Sunday 4 August 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 73


1. Supports open borders, so that local workers are replaced by those from poorer nations, thereby depressing wages and increasing the numbers applying for jobs.

2. Supports mass unemployment, so that there are more workers applying for each job, meaning there are more to choose from and the more desperate workforce is willing to accept worse pay and conditions in order to secure that job.

3. Supports an increasing population, so that there is more demand for housing, and more pressure on government to relinquish green belt land, parks, playing fields and golf courses for new development. Big businesses destroy the environment.

4. Encourages personal debt, entices people to buy items they do not need, to "keep up with the Joneses" and generally remain in the control of the banks.

5. Buys influence over our elected politicians by funding their campaigns in return for "favours". Blackmails the voter with threats to disinvest if government does not pursue "business-friendly" policies.

6. Supports "free trade", which really means the production of goods by sweated labour in the Third World, rather than employing our people on fair pay and conditions. These imports undercut products made in our factories causing our people yet more unemployment (which, as already mentioned is part of big businesses' way of keeping the workforce servile).

7. Seeks to monopolise the economy by wiping out the small trader in price wars with loyalty cards and bulk buying. As small independent traders close, our High Streets become "clone towns" with each becoming much the same as another, up and down the country.

8. Promotes the privatisation of our utilities (water, gas, electricity) so it can control every aspect of life.

- Russell White, Populist Party GB



BREXIT is the perfect Instrument of Class War! The working classes of Britain have not had such a deadly tool placed in their hands since the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

The thought of leaving the EU, absolutely horrifies, and terrorises the bourgeoisie. This is why all Socialists should support Brexit. Socialism IS Class Struggle, and Class War: Or, it is nothing.

It's our job to turn the screws, remorselessly on our Class Enemies. To loosen the stranglehold of their oppressive grip on us. We achieve this by supporting a no-deal BREXIT, of the hardest type: The one guaranteed to cause maximum pain and angst to the Chinless Wonders that run this country.

Minor difficulties mean nothing to the Working Class, who have never had a sufficient quantum to meet their needs. We are adjustable, and infinitely adaptable: The Middle Classes aren't..

- Warwick Alderman, SMPBI London


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