Sunday 15 March 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 105

"After the destruction of capitalism - the proletariat will abolish prostitution - the great misfortune of humanity"

Soviet poster, 1923


"We must cultivate and practice the essential socialist values in the family and guide all its members, especially the next generation, to love the Party, the homeland, the people and the Chinese nation. Furthermore, we must actively spread the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, transmit the idea of respecting the elderly and loving the little ones, maintaining equality between men and women and harmony between husband and wife, managing the home diligently and saving and defend solidarity between neighbours, propose the concepts of loyalty, responsibility, family love, learning and public welfare and encourage people to improve their spiritual world and cultivate a civilised style in the process of seeking family happiness, offer warmth to others and contribute to society."

- Xi Jinping


(Picture by John Morgan)


Humanity's prospects for the future look bleak. First climate change, now their handling of the Corona Virus, we see time and time again how the ruling class will sacrifice our lives to save their profits. One might end up thinking the planet is screwed and human beings are just selfish. This is not the case. Don't ever be fooled into thinking this is merely how humans are. As communists we believe humanity can be better. We are the product of our material conditions. The fundamentals of the capitalist system are the labour of the proletariat being exploited by the bourgeoisie and an economy that does not serve the working people, that does not encourage innovation to better our future but rather only supports growth in profits. Our governments exist to maintain this system as they do any class system. This is not how it has to be. We've created societies in the past where such exploitation is abolished, where the economy is planned and controlled by and for the working people. We can do it again. We can build a world without exploitation, a world where human beings cooperate and strive for the common good, a world where everyone's needs are met. Cuba is a shining example that another future is possible. They are there, sending medical aid and researching how to fight this virus, not thinking about how it's effecting the stock market. If we organise and show the capitalists just how much power we've really got we can defeat anything they throw at us. The working class can arise in every corner of the earth and build a better society, build communism. Don't despair - organise! We have a world to win!












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