Tuesday 1 December 2020

The Great Reset to Enslave Humanity

The architects of globalisation do not shirk to use any opportunity to push for an end to countries and to advance their agenda for the creation of a global system of governance in which the global ruling class flourish and the global working class are reduced to serfdom.  The traditional method of destroying opponents of global imperialism is open military warfare, and as has been seen with the crushing of the great hope for Africa, Libya, it is a method which is still employed to punish those who dare to construct a system of living which threatens the economic profits and the power of the global parasitic class.  Military aggression as a method to advance the globalisers has been repackaged as a 'war on terror' since the globalist massacre in New York City on the 11th September 2001, an analysis of which can be found in the following article:


In recent times, NATO murder and contrived Colour Revolutions have done much to destabilise the free world, but the spectre of climate change has become a favoured weapon of those who want to speed up the disintegration of free sovereign nations, arguing that global climate change demands a global system to deal with matters which impact on everyone.  Natural climate changes are being jumped upon as proof that humanity itself is destroying the planet (caused not by global industrial corporations pumping poisonous chemicals into the environment, but by ordinary consumers commiting acts of littering!)  This atrocious gas-lighting which ignores the destructive spirit of capitalism and the mass production of environment-wrecking rubbish in the global industrial hub of China, has been focused on the youth with much success.

The globalists are attacking the freedoms of humanity on many different fronts.  Colour revolutions, Nato terror, contrived religious terror, climate change hysteria, the forced mass migration of humanity to create a bogeyman to distract attention away from the machinations of the ruing class, various other forms of fear-inducing gas lighting - all are being used simultaneously to confuse the people and weaken the resistance to the global tyranny.  2020 has seen another weapon added to the brain-washing toxins of the global ruling class - that weapon is the corona virus, and it is being used to rush through the changes which the globalists have been preparing for decades.

The global plandemic is being used to usher in a new global order of absolute tyranny and control.  The vision of the World Economic Forum and its key thinker, Klaus Schwab, is one in which nations as we know them cease to exist.  Schwab is a notorious transhumanist who openly speaks of microchipping humanity, altering DNA and using technological inplants to make people less human and more machine.  This should be the stuff of science fiction, but Schwab and the World Economic Forum are not isolated fringe cultists indulging in nonsense fantasies, they are incredibly influential, with the potential to impose their insanity worldwide.

The World Economic Forum is an umbrella organisation which has participants from national governments, global corporations, NATO, the United Nations, World Health Organisation, influential opinion-makers, virtually the entire global mass media, and powerful economic institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.  The WEF is the coordinating body for the forces of globalisation who are intent on destroying national and personal sovereignty everywhere.  Their plans are readily available for everyone to investigate by simply visiting their own public website - https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/ - or the wealth of videos summarising the site as below:

It is ironic that critics of the Great Reset attack the globalist agenda as communist one, which it most certainly is not.  The Great Reset is the consolidation of wealth and power in the hands of the global ruling class, and the enslavement of the global working class.  The Global Reset is the end-stage of capitalism.  

We are seeing the near outlawing of cash as a means of exchange.  Digital purchasing allows for the immediate exchange of currency, which transfers power to the bankers, leaving the impression that nations still have economic sovereignty, whereas in reality that economic sovereignty is gone.  A cashless society is far easier to control than one in which paper currency exists.  Digital exchanges can be monitored, allowing for total taxation to fill the coffers of the corrupt bureaucracy (ceremonially-elected politicians who serve the rulers, not the ruled) administering the will of the global ruling class.  It also allows for dissidents to be punished by being denied access to funds, and of course when considered in tandem with the rest of the ever-growing surveillance state, it allows for resistance movements to be crushed before they get a chance to become a danger to the ruling class and their puppet politicians, police and collaborators.

The destruction of small-scale businesses has vastly boosted the profits of online giants such as Amazon.  Jeff Bezos has been allowed to gain a near monoploy of trade as grass roots rivals have been forced to close by the corrupt state during a series of lockdowns, each more irrational than the preceding one.  Amazon is pushing its Ring surveillance systems which video the street via the doorbell and the inside of people's homes via the home cctv version.  Amazon is also pushing Alexa as a convenient way to control Smart TVs, audio and visual media, gaming systems etc.  Alexa and Ring are 24 hour monitoring systems which will doubtless be accessible to the state through built in backdoors which we are told do not exist.  People are paying to be monitored, and in return for his compliance with this destruction of freedom, one of the richest men on the planet gets richer by the second.  Jeff Bezos is - of course - a member of the World Economic Forum, a Man-made Climate Change propagandist and an avowed trans-humanist.

Another trans-humanist extremist and World Economic Forum member is Bill Gates.  His part in the surveillance system is obvious due to his excessive influence in the internet and computer operating systems.  What is even more sinister is his obsession with vaccines and - importantly - the use of microchip nanotechnology which is designed to ensure people can be scanned to check if they have complied with vaccination regulations.  Bill Gates' part in the plandemic is to ensure people take the vaccination as a way of getting their lives back to normal (or what the ruling class dictate is normal.)  We are now being told that if we take the vaccine, we will be given a freedom pass which allows us to travel, socialise, work or gain access to benefits, and in short, live.  If we don't, we can't do any of those things, and thanks to the end of cash, we will simply starve.

The Great Reset is nothing short of the total enslavement of humanity.  There has never before been a greater threat than that which we face now.  The only solution is to break free from the global system, to end digital commerce and any part in global trade, and to return to traditional life under a completely Socialist system where millionaires and billionaires are not allowed to come into existence.

The Socialist Motherland Party is committed to our own Great Reset - a Reset to traditional family, to honest labour, to morality, honesty, decency.  We are also committed to a return to proper punishment for treason against our class and nation, with membership of the World Economic Forum, Common Purpose, or any of the myriad of anti-sovereignty pro-id pol organisations infesting our lands made a serious offence with the harshest possible punishment.

Join us.  Fight back.  Stop their Great Reset.  Return to sanity with a Great Reset which puts the British Working Class from every part of the Isles first.

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