Sunday 30 June 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 68


"In truth, cultural deregulation is an aspect of the market-expanding ambitions of those who favour economic deregulation. Won’t our economy be more vibrant if talented women commit to careers rather than families? Achieving that end requires deconstructing sex roles, family norms, and maternal impulses. And that work has been undertaken on behalf of freedom. After all, a woman can still decide to be a stay-at-home mam. What about those commerce-impeding blue laws? Again, freedom must win! Casting them off is the obvious course. Nobody will be forced to shop on Sundays. Liberal principles are honoured!

The liberal end game is easy to formulate. Ideally, we would reach a state of affairs where people would feel no loyalty to non-economic goods such as family, community, or nation. This would free them for the liberal dream of complete autonomy (the final end of cultural deregulation). It would also make them more available as mobile, productive workers and eager consumers unhindered by disciplines or compunctions that have no utility value, thus fulfilling the liberal dream of non-coercive market coordination of all aspects of life (the final end of economic deregulation)."

- R.R. Reno


UK claims to be a Democracy but yet we still have old systems such as this.

House Of Lords must go. It does NOT serve the people. The lords are unaccountable, lets make them accountable.

Dismantle the common-wealth and let the nations be truly free. Give full independence to all of our Territories and support them till they can become more self-sufficient.

- Chris James Boardman, Socialist Motherland Party (SMPBI) Youth



Sayed Abdel Malik al Houthi to the House of Saud:

"When the sea is with you, and the air is with you, and land is with you, and petroleum is with you, and money is with you, and mercenaries are with you, and America, Israel, Britain, France and the coalition of the Arabs are with you, and you aren't victorious, then rest assured with absolute certainty that God is NOT with you."



"These are the times that try men's souls.  The Summer Soldier, and the sunshine patriot, will, in this crisis shrink from the service of their country.

But, they that stand it now deserves the love and thanks of men and women.  Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.  But, the harder the conflict:  The more glorious the triumph. Heaven knows how to put a put a proper price upon it's goods. It would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.

I fear not.  I see no cause of fear:  In the end we will be the victors.  For, though the flame of liberty may sometimes cease to shine;  it's ember will never expire."

- Thomas Paine


In the savage fight which imperialism and social-imperialism, world capitalism and reaction are waging against the revolution, socialism and the peoples, they have the support of the modern revisionists of all trends. These renegades and traitors assist imperialism in the implementation of its global strategy by undermining from within, splitting and sabotaging the efforts of t he proletariat and the struggle of the peoples to get rid of social and national bondage. Modern revisionists have taken upon themselves to denigrate and distort Marxism-Leninism, to confuse people's minds and to alienate them from the revolution- struggle, to assist capital, to preserve and perpetuate its system of oppression and exploitation.

(Imperialism and the Revolution)


Capitalism, in theory, idealizes the laissez faire: a dynamic where everything is private, everyone is competing, there is no state, and there are no barriers to entry.

As some private players begin to monopolize over the market, they will charge exorbitant prices and will be undercut by new competitors backed by the speculation of private banks and investors

In open-market economies, boom and bust cycles represent the closing and opening of markets through loss leader strategies and ponzi or pyramid schemes that eventually achieve economies of scale and set the monopoly price only to be subverted by the very speculation that fuelled them.

The result is: waste, poor capital reallocation, stagflation (whereby speculation limits the growth of individual firms), and a growing debt bubble. And the reason for this is because usurious banks can: increase their debt slaves, increase interest rates, increase their influence over the monetary base, expand their control over the monetary supply, and devalue the currency (thereby increasing the burden of the debtor).

– M. P., Secretary, Canadian Union


“Capitalism grew so rich precisely by exploiting the average American, leaving them in a state that Marx would have called ‘immiseration’ — being paid just enough to subsist, and having all the cream of your labour, which is to say, your energy, creativity, ideas, passion, or just plain hard work, skimmed off the top. You can think of ‘immiseration’ as something like ‘being offered the lowest price possible for your labour, and having no choice but to take it — while also having to pay the highest price possible for the very things you create.’ What a beautiful trap — if you’re a capitalist, that is. But what if you’re not?”

“So capitalism is not a magic formula for riches. It is for capitalists, sure — but the dirty secret which American economists and thinkers never discuss is that most Americans aren’t capitalists, and they never will be, and hence, it doesn’t just not benefit them — it has hurt them badly over the last few decades. And that is because it has left Americans in the pincers’ grip of immiseration — they are charged exorbitant, absurd prices by the very capitalists who barely pay them enough to subsist on any more, and who never raise their wages a dime.”

“In Europe, though, the story was very, very different. Socialism, not capitalism, organized the provision of the essentials of life — and both paid people fairly and protected them carefully, in the very jobs of providing things like healthcare, education, finance, retirement, media, transport, and childcare to one another. The result is that people grew richer over time. Their incomes grew into accumulated savings, and their net worth rose. They began to live with a genuine feeling of safety and security and happiness. Europeans were liberated — not immiserated.”

- Umair Haque


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