Tuesday 19 November 2019

Zionism is not just bad for Jews and Palestinians, it is a sickness which destroys everyone it touches

The media in Britain has yet again proven it has not sense of irony.  On the day that the arch-Zionist regime headed by US President, Trump, has declared that it approves of the theft of Palestinian land by the Zionist state which occupies that area of west Asia, the UK operating media has chosen to attack the leader of the Labour Party for historical opposition to that criminal entity.

Labour leader, Corbyn, is accused of antisemitism(!) for not berating Ismail Patel at a 2008 Palestine Solidarity Rally where he stated,

“we see the impact of Zionism on Palestinians, but it has had a devastating effect on the Jewish community itself: it has made them immoral in justice.”

The thoroughly Zionised media in Britain condemns Corbyn for concurring with a statement which is self-evidently correct.  Zionism is an ideology which has destroyed an entire nation in the west of Asia, and has corrupted every nation where it has been allowed to take root.  The UK is a perfect example of Zionist degeneracy, with what amounts to the religion of global capitalism enshrined in law.  Criticism of the right of the global banking criminals to set up a global headquarters hiding behind the mythology of a people who existed two millenniums ago, is illegal in all but name in the UK.  All politicians have to visit occupied Palestine to pay homage to the cult of Zionism which uses myriad lies and diversions to ensure the unjust economic rape of the globe goes unopposed, nay, to ensure that those who do not worship at the altar of open borders capitalism are attacked until they do submit.

Palestine has been crushed, with the majority of the population forced into exile, the remaining trapped people forced to live in conditions which make it appropriate to refer to the Gaza Strip as the world's largest concentration camp. 

Those who have resisted the imposition of a Rothschild central bank (the laundering operation for the theft of wealth from the people of every nation where one exists) have been sanctioned, had their legitimate governments changed by fake revolutions, been bombed, or a combination of the above.  The list of countries destroyed in order to bring their economies into the global capitalist stranglehold include Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, the Sudan, Libya, Syria, Cuba, Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia amongst many, many others. There are only a small number of free nations left in the world, all of them under attack.

When Corbyn was a back bencher with principles, he stood by Palestine, he opposed the EU, he campaigned against the military machine of the Zionist cult (NATO).  Since he became leader of his party, he has turned 180 degrees on the EU unbelievably supporting membership of that capitalist organisation, he has gone silent on the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation, so it would come as no surprise if the man who used to have strong and socialist beliefs but has abandoned all of them in his lust for the position of Prime Minister, should see his next volte face come in the form of a trip to the occupation state to pay fealty to the Zionist regime.  Corbyn used to be a man we could respect, but with each capitulation he becomes ever more indistinguishable from the rest of the pampered parasites in parliament.  We would love to have Corbyn prove us wrong by taking a firm stand against Zionism.  He could make a bold statement by outright refusing to join the pilgrimage to the holy site of the Zionist death cult, and by declaring g that a Labour government would recognise the State of Palestine and declare illegal the brutal apartheid regime in Tel Aviv.  We won't hold our breaths.

As Ismail Patel correctly stated in 2008, Zionism has a devastating effect - on everyone.

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