Sunday 21 June 2020

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 119

Men who enjoy dressing up in the bedroom are free to indulge their fantasies, what her the clothes are of the opposite sex, bondage wear, uniforms, animal suits. The problem is when the bedroom fetish becomes an obsession and pushes itself into the real world. Going shopping dressed as a squirrel with a bushy tail butt plug, or maybe in a gimp suit, is unacceptable, and so is going dressed as a woman. When society indulges people who have crossed from kinkiness into mental illness, it isn't going to end well. The case of the little girl sexually assaulted by a man in a frock in the supermarket toilets highlights that no child should ever have be put in a position where going to the toilet becomes dangerous.

Keep fetishes in the bedroom.
Protect everyone from predators.
Heal the sick, don't encourage their delusions.
Men are Men, and that's it. Lipstick isn't magic. Changing sex is impossible.


Book burning is also a feature of the new 'woke' tyranny. When the anti fascists use the tactics of the historic fascists, the danger of history repeating is evident to see, and the importance of preserving history (rather than pulling down physical representations of it) becomes all the more important.


All nations need to deal with their own problems, rather than stirring up trouble for countries which have the moral strength to do what weakly liberals won't


#AllLivesMatter and this means that we must use #EveryMeansNecessary to defend them.


Greta Thunberg just loves the media spotlight. The Spoilt little rich girl, from a Swedish Ruling Class family is a gobshite on climate, on Covid-19 and now on BLM. She is rolled out whenever there is an opportunity to get her to whine on about something which suits the globalist agenda. Her expertise on any issue is the expertise of a child who proudly boasts of leaving school early so she could tour the world spouting the propaganda of her handlers. Greta is the victim of child abuse insofar as she is being manipulated like a puppet on a string, and her autism is being hijacked so she can be triggered into outbursts of rage when that is required. If she was being physically abused by the ruling class (which we assume she isn't, but can't be sure of), there would be perfectly justified anger at what was being done to her. But because the abuse is mental, nobody says a word. This is unacceptable. Save Greta - stop giving those who are using her the airtime they crave: give her back her life and get her out of the media glare.


“How do I respond to the statement that I shouldn't care about the Confederate monuments?

I absolutely should feel invested, because the narrative that is being perpetuated is a lie.
The civil war was not even over slavery, it was about an opposition to governmental expansion, centralisation of power, and control over economic power.

In the corwin amendment, the south had an opportunity to 1) keep slavery as a permanent institution, and 2) permanently prohibit the federal government from ever making it illegal, if they had simply joined the union, and they refused.
Because they refused to accept the totalitarian control of the south by the union. General Lee condemned slavery as a moral evil.

But this isn't even the main point.

Anyone who legitimately believes that remaining within a position of apathy regarding the Confederate statues is a defensible idea, presents zero response when they are asked how it is that the initial protest to those civil war statues is now being extended to the vandalism of statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the founders of our country.

Slavery is the scapegoat upon which the disdain for western civilisation is being expressed, and if you don't believe this, ask yourself:

How many of those protesting the Confederate monuments are discussing present slavery in Africa?
How many of them are discussing the fact that homosexuals are being put to death in the middle east?

If you are protesting a historical occurrence that ended 160 years ago, but refuse to address current examples of this exact occurrence, you base the foundation of your argument upon a lie. You virtue signal to satisfy your false moral superiority.

I will not apologise for who I am, or for the colour of my skin.
No one should.

Have some dignity and self respect.”

—Sidney Horton

The Confederate monuments represent the struggle of a nation in its infancy to fight against a larger and more powerful imperialist entity - an entity which ultimate was victorious, which committed genocide against women, children, the elderly and infirm, and the heroic defenders of that nation (of both sexes, all ages and diverse races) who tried in vain to defend their country from the aggressors of the North American Empire which is now known as the USA. There was no Civil War. The war was typical Yankee aggression, such as seen in Libya, Iraq etc, only on the soil of what is of the USA. Those who tear down the monuments are tearing down the symbols of resistance to imperialism. They are destroying the symbols of liberty and are completing the work of the Yankee propagandists who have used racist epithets such as Rednecks, Trailer Trash etc to dehumanise the descendants of those who fought for freedom and now live in what really is occupied territory.


Covid closes shops - Bezos makes a fortune
Antifa-BLM terrorists close more shops (by destroying them) - Bezos makes even more.
Right now it would come as no surprise to find Bezos linked to the controlled rioters and the germ warfare labs...


A few contemporary facts and historical points of interest might be in order given the BLM claimed source of this current episode in contemporary life in the nation:

George Floyd was a serial criminal whose last trip to prison was a stint from 2007 to 2014 for breaking into a pregnant (non white) woman's home and robbing her whilst pointing a gun at her stomach and threatening to kill her. So, clearly her life or the life of her unborn child were not uppermost in his mind at the time.

The man whose image is springing up on murals in the Falls Road, Belfast, and other places, was a violent criminal, a burglar and a thief. When he was killed, he was in custody for suspicion of theft, having tried to buy goods with what looked like a fake $20 note and upon being refused service, simply taken the goods and walked away. This 6'6" giant with a history of violence was intoxicated and his decision to resist arrest proved fatal. Non of which is to exonerate the animals who killed him. But, if one lives by the sword, it is little surprise if one dies by it.

In the last few weeks, there has been a killing spree of women in Yorkshire (around Doncaster) and no one gives a toss. A career criminal who put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly whilst burgling her house dies thousands of miles away, and the country goes mad.

So now, the death of a known violent criminal in police custody is being used as an excuse for violence against people of all colours, for burning neighborhoods and for looting shops. The racist, identity politics mafia are using it as an excuse to cause racial division and bourgeois liberal masochists in the UK are using it as an excuse to attack their own nation's historically indigenous population simply for being white. Such is the liberal's self loathing and hatred for their own culture. It is as disgusting as it is pathetic. It was clearly enough displayed during the Brexit referendum and this is just more of the same bullshit.

Oh, and where were these liberals, by the way, when hundreds of thousands of poor, working class white girls were being groomed and raped in this country on the basis of the colour of their skin and their lack of religious affiliation? I am guessing they were deemed not as worthy of moral outrage as a psychopathic violent criminal on the other side of the planet who died as he lived because, after all, they were "privileged" white girls.

Also, as an aside, I wonder if the BLM and Antifa protestors will be going over to Africa to protest at the slavery that is still going on in that continent, not to mention much of the Arabic world? Perhaps the liberals might care to join them? Because, the grubby little truth that is rarely ever mentioned is that the majority of African slaves that were exported to the West were bought off the locals or off Arabs who had bought them of the locals.

Prior to the imperial expansion of the Europeans into Africa and Arabia and consequently coming across their long established internal slave trade, slavery was, relatively speaking, not that common in Europe. The nearest Europe ever came to it was the near-caste system of Norman overlords and Saxon serfs. Which is probably why it only lasted a few centuries here. The appalling ugliness of slavery is, arguably, incompatible with a post reformation and, especially, post enlightenment culture. All of which is why, despite it's own guilty part in it for a couple of centuries, Britain was at the forefront of abolition and only paid off the cost of the abolition of slavery (in order to then hand their freedom to the slaves) a few years ago. so large was the cost of that abolition.

There are, of course, lots of problems with western European civilization. But, an inherent tendency to a slave owning culture was not one of them. Which is why it did not last (about 250 years). Meanwhile, in parts of Africa and the Arabic world it never went away.

The liberal left in the West is now utterly morally and politically bankrupt and every one can see it. The BLM movement, however, is a spook infiltrated usefully idiotic weapon of the ruling class as are many of the identity politics "movements" that have suddenly sprung up since the global economic crash of 08 and the democratic rebellions that have followed that crash.

In connection to the above, moving on to the more general issue of contemporary racism in modern Western society; Racism is, of course, very real as is the murder of George Floyd in America at the hands of murderous cops. However, there is good reason to suspect that this was a false flag event perpetrated by the globalist flank of the Western capitalist class (in other words, the opposing flank of that class to the one that Trump represents and this may be said irrespective of one's wider views on Trump) to make black people angry, white bourgeois liberals apologetic and white working class resentful. Or, if not directly a false flag, having happened it has been used for the same purpose

There has been a massive propaganda drive by the ruling Western capitalist class that has been building for at least the last half decade involving redirecting attention (as in, "don't look over there, look over here"). Generally, this has been in response to the various democratic rebellions that have been occurring all over the Western capitalist world. But, in recent days, it is being employed as a consequence of the establishment Covid narrative being used to justify the new draconian anti liberty laws beginning to fail.

Right on cue.

In other words it is being used here as it has been used before. And not just with racism. Be it "Black Lives Matter", "Bend a Knee", "Pussy Hats", "The Patriarchy", Trans Toilets", "Antifa", "Extinction Rebellion", "Greta Thunberg"... etc.

So, social media is now suddenly flooded with everybody talking about white racism and how there are riots as a consequence at just the time our dear leaders could do with us stopping talking about what they are up to in terms of emergency laws that are removing liberties won over centuries with the blood of our ancestors. Meaning social energy and space that would otherwise be taken up with the growing criticism of the Covid 19 fiasco, is now taken up with this.

Next up, the controlled opposition otherwise known as the bourgeois liberal Left or, even more laughably (given their role as global capitalism's even more usefully idiotic controlled opposition), the Trots (you know, the ones that have infiltrated the BLM movement) will be demanding that even more of our civil liberties are removed than has already happened with the Covid 19 propaganda (which the Liberal Left have also been gagging for). All in order to protect us from the "Nazis", you understand. Oh, and the very real prospect of a race war as well. Let's not forget that little possibility arising out of all of this.

A race war that, once it looks to be gathering a head of steam, will be followed in short order by the melting away of the Antifa spooks and the retreat of the middle class student toy town trots to their safe spaces back at mummy's and daddy's house while working class white and black folks get on with the bloody business of killing each other.

Divide and rule, the oldest trick in the ruling class's book of dirty tricks.

It's really quite hilarious when you stop to think about it.

It's so funny it's enough to make you cry.

- Stephen Cook


A killing spree of women in Yorkshire and no one gives a toss. A career criminal who put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly whilst burgling her house dies thousands of miles away, and the country goes mad. What the hell is wrong with people in Britain?

Oh and btw, Floyd put a gun to a pregnant Black woman! The unborn black life didn't matter a damn to that psychopath.

The media is hysterical about some career criminal killed whilst breaking the law thousands of miles away, but they don't give a toss about women being slaughtered right here. #DoncasterLivesMatter.


Johnson is a crook. Together with other corrupt politicians, his regime has used the release of Covid 19 to force small businesses into closure, with the mega corporations who own the politicians massively benefiting by taking the custom these businesses used to have. The likes of Amazon and the sweat shops in Asia (the owners, rather than the slave workers) are making a killing from all this.

Lock down is a tool to increase the control of monopoly capitalism and to increase the power of the banks through a manufactured fear of paper money.

As the racist riots have proven, Covid 19 is no plague and apart from the vulnerable sick and elderly, no one should have been in lock down at all. The lock down wasn't for the good of our health, it was for the consolidation of power of the oligarchs who have so much wealth they own politicians worldwide.


So...this is awkward.

This is the first slave owner, of any colour, to have his ownership of Black Africans recognised in a court of Law in the American Colonies.

Anthony Johnson was one of the first African American property owners and had his right to legally own a slave recognized by the Virginia courts.

That's right, he took it to court - there's a lesson there for Black Lives Matter, Antifa & company.

He was a black Angolan known for achieving freedom from indentured servitude (a system which all white British peasants at the time lived under). He became wealthy in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia.

In the English speaking world we live under a legal system based upon precedent.

This is the man who set the precedent that it was legal to own Black Africans as slaves on the American Continent.

Feel free to share this with anyone whipping up the current race war under the guise of Black Lives Matter & Antifa. Let's replace the Colston statue with one of this guy maybe that will satisfy the mob.

- Nye Bevan News


The most pathetic part of this media driven agenda of division is that the issue of murder of one man is being used as an excuse to destroy the lives and livelihoods of countless others. Point this out and make the obvious statement that yes, black lives do matter, because ALL lives matter, and watch the hysterical SJWs react with pure hatred and mock offence at the idea that people can possibly object to people being divided on race lines like this. MLK wouldn't have tolerated these riots. He would have been the first to say - as he repeatedly did - that humanity is one and that division is wrong. The SJW useful idiots would no doubt call him racist too.


Antifa: very useful idiots and coppers, doing all they can to divide he Working Class and protect the capitalist state by deflection from the central class issue and generating disgust at their violent attacks on people, their livelihoods and their homes.

Antifa, Combat 18. Same idpol bullshit.



With three people barely cold after being murdered in Reading by a Libyan terrorist (the rubbish Gadaffi was dealing with before the UK and USA invaded as an ally), the BBC is crying over a non-racist, non-supremacist banner which states that white people such as the victims of the terrorist knifeman, matter!


The anti-scouser, anti-English Plaiders really are the most stupid people on the planet: they despise their own people simply for not speaking a language which has gone into decline in all but the far west of the country.


Don't look at what the Zionists are doing to Palestine. Don't pay any attention to the theft of the last part of the occupied nation by the ghouls who hide behind the Jewish people to build their global financial power from their criminal headquarters in the Middle East. Keep your eyes to the floor. Keep kneeling for a dead career criminal (and ignore that he was a very violent man whose convictions included aggravated assault of a woman whose house he broke into then robbed with a gun pressed into her stomach). Watch the television which is controlled by the same financial concerns which operate in Palestine. Stay on your knees. Don't ever think for yourself. And chant like donkeys #BlackLivesMatter (but Palestinian lives don't)


"...The looting and rioting in the US is being orchestrated by political opportunists with an agenda. The death of Anyone at the hands of anyone else needs to be investigated by a trial, with the appropriate punishment administered according to law. The identity of the killer and the identity of the killer (race, sex, sexuality, beliefs, mental health status) is irrelevant.

The rioters are being manipulated. Mysterious pallets loaded with bricks appearing where protesters can use them for the media to film - that is enough to alert people to the fact that these riots are not spontaneous and are being directed. The statistics which prove that the narrative of racist white police targeting black citizens, is a lie, is another red flag to alert people to the fact that this is being started by people with an agenda. The fact that Antifa is not an 'idea' but in reality it is a cover for the state to undermine the opposition through acts of violence which smear genuine dissenters with the brush of anarchic pointless indiscriminate and stupid violence is another red flag.

The uniform response of the controlled media worldwide is the biggest red flag of all.

People in the USA are being manipulated. People outside the USA who fall for this media driven hysteria are fucking idiots and need to wake the fuck up to how they are being used...."


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