Saturday 26 May 2018

The Abortion of Ireland's Future is a Crime of Global Capitalism

George Soros is a sick and twisted individual. But more than this, he is the face of the Global Ruling Class.  Wherever there is something wrong on a national and global level, the Soros Foundation is nearly always involved.  The Irish Abortion Referendum is no exception.

In Ireland, the people were given a 'referendum', with the media using every programme, 'news' item etc to create the idea that if the people voted to keep the 8th Amendment, then it would be misery for Women in Ireland, and that if they voted to repeal it, suddenly the world would be a better place.  The 8th Amendment protected unborn Irish children and encouraged men and women to be aware of the consequences of a hedonistic lifestyle. 

The result of the referendum is to 'normalise' abortion in Ireland. Now, just as in the UK, unborn children can be murdered because they are an inconvenience. The justification for killing children is that they get in the way of a 'career', a 'lifestyle' or any other irrelevance.  The despicable Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, is crowing that just like in the UK, Ireland will now be free to slaughter at will, which will reduce the Irish population and allow the likes of Varadkar to use this to globalise the country as the fall in population necessitates an influx of new people: people with no allegiance to Ireland; people who have a global identity; people who are pawns in the capitalist war against sovereignty.

The result today is a disgrace. The Globalist Taoiseach is cock-a-hoop at the fact that Ireland has lost an extremely important defence against Globalism.  Ireland's children have lost their rights to life.  The media on both sides of the Irish Sea are painting this as a 'historic victory' - but for whom is it a victory?  Not for Children, not for Families, not for Women. It is a 'victory' for the destroyers of sovereignty, for the abortion industry, for the cell stem Burke and Hare scientists, for all who can profit from the use of dead babies and from the consumerist lifestyles which require abortion on demand. 

Today is a sad day for Ireland.  The real victories of the 1916 Easter Rising, the formation of Eire, the great patriotism of James Connolly, the Revolutionary zeal of the Irish Citizens Army, the hope for an Irish Future - all these have been betrayed by a regime led by the enemy of Ireland, Leo Varadkar, and those who have paid him well to sell the unborn children of the nation to the butchers of capitalism.

Ireland and Britain need to unite to overthrow the scum in the Dáil and Westminster, and to honour the words and deeds of the Revolutionary Patriots who fought against the Global Ruling Class.  Let Varadkar's victory be short-lived, and a lasting Revolution sweep across the Isles with the blood of the enemies of the Working Class, not the blood of the unborn.

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