Wednesday 18 March 2020

Globalism weaponises migration. Sovereign Socialism defends humanity everywhere.

Open borders fanatics - whether liberal capitalist globalist, dribbling idpol globalist, or liberal trotskist globalist (there isn't much difference really) - scream hysterically when Working Class people do not share their fetish for destroying sovereignty and making the entire world a slave state utterly defenceless against the greedy parasites who think only in terms of how to use human beings to make more money for them.  The Socialist Motherland Party has a policy of closing the borders, so that our country becomes self-sufficient in economic, cultural and all other important areas.  We do not have this policy because we are xenophobic, but rather because we understand that borders protect people.  Borders protect the Working Class from greedy capitalists who use immigrants as cheap labour to drive down wages and working conditions.  Borders protect people in other countries from exploitation and from the brain drain of the most skilled being stolen by corporations who are more than happy to leave untrained Workers on the scrap-heap in one country while trained Workers from another country are removed, thus weakening the country they leave.

Socialism is about what is best for the people.  Internationalism is a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, which can only exist between Free Socialist Nations with absolute control of their own borders.  Internationalism doesn't exist under Capitalism.  What exists is the opposite of Internationalism - and that is Globalism.  Globalism means the end of sovereignty, the end of security of labour, the end of a standard of living which is liveable, and the end of culture as all peoples are reduced to economic units to be used and abused and ultimately thrown away when they no longer make profits for the global ruling class.

The following post by Peter Freitag sums up what it means to be against unlimited migration, and how this isn't a racist issue, but an anti-Capitalist one which Socialists who have not been blinded by identity politics and menshevik lies, fully understand.......

OK lets be fucking clear about this whole migration topic. It is not because people do not care for these poor people that they don’t want masses coming in.

It is first off, because the actual poor people don’t want to see more of the already insufficient resources spent on them, as not a single fucking EU country strays from maintaining a certain level of poverty to give companies and employers leverage, divided amongst even more people.

If the EU and it’s member states really wanted to make morally integer decisions, they would first off, abolish poverty on their own territory, they would actually trial every company and it’s shareholders, if involved into slavery and/or destabilisation of another country/region for the sake of maximising profits.

This way, the resistance of residents of the EU would be reduced and there would be drastically less people needing to flee.

Another issue, be it just felt or not, we Europeans take pride in our freedoms and our free to chose lifestyle. So it should be absolutely no surprise, that if some backward preachers and/or religious activists, from any religion those people bring with them, are trying to convert people to a lifestyle that we successfully rejected centuries ago from our own predominant christian churches, there is anger flaring up.

I for my part will absolutely never allow any whatsoever fricking belief to dictate my sexlife for one or how men and or women need to dress and behave. To be specific, I am totally positive, that in a society, where women need to hide themselves away under garments so that men don’t get tempted, these men are all wimps.

In our society as in many other, men take pride in their ability of self-control, it is part of their showcasing of their mental and moral resilience, it is a quality for them.

So if these people who come from a background where this quality seems not to exist in men, come over here, it is their duty to step up their game and not us to lower our standards to accommodate them!

By the way, this BS about women needing to hide away, has started to be pushed by a growing number of wanna be holy men only some 50 years ago, I learned not so recently.

Everyone to their beliefs, but I will never lower my standards to make such people feel comfortable, if not for myself, it would still be that these people should never feel comfortable about this, as it is forcefully legitimised injustice through twisted belief!

Call me intolerant if you like, call me an infidel if you must, but I never killed anyone for my beliefs and I believe in such ways, that I don’t need anyone else to believe the same to be happy. First achieve what I am able to, then come and criticise me!

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