Wednesday 13 May 2020

A Corona Virus Coup.

A Referendum which failed to deliver (for them)

On the 23rd June 2016, the people of the UK and Gibraltar were asked in a referendum whether we wanted  to Remain as citizens of the imperialistic capitalist project known as the European Union, or to take the bold and heroic step forwards into independence and sovereignty with all the potential for freedom that would come as a result.  Of course, the campaign by the then Prime Minister and the media didn't exactly word the options in such ways.  Rather David 'Pigsy' Cameron and the Europhile press presented the choice in a rather different manner, with millions of pounds spent sending every household in the UK and Gibraltar a four page glossy propaganda pamphlet which declared that membership of the EU had brought peace in our time to the entire continent (ignoring the brutal dismemberment of Serbia which saw its historic centre of Kosovo turned into a drug-trafficking centre of operations for global heroin trading criminals, at the behest of the EU, USA and rest of the global cabal), and that leaving the hallowed EU be the direct cause of catastrophes of biblical proportions.  The referendum was rigged to bring in a Remain result, which would have been a green light for adoption of the EU, balkanisation of the UK and a complete end to our nation.  The inclusion of Gibraltar in the referendum was part of the gerrymandering to ensure the 'correct' result was obtained, so the EU project could be advanced and the next step towards a globally administered capitalist empire commenced.

Something happened in 2016 which the global ruling class had not countenanced.  The Working Class rose up electorally and defied the government, media and the EU-loving oligarchs.  2016 descended into open class war, with the Working Class referred to as thick and ungrateful for all that the empire had done for us.  We were subjected to abuse because of our perceived education level (ignoring the fact that before the system was changed to discourage poorer people from attending university, class was becoming obsolete in higher education).  We were called 'gammon', which is an insult which is pretty much a British version of red-neck.  The fact that people of all ethnicities opposed to EU, did not stop the pretentious, self-righteous, condescending, patronising, bourgeois bigots from painting opposition to the EU as a racist issue.  This highlights the mentality of Europhiles who see opposition to the empire they adore as 'racist': Europeans tend to be White!

As the government, liberals and media increased their abuse of the Working Class, opinion poll after opinion poll sent shivers down the place where their spines should be.  In an act of absolute desperation, the regime jumped on the killing in broad daylight of one of their own – the previously unheard of back bench opposition MP, Jo Cox – as an opportunity to create guilt and shame in the electorate for even thinking about leaving the EU.  The killer shouted 'death to traitors' as he killed the MP.  The killer was mentally unstable and the reference could well have been to her failure to get him help when he had asked for it again and again.  The killer was found to be a racist, so the reference could also have been to the fondness of the MP for publicity opportunities with her Asian constituents.  Although of absolutely no relevance, the media and the governing regime jumped on the phrase used by the killer as proof that people who did not love the empire, were psychopaths and killers at heart.  The democratic process was suspended so an establishment puppet could be put in place.  An outpouring of crocodile tears was mandated.  The killing of Cox became a media circus, with every sly and underhand piece of emotional blackmail employed to intimidate those who were considering voting for freedom into voting for continued occupation by the empire due to a sense of shared guilt for the actions of a lone madman who killed an MP for reasons unknown.  The rationale for the media was that the term 'traitor' was an apt description for an MP who was pro-EU and anti-independence, linking Europhilia to treachery!  The thinking of the media was bizarre, and much to the horror of the Europhiles who had swallowed the mountain of anti-British propaganda, the people voted to Leave.

Who was Jo Cox anyway?

Jo Cox was the MP for Batley, whose only claim to fame was being shot dead on the streets of that Yorkshire town by a lunatic who was reported to be some kind of neo-Nazi.  She had campaigned alongside her party (Labour), the government at the time (Tories), the Lib Dems, Greens, Sinn Fein, Plaid Cymru, SNP, mass media, entire machinery of the EU, big business, education system and practically the entire decision making strata of the country, to keep the UK (and Gibraltar) trapped inside the EU.  She wasn't distinct in any manner, and had the intention of anti-EU neo-Nazis been to kill a europhile politician, she was an odd choice.

We are supposed to believe that some lunatic nazi shot her dead because killing a puppet politician would change things in the UK!

But would killing an MP have an impact upon public life?  Well, if the intention was to paint pro-Freedom advocates as 'terrorists' and to make voting to leave the EU appear to be an act of condoning terrorism, then yes, there would be an impact.  Any Freedom advocate would have to be completely deranged and delusional to think that killing an anti-Freedom MP would help the cause.  Killing any MP is pointless, as they're all puppets of the Ruling Class and even if the whole lot of them were wiped out, more parasites would take their places.  But killing Jo Cox as the Referendum looked certain to be won by those who cherish Freedom, would be an act of gross stupidity - unless of course the intention was to wreck the Freedom campaign and guilt the public into voting to keep the shackles of EU oppression in place.

It is possible that Jo Cox was killed to keep the UK in the EU, and that her murder was not the action of a lone lunatic, but was contrived by the state for propaganda purposes.  If this is the case, she was killed to silence any dissent to the globalist agenda.  It is more likely that the lone gunman was seriously unhinged (well that is certain) and the killing was in  no way related to the EU referendum, but was seized upon by unscrupulous opportunists who have no value for human life and will turn a tragedy into an opportunity to spread lying propaganda which serves their purpose.

The Rigged Referendum

In 2016, the then Prime Minister, David 'oink' Cameron, had hinted that 16 and 17 year old children would be allowed to vote in the freedom referendum. Why? Because, as he correctly stated, the referendum on the UK's membership of the EU was one which would impact upon the future of the country.  If the voters had said No to Freedom and Yes to EU capitalism, then life would have become ever worse and the peoples of the British Isles would have signed the death warrant of their children's future.

The assertion that people of 16 and 17 should have a vote because their futures are at stake, seems reasonable enough, but it is looking at reality from the wrong direction.  Most teenagers have never had the experience of seeing prices soar because of VAT.  Most teenagers have not had the opportunity to escape the pro-EU brain-washing of the misnamed education system.  As a result, had children been given the vote, most of them would have voted against freedom and in favour of staying inside the EU because having no comprehension of exactly what the EU is, and seeing it as a cosy club of nations, membership of which is great for partying on far off beaches, it would in the minds of children – many of whom were still in the grips of the state indoctrination system of school/college - be 'unkind, mean-spirited and perhaps a little racist' to not be in it (to use an emotional level of debate which those without life experience will not have seen for the fraud it is.)  In Scotland the elections to Holyrood are now open to 16 and 17 year old children, as are the elections to the Senedd in Wales.  If Cameron had got his way, the EU referendum would have been skewed by the inclusion of children with no life experience, simply voting the way the media, the celebrities they idolised, and the teachers who rammed pro-EU propaganda down their throats, dictated.  Giving children the vote is child abuse.  Thankfully, this madness did not prevail in 2016.  The future of the country was at stake.  In every election, it is those who are responsible for future generations who should have a say - and only those people.

The future of our country should be decided by people with a stake in the future; people with children. It could be argued that people who do not have children have no right in deciding what will happen to the country when they have gone.  If they leave no children, then they are not a part of the future and have no right to have a say in anything which comes after them.

Childless adults can only be motivated by selfish interests - mostly how they will be financially effected by the result of an election.  Childless teenagers are too inexperienced to have a say, and the only reason it was even considered that they should be given a vote was because the Government knew that they had been indoctrinated into loving the EU and could be relied upon to vote to keep us in the prison state.

The EU Referendum was rigged before it had even begun.  The Government pumped vast amounts of our money into propaganda to make gullible people think that the EU is a good idea for the ordinary people, and not just a club for the bankers and global financial mafia.  Cameron lied through his teeth, stating that no-one in the Government would be allowed to campaign for the UK to Leave the EU, then when caught out acting like a dictator, came up with a pathetic story that he really meant to say that no one in the Government must be allowed to oppose the Referendum process and the EU renegotiation.

The referendum was so obviously rigged that it is nothing short of a modern wonder that the people resisted all the machinations of the EU and UK regimes and voted to Leave.

A Farcical Rebuttal of Democracy

Next month is FOUR YEARS since the referendum.  FOUR YEARS!  Although nominally independent since the start of this year, the UK is trapped inside a legalistic mechanism known as the Transition Period, during which all EU law and regulations continue to apply, making the UK a part of the EU, and Brexit something which applies in name only.

In the past four years, the country has ceased to be a democracy in any meaningful sense.  Immediately following the democratic result of the referendum in which the Working Class and thinking Middle Class voted to ditch the empire, the bankers' puppet Prime Minister, David 'pork the pork' Cameron spat the dummy and resigned as  PM, rather than implement the will of the people as he had promised he would.  He was replaced by the wishy-washy Theresa May, who procrastinated until she left her post.  In her period as Prime Minister, she oversaw a large majority turned into a minority government.

The opposition Labour Party changed leadership with the Socialist leader Jeremy Corbyn taking charge.  Corbyn had been a lifelong critic of the EU.  He was of the tradition of the Party which believed that global capitalism was the enemy (which it is) and the EU as a bankers' and corporate globalists' plaything stood in opposition to any hope for a Socialist future in any country it controlled (also true).  Corbyn was manipulated by the party he led into adopting a pro-EU position, promising a Second Referendum if he should be elected as Prime Minister.  This position was a reversal of his ideals and it led to the obliteration of the Labour Party in its northern heart and, with a massive Tory majority returned in last year's General Election with the old Etonian fop, Boris Johnson returned as Prime Minister.  Johnson was elected by such a massive margin because whereas Labour promised another referendum with the hope of stopping Brexit, Johnson stood under the slogan 'Get Brexit Done'.  The election was effectively the Second Referendum which the europhiles had demanded, and just like the first one, the Working Class voted for freedom, with the bourgeois europhile slogan 'bollocks to brexit' becoming the reality of 'bollocks to brussels'.  In January 2020 the transition period began, with the pledge to end the transition in January 2021, with a deal if beneficial to the UK, or leaving on World Trade Organisation rules (so-called no deal) if that wasn't possible.  For the first time since the 2016 referendum, it looked like Brexit was really happening and we would be able to wave goodbye to the EU forever.

However, Corbyn was sacked as leader of the Labour Party, and the arch Remainer 'sir' Kier Starmer put in his place.  Having learnt absolutely nothing from the thrashing in the 2019 General Election, Labour doubled down by increasing the IDPol stupidity which the Working Class despise, and pushing for a return to the EU, Euro currency and all.

Along comes the Corona Virus

2020 has been the year of the Covid-19 Corona Virus.  One of the impacts of the virus has been to push Brexit out of the spotlight.  Well, almost.  The controlled Europhile media have been quite vocal in linking Boris Johnson's failure to accept medical supplies from the EU as putting 'Brexit over Breathing'.  The linking of Brexit to failures in an underfunded NHS critically destabilised through stealth privatisation, highlights that the Remainers are still fighting against the will of the people.  The national media which is pushing such hysterical propaganda has only recently been given millions of pounds of tax-payer money to keep it afloat.  Either it is biting the hand that feeds, or it is pushing stories which will discredit a pro-Brexit Prime Minister and allow for a new PM to take over who will stagnate the process leading to Brexit in name only becoming the norm until the bloc is officially rejoined.  Johnson is hailed as the Brexit champion, but back in 2016 he was sat on the fence, infamously writing two articles (one pro-EU, one pro-UK), only publishing the pro-Leave one at the last minute.  He follows in the footsteps of Theresa May who also flip-flopped and had no hard principles.

The virus has been linked to massive numbers of deaths worldwide, including over 30,000 in the UK.  Compared to seasonal flu, the numbers are not spectacular.  There is no space to go into that arena here, but for analysis of the health scare and the oligarchs waiting in the wings to profiteer, have a look at Peter Wilberg's recent posts (click on the Peter Wilberg label).

So why won't the Remainers accept the will of the people?  What is at stake in all this?

The EU is a building bloc.  It is the financial centrepiece of a long dreamed of global system of governance.  The UK is a vital part of the financial system which the globalists have been building up for generations.  Sat outside the EU, in opposition to the banking house and stock markets in Frankfurt, London will be a problem for the global financiers.  If the UK is allowed to leave the EU, then that will embolden others who are sick of seeing the EU enforcing pro-business policies which see people languish in poverty as the corporations get richer.  The whole 'austerity' programme of governments across the EU is dictated by the central banks which control the bloc.  There is mounting opposition in every EU state.  The UK is an inspiration to peoples across the empire who want to be free.  This is a problem for the EU and the powers behind it.  The UK has to be punished for wanting freedom, and it has to be whipped back into line.  If we leave in a real sense and not just a cosmetic one, others will follow, the EU will be weakened and all the progress towards a single system of  control on behalf of the global corporations and oligarchs will be set back.  There is as much for the enemies of the Working Class to lose, as there is for us to gain.

Boris Johnson

Bojo was elected on a massive majority for one reason and one reason alone – and that was that in spite of being a Tory, he was the only politician who stated that he would implement the will of the people and 'Get Brexit Done'.  If he can be made to appear incompetent in his handling of the corona virus, then he can be deposed.  Next month is critical in the negotiations with the EU.  If the UK government asks for an extension to the Transition Period, it will mean that the UK doesn't leave the EU with or without a deal at the end of January, but rather that it continues in a longer transition during which the country must abide by EU law and regulations.  June is the cut off point for asking for the extension.  The Corona Virus would be very helpful as an excuse for the one-time Remainer, now Leaver PM to justify asking for an extension.

Suddenly Corona has a purpose

The Corona Virus has been recorded in such a way in the UK that just about every death can be attributed to Covid-19.  This is not to deny that the virus is killing people.  It is.  But the numbers dying solely through the virus are about 1% of the number of deaths attributed to it.  If a 90-year old has a fall and dies, his death certificate will almost certainly have death by corona written on it.  The same goes for people in the later stages of cancer.  The figures are being inflated to make the death toll appear horrendous.  Why, oh why, would a government wish to massage the figures to make the death toll appear worse?  Why?  To boost the figures to make the Prime Minister weaker and to make pushing Brexit at this time appear madness by association.

The media has jumped all over the death toll.  Piers Morgan in particular has become the voice of the opposition to Johnson, unquestioningly using official data to spearhead the assault on the government.  The new leader of the official opposition party is letting Morgan stampede the public into seeing Johnson as a danger to the nation.  'sir' Kier Starmer is a pompous middle class zionist, who is corrupt to the core.  He is – of course – a Remainer.  Should the Transition Period continue until the next election, with the Tories weakened day by day, he would be the next Prime Minister, and Brexit would be over, with the EU empire achieving total victory over a people who dared to try to be free.  Interestingly, most of those who have died fall into the demographics of Leave voters, making the death toll appear to be a punishment for standing against the globalists.

David Icke

David Icke has recently resurfaced in the mainstream media – with the expected hit pieces gaining him publicity.  In all of his recent television appearances, his focus has been on 5G and the Virus.  He hasn't mentioned global capitalism and how it benefits from the imposition of martial law.  For someone who claims to be able to 'join the dots', he cannot even see the 'elephant in the room' which is Brexit.  The impression which can be taken from Icke's failure to discuss this issue and instead to lead his followers by the nose in the opposite direction, is that he may well have been giving out disinformation for years, leading up to this point in time when people are crying out for answers to questions he will not address.  There has been suspicion for years amongst many people that Icke is a pied piper character, controlled opposition and a system shill.  This suspicion is being verified by his almost obvious misdirection in this most important area at this most important time.

Lock-down and more

The lock-down in the UK (which is still being enforced outside England) has prevented people organising and protesting.  It has made the work of the regime very easy.  With no opposition to their propaganda at street level, they have been able to manipulate everyone who has been glued to the TV for the latest death figures.

We are in dangerous territory.  Brexit is in danger.  What is left of democracy is dying.  And the Virus is being used as the excuse to lock us down mentally as well as physically.  People are aware that they are being lied to, but such is the confusion that nobody knows what is true, what is false and why this unreal mixture of conflicting information is being pushed at us.

The regime is working to a plan.  Would the global capitalists take advantage of a pandemic to bring back control and shut down the opposition?  Of course they would.  Would the global capitalists engineer the virus in the first place, and use the 'plandemic' to halt sovereignty movements, cull sections of the population and rush forward to tighten the globalist web ever tighter to prevent us escaping their grip.  Definitely.

It isn't too late to stop them.  But is is getting more difficult.  We have to fight back now.

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