Sunday 15 December 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 92

In addition to its more general cultural abandonment of its heartland voters alongside its lunatic identity politics obsessions, Labour's defeat in this GE was primarily due to its betrayal of the democratic result in the Brexit Referendum.

But, the narrative that will be relentlessly pushed in the MSM is that it was due to Labour being "too left wing". A bullshit narrative, we may rest assured, that will be enthusiastically aided and abetted by the Blairite talking heads in the PLP who will be invited onto the MSM at every opportunity to "explain" this to us all.

Labour's tack to Remain has cost them far more than this election. It has set the cause of a socialist revival in this country back terribly. Possibly terminally. This may have been our last chance of staging a successful fightback against Empire.

And Labour fucked it up.

As usual.

Or, rather, the bourgeois and petite bourgeois educated morons in Labour comprising, variously, of wet liberals and toy town trotskyists fucked it up.

As usual.

- Stephen Cook


Those most responsible for a Tory landslide, on Thursday, are all the anti-democratic politicians, who done everything in their power to thwart or derail the referendum vote to leave the EU.

This fucking about for over three years left Johnson only one solution, to call a General Election. And contrary to all the bullshit about people would no longer vote for Brexit, if there was a second referendum.

We've just had (in everything but word) a second referendum, which delivered a massive mandate to LEAVE the EU. So, can all those anti-democratic remoaners now move on, and put their energies towards ensuring we never have a Tory government again. 

Instead of fixating about staying in an anti-democratic  institution (EU) that enforces neoliberal, economic programs and austerity, and supports US imperialism at every step; liberals would be better placed campaigning against wars, sanctions, poverty, income inequality, the crimes of the elites, for the release of Julian Assange and support for a free press.

- Gregory Sharkey


Ardent Remainers within Labour cost Labour such a devastating defeat! Yes, there were other factors too, the relentless media attack on Corbyn and the relentless exaggerated smear campaign regarding anti Semitism! But in effect this was a second referendum. EVEN NOW the Remainers in Labour are saying more people voted for Remain parties, (which is ridiculous otherwise, the Tories wouldn’t have won so big if that was true) they just can’t accept democracy, and paid the price! Some are still demonstrating their hatred towards those who voted OUT! Hurling insults at the Northern working class, sad thing is it was so predictable, I wrote an open letter to the Labour leadership months ago saying if they backtrack from their 2017 manifesto pledge to respect the peoples vote of 2016 that they would be handing victory to the Tories, exactly what happened! Lots of other right thinking socialists warned them too, I even left the momentum groups ages ago saying they were part of the problem too, because they were going against democracy and wanted Remain. The working class have a healthy respect for democracy, and could see that their voice was been ignored by Labour, they very people who claim to represent them! Had the Labour Remainers accepted democracy, accepted Leave won, it was a clear win of well over a million people (have you any idea of what a million people looks like) it wasn’t 50/50! Most Labour Blairite and Liberal MP’s are Remainers and forced Corbyns hand to go with their ridiculous, shambolic Brexit policy! Had Labour MP’s, and Labour members (it’s the labour voters that put you in power, not its members) got with the program and accepted democracy we could have a labour government right now!

But Labour “voters” have seen the whole of Parliament for over 3 years trying to overturn democracy, aside from all the insults aimed at them from Liberals and the middle class peasants within Labour who couldn’t, wouldn’t accept the results of 2016! After years of Tory austerity, thousands died and suffering from it, Labour should have won it without even trying! But it’s a sad fact that Labour are out of touch with the people its supposed to represent, its a bizarre that they felt a Tory leader was more in touch with them! But many don’t and still don’t consider themselves to be Tories they simply felt they had no choice but to vote for a party that was at least making an attempt to leave the E.U. Also Corbyn is far too nice, he doesn’t come across as a leader. Politics has no room for nice guys, Dennis Skinner didn’t become so popular by been nice, he would often go on the attack, especially in Parliament. Despite their manifesto labour is not really a socialist party, and I fear for its future if another Blairite or Blairite light becomes the next leader, a Starmer or Thornberry would seal the fate of Labour, I’ve heard some of these local Labour/Liberal Remainers even saying Diana Johnson would make a good leader (apparently we need a woman leader, I don’t go in for sexism myself, don’t care what they are aslong as they are good socialists) fuck me, she is a closet Tory who voted for Tory austerity!
- Tim Everitt .................

“Unconstrained libertinism has gradually become the norm in the West… Why does the West expend so much effort to promote hedonism in Eastern countries in general and Muslim countries in particular? One reason is to shatter the family unit and weaken their cultures in order to dominate them…Losing one’s cultural identity leaves a nation defenseless and at the mercy of foreign invaders. It becomes easy for enemies and imperialists to do this when the foundation of the family in a society is undermined."

Ayatollah Khamenei


"They label non-submissive governments as “authoritarian” “regimes” or “dictatorships” but none of these political systems are totalitarian in the same way that liberalism is, particularly its American variant. None of these systems demand inner [cognitive and emotional] conformity from their subjects, only outward conformity in their political behaviour. For what could be more totalitarian than a system which also wants to control our “hearts and minds”? A system which seeks to intellectually and psychologically structure our choices in every aspect of our lives; A system which refuses to acknowledge that it is an ideology at all but pronounces itself a meta-ideology or zero-point from where other ideologies are judged to be left or right, religious or secular, democratic or undemocratic; A system which doesn’t even require overt modes of control or censorship to dominate its subjects because it shapes rationality with its subjects’ consent; A system which is so hegemonic, so naturalized that it passes itself off as common sense and hence distorts our perception of reality itself; a system which is so totalitarian and universalized that even those who resist its more violent manifestations remain blind to the fact that their resistance remains confined within its parameters; What system is anywhere near as totalitarian as liberalism? "

- Amal Saad-Ghorayeb


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