Sunday 28 July 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 72

The universal republic is the merchants’ republic. [...] Where national sovereignties are extinguished, economic dictatorship begins to gleam. A people can no longer do anything against the merchants when it renounces the right to say: here, contracts are such, usages are such, and you will pay this tithe to establish yourselves. The United States of the world is not only a political concept apparently: in reality it’s an economic concept. [...] He who renounces the right to tax the foreigner, to exclude his goods from his cities, to close his doors to missionaries, also renounces freedom and all its benefits. What use is a strike, what use is social improvement in a country forced to align its prices with those abroad?

Maurice Bardèche


"Communism tries to solve the class struggle by establishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, while Arab socialism seeks to eliminate class differences; communism automatically considers all the owners as exploiters. However, Arab socialism differentiates between exploiting owners and those who base their activities on justice and work; communism confiscates property, while Arab socialism expropriates with compensation; in a communist society the State is the sole owner and the individual is an instrument of the State that receives only what is basic and necessary, while in Arab socialism the individual is the cornerstone of society and the State is an instrument of the people which guarantees social justice and security. The communists follow Karl Marx's precepts to the letter, and if someone differs from them, as in the case of Tito, he is considered a rebel. Arab socialism nourishes itself from all human thought and, above all, includes its own heritage, conditions and circumstances; communism limits its action to the communist party, while Arab socialism declares that all sectors of the nation will participate in political and governmental activity. In communism the path to democracy is only recognized through the dictatorship of the communist party, however in Arab socialism the National Union is the framework of political activity in which all sectors of society participate and in which democratic principles find a wider application."

Excerpt from: Communism and Us. Al-Ahram, August 4, 1961. Gamal Abdel Nasser.


The worst and most dangerous problem of Europe is, that it’s to a large extent controlled by an external superpower – the United States. Counting on Donald Trump, thinking that he might be someone independent, is the wrong solution.

The US is and will be controlled by the so-called deep state. And the interests of its representatives are completely different from the interests of Europe. Just think about who has caused the so-called Arab Spring, who caused the whole migration problem. The old geopolitical concept of US policy-makers like Zbigniew Brzezinski in the past, was based on the “Anakonda strategy”, which was an idea to encircle Europe, Russia and China with chaos and instability on their borders.

That is what the US has done in the Middle East, in Central Asia, in North Africa. To be honest, I would suggest to those who are against immigration, to load the immigrants onto trans-Atlantic ships and send to the American East Coast. They have caused the problem, let them cope with immigration. The same goes for the trouble with Ukraine, and the whole conflict with Russia, which was ignited and inspired by the US and in their interest.

- Mateusz Piskorski


We must bear in mind that imperialism is a world system, the last stage of capitalism-and it must be defeated in a world confrontation. The strategic end of this struggle should be the destruction of imperialism. Our share, the responsibility of the exploited and underdeveloped of the world, is to eliminate the foundations of imperialism: our oppressed nations, from where they extract capital, raw materials, technicians, and cheap labour, and to which they export new capital-instruments of domination-arms and all kinds of articles, thus submerging us in an absolute dependence.

Che Guevara



The term 'Jew' and 'Judaism' are both largely misnomers. Neither are used in the Old Testament. Most so-called Jews are not Semitic - as even Disraeli affirmed. What are now called 'Jews' and 'Judaism' are an invention of Rabbinical Judaism, which is essentially a continuation of the tradition of Pharisaic Talmudism - what Jesus called 'the synagogue of Satan'. Its precepts are that non-Jews (is those who do not follow this religion) are subhuman beasts or cattle (Goyim) worthy only of serving as mercenaries (useful idiots) in battle, that all Christians are idolaters who deserve to die, that all Goys are destined to be ruled by Rabbinical Talmudic 'Jews' from Jerusalem, that the life of such a 'Jew' (an Ashkenazi,   Pharisaic Rabbinical Talmudist) is worth more than any other life. That such a 'Jew' may kill, steal from, or deceive a Goy at will - even rape any Goy over the age of 3. All this is not wild fantasy. Most, but not all of it is self-confessed part and parcel of Rabbinical-Talmudic and Zionist Judaism. Yet there is, of course, nothing in 'Jewish' blood or genes which destines an individual to join the Rabbinical tribe of Pharisaical Talmudists - and nor is there anything 'antisemitic' about rejecting the creed of this cult of self-Chosen superiors and masters of humanity - who worship Mammon above all.

- Peter Wilberg

Reading recommended on this subject:


"We would be deceiving both ourselves and the people if we concealed from the masses the necessity of a desperate, bloody war of extermination, as the immediate task of the coming revolutionary action."

"Pacifism, the preaching of peace in the abstract, is one of the means of duping the working class."

"War to the death against the rich and their hangers-on, the bourgeois intellectuals... ‘He who does not work, neither shall he eat’ – this is the practical commandment of socialism... Our common aim is to clean the land of Russia of all vermin, of fleas – the rogues, of bugs – the rich, and so on and so forth."

- V.I.Lenin

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