Friday 15 November 2019

Democracy is a sham. We need the dictatorship of the proletariat

For those who haven't managed to escape the howling propaganda of the mass media, it will come as no surprise that - yet again - it is election time in the UK.  We were told only a few years ago, that in order to make the country more democratic, power would be taken away from parliament with regards to calling elections, and we would henceforth in perpetuity have fixed elections which would be rolled out according to the calendar rather than the whims of politicians.  Like everything else which comes from Westminster, this was pure deceit.  Since the fixed terms were introduced, the UK has been subjected to changes in Prime Ministers and General Elections which would make a banana republic blush.

So, next month the people get the chance to waste their votes on a pointless exercise which will see the establishment returned to power with a few face changes to be sure, but with no change to the grip of the globalist ruling class and the bourgeoisie which live on it - appropriately - in the manner of a parasite suckling a festering cadaver.

The UK General Election comes shortly after the shopping festival of Black Friday, but with the promises of freebies to bribe the voter into placing his or her cross in the desired box, it may as well be on the same day.

Corbyn the champagne social democrat has promised to renationalise British Telecom and give the people free broadband.  Johnson the Tory toff has promised to reopen the railway networked hacked away by Dr Beeching in the 1960s.  Interestingly, the voters are equally keen on both policies, yet opposed to taxes being raised to pay for them - like greedy Black Friday shoppers, they are excited by  the dangled carrot of stuff for free (well, cheapish) and not interested in the hidden cost (tax hikes, cuts in the workforce to offset the alleged discounts).

The Socialist Motherland Party takes a stand against national elections which are consumer farces.  We don't believe that their can be democracy within the capitalist system.  As long as rival factions within the same corporate globalist machine are fighting in the rigged party system game, the only victor is the man who owns the game - and that isn't, nor will it ever be, the Working Class!

Nigel Farage was chosen as the frontman for a campaign to keep the UK forever in the EU.  His UKIP campaign was supposed to lead to a victory for the pro-EU globalist fanatics, but to the horror of the establishment, decades of liberal indoctrination masquerading  as education failed to break the spirit of the proletariat.  The bourgeois parasites naturally voted for the EU, just as they can be guaranteed to support all forms of decadence and degeneracy, but the Working Class was not cowed by the lies and bribes of the party system.  Farage has now continued to undermine his mock rebellion by forming a pact of sorts with the Eurocentric Tories to ensure the Brexit In Name Only tactic of Theresa Mayand Boris Johnson (or rather, their paymasters) is enshrined in law and the UK is kept inside the EU empire in every way that it already is.  Of course the lunatic Liberal Democrats and the anti-English separatists who support them in their 'remain alliance' offer an alternative whereby the farce of leaving the EU in name only is avoided by staying!

Yes, roll up, roll up, it's nearly time to put a cross on a bit of paper and to have your wishes respected just as they have been since 23:06:16 when we democratically left the EU but the politicians simply ignored us and kept us in.  So, the question boils down to, do you want a new iPhone or Smart TV at a reduced price which is still outrageously high and will in any case be recouped by the companies in ways which take more money from your pocket.  Or maybe you want free Broadband, perhaps a slight extension to the Railway network, at the cost of your taxes going ever higher, meaning the official gains are really losses.

The Socialist Motherland Party is sick of the social democrat posturing of Labour, the barefaced lies of the Tories, the insanity of the Liberals and separatists.  We say enough of the fake democracy.  We call for a Socialist state run by the proletariat, for the proletariat.  Under a dictatorship of the proletariat we would have no futile divisive elections, but genuine decision making by the people in the workplace and the community.  With the capitalist nightmare wiped away, we would for the first time ever have actual democracy.  Democracy and Capitalism are incompatible. We would abolish the nonsense of representatives democracy and bring in total control by the proletariat through Workers' Cooperatives, Workers' Syndicates and Popular Committees in every street in every city and every village.

We demand nothing less than Revolution. The old system is rotten to the core. It has to be destroyed and confined to a subject in the teaching of the historical tyranny of globalist greed. Only the Socialist Motherland Party speaks of the futility of the system. Join us and fight to create a new way where we - the entire Proletariat - are the only power in the nation, and where divisive pantomime elections are a thing of the past.

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