Monday 8 June 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 117 - No to IDPol

Lenin had failings.  One of his worst mistakes was his policies which undermined the family.  Joseph Stalin put a stop to anti-family practices, pædophilia and the like.  Stalin was a heroic leader who is slandered and libelled because he stood up to the IDPol Frankfurt School lunacy which Trotsky built on Lenin's mistakes (Lenin was well intentioned, Trotsky was a disgusting anti human monster).  Modern individualist rainbow politics is anti-Socialist.  The Socialist Motherland Party takes the same position as Stalin on the issue of sexuality: what goes on behind closed doors between consenting adults is up to them, but agitating is unacceptable.  Stalin wouldn't have tolerated this transgender bullshit either.


As for the tearing down of the Colston statue, I'm not a fan of destroying historical monuments in order to appease changes in social attitudes. History is messy. Many people in the Victorian period (and in other periods) made money from what we now believe to be an immoral manner, for instance by employing young working class children to work in our factories, often to be maimed and killed as a price worth paying for the miracles of the Industrial Revolution. Many of these people later used some of this money for the benefit of their home cities, for instance by funding the development of public parks, educational facilities and so on. I'm not for a moment defending Colston or others involved in the slave trade, and it's perfectly legitimate for communities to question whom they have local monuments to, and why, but mob action of this kind is not the way. But it's a complex issue. As an aside, some public recognition of the Manchester Cotton Mill workers who put their own livelihoods at risk through refusing to handle slave picked raw cotton in support of the Abolitionists during the American Civil War might be more constructive.

- Tony Green, SDP


They are kneeling in support of Black Lives Matter, following the killing of career criminal George Floyd by an American policeman.

On FB we may all say "I'll kneel for no one", but if faced with peer pressure to kneel some will do so to avoid conflict, others will do so in order to not spoil promotion prospects. Only the most tough minded will be able to resist

This is how totalitarianism works. Peer pressure to kneel, so people kneel.

What about those who don't kneel?

In totalitarian societies people who didn't toe the line would be under suspicion at the very least, and executed at worst.

How does liberal totalitarianism work? Well, imagine that you worked in this shop. Your colleagues may disown you. You could lose your job. And if that were across the UK in all jobs? Well, your political views could render you unemployable.

Think about it....

Russell White, PP

I wonder if these Black Lives Matters and Antifa protestors will be going over to Africa to protest at the  slavery that is still gong on in that continent, not to mention much of  the Arabic world? Because, the grubby little truth that is rarely ever  mentioned is that the majority of African slaves that were exported  to the West were bought off the locals.

Prior to  the expansion of the Europeans into Africa and consequently coming  across their long established internal slave trade, slavery was,  relatively speaking, not that common in Europe. The nearest Europe ever came to it was the near-caste system of Norman overlords and Saxon serfs. Which is probably why it only  lasted a few centuries here. The appalling ugliness of slavery is, arguably, incompatible with a post  reformation and, especially, post enlightenment culture.

There are, of course, lots of problems with western European culture. But, an inherent tendency to a slave owning culture was not one of them. Which is why it did not last.

Meanwhile, in parts of Africa and the Arabic world it never went away.

- Stephen Cook


Blacks were not enslaved because they were black but because they were available. Slavery has existed in the world for thousands of years. Whites enslaved other whites in Europe for centuries before the first black was brought to the Western hemisphere. Asians enslaved Europeans. Asians enslaved other Asians.'

"More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States."



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