Friday 23 November 2018

Round up 23:11:18: anti-imperialism, Brexit Betrayal, 100 years since the Great War Armistice, Unity on the Left, Join the forum

Time to ditch the Roman Ruling Class

The Socialist Motherland Party of the British Isles rejects Imperialism as inherently toxic to both the rulers and the ruled.  We have a yearning - 'hiraeth' - for freedom, which transcends the concepts of past, present and future. Our anti-imperialism includes a rejection of the imperialism of Rome which still ripples into the present with matters such as the months of the years.  We stand with our brothers and sisters in Italy as with our brothers and sisters everywhere in the class struggle - our opposition to the left-overs of Roman imperialism are part of the objective of doing away with the power of the ruling class of all periods (Windsor, Stuart, Tudor, Norman, Roman, all of them), not an attack on the decent working class people who have been categorised alongside the despots due to coincidence of geography.

With regards to the present 12 month system which was imposed by Rome, we would restore our traditional system of measuring time, using fortnights rather than weeks, and lunar months rather than the deification of Roman tyrants.  This round up comes at the time of the full moon, and the changing of one natural month into another, to emphasise our rejection of the imperially-ordered calendar we still live under .  Our old ways have been trampled upon, and restoring them will not be easy, but as revolutionaries, we do not limit ourselves into the pursuit of easy tinkering reformism.

100 years since the end of the 'great war' - 100 years of lies

On 11:11:18 at 11am, the hypocrites put on their poppies and spoke about remembering the working class men butchered in the First World War.  The liars clapped happily as the Rothschild 'president', Macron, libelled the dead, infamously stating that:

"Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalismNationalism is its betrayal," 

This drivel from the mouth of the bankers' puppet, was spoken at an event to mark the deaths of soldiers killed fighting for their nations.  Macron, like the treacherous Theresa May, is an enemy of the people he was elected by.

The Great War was referred to as 'the war to end all wars'.  The truth as we know all too well, was very different.  The Great War saw the greatest European blood-letting ever.  At no time before, or since, have so many people died due to the machinations of politicians.  Commenced as an exercise in population reduction, the Great war was contrived from the outset.  The politicians of every nation, took the opportunity of the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, to launch a war of unprecedented horror onto European soil.  The Archduke had proposed the reorganisation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire into a federation of 16 equal states, with emphasis on the emancipation of the Slavic peoples.  For this courageous policy of decentralising power and replacing the two-headed regime with an Empire of 16 Flags, the Establishment had him murdered.

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was a classic 'False Flag' operation, which allowed for the Austro-Hungarian elite to crush the spirit of freedom initiated by the Archduke.  In a now typical act of hypocrisy, the forces which stood to gain from the dismemberment of Austria-Hungary, declared war, under the lie that they were fighting for the freedom of Europe.  They were fighting for financial gain for the armaments industries, and for the crushing of the natural progress to freedom which the Archduke encouraged.

The Great War was a catastrophe for Europe.  The blood of a generation was spilt.  The War gave Turkey the opportunity to commit genocide against the Armenians; murdering 1.5 million European people.  This very real holocaust has been buried in history, which is an insult to the memory of the Armenians slaughtered by the soldiers of the Turkish Establishment.

In 1916, the British Prime Minister, Asquith, was ousted by the enemies of the British people, and replaced by the fanatical Zionist, Lloyd George.  The monster in London betrayed the men fighting in France, by diverting forces to Palestine, to seize that land for the incoming occupiers; this is in spite of opposition from the Jews in the UK, and from the Jews in Palestine who had reacted favourably to the possibility of being relocated to Uganda, and forever leaving the land of the Arabs.  An ardent opponent of the planned seizure of Palestinian, Lord Kitchener was murdered whilst travelling to Russia to bolster the war effort there.

In 1917, the forces of Austria-Hungary and Germany were winning the war.  The winning side proposed to end the war there and then, and return Europe to pre-war conditions.  Had this proposal been accepted, the borders of Europe would have returned to their traditional ones, and there would have been no crippling reparations to pay.  Rather than accept this noble and decent proposal, the London criminals used every means at their disposal to ensure that the war continued.  As a result, the death-toll increased phenomenally, leaving no family untouched by the loss of a loved one.  The reason for this refusal to do what was best for the British people, was an obsession with securing Palestine as a centre for global capitalism, using the mythology of the Zionist Jews as justification.  Interestingly, a lone voice of dissent in the London government came from the (Jewish) Minister, Montagu, who foresaw in the Palestinian campaign, the end of assimilation and the restoration of the tyranny of the fanatical racist supremacist zionist ruling class over the Jewish people.

At the end of the Great War, the London vipers promised to make the UK a 'land fit for heroes'.  The word of politicians in 1918 proved to be as worthy as those of the modern day vermin; the maimed survivors of the slaughter were abandoned once they were no longer useful.  The Armistice of 11.11.18 imposed horrendous conditions on the defeated European nations, including the dismemberment of their nations, and the transfer of entire swathes of territory to the rule of others who had no commonality of culture, language or tradition.  In addition, harsh reparations were imposed, such as would make the parasites of the modern IMF blush.  The London regime ensured that not only an entire generation of European men would be slaughtered, but that the seeds of an inevitable future conflict would be sown.  The policies of London condemned the people of Europe to economic deprivation, to rule by those hostile to our people, and to the loss of everything that we held dear.  The Great War should be called the Great Betrayal, for under the London Establishment, that is what is became.

The hypocrites in government and the 'royal' family have taken great care to appear solemn while laying wreaths and making speeches about sacrifice.  These people are of the same ilk as those who ruined our lands in 1918, again in 1945, and ever since.  They and their predecessors are the ones responsible for the creation of the criminal state of Israel; for the ceaseless wars of financial conquest which have been under way non-stop since 1948; for the end of national sovereignty and personal liberty; for the rise of individualism and ideological extremism; indeed for every woe besetting our troubled planet.

The EU brazenly claims responsibility for peace in our time

The EU has claimed that its existence has stopped wars in Europe!

It hasn't!

  • Turkish invasion of Greece (Cyprus)
  • EU-sponsored 'revolution' in Ukraine and ongoing war against the Russian part in the east
  • Destruction of Yugoslavia, including farce of Bosnia with near-identical flag to EU
  • Imposition of criminal state of Kosovo by EU on Serbian land

The foul Macron has spouted the most obscene drivel that Nationalism is Treason to Patriotism - libelling the war dead of France

The EU is gearing up to install an EU military to police Europe and fight dissenters to the EU project (Theresa/Treason May is backing it, so a so-called free UK will be part of the EU Occupation Army

The UK has made the army into a laughing stock.  No-one wants to join a military which acts as a nanny to 'refugees' (surplus labour for the capitalist mill, who have been invited to lower wages, crash working conditions and globalise the population so that the UK ceases to exist in any real terms); which bombs civilians for corporate profits (Syria, Iraq, Libya etc); which does nothing to protect our borders.  The solution from the enemies in Westminster?  To get foreigners to join and make it a truly global army!

Treachery upon treachery.

SMPBI solution is to quit NATO, quit the UN, quit any EU army, and bring our soldiers home. Bring in conscription so every able-bodied man is trained to fight for his country, and every able-bodied woman equally trained (but separately) and of course no trans-reality types allowed anywhere near it, (we'll stop that nonsense straight away). Make the British Army something for all of us to be proud of, and for all of us who are able, to be a part of.  Disabled people can have a role, but not a combat one - we don't do the political correctness rubbish, and certainly won't endanger anyone by putting people into unsuitable roles.

The EU independence betrayal

The despicable Theresa May has boasted that she has a 'deal' for the UK which will make the EU, banks, finance sector and big business happy!  The 17.4 million mostly working class voters who brought about the historic freedom victory, are being stabbed in the back - although in such a way that we are being insulted at the same time.

We voted to regain our fishing grounds - these have been handed over as part of the appeasement deal.

We voted to stop the free movement of goods and surplus labour, so that we could manufacture our own goods, and ensure our own workers were protected from mass unemployment, job insecurity and reduced working conditions.  There was nothing racist about any of this.  The UK regime has made a 'deal' which will make it more difficult on paper for people from the EU to come here, but effectively open the borders to the entire world, permanently destroying any defences against global capitalist exploitation which we of the working class have fought so hard to achieve.  Joining the UN Global Compact for Migration, further erodes any vestiges of sovereignty, further mocking the democratic will of the people, who would never accept this globalising despotism.

May has stated a desire to sign the UK up to the EU Army, further ensnaring us in the globalist trap. This is on top of opening up the British Army to the entire world, to ensure beat us into submission for resisting the despotism in Whitehall.

The CPB-ML statement on the Brexit Betrayal (reposted in full, with 100% agreement)

The Cabinet’s surrender to the European Union has been a betrayal in slow motion. Over the months before and since the infamous Chequers statement the white flag has been dusted down, waved about and replaced with an even larger square of white.

This is a betrayal unprecedented in British history: a government of Britain complicit in an agreement that grants a veto over the country’s future to a third party. Even Irish TV was told before the British people.

Parliament must vote to reject it. And this traitor Cabinet must be ejected and be replaced by one willing to obey the people’s instruction to leave the EU.

The forces for Leave must now deal with the reality of utter, unvarnished betrayal, long suspected but now detailed in more than 500 pages. Too many people thought that a majority in the referendum would be enough. That there was no need to take to the streets, that the job was effectively done.

Now everyone must realise that if we want to leave the EU, we are going to have to work at it, in whatever way we can.


The deal agreed by May’s Cabinet is not what 17.4 million people voted for when they ticked the box for Leave. Nor is this proposal to relegate Britain to a colony of the EU – subject to its laws but without even a voice in the making of them – what 16 million thought they were voting for when they voted to Remain.

A Cabinet of Remainers, led by one, should never have been trusted to honour the result. “Brexit means Brexit,” Theresa May said when she became leader of the Conservative Party. It is now apparent that for her Brexit means Remain. What she has delivered is not a failure of negotiation: it is the end point of a devious, dishonest strategy designed to keep Britain in the customs union and single market.

EU’s weakness

One of the great ironies about the Cabinet’s cowardly capitulation, their lack of confidence in the country they claim to lead, is that the real weakness is on the EU’s side. One day before their meeting, Italy openly defied the Commission over its budget. One day after, Germany announced its economy had shrunk over the previous quarter.

The deal that the EU has always wanted is a deal that seals us back into the EU, staying in the EU with the certainty of being a subservient state, paying the full amount they want, with no rebate, no say, no control, no chance of ever having a choice to leave in the future.

This deal would give us even less control, even less sovereignty than we had before. And this is what May wants us to accept.

Despite all the panic-mongering, no deal is the only viable option. And the sooner the better. If May’s humiliating surrender is the deal on offer, Britain should simply walk away and start to make our own decisions about the future for our country.

Rare Unity across the pro-freedom, anti-EU parties

SMPBI endorses the CPB-ML, CPGB-ML and SLP responses to the great betrayal by the bourgeois imperialist forces in Westminster of all parties:

The EU is a capitalist entity which exists to further the aims of big business, and for all its talk of "workers' rights", is an enemy to the working class.  The UK voted to leave, and leave we must.  This is an issue above party politics, and so we stand shoulder to shoulder with other organisations who cherish freedom.

The EU is an empire in the making.  Just like the Roman one before it, we want no part of it, and demand the UK leave it immediately, with the aim to help those trapped inside to fight for its total collapse.

Join the Forum

In the interest of building unity, the new forum has been opened up so anyone can join.  The forum will be policed to keep trouble-makers (so-called trolls) out.  The forum is new, so now is a good time to get on board and build it from within.

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