Sunday 16 February 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 101

We are Revolutionaries. We live in a strange time in which the liberal extremists have captured the vast majority of the Socialist and Communist formations, with their bizarre and anti-natural ID Politics. The rise of Social Justice Warriors would have been laughed at only a few short years ago, but now, the party which was formed to defend the Working Class - the Labour Party - is ridden with these anti-Working Class terrorists, and the middle class serving Conservative Party is no different.  We have schools teaching that biology takes second place to feelings and fashion. The Orwellian concept of Thought Crimes has become a reality.  In times like these it is a revolutionary act to stand up for what is natural, healthy and decent.

The neo-liberals and neo-cons are pushing the same globalising agenda, albeit from alleged different perspectives. The entire manstream political system and mass media is attacking the Working Class, labelling anyone who does not support open borders, no immigration controls, the destruction of children through the anti-natural brainwashing techniques of Gender politics, abortion on demand and a number of other outrages as...a Fascist.  Ironically this leads to heroic Socialists such as the pioneers of the USSR, the leaders of Cuba, Korea, the former Easterrn Bloc, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, the People's Repblc of China etc etc as Fascists.

The Socialist Motherland Party stands in defiance of this rapidly spreading insanity, fighting instead for a return to the Socialist ethos of Community, against the Capitalist disease of Individualism.

- Russ James, Socialist Motherland Party


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