very much one ruled by Men and subject to change as politics, fashion and other factors dictated.  The rapid shift of direction which has made the policy-makers in the Church of Rome almost indistinguishable from their counterparts in the Protestant sects must raise questions about the entire faith of Christianity.  Roman Catholicism is a mixture of indigenous and alien mythology, weaved together in a web of fabrication, with truths embedded in a great tissue of fiction.  The Pagan aspects are the strength of the religion, but without them, Catholicism becomes just another branch of the fantasy of the ancient Hebrews, and totally alien to the British mindset.

The Ancient Druids knew a spirituality which included many aspects of the Christianity which was to follow. The Druids believed in a Holy Trinity of Creator of the Past (Beli), Saviour of the Present (Taran) and Recreator of the Future (Yesu); these three were as one and were the ways in which the Supreme Higher Power was understood by humanity.  The Hebrews of Palestine/Judæa/Israel traded with the peoples of Europe and so would have come into contact with the Druidic traditions.  The theory that the Druids adopted Christianity because of the similarities such as the Trinity, is one which Christian Israelites hold dear.  It is a desperate argument of a cult of people absolutely obsessed with the Bible, to the point that they will twist and distort history to 'prove' that the Israelites settled in the west of Europe, becoming the Celts, and thus took to Christianity because of the similarities it had with their own faith.   This ideology, which borders on insanity, can be dismissed by simply pointing out that the Trinity of the Druids predated that which the Roman Church sanctified many centuries after the time of Christ, when the Gospels were voted upon (and rewritten) for inclusion in the Bible by the Imperial Church of Rome.

We now know for a fact that the Ten Commandments were a part of the Code Law of King Hammurabi in Babylon and that it is obviously from this man-made legal system that the authors of the Old Testament/Torah stole the 'Commandments' of their god.  The falsification of the entire Jewish 'religion' insofar as the person of Moses is concerned, is such that only the blindly faithful will deny it.  According to the Jewish mythology, 'Moses' led 600,000 Jews out of Egypt, after his 'god' massacred the first born of that land and brought great suffering to the common people.  This drivel is taught as fact, yet nowhere is it recorded except in the Jewish supremacist propaganda sheets of the Torah/Talmud/Old Testament.  One would have thought that the plagues and the scarpering of 6,000,000 600,000 workers would have merited some comment by Egyptian historians, but apparently it wasn't important enough for that!  The idea that the Jewish 'slaves' (to use their own pity-seeking word) built the pyramids is laughable, considering that they are far older than the entire 'history' of the Jewish people and were long finished before the mythical figure of Moses is supposed to have walked the Earth.  We know that the Elders of Organised Jewry made up the story of Moses and his amazing travels across the Sinai and his spectacular walks up and down the mountain with great slabs of rock after chatting with his god, so it really isn't a stretch of the imagination to see that the similarities of Christianity and the Trinitarian branch of Druidism are more than likely the result of more Rabbinical theft of other peoples' ideas and ways.

The theft of ideas doesn't make the ideas themselves wrong.  The Code of Hammurabi is a valid document, protecting people from the selfish and vile behaviour of all too many people.  Realising that it was not crafted by the diabolical entity, Jehovallah - a deity whose adherents happily claim ordered the destruction of new born children because they didn't bow and scrape to its chosen pet people - if anything gives the document more credibility, not less.

The concept of the Trinity is one which is found in nature.  The Earth is divided into land, sea and air; the very essence of everything can be expressed by the trinity of space, time and matter.  These can be broken down into three more trinities:

  • Space: Depth, Width, Height
  • Time: Past, Present, Future
  • Matter: Solid, Liquid, Gas

The idea of a Higher Being existing in the form of a Trinity, is one which predates Christianity and could very easily have been 'borrowed' from the Europeans who the authors of the Bible came in contact with.  In the Asatru/Odinist faith, there is a pantheon of deities, but they exist in a subordinate position to the Creator, just as the lower divine beings in Christianity are subordinated to the Creator.  The Christian Trinity very much resembles the Asatru one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit equate to the Jaffnharr, Harr and Thridi.  Indeed, the Three Spheres in the Angelic Hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's work, 'De Coelesti Hierarchia' (with each of the three spheres subdivided by three), make yet another trinity of trinities.  It could be argued that the far earlier Asatru concept of the Nine Worlds fits this pattern.

Wherever we look in Christianity, we see Pagan spiritualism with the toxic addition of Judaism.  As the Church is now hell-bent on removing the ancient spiritualism of Christianity and stripping it of all that is palatable, isn't it time for Christians to consider that the attraction to the religion is due to it being based upon our ancient ways?  The Christian Israel movement is right to see links between Paganism and Christianity, but they are looking in the wrong direction.  The Trinitarian Odin of Asatru may have inspired the Church to write of the Trinitarian Holy Father/Son/Spirit.

It is wonderful to see the Church discrediting itself by cosying up to Judaism and Islam, preaching a globalist universalism which erases the Pagan core of itself.  This gives us the opportunity to reunite with our own ways; to look back to the Golden Age before the coming of the infiltrators who have lied to us about our own spirituality and have made us persecute those of our own kin who have held true to the forbidden beliefs.

If everything good that exists in Christianity also existed in pre-Christianity, then what purpose does Christianity serve!? Paganism is closer to the golden age we seek than Christianity is, and Christianity has overseen the destruction of Europe where Paganism had protected it.

Stripped of the middle eastern Hebraic toxin, Christianity is Pagan.  Let the Church of Rome and the Organised Protestant Churches forge ahead with their descent into a global religion where Bible, Talmud and Koran sit side-by-side as indisputable books of lies.  Let us reject these outlandish works of propaganda, enforced on us by a Ruling Caste which despises us in every aspect, and return to the ways of our ancestors; to a time before the liberal disease, when we would not tolerate those who attack us spiritually, mentally or physically.  Wake Up all Britons on both sides of the Irish Sea, and cast off the cult of Christianity, returning instead to our Pagan roots.  The reign of the proto-Zionist Roman system is more obvious than at any prior time; now we must ensure it falls.

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