Tuesday 11 September 2018

9/11: A Capitalist Crime that has been used as an excuse to Murder Millions.

Seventeen years ago on what was an incredibly hot and sunny day in the UK, the weather was not the major topic of discussion for the weather-obsessed Brits, but rather what was on practically everyone's minds was the horrific events unfolding across the Atlantic Ocean in New York.

On the 11th of September 2001, aeroplanes were crashed into the two World Trade Centre towers, with massive loss of life and with the collapse of not only the towers, but other buildings not hit by the aeroplanes.  The massacre was immediately blamed on Saudi Arabian CIA agent, Osama Bin Laden, and his Al Qaeda (Al CIAda) network of terrorists.

Interestingly, although the blame was lain on a Saudi, the USA did not take the logical step of attacking Saudi Arabia, in order to bring down the brutal regime which sponsors Wahhabi/Salafi terrorism world-wide - and which has since been proven to have been guilty of funding the WTC massacre - but rather, the USA launched an attack upon the nation of Afghanistan, under the pretext that Bin Laden was in that country at the time of the attack!  One man was focused upon.  The organisation he fronted (Al Qaeda) had been created by the USA to undermine the USSR's attempt to defend itself from Islamic terrorists operating on its borders, but was now redefined as a terrorist threat to the USA.  Afghanistan was duly invaded and seventeen years later is still occupied by Yankee imperialists working for the benefit of the global capitalist corporations.  The Taliban had never been a threat to the USA, other than a threat to its criminal trade in heroin, which they had began to disrupt before their country was invaded.  Heroin production and the resulting human misery thus caused is at an all time high thanks to the US occupation - as are the profits of the scum who put money before people and see nothing wrong in the despicable trade in death.

After the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, came the great lie that Iraq was a terrorist menace and that it too had to be 'liberated' from its legitimate government.  The infamous Weapons of Mass Destruction lie was created - along with the War Criminal Tony Blair's 'dodgy dossier' to justify the destruction of a safe secular country, which seventeen years on is a wasteland, recovering from the US-created Islamic State terrorist regime, which began there as a staging post for the attack on Syria.  Iraq under Saddam Hussein had been a rich and peaceful country, which policed Islamic extremists with the rigour necessary to keep their insanity from corrupting the masses. After Saddam Hussein was illegally judicially murdered by the puppet regime serving the US imperial occupiers, the fundamentalist lunatics were encouraged to grow in strength, and the new bogeyman of IS was the result.

Between the brutal genocidal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US quietly moved to attack the nation of Yemen for the benefit of the brutal madmen in Saudi Arabia (the kingdom behind 9/11!) The genocide of the Yemen is ongoing although there is virtually a media black out on this tragedy, with most people not even knowing that the country is being obliterated by the House of Saud and its US allies.

The US terror train did not stop in the Middle East, but next went to Africa, interfering in country after country, to ensure that the economic power of the USA was upheld, making a string of African countries vassals of the US Empire in all but name.

Using the pretext of the environmental disaster in Haiti, the USA invaded Haiti in order to 'help' the country to deal with the 'natural' catastrophe besetting it.  Haiti has not since gained real autonomy from the US Empire.  The natural disaster saved the USA from having to create a political pretext for invasion.  In Venezuela, the legitimate Socialist system has been undermined to create great profits for the globalist capitalists, at the same time as great misery for Venezuelans.

Returning to their War OF Terror, the USA returned (although they never left!) to Africa in 2007 to invade Somalia. The result was the fracturing of the country and the explosion in Islamic (Wahhabi) extremism. Somalia became the Islamic State of Africa, all thanks to the supposedly anti-terrorist US intervention!

In 2011, the brutal butchers of the USA, under the order of puppet president Obama, invaded the rich and friendly nation of Libya, the bread basket of Africa and great hope for the continent. The much beloved father of Libya, Muammar Gadaffi, was murdered by the cold blooded butchers of Al Qaeda - the ones hated by the USA for 9/11 but now loved by them as liberators of Libya's oil(!) - and the country ruined.  The Gold Dinar proposed as a currency for an Africa free from the IMF was scrapped, and secular rule was replaced by rival religious terrorist lunacies.  The on-going invasion of Europe by economic migrants and wahhabi terrorists claiming to be 'refugees' was unthinkable with Libya acting as a barrier to them, but under US control it is accelerating for the benefit of global capitalist filth, who trade in human misery and in the destabilisation of the planet to make their misrule harder to fight against. 

Since 2014, the USA has been aiding Al Qaeda terrorists (back in the good books, all is forgiven, 9/11 is in the memory hole!) in their barbaric assault of the free people of Syria. The US creation of Islamic State was spread into Syria from the US base in Iraq.

Seventeen years after 9/11, the US terror machine has broken country after country, creating Islamic terrorist states across the globe. Poverty and the power of the IMF has increased. Manufactured waves of 'refugees' have made Europe unsafe, creating job insecurity which the globalist corporations have exploited to boost their own profits whilst making the indigenous Working Class fear for our futures.  Austerity is a part of the War OF Terror.

In the Ukraine, the US puppet regime has murdered vast numbers of Russians and Free Ukrainians as the US Empire spreads its terrorist army of NATO to the borders of Russia and Belarus.

The world in 2001 was a happier and safer place. The Saudi/US/Global Capitalist menace has destroyed, or is destroying, the following countries using 9/11 as the excuse:


It is occupying by stealth many other nations, impoverishing and brutalising vast areas of Asia, Africa, South America and Europe.   The stateless globalist Empire is destroying free countries everywhere.  The spread of fear in the EU and UK is a result of the combined terrorist weapons of economic Austerity and fake Refugees created by the puppet Islamic State in occupied Iraq and Syria.

The War OF Terror has created Islamic terrorism on a scale unthinkable before, yet curiously, just as with the fortuitous failure of Israelis to go to work in the WTC on the day of the massacre, Israel itself has not been attacked by the alleged enemies which encircle it!  Israel is the centre of operations of Global Banking Capitalism, adding another dimension to the US terror machine.

There is an undeniable wealth of evidence to prove that 9/11 was contrived to justify the creation of an unofficial Global Corporate and Finance Capitalist Empire.   The following are a sample of videos which cover some of the material concerning the atrocities of and since 9/11.  These videos have so far survived the Youtube purge, although that may change:

Those who fell on '9/11' were the first of many many thousands more to die at the hands of the Globalist tyrants. It will take a Global Revolution to overthrow the capitalist system and the foundation ideology which hides behind it.

Seventeen years have passed since the World Trade Centre Massacre on the 11th September 2001.  The atrocity has been referred to as an event which changed the world, and that certainly is the case.

The world of 11.9.01 was a happier place than the world we live in now.  There were problems, but none as extreme as the ones we accept today as part of normal life.  In Afghanistan, the Taliban government had just scorched all the Opium Poppy fields and it looked as if the scourge of Heroin and its associated crime would become a thing of the past, or at least reduced.  Things were looking good.

Following the 9/11 murders, President Bush Jr announced that a mysterious group known as Al Qaeda had carried out the attacks, and that their leader, a certain Osama Bin Laden, was hiding in Afghanistan.  He maintained that the Taliban were supporters of Bin Laden and that the USA would deal with these killers once and for all.  The problem was that this story was a lie.  Unbeknownst to the world at large, the Taliban had warned the USA about the 9/11 attacks before they occurred.  They were also implacable enemies of Bin Laden who did not trust the man or his version of Islam.  The idea of them harbouring the man the USA claimed was responsible for the attacks was ludicrous.  There must have been an ulterior motive for targeting the Taliban.

The world only had to wait until the next month for the USA to attack Afghanistan, and not much longer to discover the real motive behind the libelling of the Taliban as the 9/11 butchers.  It was, in  a word, Opium. In 1999, NATO had bombed the European nation of Serbia in order to establish the criminal vipers nest of Kosovo.  Kosovo was established to facilitate the importing of Heroin into Europe.  The mercenaries used to defeat the people of Serbia were the terrorists used to undermine the Soviet forces in Afghanistan in the 1980s.  They were designated by their CIA handlers, 'The Cell', or to use the Arabic term, Al Qaeda.  Given their own criminal state in Europe, these vile creatures were responsible for ensuring that Europe was flooded with Heroin; the sale of which would be laundered through the banks.  The destruction of European lives and the vast profit made thereby was interrupted by the Taliban's burning of the Opium fields.

The Taliban had initially made use of Al Qaeda to eject the Soviet imperialists from their country.  As long as they played along with the demands of the criminals in London and Washington DC, the Taliban were left alone to conduct their affairs as they saw fit.  Football stadia were turned into public execution centres for undesirables but the hypocrites of the liberal-Establishment said and did nothing.  As long as the Heroin flowed out of Afghanistan, the rulers could behave as they pleased.  Seventeen years after 9/11, Afghanistan is certainly a different place. The soil is littered with more dead foreign soldiers than the total number murdered in New York City as an excuse to invade that country, and there are well over twelve times that number of dead Afghans.  The country continues to be a battleground with the Afghan Resistance fighting on to liberate their land.  In contrast to 2001, Heroin production is running at near capacity, protected by internationalist servicemen to benefit the political-economic elite and to destroy the home nations.

In 2003 the elusive Bin Laden was forgotten for a while, with the spotlight of the US-UK aggressors being focused on Saddam Hussein in Iraq.  It was alleged that the Iraqi nation was preparing to use 'Weapons of Mass Destruction'  against poor little Israel, and maybe even against targets in Europe .  This was a display of the most outrageous chutzpah by the war-mongers in the internationalist alliance centred on the UK and USA.  The infamous 'dodgy dossier' used by Prime Minister Blair to justify attacking Iraq was a complete forgery.  Even after the forgery was finally admitted, the aggression continued.

Iraq was an advanced nation which could trace its civilisation back to Babylon and Sumeria.  It was rich in culture and had vast oil reserves.  President Saddam Hussein had fought against Islamic extremism in Iraq, maintaining near secular rule, and even having Christians such as Tariq Aziz in his Government.  As part of his campaign against extremism he had waged war in the Kurdish Northwest of Iraq, murdering 182,000 people in the 1980s.  Alike to neighbouring Turkey where Kurds were also butchered, these crimes against humanity were conducted unhindered by the UK-USA cabal. Turkey continues to this day to butcher the people of Kurdistan, but like Iraq was, Turkey is an ally of the USA and allowed to murder at will.

Saddam Hussein prevented the rise of Wahhabi/Salafi Islam in Iraq, understanding that it would threaten the balance of Sunnis and Shi'ites.  He had commissioned research into the origins of the Wahhabists and found evidence proving they were a sect of non-Muslim origin which had infiltrated Islam with the objective of perverting and destroying the religion.  They were proscribed in Iraq and the Baghdad government had begun circulating information exposing the truth of the sect, and of Al Qaeda's ties to the USA.  Attempts to link Bin Laden and Hussein were as ridiculous as the WMD story, and equally deceitful.

The UK-USA coalition have systematically stripped Iraq of anything of economic value.  They have stolen the invaluable ancient Cuneiform Library (much still to be translated).  They have also taken control of oil production, which was the major reason for the invasion, rather than the nonsense of phantom WMDs.  Much has changed in Iraq since 11.9.01.  In 2001 Iraq was a vibrant modern nation, rich in culture and resources, with a tough ruler but one who maintained order for the majority; much of it now resembles a wasteland with depleted uranium scattered across the country from coalition artillery.  The death toll for the invaders runs to nearly 5000; for the inhabitants of Iraq, the death toll stands at a staggering quarter of a million ordinary Iraqi civilians murdered by the invaders or killed as a consequence of the invasion.  Is it any wonder that the people in neighbouring Iran are wary of the USA? Donald Trump's intermittent slandering of Iran and thinly veiled threats, do not help!

Public opposition to the Iraq invasion saw massive protests across Europe and elsewhere.  In order to keep people terrified by the spectre of Islamic extremism, on the 12th March 2004 Madrid was bombed (exactly 911 days after 9/11), followed on the 7th July 2004 by another copycat atrocity in London and then on the 1st October 2005 in Bali, bringing the fear of Islamic extremism to Australians.  Every case mirrored the 9/11 massacre insofar as Muslim extremists were blamed and ordinary civilians were murdered by agents working for their own governments.

As well as fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 'internationalist brigade' of the USA/UK and others, has been active in Somalia, the Sudan and other nations.  Using the pretext of fighting a War on terror, the globalists have no compunction about invading sovereign nations and initiating 'regime change' to replace governments who resist the globalist cabal, with compliant stooges.  This is done in the name of democracy, and scarcely anyone in the mainstream media remarks on the total hypocrisy of the rulers in London and their partners-in-crime.

Public dissent has become all but a criminal offence in many countries.  It has become common place for whistle blowers to die in mysterious circumstances, such as was the case with Dr David Kelly who questioned the London regime's WMD fantasy and was found dead shortly after.  His case has become one of many.  In 2001, one could be forgiven for believing that the UK was a free country; only a fool would believe that now.

Our streets are covered by a sea of CCTV cameras; our Police are armed with every non-lethal gadget imaginable (although many have died from Police use of these weapons); the everyday happy-go-lucky Briton of 2001 is a shadow of his or her former self, replaced by a timid and fearful soul who dare not use politically incorrect language or offer a serious opinion on any matter lest he or she be dragged off in the night.  This is not an exaggeration, if anything it downplays the tyranny in the UK.

In 2001 it took a contrived tale of a bogeyman in a cave to scare people into accepting war.  As we have seen by the invasion of Libya, and the involvement of UK military forces in attacking free Syria, the people will now accept any aggression without anything more than a tabloid færytale.  In Libya, tens of thousands of people have been murdered by NATO and their NTC stooges; this figure is an estimate from the NTC and certainly will not include the Black Africans butchered by the racists allied to NATO.  Ironically, the NTC contains Al Qaeda mercenaries.  Yes, the very same people who we are still told we are at war with.  In topsy turvy post 9/11 reality, what would provoke outrage in 2001 barely raises a murmur.  People have learnt to keep quiet and only have interest in trivial matters such as Reality TV, Celebrities and Sport.

Another result of the 9/11 New York Massacre has been the dæmonisation of Muslims.  Every Muslim is now perceived as a potential extremist.  There is no understanding that the Wahabbists of Al Qaeda (our allies in Libya!) are loathed by decent Muslims and are far from representative of Islam as a whole.  Groups such as the pro-Israel, English Defence League were created post-9/11 as anti-Muslim distractions, ramming Zionist propaganda into the minds of dis-satisfied English youths.  The EDL is all but gone, and in its place there are myriad grouplets of competing fantasists who imagine themselves as soldiers winning the Battle of Stalingrad, and Muslim-hating Zionists who cannot defend European Culture because they do not understand it.

In 2001 Europe and the USA were respected by the world, and the people were generally free to speak as they found.  As a direct result of the 9/11 Massacre, our nations have become Police States with total surveillance in all matters.  Criticism of authority has become equated with terrorism.  Fearful self-censorship has replaced freedom of expression.  Perpetual War has become a reality.  The upshot for the economy?  The richest people in society have profited massively from the theft of resources and commodities in occupied lands; the rest of us are suffering economic hardships which we would not have imagined possible in 2001.

2018 is not only seventeen years after 2001, it is a world apart, and not for the better.  Imperialist wars have made the world a much more dangerous place.  The global cabal could not have achieved the occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya without the staged 9/11 attacks; nor could  Israel have continued its occupation of Judea and Samaria, and its siege of Gaza.  The prospect of a One World State is becoming a reality; bombed into place by NATO.  Without the 9/11 justification all this would have been much harder to accomplish.

Lest we forget the human face of the soldiers killed to further the interests of global finance, pictures of the British dead in Afghanistan and Iraq can be found here. These are joined by fellow Britons in the wars in Libya and elsewhere.  Others have died, not to mention servicemen from the USA and around the globe.  They died not in vain, but worse, for the global Ruling Class to gain more control over the Working Class worldwide.

Dying in vain is bad enough, but these men and women have died in order to extend the grip of power of the global financial parasite class; they have died as casualties in a war to crush freedom the world over, and they were unwittingly on the side of the enemies of humanity.  They are victims of globalism in a similar manner to the people they were fighting.  Similar, but not the same, as the people attacked by the globalist forces died fighting for freedom, or were simply murdered in cold blood without any justification.  'Our' soldiers are fighting for capitalism, and anyone who supports them in any way except demanding they come home, is an accomplice in the global march to serfdom for all except the self-perpetuating Ruling Class.

2.4 million people have been murdered as a result of the initial 9/11 massacre.  That is the reality of Capitalism.  Millions have been displaced, including those who have entered Europe as refugees and economic migrants.

Theresa May, Tony Blair, David Cameron, and the rest of the crocodile tear politicians, have the blood of millions on their hands. The attack on freedom through the IHRA definition of anti-semitism, serves to criminalise criticism of the forces behind 9/11 and the resulting wars.

On this day, the SMPBI stands in defiance of the parasites, and calls out the enemies of humanity. The Tories, Labour, Lib-dems, UKIP, Greens etc are happy to take the pay of the Globalist Capitalists and parrot the lies of the official 9/11 fable.  The deaths of millions and destruction of lives of many millions more, is the result of towing the line.  We will smash the Capitalist system in the Isles, destroy Zionist power and bring in a Socialist order which will not tolerate a single lie mouthed by the global enemy of humanity.  We have no doubt that this will provoke the ire of the global enemy, but we are sure that an educated and armed population of the British Isles, united with revolutionaries across the globe also throwing off the shackles of the capitalist system, will prevail.  Capitalism has slaughtered millions since 9/11 alone.  It has to be wiped from the globe.  SMPBI is a part of the international fight for freedom.

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