Sunday 24 February 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection part 50


Frederick George Jünger - Die Perfektion der Technik (1946): “There can be no talk of riches produced by technology. What really happens is rather a steady, forever growing consumption. It is a ruthless destruction, the like of which the earth has never before seen. A more and more ruthless destruction of resources is the characteristic of our technology. Only by this destruction can it exist and spread. All theories which overlook this fact are lopsided because they disregard the basic conditions which in the modern world govern production and economics”



‘When I hear Tories and the purple-faced UKIP go on now about Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians coming to Britain to work, I think back and remember what Mrs Thatcher did.  She signed the 1986 Single European Act to create the free market of people.  She was championing the eastwards expansion of the European Union into the former Soviet satellites.  She wanted the EU to embrace that part of the world to roll back the Iron Curtain, and stick it to Mikhail Gorbachev and Communists.  The Single Market was designed deliberately to allow employees to transfer cheap labour across national borders.  It wasn’t principally about letting workers decide where they’d look for jobs.  That’s a by-product.  The Single Market’s main aim was to supply cut-price workers to capitalism. A capitalism with an insatiable appetite for the dozen-a-penny workers she created by stripping away employment rights, by shackling trade unions.  The problems we wrestle with today can be traced back to her door.’

Dennis Skinner



My conviction has always been that aristocratic and popular values are fundamentally the same or naturally complement each other, and that they are both frontally opposed to bourgeois values. By aristocratic values I mean the sense of honor, courage, fidelity to one’s promises, self discipline, selflessness, the sense of sacrifice and generosity. Popular values, also linked to the earth, mostly overlap with them, adding what George Orwell summarized with a beautiful expression: common decency.

Alain de Benoist, Mémoire vive



The organized nation can only be a nation where class differences have been eliminated in a real way, and not by pious wishes, because such differences automatically imply tensions harmful to national harmony.

- François Duprat, Manifeste nationaliste révolutionnaire



He that buys a thing in order that he may sell it, entire and unchanged, at a profit, is the trader who is cast out of God's temple.

+St John Chrysostom


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