Saturday 21 September 2019

Defend your language, fight liberal Newspeak

Etymology is a fascinating subject. Languages are natural living entities which change and adapt as the culture in which they are based develops. The exception is dead languages, which through lack of usage become frozen in time. Looking at how words gradually alter their meanings is am interesting way of understanding the fluidity of the national culture they reflect.

Consider the question as to the reason why the chess-piece known as the 'Rook' is so named. Although Chess experts frown upon the use of the word 'Castle', insisting the word 'Rook' be used, 'Castle' is the word which the vast majority of ordinary Britons use. Why is this? Quite simply, in English, a Rook is a bird, whereas the chess-piece looks like one of the many castles we have in our country. Why then is the piece we call the castle able to make such manœuvres? The reason lies squarely with the etymology of the word 'Rook'. Rook, when used in chess, has absolutely nothing to do with the bird which shares the same name. It has nothing to do with rooks being birds which are often seen in castles. The word when seen in the context of its original meaning makes a great deal of sense. Chess is a game which has existed for many years. In modern times, it can be dated back to the seventh century Gupta empire in India, and to Persia, although its origins probably go back further. The Persian word for the piece we call the castle, was رخ (rokh). This is the Persian word for a chariot. The Chariots of Persia were high speed vehicles, made to resemble small buildings. In Italy, the word rokh became rocca, which means a siege tower - again a castellated vehicle. This morphed into the English word Rook. Thus it can be seen that the high speed long range chariot of old, which resembled a small castle (and not a bird), is indeed a Rook.

The origins, meanings and natural development of words is fascinating.

Since the middle of the twentieth century, the healthy gradual change of the English language has been hijacked for political motives. It is true that this has occurred before, notably in the time of Shakespeare, when a group based around Francis Bacon created a wealth of new words, which simultaneously enriched the English language and united the regional variations. The new manipulation of English is, however, not beneficial to national cohesion, and certainly does not enrich the language. The modern engineering of our language is destructive, detrimental to its users and dangerous to society. George Orwell called it NewSpeak. We have come to know it as Political Correctness.

The destruction of the English language is so fast paced that anyone born after the Second World War who has grown up immersed in the Americanised liberal impostor which calls itself 'English' will have difficulty in understanding the language spoken by the previous generation. Political Correctness is also making English grammatically nonsensical. It is practically forbidden to describe an individual as male or female. A basic sentence such as 'he asked her to dance' has become 'they asked them to dance'. This makes no sense! Describing someone by physical characteristics is now classed as discrimination and can result in imprisonment. Indeed the word 'discriminate' has been corrupted into meaning to treat in a detrimental manner. If offered a raw chicken or a cooked chicken to eat, failing to discriminate could result in hospital treatment!

The defenders of Political Correctness would have us believe that the manipulation of the language and the legal punishment of transgressors, is for the benefit of all - is to help the underprivileged(!) and protect disadvantaged minorities. They have a dishonest lexicon to 'spin' their destructive assault on culture through the control of our language, into something positive. Don't be fooled. Political Correctness is NewSpeak. The self-appointed Language and Thought Police, through front groups such as Common Purpose, are destroying our beautiful and poetic language. Humans think using words and symbols. By reducing the number of words and symbols we have, they reduce the potential for thought, and in turn curtail our freedom. They could not care less for minorities or any particular group. They use political correctness to pit Male against Female, Northerner against Southerner, Welsh against English against Scot against Irish etc.  In effect, they turn each of us into a Political Policeman to do their dirty work for them.

What is the solution to this despicable attack on all we hold dear? For once, the solution is simple: educate yourself! Study your language, refuse to use pc terms, refuse to get drawn into the Thought-crime apparatus. The PC/CP commissars are few. We are many. Without our co-operation, they cannot destroy our language. With a vibrant flourishing language at our disposal, we can enjoy absolute freedom of thought and make their attempts at mind control impossible. A technique they use is to instil a belief that those who use a variety of words are 'snobs', 'poofs' etc. This discourages many people from increasing their vocabularies and enjoying the enhanced freedom of expression this brings. Don't fall into their traps! Don't become an unwitting agent of the enemy.

Our language is the key to our freedom. Defend it. Use it in its organic sense. Refuse to surrender a single word to the linguistic oppressors. Take pride in the roots of your language - for therein you will find the foundations of your self. This is a battle we can win. This is a battle we must win.

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