Sunday 3 November 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 86

The Tories under Johnson are selling out the Leave vote no less than Labour would. Johnson's Brexit "deal" is little more than May's surrender treaty with lipstick on.

The only party that is currently in the pubic consciousness right now that is advocating a WTO Brexit, where we start from a position of total return of sovereignty, is the Brexit party.

However, Johnson's administration has made it clear, today, that no pact will be formed with the Brexit party in the election. This, in turn, could lead to the leave voted being split. But, not in terms of allowing both Brexit party and Tory party MPs to go to Westminster. Rather, in terms of stopping either of them getting a constituency majority and so allowing a Labour or Lib Dem candidate to win. In turn, allowing a Labour/SNP/Lib Dem coalition to assume power even though they may actually have less than 50% of the popular vote countrywide.

If the above comes to pass and this country does not get its sovereignty returned., I predict troops being used on the streets of this nation to keep the peace within a decade.

In other words, I predict bloodshed.

- Stephen Cook



Modern intellectualist democracy, as our Sorbonne embodies with its Cartesian and encyclopedist rationalism, is, as Proudhon saw, a “disguised aristocracy”, and, I repeat it, the harshest, the most harmful, the most ruinous of aristocracies; because it is the Pedantocracy and the Mandarinhood of people unsuited for both war and labor and whose reign can only result in the ruin of both the fatherland and production.

Édouard Berth, Les Méfaits des intellectuels (1914)



“One of the key moments in the creation of modernity occurs when production moves outside the household. So long as productive work occurs within the structure of households, it is easy and right to understand that work as part of the sustaining of the community of the household and of those wider forms of community which the household in turn sustains. As, and to the extent that, work moves outside the household and is put to the service of impersonal capital, the realm of work tends to become separated from everything but the service of biological survival and the reproduction of the labor force, on the one hand, and that of institutionalized acquisitiveness, on the other. Pleonexia (ruthless self-seeking and an arrogant assumption that others and things exist for one's own benefit a vice), is now the driving force of modern productive work.”

~Alasdair MacIntyre


“The destruction of family ties ‎is one of the filthy goals of the Zionist regime to destroy the identity of humankind, such as ‎that which they have achieved in the West.” ‎

Hujjat al-Islam Alireza Panahian, ‎custodian of Tehran’s Dar al-Hikmah Seminary


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