Thursday 30 August 2018

Left and Right, Unite and Fight against the Global Menace

Revolutionary Patriotic Socialism is attacked by Globalists as being outside the Left-wing of politics due to being fervently supportive of Borders.  This attack is nonsense.  Stalin, Hoxha, Ceaucescu, Tito and many others firmly believed in the right of a nation to have control of is borders.  Were they all anti-left?  To the idiot new-left, they were!  This highlights the lunacy of the left and right labels, which are becoming more obsolete as the Globalisers take control of the leading parties from both camps, and those of us who oppose Globalism find ourselves standing shoulder-to-shoulder with people with whom we are supposed to 'no platform'.

The terms 'left-wing' and 'right-wing' were popularised in France to denote the distinction between republicans and monarchists.  They have since become manipulated to herd people - like cattle - into rival camps; fighting one another, rather than focusing upon achieving liberation from our common plight.  In the modern world, the terms are absolutely useless, and we would be well-advised to stop using them at all.

The idea pushed by the mainstream media and establishment parties that Globalisation is inevitable, is an idea which is wholly unacceptable.  Certainly we are in a dire position, but as long as we have the resolve to turn resistance into uprising, then the certainty of our victory becomes more apparent.  We only have to look at the history of the world to see the successful restoration of freedom to peoples who would have been considered as hopelessly lost to the rule of despots.

The people of Moorish-occupied Spain withstood eight centuries of rule by hostile outsiders.  Ultimately the Spanish people were able to throw off the yoke of the alien oppressors and regain control of their country.  During those eight long centuries, how many people would have taken the view that there was nothing which could be done to oust the enemy of the nation?  How many people would have simply collaborated with the Ruling Class who held positions of power over them?  For the occupation of Spain to continue for such a long time, it can be surmised that the majority of people took the easy option of embracing the orthodoxy of the rulers (or in modern parlance of kowtowing to political correctness).  The people who did not collaborate may have been few in number, but it was they who laid the foundations for a return to freedom which culminated in the expulsion of the Moors and the restoration of Spain.  Ironically, the current Spanish regime, with its open borders self-destruction fetishism, is doing more to harm the country now, than the Moors did in all that time.  Globalisation is far more dangerous than imperial occupation, but the solution is the same - Close The Borders, and bring Justice to the Enemy.

Until the middle of the twentieth century, the continent of Africa was controlled by tyrants using the nations of Europe as fronts for their tyranny.  Although the overt control of Africa by the occupied governments of Europe was replaced by the covert occupation via multinational corporations, the end of the imperial system was a step towards the total liberation of the continent.  The misnamed 'British Empire' was an economic system which exploited all who were subjected to it - Britons included.  The majority of people who lived under the dark rule of the Empire had no idea that the despotism would evaporate almost overnight once its usefulness had been exhausted.  The current situation in Africa is far from ideal, but the end of open imperialism at least paves the way for a rebirth of Africa.

A success story which is often overlooked is the Republic of Malawi.  Malawi achieved freedom in the 1950s and has since adopted an immigration policy which limits residency to people who can prove they are of sub-Saharan descent.  This policy can be compared to the Israeli Law of Return, and has ensured that only Africans can have any place in Malawian society.   Malawi is one of the very few countries which has a sensible immigration policy which can effectively stand against the globalist policy of transferring peoples across the globe.  The nation of Malawi belongs to the people resident in it.  Before home-rule, Malawi was at the mercy of foreign rulers, who treated the territory in the same manner as all imperialist despots have treated countries they occupy.  The victory of Malawi shows that with the resolve to overcome the globalising menace, we too can win.

Those who argue that we can do nothing, ignore the fact that countless peoples have been subjected to rule by despots, and that in many instances the despots have been displaced, and those who were once powerless have regained control.  Those who believe that all hope is lost and that our demise is 'inevitable' ignore the examples of history.  We have to ensure that we build the foundations for a restoration of freedom for those who come after us; we also have to ensure that we are ready to expose all weaknesses in the enemy so that we can hasten the end of their misrule.  The occupation of Spain continued for hundreds of years, but was eventually ended.  We have access to methods of transmitting information which the Spanish did not have.  We no longer live in awe of the Establishment and we have replaced our subservience to authority with a healthy mistrust of all who hold positions of authority; religious, political, legal et al.  Our plight is no harder than that of those who came before us, and our opportunities to build an effective and active resistance are much better.

Those who take the defeatist attitude that we cannot win, and thus should not try, are either ignorant of human nature and the cyclical reality of economic and political tyranny, or they are agents of the enemy we fight against, whose purpose is to undermine the growing opposition by spreading self-defeating apathy.  In either case, they cannot be allowed to plant their poison into our minds.  There have always been collaborators - usually well paid for their treachery - and there always will be.  They must not be allowed to conduct their dirty work unopposed.  They may have the upper hand at present, but they will not be victorious in the long term.  Resistance is not futile; resistance is vital.  As can be seen throughout history, those who oppress us will be overthrown, and we will rise again.

It is time for people to make a stand for what matters, and to throw off the globalist poison.  It took the Spanish eight centuries.  In the British Isles, the anti-Working Class system would have fallen many times before, had it not been for the manipulation of phantom threats into wars for the survival of the Ruling Class.  The system has survived on the blood of those killed in the Napoleonic. Boer, First and Second World Wars and more wars besides.  We are in a good position to kick down the teetering wreck of the British and Irish 'democracy' and usher in a Socialist Republic of the Isles as a bastion of freedom and a beacon of hope for other countries who must also throw off the Globalisers.  The SMPBI is linking with groups across the irrelevant Left-Right divide, to build a mass of connected people who can fight the Ruling Class and their bourgeois partners-in-crime.  If you are not already a part fo the fight, you need to join with us.  Together, we will be victorious, and our People will be free.


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