Saturday 8 May 2021

The Free Workers' League have left the Socialist Motherland Party

The Socialist Motherland Party came into existence when the Free Workers' League and British Socialist Party joined together. Originally this merger was called the Socialist Workers' Party of England, but due to confusion with another organisation of a similar name it was decided to change to the current one.

We believed that our unification would serve to join two very small organisations which were so similar ideologically that it made no sense to do anything other than unite.  Sadly, this has proven to have not been the case.

There has been discontent for some time within the Party with the belief that the FWL contribution has been less than nil. The former BSP members have undertaken all the work, with the only significant impact of the former FWL members being an accommodation with ideologically standpoints which have become more at odds with the rest of the party than we anticipated.

The lack of work on behalf of the 'cadres' of the FWL faction led to the decision of the comrades who have been publishing material, organising activities, recruiting new members, manning the Party email addresses and telephones to withdraw our labour - to go on strike. It was hoped this would force the self-proclaimed cadres to step up and prove their worth by getting active. All electronic systems were forwarded so as to make this possible.  

As can be seen by the total failure to do any work at all, we have found that the worth of the FWL faction exists solely in their own self-proclamations.  As a result, the BSP- FWL merger has been reversed.

The Party is keeping the name, Socialist Motherland Party. We will be reviewing our policies to remove points of contention accepted as a compromise with the FWL when we came together. 

Apologies to all supporters and members who have been left in the dark while we have had to take the drastic action of striking to end the situation of a faction within the Party parasitically feeding on the rest of it.

The departure of the FWL leaves us numerically smaller. In terms of workload, we are no worse off.  In terms of ideology, we have the opportunity to grow.

Points of contact are now fully manned. Comrades are requested to get in touch to share the workload and build our organisation now the time-wasters and disrupters are gone.

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