Sunday 1 December 2019

Socialist Quotes for Sunday Reflection pt 90

The reason we had Trump, the reason we have Brexit and the reason we are going to get another five years of a Tory horror show is because Brexit was, more than any other thing, a democratic scream of rage by the working class against 40 years of neo-liberalism and the Tories under Johnson, no matter how dishonestly, are the only mainstream political party currently appearing to even provide a simulacrum of response to that. Never mind that Johnson's deal is little more than May's surrender treaty with lipstick on.

In other words, the reason the Labour party are going to lose this election is because they have covertly, but progressively flouted that democratic mandate due to a bunch of culturally/intellectually arrogant and ideologically obsessed twats who thought they could fashion the Labour party in their own image and, once again, piss all over the votes of the working class on the basis of an unbelievably arrogant assumption that same working class would just keep voting for Labour out of political habit and because they had nowhere else to turn.

It's been like a half arsed re-run of the Democratic party campaign circa 2016 and we all know how that ended.

It's like Groundhog Day

- Stephen Cook


The 'traditional' Labour voter will no longer take being 'sold out' by these London-centric, middle class, liberal globalists. The time has come to put 'Democracy' before party loyalties. FOR BREXIT, FOR DEMOCRACY, FOR ENGLAND.

- Paul Moor


" The ideology of cosmopolitanism arises from the same manner of production of bourgeois society.

Cosmopolitanism is the negation of patriotism, its opposite. It advocates absolute apathy towards the fate of the Motherland. Cosmopolitanism denies the existence of any moral or civil obligations of people to their nation and Motherland.

The bourgeoisie preaches the principle that money does not have a homeland, and that, wherever one can “make money,” wherever one may “have a profitable business”, there is his homeland. Here is the villainy that bourgeois cosmopolitanism is called on to conceal, to disguise, “to ennoble” the antipatriotic ideology of the rootless bourgeois-businessman, the huckster and the traveling salesman.

Harmful cosmopolitan ideology serves for the bourgeoisie and its agents as a very convenient ideological tool for excusing and covering up all kinds of antipatriotic actions, national treason and political double-dealing."

- F. Chernov : Bourgeois Cosmopolitanism and its Reactionary Role, March 1949

It is too little realized, even by socialists - especially by Marxists - that the whole question of the control of industry is not economic but ethical. The attempt to found “justice” on the theory of value revives the old conception of individual natural right in its least defensible form. The right of labor to a life of comfort and self expression is quite independent of whether it creates all wealth or not. - GDH Cole

"Clausewitz rightly emphasizes the difference between guerilla and revolutionary war. Guerilla is a type of warfare. It can be led by revolutionaries, but equally well by national liberation forces who have no change in the way of production in mind (like FLN in Algeria), bourgeois armies (f.e. Chindits led by general Wingate), or counterrevolutionary forces (Contra's in Nicaragua). The main characteristic of the revolutionary war is determined not by its form, but by its reason - social class opposites - and therefore its goal: the power (in the whole country or in a part of it) as a necessary means of changing social conditions. Of course, the matter or, in other words, politics determines the form; therefore, the revolutionary war aims for the destruction of the enemy, while the national liberation struggle aims at expelling the enemy from the territory. The revolutionary war is a war of annihilation: the defeat of the ruling class means its disappearance; she can not bargain for being defeated."

Thierry Derbent, 'Clausewitz et la guerre populaire', p.84-85


"Liberal authors believe society can be based solely on individualism and market values. This is an illusion. Individualism has never been the sole foundation of social behavior, and it never will be. There are also good reasons to think that individualism can appear only insofar as society remains to some extent holist. “Individualism,” writes Louis Dumont, “is unable to replace holism completely and reign over all society. . . . Moreover, it cannot function without holism contributing to its life in a variety of unperceived and surreptitious ways.”31 Individualism is what gives liberal ideology its utopian dimension. Thus it is wrong to see holism as only a doomed legacy of the past. Even in the age of modern individualism, man remains a social being. Holism reappears the moment liberal theory posits a “natural harmony of interests,” in effect recognizing that the common good takes precedence over private interests."

- Alain De Benoist, Critique of Liberal Ideology


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