Saturday 20 July 2019

Activism means taking Actions

How many people moan about the state of the country, but do nothing?  Just about everyone.  As long as this pathetic mentality prevails, we are doomed.

The arch-enemies of the people, (the politicians who refuse to obey the instructions of the electorate to break the UK from the EU empire, whilst simultaneously bleating on about 'democracy') have done more than any foreign military in history to wreck and subjugate our homeland.  The titles of the parties are irrelevant - Labour, Tory, Lib-dem, SNP, Plaid Cymru, etc - all are self-serving, empire-serving and ultimately, finance-serving.

The despicable UK government has crushed the Working Class population.  We have had our employment opportunities wiped out by the deliberate introduction of Zero Hours Contracts, which make a mockery of the already lamentable Minimum Wage; our manufacturing base has been sold to multinational corporations who have simply closed it down and made a fortune in the process; our agricultural land has become industrialised, with food production such that nothing is safe to eat; prices of everything have risen so quickly that we find ourselves unable to afford to live beyond subsistence level.  All this has occurred alongside draconian legislation forbidding criticism of the Establishment and of those the liberal disorder they have fomented to crush us.

The hated UK-regime is not satisfied with ruining our standards of living, they are after our very land itself; land without which we cannot survive.  Our Green Belts are being abolished in order to allow greedy capitalist builders to concrete over every last bit of the UK; transforming our 'green and pleasant land' into a massive network of housing estates, akin to the southern English town of Reading.  The liars-in-chief, of course, argue that deregulating the green belt areas will boost the construction industry and allow first time buyers to get on the property ladder.  There is already a massive amount of vacant property which could be bought by the state under compulsory purchase orders, then redistributed to people in need of housing.  The Socialist Motherland Party sees the confiscation of second homes (including all homes rented out by private landlords) and vacant properties as the first step towards abolishing housing as a means of unearned income, with the later stages being the total end of private ownership, with free housing allocated by the state in a manner fitting each individual case in need.  The so-called housing shortage is a myth and could easily be ended by seizing empty housing alone.  But of course, the deliberate destruction of the land serves to make us reliant upon imports of food for our survival, and locks us into the global economic system; this is the real reason for this despicable policy.

As if to further infuriate the people, the hated government is crucifying people who are impoverished by the capitalist system, and require Universal Credit to top up their paltry income.  This year-on-year inflation-led cut in the safety net for the poorest in society is accompanied by a periodic rise in the tax thresh-hold for the richest people (including the government itself).  The scum at the top who haven't the faintest idea of what real work actually is, are so condescending that they openly declare those impoverished by the State's economic policies, to be 'scroungers'.  First they abolish the borders which protect the Working Class from an excess population which drives down wages and wage demands by the fear of unemployment, then they destroy any meaningful minimum wage by allowing the criminal practice of Zero Hours Contracts, then they crucify those they have thrown onto the dole by slashing social security assistance, and by introducing such sick and unacceptable measures as the 'bedroom tax'.  These people despise us, and take great joy in letting us know it.

We are being attacked on every front.  It is not enough to type on a keyboard, to whine in the privacy of our homes (away from the all-pervasive police surveillance state), or to take the electoral path for any reason other than to gain publicity for our ideology; we must take ACTION.

They want to screw us financially?  OK, then we must reciprocate.  We must do everything we can to exist outside their tax system, and we must ensure that wherever possible we only trade with our own class and not liberal class traitors who we should see as worse than the bourgeois filth they emulate; we must especially seek to trade with those who are self-employed and not a part of the international corporate menace.  At a practical level we can take such simple measures as buying our eggs and milk from a local milkman, rather than a supermarket (although this admittedly is becoming mor difficult as local dairies go to the wall).  The days in which supermarkets were vastly cheaper than independent traders are over; having crushed the majority of the competition through under-cutting prices, the supermarkets have increased them to the point where a pint of milk at a supermarket is maybe only a penny cheaper than from a local dairy, and eggs cost more!  On an ecological level, buying milk from a milkman is better, as dairy-produced milk comes in glass bottles which do not leach plastic into what we drink, and do not contribute to landfills which despoil our land.  The advantages of shopping locally range from keeping our own in work, to buying fresh produce which is safer than the chemically-poisoned rubbish sold by the corporations.  Local farmers should also be supported, as should all independent tradesmen who stand in opposition to the globalist menace.  Even those who live high up in tower blocks can grow a few herbs for cooking; it takes practically no work to do and starves the corporations of a little more money.  If we take the easy option of buying from big businesses because they are financially a little cheaper, then we support our own demise.  If we aren't willing to sacrifice a few pennies here and there, we really don't deserve to escape our plight.

Buying from our own should be operated in tandem with boycotting the shops and businesses of the globalisers.  Financially supporting those who are stealing from us is not only stupid, it is treacherous.  We must boycott all Coloniser businesses and only trade with our own class.  Wherever possible we must take actions which will harm the enemy businesses and benefit our own people.  The globalisers are burglars stealing what is ours and destroying what belongs to our children.  We must take action to firstly stop their economic growth, then ultimately to put them out of business.

The destruction of our countryside requires more physical action to halt.  Machinery can be broken; building materials can be taken off building sites; sites can be picketed so that work cannot commence.  All these things make building unprofitable, and without profit, businesses will not operate.  But, more than halting the building industry, we must research viable alternatives, and lobby the building companies to renovate existing properties, or to develop urban land.  If we can get these people on side, then we can defend our land at the same time as helping small businesses.  Multinational firms deserve no such courtesy and should be sabotaged as a matter of principle.

There is much we can do.  Huntingdon Life Sciences reign of terror was exposed by activists refusing to comply with the laws of the enemy; the company continues, but not without many problems.  SMPBI members were active in the initial struggle against HLS and continue to fight this despicable industry.  If those opposing the vivisectionists were a little bolder, the company could be closed permanently in the UK.  Why is it that people can be motivated to save the lives of animals, but will do nothing to end the genocide of our people?  We need a level of compassion for the Working Class people which matches our love of animals.

From growing our own food, to trading outside the tax system, to dealing exclusively with local independent businesses, to boycotting and taking action against the globalist corporations, there is a wealth of action we can take.  If we do nothing, we deserve the fate which awaits us.  Those who come after us do not deserve to suffer as a result of our cowardice.  The fight is now, and we have to be in it.  This is not a spectator sport, and those who see the struggle as entertainment, are worse than those who do nothing because they are ignorant.

For too long we've taken a mild approach to this war waged upon us - forgiving the so-called 'harmless' slip-ups and oversights of our comrades, but we can't do that anymore. Every single act (or lack of action) has a consequence and it all adds up.  Government actions are, when fully considered, malevolent to the people. The only thing which convinces us otherwise is their words, and these are reported by the media. Politicians are experts at convincing us that they mean us well whilst they cause us harm. So if we stopped watching TV, or reading their newspapers, and never saw a slippery politicians face again, how would we know that they aren't overt enemies.

While we still have the power of the Internet (for now), we must use it to its maximum ability while we still can.

Spread the message everyday, and those of other awakened comrades by mass (e)mailing the contents to friends and relatives while encouraging them to do the same. Don't refrain yourself from "speaking the truth, even if your voice shakes", or in this example when your hand shakes when pushing the "send" button on your computer screen.

By doing so, you're bravely saying to your detractors ... "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" ... FREEDOM matters to me.

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