Sunday 8 December 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 91

The Labour Party must rid itself of the 'Remoaner middle class pretend socialist' who just desires cheap imported labour.

- Paul Moor

In democracy money is power. It choses it, creates it, begets it. It is the arbiter of democratic power because without it this power falls into nothingness or chaos. No money, no papers. No money, no voters. No money, no opinion expressed. Money is the mother and the father of all democratic power, all elected power, all power dependent upon opinion.

— Charles Maurras, Mes idées politiques (1937)


“... the sacrifice of man for humanity, humanity for progress, ridiculously concluding in the sacrifice of progress itself to the dictatorship of the economic, such is the crime to which the word democracy, the bourgeois form of the revolution, will always be attached.”

Georges Bernanos, La France contre les robots (1947)


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