Friday 25 May 2018

Skills Shortages? Train the People!

No matter how hard the media spin the lies of the global corporations, everyone who has to be careful with regards to how much money they spend, must be aware that there is a global economic downturn underway.  The Zionists and their bankers have engineered this economic crisis, and it is the downtrodden workers who are being bled white by the aforementioned criminals.

The only way to have a healthy economy is to be in charge of it.  That means an end to unrestricted migration as a part of breaking away from the Finance-Capitalist economy and introduction of a Socialist system based on mutual co-operation, not exploitation. Not everyone agrees with this.

The mass media is typically bleeding heart liberal and is all for open borders.  The few parts of the media which consider that there should be restrictions on who moves to the Isles, stop at arguing that economic migrants need to be vetted to weed out the unskilled who would not benefit the economy. The Socialist Party of Great Britain argues that immigration should be allowed with no limits at all. The loonies of the SPGB (people with whom we will NOT be collaborating) are kindred spirits with the mass media and global capitalists. They belong to the same globalist mindset.  Open Borders, (or No Borders as the anti-Leninist and somehow Marxist (wtf?) SPGB dream of the world future), is good for the exploiters who can use and abuse cheap labour, but for the Working Class who daily see life get harder as the money from our wage slavery gets more difficult to survive on, it is no future at all.  The SPGB believes that:

"Socialism would be worldwide, with no nation states, no borders, and the common ownership of the whole Earth by the whole of humanity.  Disputes about ideas and values would be settled solely by debate."

This No Borders bourgeois fantasy is hippy bullshit, which starry eyed Trots and mentally impaired liberals can believe in, but for those of us who have to live in the real world, bullshit is all it is.

The liberal capitalist quota issue is a red herring. So long as the EU exists, all member states will be subject to potential unlimited immigration from other member states. In theory, as one part of the Union becomes prosperous, people from areas in decline will be able to move to it en masse. In practice, this hasn't happened, as can be seen by mass unemployment getting worse daily in countries such as Greece.  But even if the design worked, the result would be to turn Europeans into rootless cosmopolitans, and to turn Europe into a cultural wasteland: a coca cola degenerated USA on the other side of the Atlantic.

So what is the solution to mass unemployment and the skills shortage problem? Simply put, Closed Borders, genuine national sovereignty, and education.  It is vital that not only Brexit happens, but that the entire EU project, as well as all other globalist collaborations, end.  Then we must have an education system which elevates the people so no job is unfilled.

The idea that we must import people with skills to fill vacant jobs, is offensive to the people of the Isles and to the people who are called to come here.  Skills migration means that other countries suffer a skills drain.  The Capitalists have stolen the minerals, oil and other wealth of countries across the globe.  A skills drain is just another example of theft and exploitation - in many ways a covert newer version of the overt slavery of olden times - and would further impoverish the countries those people leave; simultaneously it would leave the unemployed in the Isles still unemployed, and the unskilled, still unskilled.

SMPBI rejects open borders liberal fantacism.  We call for Total Socialism in the Isles. The Working Class must be given the best education, so that any work we need to do, we can do.  Automation of jobs which are not fit for human beings to do, is something we need to promote. No-one should have to work in jobs which are soul-destroying and utterly pointless.  Everyone should have the opportunity to develop his or her skills and abilities to make work a pleasure and to make society wholesome and united.  That is the essence of Socialism.

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