Saturday 22 September 2018

The World Turn'd Upside Down

The British Isles are in a mess.  This is a fact which only the wilfully blind can ignore.

There exists in the UK, what is laughingly referred to as a legal system.  In a sane world, the Law would serve to uphold the moral virtues which keep society working.  However, in the UK, morality is a vice which has to be crushed using all means necessary, and the Law exists to financially penalise those who dare to live a moral life.

Here are some factual examples, which will have to be kept anonymous due to confidentiality issues and potential prosecution under various restrictive legislative Acts:

  • A woman feigned illness to get her husband to go to a pre-planned event alone; having insisted that he go, after he repeatedly stated his desire to stay home and look after her.  He went, but returned early to care for his sick wife, only to find her in bed with another man.  He struck the man, and was arrested for assault.  His adulterous wife was given sole right of occupancy of their house (for which he still has to pay), into which she duly moved her boyfriend.  The wronged husband lost his home, family, liberty, and as a result, his job also.  The adulteress and her boyfriend gained financially and their lifestyle is now being subsidised by the husband, at the order of the law.  In the UK, monogamy, faithfulness and honour is punished.
  • A pædophile moved into an area near a park so that he could prey on local children.  His evil proclivities were discovered and he was given a well-deserved beating.  The men who beat him were arrested and imprisoned.  His house now is covered in CCTV cameras, and there are regular police patrols to protect him from further rightful punishment.  The patrols are not to protect the little boys that this disgusting pervert targets, but to protect him.  In the UK, pædophiles have rights.
  • The owner of a small business had his premises repeatedly broken into and burgled.  Knowing that the police would do nothing, and that his insurance premiums would rocket, he did not report the break-ins, and instead built defences to keep the burglars out.  When the defences failed and his business looked set to go bankrupt, he was forced to report the burglars.  Upon inspection of his premises he was ordered to remove all his defences as a burglar could be injured.  Despite being clearly identified, the thieves were not arrested, and the owner has since been burgled again.  It is only a matter of time before his business closes.  In the UK, burglars have rights, and the greedy scum who embrace the capitalist ethic of doing whatever it takes to make money, can act as they please.
  • Heroin dealers have a system for announcing when a new shipment of heroin has arrived; they set off fireworks during daylight hours.  The police know this but do nothing to locate the dealers, and now the dealers are so confident that they don't even bother to use different locations to release the fireworks.  At the same time, growers of cannabis in neighbouring areas are routinely prosecuted.  Why the different treatment for dealers in death and growers of a plant which is less harmful than alcohol?  The heroin dealers are a protected section of the neighbourhood, and the cannabis growers are generally British Working Class.  For all the rhetoric of being anti-racist, the police prosecute people on a racist basis - turning a blind eye to serious crimes which are committed by a demographic which if prosecuted, would bring in accusations of racism; letting newcomers whose presence here serves the agenda of globalising the country, get away with murder.  In the case of heroin dealers, this is literally the case.

These examples are part of a bigger national picture.  In the case of the soft treatment of heroin dealers, this is hardly surprising considering that the entire war on drugs is a farce.  The occupation of Afghanistan was in part to guarantee the production of the opium crops, which the Taliban had threatened.  The NATO war against Serbia which boosted the criminal Albanian mafia operation, known as KLA-led Kosovo, was mainly to provide the heroin traffickers with a distribution base in Europe.  The government make a lot of money from flooding Europe with the drug of death, and the last thing they want is their private army (the police) hampering this trade.  Home grown drugs which they cannot profit from are dealt with mercilessly; afterall, profit, not people, is all that they care about.

In the Healthcare System, victims of serious life-threatening illnesses can find themselves denied medicine which could save them, due to financial costs imposed by central government.  However, men who like to dress up as women, and allow their kinky sexual behaviour to consume them to the point where they think they are women, get un-necessary and expensive treatment free on the NHS.  Due to the liberal extremist policies of government, all manner of mental aberration is pandered to, and genuine physical illness is neglected.  This bizarre situation has reached the point where the basics of biology are ignored, and a man who has his genitals mutilated is legally referred to as a woman.  It is surely not far away when a man who likes to wear leather can marry a cow and be referred to as a bull.  It is no less ridiculous than the legal situation regarding the mentally ill who call themselves transgender.

Monogamy is no longer the norm.  The family is the backbone of society, and for this reason, the Establishment use everything in their power to undermine it.  Fetishists who take their perversion to the extreme, are called transgender and are afforded special rights and legal protection; promiscuity is encouraged as natural, with the nonsense that it is a part of the struggle for equal rights that women behave like unpaid prostitutes; adultery is no longer legally recognised as a serious offence, and those who react 'adversely' to it are seen as the real criminals.  Those who defend the rights of women are labelled as 'haters' and transphobes.  Anything which is good for the family and for society is deemed unacceptable in the new dark age we find ourselves in.

Those who should rally to the flag of freedom have been misled by the depots in charge into fighting against their natural allies.  People who have the effrontery to call themselves Socialists have incorporated into their ideology the specific aim of abolishing all immigration controls; something which could not but harm the economic and social well-being of all everyone who has to work for a living.  Likewise the 'No Platform' strategy denies those who are misled by the Trotskyite usurpers of socialism, the vital dialogue with real Socialists who understand the importance of defending the nation and all to whom it belongs.  The curse of globalism perfectly suits the Ruling Class who benefit from the ability to enslave people from every corner of the world, but it is the death knell for free workers and the owners of small and non-exploitative concerns.

Amongst those who understand the importance of the Sovereign Nation has developed the unholy idolisation of the Country as an economic beings.  Defending Capitalism at all costs, the misled Tories, UKIPers etc alike to their manipulated Trotskyite counterparts, are fighting for the Establishment which has created the conditions they instinctively stand against.  The most extreme example to date is the English Defence League which opposes Islam because Muslim women do not dress as whores and get so drunk that EDL members can have sex with them.  If Muslims were as debased, degenerate and decadent as the Establishment-loving EDL and other victims of the brain-washing which is destroying Europe, the EDL would just love them.  Sadly this is not an exaggeration of the facts.

The modern virtues of promiscuity, consumerism, globalism, abortion on demand, sexual laissez faire, libertine 'laxist' liberalism etc, are the true vices which are threatening every one of us; ironically those who embrace them, more than the rest of us.  Standing our ground and defending what is good should not be an excuse for repeating the failed tactics of yesteryear.  We need to stand firm against globalism, but to be fluid in our associations, allying ourselves with others issue by issue whenever that allows us to make advances against the real enemy.

Our battle is becoming ever more complex, as we are attacked on ever more fronts.  The larger the number of people who are attacked, the greater the possible counter attack.  Division is stifling our defence.  We have to overcome the old and failed modes of thought, and band together issue by issue, and beat this monstrosity.  SMPBI reaches out to all who share our love of our Isles, and our determination to overthrow the enemies within, creating in place of the degenerate liberal disorder, a society of Free Patriotic Socialists.  Join us.

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