Saturday 26 January 2019

Changes to recruitment: a more individual-focused approach

In our struggle to expose the confront the Ruling Class and its collaborators, there is a natural tendency to seek out others who share our views.  It is a part of human nature to wish to share the burden, but therein lies the danger of becoming trapped inside a ghetto of our own making.

We cannot afford the luxury of dealing only with like-minded people, nor should we wish to.  Limiting oneself to information which reinforces ones preconceptions is to behave as the organised Trotkyites do, with their 'No Platform' strategy.  By refusing to consider opposing views, these people block out any chance of being proven wrong, thus condemning themselves to be forever in an ideological prison.

Blindly defending an ideology without questioning it, is akin to a cult-like devotion which aids those in the aloof leadership ranks, and is detrimental to genuine understanding.  Only those who are perfect are immune from making mistakes, and thus have no need to be open to change; no one of that calibre is alive in the world today, and those who believe they are, clearly need to be kept from positions where they can influence the lives of other people.

Whilst the No Platform mentality is largely manifested amongst neo-Trot revisionist reactionaries, the other end of the political spectrum is equally prone to the 'big fish in little pond' mentality of policing those who allow themselves to be categorised as being within the ideological fold.  We in the Socialist Motherland Party understand the need to steer clear of falling into the trap of having a rigid ideology, but we also understand the need to have a coherent one!  This is a balancing act which is not without its difficulties.  Many organisations have come and gone, some stubbornly holding on to their existence when they should have long ago folded voluntarily.  One only has to think of all the rival organisations which spend more time recruiting from one another than they do gaining converts from the mass populace.  Ironically, it is very common for the leaders of the rival groups to preach of the need for Unity against the common enemy; Unity which they insist can only be achieved under their leadership!

In a time when the false dichotomy of Left and Right is clearly giving way to a new unified socio-economic and political movement based on mutual support, it is absurd that the old divisions are so vigorously defended.  The great danger to the Ruing Class lies in an awakening of those who are hypnotised by the Left-Right charade.  Should those who are willing to actively fight for their principles come to realise that the real enemy is laughing at how easily they can be manipulated to fight one another, then a shift of focus from futile and self-destructive squabbling, to vital and realistic action, could be achieved.  It is precisely to prevent such an awakening that the rival factions are allowed to continue, even to the point of being ineffectively legislated against, in order to create a false feeling of validation through persecution.

We cannot afford to sit in ideological ivory towers, refusing to communicate with those who do not share our views.  If we refuse to speak to those who are not already aware of the underlying reasons for the woes of the world, then all we will be doing is preaching to the converted.  If we are to have any chance of defeating our enemies, we need - at the very least - to weaken their support base; that requires preaching to the misdirected but active useful idiots.  For those with a religious disposition, it could be said that our task is not 'to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.'

We must engage with everyone who is ready to explore the fact that all is not well with the world.  To that end, we have to link up with people who have information which can help to unravel the web of deceit which keeps the exploiting ruling class in power.  The presence of infiltrators and economically-motivated opportunists in every organisation in which membership has grown beyond a tightly-knit few does make our task harder, but it does not in any way justify doing nothing.  If we are to overcome the war-mongers and profiteers of globalism, we must reach out to those who can help, in however small a way.

The recruitment aim of the Socialist Motherland Party is to awaken the misled activists from across the spectrum, and to work alongside the opinion formers.  Quality is always far more important than quantity.   We have had a form of 'No Platform by default' in our refusal to deal with people who have ever been connected with a range of organisations which have traditionally been defenders of the status quo.  Likewise we have refused to have dealings with people who have been a part of liberal organisations.  We need to make our recruitment strategy more individual-focused and less party-focused.

The Socialist Motherland Party is striving for a better society, a fairer society, a saner and less individualistic society.  We have had approaches from people who we consider out natural Comrades, and we welcome these contacts, having the full intention of building strong and deep links with people in organisations which share more of our ideals than they differ.  We have also had approaches from people from organisations which we have very little in common with, and such individuals we encourage as individuals rather than as party members.

We have decided to open our Culture blog to everyone who has something to contribute which shows the beauty of Working Class Culture, as opposed to the degenerate and sickening bourgeois imposter which the mass media push as if it was in any way an authentic expression of humanity.  This is an opportunity to put the theory of 'unity' into practice.

We maintain our opposition to bourgeois identity politics so of course will not accept those who promote degeneracy as members. But in the case of people who have been in organisations which have supported ideas which are contrary to the well-being of the people, as long as the individuals in question leave behind their old misguided views, we see only a positive outcome from bringing in people who have an inner desire to fight the common enemy.

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Adrian said...

How does one join your party and do you have branches throughout the UK?

Socialist Motherland Party said...

Adrian: Please get in touch by emailing us at and we can discuss the details such as where the closest members/units are to you...

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