Sunday 16 June 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 66


Remember that the enlightenment led directly to the imperialism we see now. They are rational and don't fight in the streets like we do, they don't burn flags, they aren't angry and emotional like we are. We're savages and t*rrorists. They are enlightened, logical, and above the feelings we have. They don't murder, they neutralize threats and when an 11 year old's mother is picking up his limbs after a bomb, that's just collateral damage. Plus if we are being honest, who's to say he wouldn't have grown up a t*rrorist himself?

When they kill us they've voted to do so. C*nts in suits have spent hours talking about it in the calmest manner and together decided to wipe out your family. Maybe they're even concerned about the human rights in your country, I mean imagine! It's really for the best that you get bombed.
Yes, we storm a palace after decades upon decades of their silent violence, of starving children while living in wealth and it's us that are the violent beasts. For when they decided our children will grow up malnourished that wasn't personal and you'd be mad to see systematic poverty as them enacting violence on us.

But that's exactly what it is and this image of "well we're just running our country, why do these savages hate us enough to kill us in the streets" is so deliberate.

They've murdered more of us than they'll ever admit to, but when our day comes, we won't make excuses for the terror.

Greta Szabó



Democracy is nothing but the Tyranny of Majorities, the most abominable tyranny of all, for it is not based on the authority of a religion, not upon the nobility of a race, not on the merits of talents and of riches. It merely rests upon numbers and hides behind the name of the people.

- Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

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