Sunday 26 April 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 111

As the data keeps coming in, it looks like the prevalence and mortality rate of Covid-19 is similar to a yearly winter flu. Historically, with contagious disease, you isolate the sick, not the healthy. Isolating the healthy means that their immune systems will go down. You need to be in contact with other people to develop a good immune system. Also, isolating people obviously leads to higher prevalence of child molestations and domestic violence. Also, sick people seem to be too scared of Corona-19 to go to the hospital, which would have been the reasonable thing to do. Lockdowns, as practiced today in most of the world is not a scientific method to combat disease, it may even be counter-productive.

- Stephen Cook

"There are three classes of people:

those who see

those who see when they are shown

those who do not see."

Leonardo da Vinci


Apparently they’re all philanthropists now.
Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg... and this man, Richard Branson.
Having stockpiled more money than it is possible to spend in a dozen lifetimes, all you have to do is look at their Wikipedia pages or browse the newspapers to realise that these people are all in fact ‘philanthropists.’

Now when you look up the definition of ‘philanthropists’ in the dictionary, it usually says something like; “a person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.”
It doesn’t tend to describe the activities of the most greedy people on the planet, engaging in international tax avoidance by using shell companies set up in tax havens to offset their tax liabilities in the country where they have made all their dough.

So when they avoid paying the 45% income tax they should be paying in the UK, or the 19% corporation tax... that is billions that is lost to the UK treasury... money that is needed to pay for education, the NHS, Fire Service, pensions, social services, defence etc, etc.

But instead of reporting this, the mainstream media tends to focus on the paltry fraction of 1% that these characters give to good causes... many of which are institutions created by the ‘philanthropist’ themselves.

So when the media is telling you what a wonderful chap Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster is for giving £10 Million to an NHS charity... just remember that he avoided £4 Billion in inheritance tax just a few years, just like the numerous other billionaires hiding out in the UK, use non-dom status to avoid income tax.

These people contribute nothing to the services on which we depend.

It’s an international party of greed and hedonism... and you’re not invited.

Question: What is the definition of a philanthropist?
Answer: The sort of capitalist psychopath who would happily line his own pockets at the expense of the most vulnerable in society and then later try and reidentify as a humanitarian.

That's certainly the fashion these days and the perfect description of Cyril Stein.
Stein, who had a background in illegal gambling, bought over Ladbrokes in 1956 for £100,000, prior to the deregulation of the gambling industry with the ‘Betting and Gaming Act’ in 1961. By the time he stepped down in 1993, the company stock was worth in excess of £2 Billion, money made out of the exploitation of some of the most vulnerable people in society.
Stein’s ‘philanthropy’ involved spending the spoils of exploiting human misery on various Zionist projects. He used his money and influence to try to keep the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in Israeli hands, and built a large estate in the centre of Jerusalem.

Funding Labour ‘Friends of Israel,’ the money was put to use bribing and blackmailing the support of Labour MPs in parliament, a policy which has continued to this day. He also funded and supported the ‘Jewish National Fund,’ an organisation who’s primary aim was the acquisition of Palestinian land within the occupied Palestinian territories. Whilst the mainstream of British Jewry supported the ‘peace process’ in the 1990s, Stein funded a Jewish settlement in the West Bank. Stein was part of a circle of wealthy British Zionists who bankrolled a number of pro-Israel organisations from the 1980s, but showed little interest in the traditional institutions of Jewish life. They came to be known as ‘the funding fathers’. ‘Unelected and unaccountable,’ Geoffrey Alderman writes, they became ‘the new rulers of Anglo-Jewry.’ Most were affiliated with Britain’s foremost Zionist fundraising organisation, the Joint Israel Appeal (formerly the Joint Palestine Appeal, and later the United Jewish Israel Appeal).

Stein died in 2011 in Jerusalem and like fellow swindler Robert Maxwell, is buried there.
Ladbrokes continues to be the UK’s top trader in gambling misery.

- Ragged Trousered Philanderer




I don’t know so much about Belgium, but the thing that Sweden, the UK and the USA have in common is a complete lack of ICU beds and ventilators to cope with the pandemic.

The USA will climb steadily up the death charts, which is what you might expect from a country with the worst healthcare system in the world. They have now entered the chart at Number 15.

The UK continues to climb higher, despite abandoning the herd immunity approach, but chronic underfunding of the NHS for a decade has meant the lack of PPE, testing, ICU beds and ventilators will insure that the UK will have one of the top kill rates once they are forced to include the people dying outside of hospitals. The UK has climbed from 13th position to 8th position in the death charts.

Sweden has adopted a more relaxed approach and I have been noticing a trend on the BBC to applaud the Swedish approach... but don’t let the British State Propaganda Agency gaslight you into going down that route... the Swedish figures are climbing fast too... from 15th to 10th.

Belgium is scarcely mentioned in the news, yet they have climbed from 7th position to 2nd place in the deaths per million chart, only missing out on top spot from the tiny principality of San Marino.

The number of proven coronavirus cases in the UK is now 138,078. Even if we said that the actual number of cases was a generous 10 times that number, that would still be only 1.4 Million out of a population of 67 Million.

The required 70% figure for herd immunity would be 47 Million... which means we are only 3% of the way down the road to arriving at this figure.
The more ICU beds and ventilators a country has, the faster they can process their populations. But at this rate, if you were to think of the journey to herd immunity as being a 31 day month, the UK is not yet even finished day 1.

At this rate we could be looking at 2 and a half years before we come out the other end. The only way to speed things up would be to either develop a vaccine, to increase the capacity of the NHS to deal with the pandemic, or just to throw caution to the wind and ‘take it on the chin’ as Johnson said last month.

The bottom line is that our inability to deal with the crisis is entirely down to a failure to fund our NHS in this country for the last 10 years, and we will pay the price for that with the deaths of our citizens.


The hypotheses that say the dominant circles orchestrate panic in order to establish a dictatorial, panoptical system, the vector of universal and ubiquitous surveillance, should be taken seriously. The sheep-like comportment of citizens is astonishing in such a context, when it's obvious that it's in the interest of the ruling spheres to promote such a system: the Italy of Salvini or even post-Salvini Italy is an unpredictable country that must be subdued; the France of the Yellow Vests that rejects the hyperliberalism they wish to impose on it deserves, in their eyes, severe punishment; and the Germany that boos Merkel at each of her public appearances should also be chastised, so long as it heats itself with Russian gas and runs its industry, automobile or otherwise, with these Putinian hydrocarbons.

We've entered into the era of planetary “monitor and punish” which Europe will be the principal victim of, as the Chinese and the Iranians are more willing to accept the human costs and possess capacities for resilience superior to ours, they can draw on Shi'ite or Confucian religion or the corrected and revised communist ideology, which more resembles the constructive projects of Friedrich List in the 19th century and the projects that he inspired among the ideologues of the Kuomintang, militants of a Chinese renaissance after the “century of shame,” where the Celestial Empire had fallen into a deep decline.

- Robert Steuckers in an interview with Strategika


" The liberal bourgeoisie, giving reforms with one hand, with the other hand always withdraws them, reduces them to nothing, they need it to sire workers, to divide them into isolated groups, to perpetuate the wage slavery of workers. Reformism, even when it is completely sincere, therefore turns into a tool of bourgeois corruption and weakening workers. Experience of all countries shows that by trusting the reformists, workers have always ended up being pumped "

- Lenin

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