Corona Virus has been linked to the deaths of approaching 2,500 people in the UK as of this moment of writing. The death toll is increasing daily, so for an up-to-date total, visit the following link:
The number of deaths is the number of people who tested positive for the virus at the time of death. That is to say, 2,500 people have died with the virus, which is vastly different from having died because of the virus. The vast majority of those who have died since the Corona Virus Pandemic was declared, have been people with underlying medical conditions and/or old age, making them more susceptible to death caused by weakened immune systems and other factors exacerbated by a viral infection not greatly dis-similar to influenza. This post does not in anyway belittle the human suffering and the pain of losing a loved one. It looks instead to bring attention to facts which are being ignored in the mass media - facts which merit attention precisely because of this intentional omission.
The Corona Virus Pandemic comes at a time in which the globalist project is under attack on many fronts. It is being used to reverse the successes of the populists and socialists. Whether this is by design or is opportunism doesn't change what is happening:
- The European Union is being weakened by Brexit. The EU is a significant pillar in the capitalist project for a seamless, borderless global system of commerce. The rejection of the EU by the majority of people in the UK has been a body-blow to the globalists and the virus has conveniently provided an opportunity to derail the quest for sovereignty and restore control to the unelected oligarchs who control the EU and UK.
- The USA has been defeated in Syria, with its proxy army, Islamic State, pushed into tiny pockets of that country. The virus presents an opportunity for an invasion of Syria in order to bring medical relief and regime change to make a country which has resisted the globalist war machine, fall in line.
- The cashless society has never been a popular idea, but now under the lock-down system impacting many nations, the use of cash has become rare, with people rapidly getting used to dealing with others financially without physical money. A fully cashless society opens many opportunities for regime abuse and consolidation of power by people who can disrupt access to finance with the flick of a switch, in a manner which cash makes more difficult.
- Small businesses are failing at an increasing rate. Self-employed workers are being forced to give up and declare themselves bankrupt. Medium-sized independent businesses are collapsing. This paves the way for American-style franchising to become a major factor in the UK economy and for massive global corporations to devour the businesses which cannot weather the impact of the government-imposed self-isolation lock-down. This is excellent news for global capitalism, wiping out many businesses which before the pandemic sat outside the grasp of the corporations, but have either fallen already or will not be able to continue for much longer. The competition to global corporate power is being destroyed under the measures used to combat the virus.
- Anti-Capitalist protests such as the Yellow Vests in France, Extinction Rebellion, anti-War, Workers' Rights etc have seen the people winning. The pandemic has put a stop to all of them.
- The unproductive sick and the unproductive elderly are the ones most likely to die from Corona Virus Covid-19. The capitalist system pays lip service to the elderly and the sick, but gains nothing from them. To the financiers, people in receipt of disability benefits, old age pensions and the like, are a burden - parasites no less - and the economy would be much better off if they were simply dead. Capitalism is a soul-less system which does not see human beings, only economic units, and when those units do not create profits for the ruling class and bourgeoisie, they are a problem. Covid-19 deals with this problem swiftly. Would the capitalists really use a disease to wipe out the unprofitable? The nazi euthanasia programme under Aktion T-4 produced propaganda dehumanising the mentally ill, and subsequently using this propaganda to kill them. The mentality behind Dasein Ohne Leben never went away, although even in Nazi Germany the programme of euthanasia was so controversial that the government was forced to abandon it. It appears the new regimes have fewer ethical qualms than Hitler - which is nothing to be proud of. The culling of the unprofitable is underway across the capitalist world. Whether by design or opportunity, it is still happening.
This introduction serves to raise questions. We in the Socialist Motherland Party are greatly saddened by the deaths of people across the globe who have been allowed to die by government inaction and late action. For this country, that sadness turns to anger. The British Isles should have been immune to a virus which killed people in the People's Republic of China a considerable time before spreading across the globe. As Island people, it would have been very easy to protect ourselves from a threat which cannot cross the seas by itself. Yet as of this moment 2,500 people in the UK are Ireland have died with the Virus. Every single death which was caused by the virus overwhelming people who had weakened immune systems, was an avoidable death. Every single one of these deaths is unforgivable - and likewise for the minority of cases where previously healthy people have died because of the virus.
It is beyond criminal that although our lands are islands, the borders are still open, and people ae still coming in from countries impacted by the virus. A Socialist Motherland government would have closed the borders immediately. The capitalists have left them wide open, even as the people have been put into near house-arrest by the authorities.
But enough of the editor's introduction! Over to Peter Wilberg for his take on this issue.....
Please share this information!
Global statistics on coronavirus to date: 26.03.2020
471,5I8 people infected 21,292 deaths
Worldwide, up to 5,000,000 people are infected with a new form of seasonal flu every year. Up to 650,000 people die from its consequences as a result of serious pre-existing illnesses.
In 2018, seasonal flu killed 80,000 people in the U.S.A. alone. So why the panic and hysteria about coronavirus ‘COVID 19’ - why the masks, enforced lockdowns, school and shop closures, forced quarantines, self-isolation, social distancing etc.???
The standard PCR ‘test’ for coronavirus produces up to 80% false ‘positive’ results. It cannot directly detect or confirm the active presence of any virus at all. And many people with ordinary symptoms of flu are counted as having COVID-19 even without testing.
Different types of coronavirus are present in ALL types of flu. And nobody can infect you with any virus unless your immune system is already weakened by stress or other illnesses. The solution is to get out on the streets, walk, exercise, and enjoy the sun and company of others!
Horror stories and videos of people being treated for coronavirus show nothing but common symptoms and procedures for people with severe pneumonia or respiratory problems.
Just before the lockdown in the UK, British public health authorities stated that COVID-19 could NOT be classed as a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) with a high mortality rate.
Even in China the infection rate was only 0.001%. And only 12% of “Covid19 deaths” listed Covid-19 as the cause of death. Indeed there is no evidence that one single person has died from coronavirus.
Most official statistics about people who have died or could die from coronavirus ‘cause’ do not distinguish 1. People old enough to have died anyway in the same period, usually with at least two other illnesses (for example in Italy) 2. People who die with and not from the coronavirus 3. Deaths related to other types of flu. 4. Statistics based on totally unreliable and meaningless tests for any type of coronavirus or even other types of flu virus.
If you want to create a false panic about a false pandemic and put half the world’s population under house arrest - then test for coronaviruses.
There are many varieties of coronavirus, most of us have them in our bodies all the time - but not enough to cause even mild symptoms. But the standard ‘test’ cannot identify the COVID-19 form of the coronavirus - and certainly not the amount of it in our bodies. And there simply aren’t enough labs anywhere in the world to ‘confirm’ its presence in numbers enough to cause any serious symptoms at all - and certainly not death.
The last person to supposedly die ‘from’ coronavirus COVID-19 in the Czech Republic was in the last stages of cancer!!!
We have been lied to in order to make us learn to accept, all over the world, a Chinese-style authoritarian government based on mass surveillance, house arrest, censorship and punishment of dissent.
“Those who would give up their essential liberties to purchase a little safety deserve neither and will lose both.” Benjamin Franklin
SOURCES AND IMPORTANT LINKS: Dr. Wolfgang Wodard Off-Guardian 1 Off-Guardian 2 Off-Guardian 3 Medscape Washington Times Corbettreport Dr John Bergman Sciencedirect David Icke
- "Elderly Patient With Multiple Complications Dies After Contracting Respiratory Illness" is NOT a news story. It's a daily fact of life:
- it’s not like the global capitalist empire was right in the middle of a War on Populism (a war that it has been losing up to now) and wanted to take this opportunity to crank up some disaster capitalism, terrorize the global public into a frenzy of selfish and irrational panic, and just flex its muscles to remind everybody what could happen if we all keep screwing around by voting for “populists,” tearing up Paris, leaving the European Union, and otherwise interfering with the forward march of global capitalism:
The Big Language Lie
Don’t believe the new Panic Propaganda about more than 40,000 people now dead ‘FROM’ coronavirus. This is a LANGUAGE TRICK. There is no scientific evidence at all that ANYONE at all has died FROM the coronavirus COVID-19. They may have died WITH the virus, but that does NOT mean that the virus was the chief CAUSE of their death.
Make people and their 'national' politicians, afraid, and, like sheep, they will accept anything their government - under pressure from Big Pharma and other globalist 'One World Order' powers - does. Coronavirus - an ideal weapon for the economic self-destruction of nation states. The sad thing is that even people in nations with a history of totalitarianism accept it all, thinking their government is actually protecting them. Where is the spirit of resistance?????????????????
Are people just going to wait for forced vaccination and accept the loss of their jobs and medical martial law - supported by the US army - who are already planning to come to Europe in large numbers?
See my previous posts, including these numbers: 500 million infections. Up to 650,000 deaths, 20,000 deaths in the US since October, 4,000 in the UK.
No, seasonal winter flu - affecting mainly those over 65 with chronic lung or heart disease. And this quote from the Washington Times: "Just over a year ago, long before the term coronavirus had entered our collective vocabularies, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that in just a few short weeks of the 2018-19 winter season, the flu had sickened between 6 million and 7 million Americans. The previous year, 2018, the CDC reported 49 million Americans had been sickened by the flu. 960,000 were hospitalised and over 80,000 ended up dead. You read that right, in 2018 over 80,000 people died from the flu in the United States.The people at risk are older people with existing lung illnesses." In contrast: global number of infections from coronavirus - less than 158,00O. Total global deaths: less than 6,000. In answer to your question: this illness could become the cure for political apathy and unawareness. But only IF there are people (not just me) who aren't afraid to ask questions and offer a different viewpoint. Each of us alone must decide whether we do nothing or speak out. The more who speak out the better.
Dr. David Pinksky: "...let me frame it this way: we have in the United States 24 million cases of flu-like illness, 180,000 hospitalizations, 16,000 dead from influenza. Why is that not being reported? The coronavirus is "going to be much more widespread than we knew," he said. "It’s going to be much milder than we knew. The 1.7% fatality rate is going to fall. Where was the press during the Mediterranean corona outbreak when the fatality rate was 41%."
Now the media (Guardian UK) is trying to persuade us that the coronavirus spreads in a unique way that is different or worse than other types of flu/influenza. Simply not true. 'Fake news'.
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