Sunday 13 October 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 83

The Marshall Plan is the etymological act of our modernity. Its role is fundamental. In the immediate post-war era, it transplanted an economy of abundance in an economy of scarcity, even misery. And it transplanted the American cultural model in a traditional, rural society. This radical acculturation thus authorized a radically new phenomenon; the immanence of the economic and the cultural. While in a traditional society, the two terms keep themselves at the greatest possible distance and conserve a certain relative autonomy, modernity is the immanence of their relations of expression. The culture will be the expression of the ideological needs of the market. It’s the definition of civil society foreseen and denounced by Hegel.

Michel Clouscard, Le Capitalisme de la séduction (1981)



Marx and Engels considered that the proletariat should build itself as a national class, should become the nation. Michel Aflak's idea that the arab bourgeois is no longer part of the nation, and that it is up to the hard class to carry the arab national project is therefore absolutely compatible with a dogmatic vision of the world. The Arab nationalism of the BA ' as is part of the world fight for the proletarian revolution, it is positively progressive.




Watch "Claimants 'tricked' out of benefits, says Jobcentre whistleblower" -Guardian Videos on YouTube
"Avoid Universal credit sanctions- deny access to your Find a Job Account-bye bye big brother." on YouTube
Watch "Universal Credit agents 'encouraged' to get claimants off phone" - SKY NEWS on YouTube

 Warwick Alderman


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