Saturday 18 August 2018

Who are the Terrorists? Mark Rowley knows...

Establishment mouthpiece, Mark Rowley (former chief of thought police at the London Metropolitan police force), has taken to the UK regime's BBC propaganda service, to declare that childish fantasists who like to meet in secret and talk about Hitler, are a threat to the UK!  Childish sad little boys with a Hitler fetish are not terrorists - they are as dangerous to the UK as Steam Railway enthusiasts, or Bird Watchers.  Their hobby is just a hobby, and the former Met Terror Chief (Terrorist Chief?) is trying to make them appear more than they are.  He is an expert in Terrorism, because he has worked for an organisation which thrives on it...

If terrorism can be defined as actions and threats which cause an individual to live in fear, terrified of what may happen, then perhaps rather than looking at people obsessed with a period of history in a far away land, we should look closer to home to find who the terrorists are.

At school we were told horror stories of the Gestapo coming for people when there were no witnesses, and spiriting them away to be held whilst systematically abusing them with threatening questions.  Is not the notorious Nacht und Nebel but a historical form of the Police's preferred method of pulling people from their beds at 3 o'clock in the morning, and taken them against their will for interrogation using a form of torture which relies on intimidation and sleep deprivation?

No, apparently, that is British democracy in action.

The Surveillance State with its highly visible CCTV, and paid informers does not deter criminals, but rather alongside boosting the sale of hoodies and sun glasses, makes the people acutely aware that they are being watched.  This is tantamount to imprisonment without charge, and the supposition that every one is 'up to something'.  Isn't this destruction of freedom a form of terrorism?

No, it is a tool for keeping us safe.  How thoughtful!

Spy planes and military drones overhead, ready to attack at a moment's notice.  Surely this is terrifying if one cares to think of the damage these drones are capable of.  The recent attempt to murder the President of Venezuela in a drone attack, highlights the potential of these new weapons.  The British State is quite happy to murder the common people, such as was the case at the Peterloo Massacre two centuries ago, in the Irish Famine, or in the deaths of over 1400 people at the hands of the Metropolitan Police alone in recent years.  The uniformed and plain clothes thugs of the State do not think twice about beating ordinary UK subjects, and are more than happy to shoot people dead in cold blood.  The taser-armed, cs-equipped, more frequently fully armed violent thugs of the UK Police do not inspire respect, they breed fear (terror).

According to the Establishment's propaganda wing, the BBC, Big Brother loves us, and we should love him, her, it (better not be 'transist', lest using the word 'Brother' brings the Thought Police a knocking).  The Police only beat us because we have been naughty children and dared to ask for more than the scraps of the table, whilst the ruling class get richer by squeezing the people into absolute penury.

If we are fighting a war against terrorism in countries which didn't have any problems with us until the Government which claims to represent us started bombing them, then surely we must live in much freer countries thanks to our military efforts?

No?  Then surely, the surveillance and draconian policing which now extends to incarcerating people for comments left on Twitter and Facebook, must have improved our lives somehow?

It has not.

The real terrorists are the ones reading posts like this from their desks in Menwith Hill and Rugby.  They are the ones who silence free speech in order to ensure no-one offends anyone by having any opinion whatsoever which hasn't been officially sanctioned in Whitehall and the City.  They are the ones who impose taxation and fines for behaviour which harms no-one, isn't immoral, and is only criminal thanks to their deciding it is.  Putting the wrong rubbish in a recycling bin is a serious offence you know.

If the real terrorists are in the service of the Crown (which they are), then just what the hell are our military doing in the Middle East, Asia and Africa?  'Our' military are training foreigners to become new terrorists in the service of the Crown and global finance.  'Our' government are making the world a more dangerous place for everyone including ourselves by a combined strategy of terrorist warfare and total surveillance and restriction on thought.  Terror at home goes hand in glove with terror abroad.

If this is true (which it is) then by doing nothing, we are accomplices to terror.  We have to say no to the Police State, NATO, and the City of London.  The horrors committed by the State which dares to use our name to hide behind, will only get worse as the enemy gains more control.  We have to fight back, using all peaceful means at our disposal.

We need to stop supporting our enemies by silently accepting their rule.  The real terrorists sit in Whitehall and the City.  If we are to escape a life of fear we have to root-out those who misrule this country.  Then the world will be a safer place, and life will be better for everyone.  Even if motivated by improving only our own lives, we have to do something.

So what can we do?

Join the SMPBI and build the Revolutionary Patriotic Socialist Movement.  Don't let gobshites like Mark Rowley get away with their lies.

The Met is pushing nonsense that hobbyists are dangerous, all the while undermining resistance to the imminent arrival of real terrorists who have been murdering in Syria for global finance imperialism.  The Al Qaeda front, White Helmets, are being brought to our shores, with the fresh blood of Syrians murdered on the orders of people who Rowley has supped tea with, still on their boots.

The terrorists we have to fear, sit behind desks in government and police stations. It is the task of Revolutionaries to clean them out and build a Socialist future where their memories will be spat upon, and where their like will never again be allowed to occupy the soil of the British Isles.

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